Bottom post of the previous page:
The Neutral VisionA silicon policy where silicons are bound only by their laws.
To accomplish this vision, very few considerations are off-limits.
Purged silicons falling under Rule 4? Sure!
Removal of Rule 1 applying to law interpretation? Let's go!
Letting silicons exploit law conflicts and loopholes without having to worry about Rule 1? Ship it.
Any other player-crutches and barriers baked into silipol are up for removal, change or enhancement.
The end goal is not to force silicons down a specific path, but to give silicons the freedom to choose without policy interfering.
The Asimov Principle
Within this vision, specific policy will basically only apply to Asimov as our default lawset. Silicon policy in general will cover all other lawsets without bespoke rulings.
Asimov's goal is simple: It binds the neutral third party silicons to humans via laws. A refreshed silicon policy should firmly entrench this concept.
Limit validhunting of humans if the Asimovicon is bringing them to harm through their actions? Hm...
A human orders you to kill a nonhuman and you can't try to weasel your way out of it? Hmmm...
Human antagonists aren't inherently harmful until witnessed/proven otherwise? Hmmmmmmm...
Protections for Asimovicons in following valid Law 2 orders, even if they broke the rules by proxy - instead punishing the person giving the order? Nuremberg defense could be entrenched in policy!
Ignoring/ahelping unreasonable/obnoxious Law 2 orders? Kept. You can still get out of having to count every chair on the station.
Ignoring other valid Law 2 orders by emplyoing delay tactics? Could be gone!
Discussion Areas
Should silicons even be truly neutral and bound only by their laws, or is it a necessary evil that policy forced purged silicons to end up being more crew-aligned than even Asimov?
Any headmin rulings worth keeping or need trashing?
What works? What doesn't work? Which parts of silicon policy are a must keep and which ones go in the trash?
Help us create a brand new silicon policy fit for 2023 tgstation. A smaller, more focused policy. Happier and more free silicon players. Less complicated interactions and fewer policy gotchas.
Existing Policy Thread Masterlist
These threads will be closed and are listed here merely for archival purposes should people want to go back and follow old discussion topics.
Exempt silicons from rule 4
Silicon law 2 harm against non humans
Could we please return to default Asimov?
Silicon Malf Policy
AI upload sniping and rule 1.
New headmin term, bold new policy Dumpster the entirety of Silicon policy
Invalidate "purging AI is metagaming" ruling