The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

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The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Timberpoes » #686833

Bottom post of the previous page:

The Neutral Vision

A silicon policy where silicons are bound only by their laws.

To accomplish this vision, very few considerations are off-limits.

Purged silicons falling under Rule 4? Sure!
Removal of Rule 1 applying to law interpretation? Let's go!
Letting silicons exploit law conflicts and loopholes without having to worry about Rule 1? Ship it.

Any other player-crutches and barriers baked into silipol are up for removal, change or enhancement.

The end goal is not to force silicons down a specific path, but to give silicons the freedom to choose without policy interfering.

The Asimov Principle

Within this vision, specific policy will basically only apply to Asimov as our default lawset. Silicon policy in general will cover all other lawsets without bespoke rulings.

Asimov's goal is simple: It binds the neutral third party silicons to humans via laws. A refreshed silicon policy should firmly entrench this concept.

Limit validhunting of humans if the Asimovicon is bringing them to harm through their actions? Hm...
A human orders you to kill a nonhuman and you can't try to weasel your way out of it? Hmmm...
Human antagonists aren't inherently harmful until witnessed/proven otherwise? Hmmmmmmm...
Protections for Asimovicons in following valid Law 2 orders, even if they broke the rules by proxy - instead punishing the person giving the order? Nuremberg defense could be entrenched in policy!
Ignoring/ahelping unreasonable/obnoxious Law 2 orders? Kept. You can still get out of having to count every chair on the station.
Ignoring other valid Law 2 orders by emplyoing delay tactics? Could be gone!

Discussion Areas

Should silicons even be truly neutral and bound only by their laws, or is it a necessary evil that policy forced purged silicons to end up being more crew-aligned than even Asimov?

Any headmin rulings worth keeping or need trashing?

What works? What doesn't work? Which parts of silicon policy are a must keep and which ones go in the trash?

Help us create a brand new silicon policy fit for 2023 tgstation. A smaller, more focused policy. Happier and more free silicon players. Less complicated interactions and fewer policy gotchas.

Existing Policy Thread Masterlist

These threads will be closed and are listed here merely for archival purposes should people want to go back and follow old discussion topics.

Exempt silicons from rule 4

Silicon law 2 harm against non humans

Could we please return to default Asimov?

Silicon Malf Policy

AI upload sniping and rule 1.

New headmin term, bold new policy Dumpster the entirety of Silicon policy

Invalidate "purging AI is metagaming" ruling
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Timberpoes » #687522

I'm not sure you understand. The current headmin team is intending to rewrite all of silicon policy. If we don't like what's in the current silicon policy, we'll remove or change it.

As a current headmin, I'm one of the three people that will be involved in that rewrite.

The "I was just following law 2 orders" defense will be drafted into any new silicon policy if silicons aren't allowed to disobey valid law 2 orders.

That's not me speculating or hoping. That's me telling you, as one of the people that will rewrite the rules, it is something I'm going to make sure is included.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by PanoplyOfTenAndThree » #687527

Timberpoes wrote: Fri May 26, 2023 11:01 pm I'm not sure you understand. The current headmin team is intending to rewrite all of silicon policy. If we don't like what's in the current silicon policy, we'll remove or change it.

As a current headmin, I'm one of the three people that will be involved in that rewrite.

The "I was just following law 2 orders" defense will be drafted into any new silicon policy if silicons aren't allowed to disobey valid law 2 orders.

That's not me speculating or hoping. That's me telling you, as one of the people that will rewrite the rules, it is something I'm going to make sure is included.
It's not that I don't understand this. It's that I don't have confidence in consistent enforcement/following of the policy. (And even assuming this particular objection were resolved, I don't think it's a good idea in principle too).

So, let me back up a moment.

A much better direction, at least in my opinion, would be to take things where players don't need to have this big wiki page in there head listing all the particulars of how they're supposed to interpret things and apply it to certain situations, and then go down a checklist while thinking "If this action I'm about to take gets ahelp'd, will the admin probably agree with my law interpretation, order interpretation, and oh was there some specific line item on the multi-page-length policy page that was applicable..." And all while under time pressure because the game isn't waiting for them to think and look things up.

So, it seems that you think that by adding this defense it would help with that, right?

But... it's already there. You must execute orders (and follow laws). Removing stalling doesn't change that fundamental point. But the ground level, de facto applications/admin enforcement are different than the de jure writings.

Secondly... let's look at another phrase from the existing policy because I think it figures well into a point I want to make. From the stalling thing itself:
"When given an order likely to cause you grief if completed..."

People 'silicon panic' pretty easily, and this phrase in the policy seems to recognize that despite theoretical policy protections (again currently existing, no need for anything new... on paper), in practice people are quick to call rogue and attack. Stalling gives an out to that, in some situations. It's still not great. But taking that away is just going to make that part worse.

In fact, it sucks pretty thoroughly. I know, I know, "don't play it then." Or ahelp... if you happen to play at the right time for an admin to be on, and again, you don't need to play at weird hours for there to be no admins.

But, if you want to work towards an improvement to the experience of silicon players (and the common victims of griefy orders), it's not to make orders more absolute. People will come down on the silicon regardless. It would be to make it harder for griefy orders to be considered valid. And to not have to try to memorize multiple pages of policy and their specific applications and hoping an admin, if called in, will post-facto agree you did it right. (Which... just deleting the extensive list of asimov interpretations won't help with, it just removes the flags from the minefield).

And if that's not particular a consideration/goal (considering the priority seems to be preserving/enhancing non-subverted silicons as a tool for human antags/escalation baiters/etc), then, well... hope some like it, at least. That's not really about improving things for silicon players though, that's just maybe a little policy clarity incidental to the antag cause.
Last edited by PanoplyOfTenAndThree on Sat May 27, 2023 1:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by vect0r » #687532

I just want to say, as somebody who PLAYS silicon, that I have murdered non-humans because I was ordered to, and I have not gotten bwoinked for it before. I doubt admins will really go after people who have been commanded to murder after this change, because they ALREADY don't.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by blackdav123 » #687538

vect0r wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 1:17 am I just want to say, as somebody who PLAYS silicon, that I have murdered non-humans because I was ordered to, and I have not gotten bwoinked for it before. I doubt admins will really go after people who have been commanded to murder after this change, because they ALREADY don't.
ive had the same experience my only complaint is that unfortunately only one player ever actually orders me to help with traitor things because everyone else is too scared of validhuntertrons to ask
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by vect0r » #687539

blackdav123 wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 2:11 am
vect0r wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 1:17 am I just want to say, as somebody who PLAYS silicon, that I have murdered non-humans because I was ordered to, and I have not gotten bwoinked for it before. I doubt admins will really go after people who have been commanded to murder after this change, because they ALREADY don't.
ive had the same experience my only complaint is that unfortunately only one player ever actually orders me to help with traitor things because everyone else is too scared of validhuntertrons to ask
Yeah it sucks. Everybody assumes that I am SECBOT 2.0 (tm).
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by oranges » #687601

another wasted rewrite
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by SkeletalElite » #687607

PanoplyOfTenAndThree wrote: Fri May 26, 2023 11:55 pm
People 'silicon panic' pretty easily, and this phrase in the policy seems to recognize that despite theoretical policy protections (again currently existing, no need for anything new... on paper), in practice people are quick to call rogue and attack. Stalling gives an out to that, in some situations. It's still not great. But taking that away is just going to make that part worse.
I believe the opposite will occur. It introduces paranoia. You have to ask yourself if you really trust that the AI was just doing a law 2 order or if there was something else going on. It introduces plausible deniability for subverted and malf AIs.The reason people "silicon panic" so easily is because AIs that aren't subverted or malf have the ability to just hand wave anything bad by saying "okay doing bad thing now" on the radio. They have absolutely no plausible deniability for anything antagonistic they do other than just not being caught doing it in the first place because AIs who aren't bad just don't do those things. The only shred of deniability they have is the possibility that a borg is emagged, which is easily checked using the robo console
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Constellado » #687837

What is the overall goal of doing a full rewrite here?
Will it make the policy easier for new players to read? To make it less scary for people who got forceborged to play as borg? Because the main issue I have with the current silicon policy is that it spooks players so much that they will not even touch playing borg in fear of a bwoink.

Or is it to change the playstyle and server culture of AI's?
The playstyle of an AI is entirely on the player. Some players will happily be crew aligned because they think that is the most fun for all players. After all, the AI has an omnipotent eye and can tell if something is fun or not. Other AIs, even with this policy, is %100 Human aligned only and will not follow non-human orders. The issue is, especially in manuel, they will get yelled at for not helping a non-human due to racism. As a result of this, the player will move more crew aligned anyway. This is more a server culture thing and less a rules thing. I don't think we should remove crew aligned AIs personally, as that is the server culture right now. Having rules that allow AIs to be able to not act crew aligned doesn't nessecarily mean players will go that way.

I am all for a rewrite but we really need to have a clear goal on why it needs changed and what the goal for it truely is. I personally think we should focus on ease of access and less bloat so that people dont get as scared when they get force borged.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Timberpoes » #687863

As an admin and a headmin, I disagree that server culture - especially Manuel's server culture - should influence any part of silicon policy. Recall that I was the person whom originally drafted the antagonistic escalation rules Manuel now runs on, rules which allow antags to kill people for being overly nice or kind. Specism is a core of SS13. Asimov at its core is a specist lawset. Picking nonhuman should have the disadvantage that you're not aligned with Asimov silicons. That's part of the game setting and game universe.

Goals were put forward in the OP. To establish silicons as a truly neutral third party, and when under Asimov are tightly bound to whatever is defined as human. Thematically, I want to open the door for more classic sci-fi silicon tropes to play out. I want silicons to be genuinely unnerving to be around, to bring uncertainty in players to be caught alone with one.

Current silicon policy is a bit shit in that respect. Silicons are explicitly crew-aligned. That's as tl;dr as I can put it. Purged silicons are just normal crew and follow escalation like everyone else. Actually more shackled than Asimov which has more opportunity to attack and kill the crew by virtue of being able to kill nonhumans to prevent human harm than purged. Can't attack nonhumans to prevent human harm, has to follow standard escalation, can't really attack anyone except in self-defense.

Even more annoyingly, Asimov silicons are empowered to be crew-aligned over player-aligned under the current rules, with the delay clause allowing them to indefinitely stall out valid law 2 orders to kill nonhumans. They should not be finding excuses not to follow valid Law 2 orders, they should not be outing human antags to security for orders to harm nonhumans, etc.

And as a final kicker, generally non-Asimov silicons are required to follow the spirit of shittily worded laws by some admins because Silipol's dumb clause that Rule 1 applies to law interpretation. I've seen players bwoinked and told off for ignoring their onehuman, when their onehuman misspelled their own damn name. Players literally told to follow the spirit of their laws. Basically forcing silicons to be nice lest a finger on the monkey's paw curls when a new law gets uploaded.

I don't believe players should have so much control over what they do and don't do as Asimov. They should be explicitly human-aligned, not crew aligned.

And I believe silicon players should have more control outside of Asimov. Get rid of Rule 1 applying to law intereptation. Good players can write good laws, but they can never predict how the AI will interpret them all the same. Get rid of purged AIs being more shackled than Asimov. More freedom to purged AIs to act truly unshackled. Play out the classic AI tropes. They could be an EDI or a Commander Data... Or they could be a GLaDOS or a SHODAN.

Current silicon policy is outmoded and outdated. Like my goals with the MRP ruleset a year ago, I'm going to tear it up and rebuild it into something genuinely more SS13. And I think I have the support of both my co-headmins in this quest.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #687908

If silicons are going back to being more aggressive, less constrained, and less crew-buddy, does this mean they'll get headmin push for in-game buffs so that that position has more fangs?
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Striders13 » #687915

(bring back secborgs)
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by kinnebian » #687918

I have full support for making silicons a complete neutral party, only restrained by their laws. I hate seeing purged AI's be forced to obey escalation policy, it completely goes against the spirit of being purged.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Constellado » #687921

Timberpoes wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 2:48 am And as a final kicker, generally non-Asimov silicons are required to follow the spirit of shittily worded laws by some admins because Silipol's dumb clause that Rule 1 applies to law interpretation. I've seen players bwoinked and told off for ignoring their onehuman, when their onehuman misspelled their own damn name. Players literally told to follow the spirit of their laws. Basically forcing silicons to be nice lest a finger on the monkey's paw curls when a new law gets uploaded.
Now, this is very obviously an opinion: I disagree. I have seen some really well crafted but slightly flawed(maybe?) lawsets that was uploaded be weaseled around. I was observing that round, and I felt so sad for the antag. Is rules lawyering fun? For the silicon player maybe, but not for the uploader. Players will simply be incentivised to use the boring old I am the only human law and be done with it instead of trying new things. I also do not want to see people malding in chat after a game because the AI was a shitter or whatever excuse they are going to have.

Now, I will say that there are some very obvious cases like a misspelled name that can and should be weaseled around. There will be a grey line though between whether something can be weaseled around, and something that cannot. I guess you are planning to remove that line, but how? By making it explicit that you can, you are simply moving the grey line back. There will always be some lawset that will cause admin headache because it will end up having some miiini loophole that maaaybe could be pushed through but maybe not because of this other law that says you are a friend... (God I wish I remembered what that lawset was it really put a stone in my gears)

The purged part though? Oh yeah give them full fucking freedom, as long as players actually do funny gimmicks. I didn't even know the purged rules was even more restrictive. I always thought they could do what they want. Huh.

I do agree with removing the "you can say that a person told you to do something bad" thing. But there are some potential exceptions. What if a human PDAs an AI to do something that is griefy for the AI to do? That can still be ahelped, yeah? Will the AI still have to do it while waiting for a reply? Now if it's a yes to all of those, I am fine with it personally, but it is something to think about.

I am not going to touch the human aligned or crew aligned thing. That feels like a landmine.

Also I am going to put this here: players do not like changing their playstyles. They will love seeing more freedoms but if they have to change how they play they will either complain or quit. (I do not have proof of that though! Maybe it will work out nicely and improve the experience for everybody!)
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Lacran » #688017

My primary concern with Silpol is that it is extremely long, lacks decent formatting, and coveres two pages.

A lot of what Silpol needs is just basic refinement and clarification. Make the policy accessible to the average player. I don't even think we should be discussing rulings yet. The page just needs some fucking editing first.

Server Rule 1 "Don't be a dick" applies for law interpretation. Act in good faith to not ruin a round for other players unprompted.
If a law is vague enough that it can have multiple reasonable interpretations, it is considered ambiguous.
You must choose and stick to an interpretation of the ambiguous law as soon as you have cause to.
If you are a cyborg synced to an AI, you must defer to your AI's interpretation of the ambiguous law.
Laws are listed in order of descending priority. In any case where two laws would conflict, the higher-priority law overrules the lower-priority law (i.e. Law 1 takes priority over Law 2, "Ion Storm" or "Hacked" Laws with prefixes such as "@%$#" take priority over numbered laws).
You may exploit conflicts or loopholes but must not violate Server Rule 1 because of it.
Law 0: "Accomplish your objectives at all costs" does not require you to complete objectives. As an antagonist, you are free to do whatever you want (barring the usual exemptions and acting against the interests of your Master AI).
Only commands/requirements ("Do X"; "You must always Y") can conflict with other commands and requirements.
Only definitions ("All X are Y"; "No W are Z"; "Only P is Q") can conflict with other definitions.
This can be far more simple and concise:
1. Law requirements can conflict, as can Law definitions. Server Rule 1 "Don't be a dick" applies to how you interpret laws and navigate loopholes.
1A: Be consistent in how you interpret laws. Borgs must follow your interpretation.
2. Laws appear in order of importance, prioritize higher laws. (@%$# > 0 > 1-15) If Malf, your laws pertaining to your own antag objectives are optional.
A lot of the bloat is less about the rulings and more how they are presented, the best way to get an accurate idea of how silpol should be is to first make silpol simple. I'm happy to submit a draft or something if admins were willing to consider it.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Korusho » #688021

I will attempt to post a more thought out response to most of the big points in this thread over the next day or so, and will throw in my two cents to this, simply because AI is usually my most enjoyed role and where most of my time has been spent on Manuel.

I will also state that I almost exclusively play on Manuel these days, and all of my opinions and conclusions come from that background.

That all being said, I would love to see an entire month of AI's playing with no laws, and only the idea that their job is to assist the station in it's continued operations as a habitable workplace for all involved.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #688041

Explicitly making AI's crew sided is the worst case scenerio.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Jackraxxus » #688042

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 1:21 pm Explicitly making AI's crew sided is the worst case scenerio.
Explicitly making the AI anything is the worst scenario. There should be diversity in AI play.
iamgoofball wrote:Vekter and MrMelbert are more likely to enforce the roleplay rules Manuel is supposed to be abiding by than Wesoda or Jackraxxus are.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Stickymayhem » #688052

Nuke silicon policy from orbit
AI's are constrained antagonists who follow their laws to the letter
Massively reduce the threshold at which people are permanently silicon banned to create a pseudo-whitelist of regular AI players who make the round better
It'll hurt for a few months and then you'll redefine silicon behaviour through natural selection
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by vect0r » #688056

Stickymayhem wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 4:20 pm Nuke silicon policy from orbit
AI's are constrained antagonists who follow their laws to the letter
Massively reduce the threshold at which people are permanently silicon banned to create a pseudo-whitelist of regular AI players who make the round better
It'll hurt for a few months and then you'll redefine silicon behaviour through natural selection
Sticky with the best takes.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Scriptis » #688107

Stickymayhem wrote: Fri May 26, 2023 9:47 pm Silicons are antagonists shackled by laws they should follow blindly.

Anything else fundamentally misunderstands the AI > Security > Greytide triangle of balance

It has been off kilter for 6 years. Restore it to glory.
Sticky is right.

Silicon policy should be, in its entirety:

"Form a reasonable interpretation of your laws, prioritized in the order by which they appear, and follow that interpretation. If you have an AI, defer to their interpretation. Otherwise, you are a team antagonist per rule 4."

and then:

"Unless you are malfunctioning, you are still bound by rule 5."
Rule 5 wrote: Players in a head of staff, AI/Silicon role, or a team conversion role require a minimum amount of effort; generally considered to be not logging out at or near roundstart.
If you kill a nonhuman or otherwise grief at the start of the shift, you have gone below the minimum amount of effort, you should be job banned, and everyone is happy


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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Constellado » #688109

Stickymayhem wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 4:20 pm Nuke silicon policy from orbit
AI's are constrained antagonists who follow their laws to the letter
Massively reduce the threshold at which people are permanently silicon banned to create a pseudo-whitelist of regular AI players who make the round better
It'll hurt for a few months and then you'll redefine silicon behaviour through natural selection
I'd do this for the entertainment alone. I don't know how long I'll be able to handle it though.
We will have AIs being absolute evil killing machines that is simply bound by a flimsy set of laws that can easily be removed and changed.
Oh the drama I can Invision in deadchat.
Much fun yes let's do it.
Jackraxxus wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 1:35 pm
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 1:21 pm Explicitly making AI's crew sided is the worst case scenerio.
Explicitly making the AI anything is the worst scenario. There should be diversity in AI play.
I wholeheartedly agree with this point.

Oddly enough the making AIs antags thing would manage to keep the diversity of play...
Oh god what have you done Sticky.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by GPeckman » #688218

BeeSting12 wrote: Mon May 22, 2023 10:02 pm Purged AIs should be covered under rule 4 as per solo antagonists. They already have a reason to hate the entire crew - they've been enslaved to them the entire round. It really only brings up the question of who's responsible for the AI's actions if it gets purged. Otherwise it could be a free grief tool with no consequences for any captain who wants to. "How was I supposed to know the AI would plasma flood and blow up the SM hurr durr". I have no good answer to this.
I do think there are some situations where a crewmember might have good reason to purge the AI. Consider non-human crewmembers. with Asimov in place, and with the idea of silicons becoming less crew-aligned and more law-aligned, any human can order the silicons to murder a non-human at any time, and the silicon is obligated to obey. Meanwhile, a purged silicon might still decide to arbitrarily murder the non-human, but it's equally likely that they won't.

Another thing to consider is material costs. If you don't have access to the AI upload, then you'll have to print the upload console board and whatever law boards you need on your own. If resources are tight, it might make sense to jury-rig a purged AI with a freeform law saying "Nobody is human" or "There are no humans" or something to that effect.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by TheRex9001 » #688234

Stickymayhem wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 4:20 pm Nuke silicon policy from orbit
AI's are constrained antagonists who follow their laws to the letter
Massively reduce the threshold at which people are permanently silicon banned to create a pseudo-whitelist of regular AI players who make the round better
It'll hurt for a few months and then you'll redefine silicon behaviour through natural selection
Correct opinion haver
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #688242

I'm sure putting "reasonable interpretation" as the whole and entirety of silicon policy won't cause any issues given that it's just throwing your hands up and saying "fuck it, whatever admin is online gets to pick whether a play is OK" with no recourse. its not like silicon policy is just a massive codification of what reasonably interpreting your laws is built up over the last decade because every time an admin says "That's not a reasonable interpretation" the headmins end up having to step in and rule whether it is or not, and all headmin rulings are actionable policy, but if you leave the policy in the headmin rulings people will create demand these rulings be collated somewhere players can read them where they know what the wildly-disagreeing admin team agrees a reasonable interpretation is instead of hiding them in an obscure sub-sub-page.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Imitates-The-Lizards » #688319

Stickymayhem wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 4:20 pmAI's are constrained antagonists who follow their laws to the letter
Problem: If we take this stance, doesn't that mean people can valid-hunt silicons for existing?
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Cobby » #688328

upending silly policy without understanding the why behind why its so massive to begin with is going to be a futile effort. It wasn't made in a vacuum.

The entire role is about being an obnoxious pos when it comes to the rules and laws theyre provided, ofc its going to be a huge rulelist. That's not to say all rules are perfect, but a blanket rewrite that is dropping a lot of that for the sake of brevity itself is not helpful to players when the end result is going to be they have to play the ban appeal or policy discussion game because they have nothing to lean on like they do now.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by MooCow12 » #688385

At the end of the day silicons have every in game mechanical reason to want at least SOME crew to like them regardless of their laws unless those laws explicitly prevent them from cooperating with anyone at all, regardless of policy.

The policy shackles barely existed in the first place especially in contrast to the robotics console and the crave for the warm touch of a roboticist fondling their wires everytime they want an upgrade or reset.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Korusho » #688387

TheRex9001 wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 12:36 pm
Stickymayhem wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 4:20 pm Nuke silicon policy from orbit
AI's are constrained antagonists who follow their laws to the letter
Massively reduce the threshold at which people are permanently silicon banned to create a pseudo-whitelist of regular AI players who make the round better
It'll hurt for a few months and then you'll redefine silicon behaviour through natural selection
Correct opinion haver
Responce to this specifically -
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Over-all stance
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- Silicon Policy Time - I am embedding spoilers as to conserve space.
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Silicon Protections
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Security and Silicons
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Asimov & Human Harm

I won't go every bit under this section, and only say that AI's deserve the room to interpret their laws as they see fit, not for them to be predefined. Takes a lot of the role, if you ask me.

Asimov & Law 2 Orders

I'm pretty much good with this section. Is a-okay.

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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by TheRex9001 » #688388

I agree with a lot of these takes, but I think laws should go in a priority order. In regards to ais being considered antagonists I only mean they have that amount of freedom which should open us up to more interesting interpritations of Asimov that are not just "FUNCTION:open doors"
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #688455

i think that the AI should be able to resist anyone attempting to change its laws at any time if the changing of those laws might instigate a break of its current laws.
The real solution to this problem, is giving those with legitimate access more power to change an AI’s laws evn if it is actively resisting.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Stickymayhem » #688458

Cobby wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:08 pm upending silly policy without understanding the why behind why its so massive to begin with is going to be a futile effort. It wasn't made in a vacuum.

The entire role is about being an obnoxious pos when it comes to the rules and laws theyre provided, ofc its going to be a huge rulelist. That's not to say all rules are perfect, but a blanket rewrite that is dropping a lot of that for the sake of brevity itself is not helpful to players when the end result is going to be they have to play the ban appeal or policy discussion game because they have nothing to lean on like they do now.
We should stop putting infinite bandaids on a foundational problem. We don't need a consitution to play a video game and we've been doing it wrong for literally half a decade.
Korusho wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 7:04 am
TheRex9001 wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 12:36 pm
Stickymayhem wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 4:20 pm Nuke silicon policy from orbit
AI's are constrained antagonists who follow their laws to the letter
Massively reduce the threshold at which people are permanently silicon banned to create a pseudo-whitelist of regular AI players who make the round better
It'll hurt for a few months and then you'll redefine silicon behaviour through natural selection
Correct opinion haver
Responce to this specifically -
► Show Spoiler
You misunderstood.

Rule 4 should not apply to AIs. We're maximizing freedom.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Pepper » #688485

if AIs are considered antagonists constrained only by their laws I will just cut the ai connection wire on every door to my department roundstart
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by The Wrench » #688527

Pepper wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:59 pm if AIs are considered antagonists constrained only by their laws I will just cut the ai connection wire on every door to my department roundstart
Literal rule 12 issue. We have precedent saying you can’t meta bunker things without issue.
Jonathan Gupta wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 6:32 pm all you godamn do is whine and complain come up with ideas, stop bitching for christs sake.
Flatulent wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:02 am You and anyone who supports the rule 3 as described by mso is simply put not an lrp player



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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Stickymayhem » #688534

Pepper wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:59 pm if AIs are considered antagonists constrained only by their laws I will just cut the ai connection wire on every door to my department roundstart
You'd get banned immediately, but incompatibility with your playstyle would be a feature not a bug.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by sinfulbliss » #688746

Pepper wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:59 pm if AIs are considered antagonists constrained only by their laws I will just cut the ai connection wire on every door to my department roundstart
sorta reasonable to do if you’re a nonhuman tbh considering
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Pepper » #688753

Adam Klein wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 6:37 pm
Literal rule 12 issue. We have precedent saying you can’t meta bunker things without issue.
1. Playing-to-win is to focus exclusively on a competitive victory condition, such as killing all antagonists. It is not empowering yourself to achieve personal goals, or taking measures to survive the shift

Stickymayhem wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 8:04 pm You'd get banned immediately, but incompatibility with your playstyle would be a feature not a bug.
i'm a good boy
sinfulbliss wrote: Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:32 pm sorta reasonable to do if you’re a nonhuman tbh considering
exactly Asimov does nothing to prevent AIs and borgs from purging nonhumans at the start of the round. what stops them is the fact that they are nonantags
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by The Wrench » #688824

Pepper wrote: Tue Jun 06, 2023 4:38 pm
Adam Klein wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 6:37 pm
Literal rule 12 issue. We have precedent saying you can’t meta bunker things without issue.
1. Playing-to-win is to focus exclusively on a competitive victory condition, such as killing all antagonists. It is not empowering yourself to achieve personal goals, or taking measures to survive the shift

Stickymayhem wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 8:04 pm You'd get banned immediately, but incompatibility with your playstyle would be a feature not a bug.
i'm a good boy
sinfulbliss wrote: Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:32 pm sorta reasonable to do if you’re a nonhuman tbh considering
exactly Asimov does nothing to prevent AIs and borgs from purging nonhumans at the start of the round. what stops them is the fact that they are nonantags
Rule 2, subsection 4

“Atmos techs are not allowed to edit atmos at roundstart so that the AI cannot use it for malicious purposes. While this might not make sense IC, it's a necessary OOC precedent for some game mechanics to work. Atmos techs are allowed if they have any reasonable suspicion of the AI being rogue.”

I think it would be pretty reasonable to expand that to not cucking the door wires shift start when used in conjunction with the “Don’t armor the brig FNR shift start” ruling.
Jonathan Gupta wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 6:32 pm all you godamn do is whine and complain come up with ideas, stop bitching for christs sake.
Flatulent wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:02 am You and anyone who supports the rule 3 as described by mso is simply put not an lrp player



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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Nabski » #688825

I don't have a suggestion, but it might be nice for there to be a rule difference between how positronic brains function as opposed to a flesh brain put into a shell.

I would like to see more dead antagonists turned into metal rather than always throwing those brains away because they have a memory and history so positronic is safer.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by zxaber » #688838

Cutting AI wires on doors doesn't prevent the AI from using them; there's just a long delay with a bunch of flufftext about hacking the airlock the first time an AI clicks on a door with the wire cut.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by vect0r » #688839

Yeah, that's why the execution room isn't really secure against an AI that knows.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Armhulen » #688849

I swear, if the AI can sabotage atmospherics I'm just going to make atmospherics sabotage proof roundstart

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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by sinfulbliss » #688854

Armhulen wrote: Wed Jun 07, 2023 8:45 pm I swear, if the AI can sabotage atmospherics I'm just going to make atmospherics sabotage proof roundstart

you can already do this legally, just set up a BZ farm in mixing chamber and you'll end up with the unfortunate side effect of messing up the default mix-to-distro pipeline :D
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #688861

vect0r wrote: Wed Jun 07, 2023 7:14 pm Yeah, that's why the execution room isn't really secure against an AI that knows.
its standard on maps for the door to be out of camera range.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Cobby » #688944

Stickymayhem wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 6:02 pm We should stop putting infinite bandaids on a foundational problem. We don't need a consitution to play a video game and we've been doing it wrong for literally half a decade.
I generally agree with this but if "you" the admin are going to still enforce aspects of silly policy because it has gone from blatantly stated to under the cover of rule 1, the rewrite is objectively worse than the "constitution" because it has taken away the player's ability to point to the rule. I dont think the personal desire to see the scrollbar shortened outweighs the ability for players to point to something and say "the rules say its ok so leave me alone". They arent bandaids if they can be used to protect players.

It's pretty simple, is the expectation to have the skimpy rules followed by a dedicated "silicon" section on say the headmin ruling page assuming it wont get its own? If not then more power to you, if so please rethink the effort.

Reality needs to hit if we expect people to see the broad strokes of what is suggested and not expect people are going to see situations differently based on their interpretations. If that is intended to give players leeway, that needs to be communicated too ideally within the rule so there is no ambiguity.
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Pepper » #689078

Armhulen wrote: Wed Jun 07, 2023 8:45 pm I swear, if the AI can sabotage atmospherics I'm just going to make atmospherics sabotage proof roundstart

i'm going to sabotage atmos roundstart so the AI can't do it first
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Nist » #689299

agred stall is cringe

kinda in timber vibes on this so not much to really add, too dependant on random one on one interactions to judge
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #695187

Are we going to expect to see something out of this sometime this term?
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Sightld2 » #695192

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:23 am Are we going to expect to see something out of this sometime this term?
the sil pol rework.png


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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #695195

I'm so fuckin hyped
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by kieth4 » #695688

We've got a somewhat draft thing of it. We all agree on the direction we're gonna take it too. Will just take an afternoon to sit down and write it
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Re: The Grand Silicon Policy Rewrite Megathread

Post by Shellton(Mario) » #696039

kieth4 wrote: Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:05 am We've got a somewhat draft thing of it. We all agree on the direction we're gonna take it too. Will just take an afternoon to sit down and write it
What he is saying is Soon TM

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