Little things you learned that are game changing

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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by DemonFiren » #320245

Bottom post of the previous page:

Anonmare wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:If you're really good you can do it while the grenade is in flight.

Another reason to get cooking.
You're better off screwdrivering the grenade to set it to 3 seconds. Most people don't have reactions that fast.
the only thing that protects against gitting gud is gitting gudder

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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Anonmare » #320798

Synapatazine reduces the length of stuns, knockdowns and knockouts.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Anonmare » #320864

CosmicScientist wrote:And the wiki says there is no OD but it's "Mildly toxic"

Clearly for my traitoring I need to grab something that takes three basic chems and probably only needs a charcoal pill on the side or antitoxin in 30u amounts if you want a quick recipe.

How dramatic is the get up time?
Equal to epinephrine. You could probably stack your epi-pen+synapatazine+nicotine for anti-stun that's only a little worse than traitor stimulants.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by DiamondSentinel » #321056

If you promise to give an assistant a bomb or a gun, they'll be a test subject for literally anything. Like testing different lethal injections
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by MimicFaux » #321663

Fully augmenting a person renders them storm proof on lavaland. No more waiting on dark blue slimes, or hoping for tendril hardsuits.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Anonmare » #321723

CosmicScientist wrote:
Anonmare wrote:Equal to epinephrine. You could probably stack your epi-pen+synapatazine+nicotine for anti-stun that's only a little worse than traitor stimulants.
Argh. It requires so many steps. I think I'd just get sick of trying to break into/job swap to chemistry to spend 5-10 minutes making chemicals I might need just to die to an explosion, a 'ling or a revolver. Especially when time is usually an important currency to spend as a traitor on anything but well practised steps or entirely on experimentation.

I guess I just don't want to do it because of the OOC requirement of reading the wiki to do anything fun with chemicals.

It was nice to see epinephrine has an overdose on it though... although I'm trying to remember if the chemistry dispenser available to the crew is stocked with the stuff by default and if it's useful outside of obviously sticking too many needles into a dying patient. Do overdose effects wear off once you go under the threshold?
Actually synapatazine's so easy to make you could probably make a bunch in less than a minute, the biggest downside to it is its toxicity so it's best to have some antitoxin to purge it.

Epinephrine has a few uses, it reduces stun timers, increases holodamage regeneration and helps you recover from being knocked out faster, as well as recovering brute/burn/tox damage if you're in crit and prevents a patient from suffering from more than 35 oxy damage while in crit. It's complicated to make, though a competent chemist will have usually have a bunch of the compounds used to make it on standby since diethylamine, acetone and phenol are used in a lot of recipes.

As for overdoses, you need to purge the chemical completely in order to stop the effects.

Also, here's another oft overlooked tip. Morphine is completely harmless as long as you have less than 11u in your system and has the added bonus of letting you ignore slowdown. If things look bad, keep a pill with a small amount on you so that you can zip away regardless of your damage level. If you don't believe me, I have the proof in the pudding:

Code: Select all

	M.status_flags |= IGNORESLOWDOWN
			to_chat(M, "<span class='warning'>You start to feel tired...</span>" )
		if(12 to 24)
			M.drowsyness += 1
		if(24 to INFINITY)
			M.Sleeping(40, 0)
			. = 1
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Remie Richards » #321730

It's not quite so simple.
It depends on your metabolism_efficiency, and the metabolization_rate of the reagent.

By default, 1 current_cycle is worth metabolization_rate * M.metabolism_efficiency (for normal living mobs, like monkeys and dogs, this is metabolization_rate * 1), for humans it starts at 1 but depends on if you're fat/well fed and satiated, eg:

Well satiated + full = 1.25 met efficiency
If you're starving, its 0.8
And if you're fat it's always going to be 1, regardless of satiation or well fed-ness

However, morphine is a medicine, and medicine's current_cycle is metabolization_rate / M.metabolism_efficiency (division, where as standard is multiplication, medicine does this so it stays inside you for longer)
Moprhine metabolises at 0.5 * REAGENTS_METABOLISM (which is 0.5 * 0.4, or 0.2)

Which means 1 current_cycle of morphine, if you're "normal" or "fat" is only going to remove 0.2u of Morphine
Bad effects kick in at 12, which is only going to be 2.4u removed, the worst effects start at 24, which would be 4.8u removed.

Meaning the highest you can have to avoid any bad effects, is 2.3u, and to only avoid falling asleep, 4.7u. Less than 11u, like you say (lets go with 10, as it's an easy number to get), would take you to a current_cycle of 50! well into sleep territory, you'll be there a while.

tl;dr current_cycle doesn't match the amount of reagents removed 1:1 it varies per reagent and per mob and you need to take this into account when dealing with reagent effects.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Anonmare » #321971

I must have misread it then.

Still,I think I'd prefer it if morphine knockout was based on threshold and not how long it's been in your system so that morphine pills could serve a purpose. As far as I'm aware of, it's the only thing chem let's you IGNORE_SLOWDOWN.

Ephedrine, changeling adrenaline and traitor stimulants I know make you GOTTAGOFAST (and GOTTAGOREALLYFAST for stimulants and adrenaline) but that still has to take slowdown into account and I was actually planning on making myself chem implants with 5u of crank, 5u of meth, 10u of ephedrine, 10u of epinephrine, 5u of synaptazine and 5u of morphine to get anti-stun implants on the same level as traitor adrenals.

I know bathsalts are the best anti-stun but I don't like them
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Anonmare » #321982

Facid smoke grenades are still quite powerful, able to crit most people after a few seconds of exposure. Acid is most effective when it's in smoke form but it is almost completely ineffective against targets wearing hardsuits which are acid immune.

It also can disfigure people's faces and make you appear as an unknown, you can splash it on yourself via harm intent and clicking your sprite, just make sure you have some meds on standby and to make sure to strip ahead of time to avoid destroying your clothes.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by MimicFaux » #323537

The wizard spell spacetime distortion now also scrambles nearby terrain, making comboing it with arc lightning (one of the few spells that ignored its effects much less feasible. :salt:
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #324169

Unless i misunderstood and got really lucky, upgrading the experimentor with better parts creates better tech value in strange objects, and since strange objects can be kept around and run through the experimentor to 'discover' multiple times. Generically all roundstart strange objects will after being "discovered" and spat out with their true function have 1 level 3 trait on deconstruction, I haven't done any correlation science but a upgraded machine can deliver tech 5 strange objects instead.

Also frequently the void battery seems to be patched out as near consistently irradiating batteries (with a maxed out experimentor) turns them frequently into shitty ones, the rest of the interactions are meaningless and will probably kill you and when they don't malfunction or fail it doesn't actually do anything, its more of a preclude to a malfunction, especially beware of the burn function for spitting out fireballs that crit you.
Why do we support this attempted suicide by fireball machine again? Least that first tip on increasing parts for better strange object levels is useful.

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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Alipheese » #324180

You can activate the medical scanner to set it to scan chemicals...

PKPenguin321 wrote:holy shit that engineering setup
that man deserves a medal
Anonmare wrote:Gee Engie, why does your mom let you have TWO singulos?
The Legend of Scrubs, MD
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Cuboos wrote: > That god damn engineer who let the singularity loose was a traitor and the only reasonable person on that whole entire station.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by TribeOfBeavers » #324242

Alipheese wrote:You can activate the medical scanner to set it to scan chemicals...

It tells you if someone is ODing as well!
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by AnonymousNow » #324273

TribeOfBeavers wrote:
Alipheese wrote:You can activate the medical scanner to set it to scan chemicals...

It tells you if someone is ODing as well!
It's a simple toggle, and really useful for the medic on the go, so use it often if something doesn't feel right. CMO approved.
Hornygranny wrote:It's not your codebase. It's our codebase. You can imply soft power as much as you want, but you don't have it. Division between the server and project is absolute. I'm not interested in reading dezzmont platitudes for the billionth time and won't be checking back in this thread.

~Simplified for the sake of Wyzack's delicate feelings~
Fuck anti-roleplay suggestions and fuck Bay.

Xenomorphs a shit.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #324274

The PDA medical scan will tell you about disease & organ issues (pancreatitis etc) with relevant detail to the stage it is at, and the cure for said disease.

Oh and a time of death for all those nosey doctors who prefer to search for clues to a crime by themselves.

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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by MimicFaux » #324282

Time of death is useful to know if they are in defib range when you walk in and there is just a body left outside of genetics.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by TribeOfBeavers » #324285

MimicFaux wrote:Time of death is useful to know if they are in defib range when you walk in and there is just a body left outside of genetics.
Doesn't it already tell you in bright red text if someone can be defibbed though?
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by DiamondSentinel » #324316

TribeOfBeavers wrote:
MimicFaux wrote:Time of death is useful to know if they are in defib range when you walk in and there is just a body left outside of genetics.
Doesn't it already tell you in bright red text if someone can be defibbed though?
Only after the 15-20 second defib time
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by MimicFaux » #324388

Unless you're using the CMO's belt defib, you'll be swapping out your backpack for the defib, setting up to defib them, maybe even taking time to remove a hard suit. And that's if you already have one on hand. People wearing augments, implants, or genetic powers, will all appreciate being defibbed over cloned. And those who are well past that point, will appreciate being taken directly into clothing as opposed to waiting around and watching you try and defib them first.

Knowing the time of death, can make you look competent and efficient.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Tokiko2 » #325038

I went through the code of security barriers and found a rather interesting feature.

They aren't just lockable, dragable roadblocks that you put into doorways when someone emags them open. They are cover. And not the "I can stand behind this and then quickly step out, shoot and step behind it again." kind of cover. No, it turns out that they have code to always let bullets through that have been fired by someone adjacent to them. So you can fire outside, but the enemy can't really hit you, atleast most of the time. Sandbags do the same thing, though at a worse blocking rate.

It also works with the wooden barricade which is probably the most useful for this. It doesn't have the best cover rate, but it blocks movement, doesn't explode when broken and can be easily mass produced by anyone with access to the garden.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by MimicFaux » #325055

We CM now.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Remie Richards » #325056

MimicFaux wrote:We CM now.
we had this before CM existed.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by CPTANT » #325068

Security barriers have been that way for ages.

IIRC sandbags act the same way.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Remie Richards » #325073

They do, and they said as such.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by DiamondSentinel » #325079

MimicFaux wrote:Unless you're using the CMO's belt defib, you'll be swapping out your backpack for the defib, setting up to defib them, maybe even taking time to remove a hard suit. And that's if you already have one on hand. People wearing augments, implants, or genetic powers, will all appreciate being defibbed over cloned. And those who are well past that point, will appreciate being taken directly into clothing as opposed to waiting around and watching you try and defib them first.

Knowing the time of death, can make you look competent and efficient.
Don't get me wrong. I'm definitely one of the people with implants, and definitely appreciate being defibbed over cloned. The problem is that 9 times out of 10, if I'm dead, there's not a doctor in sight to defib me.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Togopal » #325570

Dont know if this was said before but you can pin photos/papers to airlocks
Also you can put lethal injection syringes into syringe guns (50u of chloral hydrate in a syringe)

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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by XDTM » #325748

DiamondSentinel wrote:
MimicFaux wrote:Unless you're using the CMO's belt defib, you'll be swapping out your backpack for the defib, setting up to defib them, maybe even taking time to remove a hard suit. And that's if you already have one on hand. People wearing augments, implants, or genetic powers, will all appreciate being defibbed over cloned. And those who are well past that point, will appreciate being taken directly into clothing as opposed to waiting around and watching you try and defib them first.

Knowing the time of death, can make you look competent and efficient.
Don't get me wrong. I'm definitely one of the people with implants, and definitely appreciate being defibbed over cloned. The problem is that 9 times out of 10, if I'm dead, there's not a doctor in sight to defib me.
When will synthflesh -> strange reagent become meta?
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #325750

Thats why it got removed from being applicable on dead bodies.

Augments work well though in its place for repairing damage and allowing bodies to be repaired even if they are hideous bloody mess.

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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by XDTM » #325771

FantasticFwoosh wrote:Thats why it got removed from being applicable on dead bodies.

Augments work well though in its place for repairing damage and allowing bodies to be repaired even if they are hideous bloody mess.
Fun fact: Synthflesh now works again on dead bodies (styptic and silver sulf still don't). Another method is implanting, like you said, and there's also the option of mech medbeams or the secret surgery technique.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Nilons » #325782

I really like the idea of a body being recoverable but only if you have to rebuild it with robotic parts. We have the technology.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by XDTM » #325889

we should to be able to build body shells in robotics (which would be a completely dismembered robotic chest, i suppose) which could eventually become an android once fully built. People wouldn't have to wait several minutes for a full aug anymore!
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by MimicFaux » #325890

Body Shells = stealing the golem disk from Liberator golems and risking a mech war. Either way, is going to be awesome.

I've learned that you need to rescan yourself after every clone. Even fully upgraded, the cloner wipes your record after it's been 'used'.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by XDTM » #325935

I'm also 90% sure it remembers your dna from the time of the scan, meaning that if you get mutated into a plasmaman and get cloned from a record you'll be back to human. A new scan would overwrite this, of course.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #325936

If you attach a head onto another species & clone them there and then, the emergent body will be the identity of the head transplant but the other species, albiet you can cut off plasma-people's heads and then attach them to normal humans to resurrect them as a last ditch attempt.

Like that time i oversaw the creation of a ashwalker bryce pax from a reclaimed corpse from mining in the surgery viewing room, or when i attached a bryce head personally onto a bikini model monkeyperson and defibbed them back to life after.

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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Reece » #325946

SS13 doctors are fucking wizards apparently.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by JStheguy » #326004

Reece wrote:SS13 doctors are fucking wizards apparently.
Nah, it's just that centuries of genetic modification has resulted in basically everything being genetically compatable. Transplant rejection doesn't exist in the grim darkness of the year 2557,
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Anonmare » #326029

Except for bloodtype because BIG NANOTRASEN PHARMA
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by D&B » #326084

If you want something nerfed or removed kill kevinz000 with it and at the end of the round you will get two guaranteed pr's to remove what you used to kill him.
[20:26:02]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Welp. It was just a prank bro isn't a very good excuse when it comes to unprovoked nonantag murder, but since this is your first time doing it and you seem to understand the problem instead of a bannu I'm just going to leave you with a warning. Please PLEASE don't do this again in the future, as funny as crackhead broken bottle memes can be. Alrighty? Do you have any input on this?
[20:26:39]ADMIN: PM: [censored]->[censored admin]: Alright, no problem. I have some input. Fuck my boy pussy.
[20:27:06]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Okay then. Have fun.
[20:31:29]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Excuse me?
J_Madison wrote: that's a stupid fucking stat
you don't play, you've never played
lying little shit with your bullshit stat
fuck you
ColonicAcid wrote:and with enough practise i too could blow my own dick so well that only the gods know how it feels.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #326212

D&B wrote:If you want something nerfed or removed kill kevinz000 with it and at the end of the round you will get two guaranteed pr's to remove what you used to kill him.

Removes source of shitcode #29777

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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Anonmare » #326694

You can put AI cores in Suit Storage Units.

You can also hack them to not display the presence of a living being and lock them and disable enviromentals as well
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by MimicFaux » #326769

Like... the entire core, or just the intellicard
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by XDTM » #326783

i suppose you could close the SSU while the core is inside and it'll act like a locker
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Remie Richards » #326788

it doesn't check what kind of mob it is, just that its a living one (ie: not a ghost)
meaning you can fit megafauna in them too.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Screemonster » #326790

Remie Richards wrote:it doesn't check what kind of mob it is, just that its a living one (ie: not a ghost)
meaning you can fit megafauna in them too.
Okay so now I'm thinking of the monster-in-a-box traps in the old final fantasy games, especially the ones in the final dungeon that dropped superweapons and that one optional bonus boss in FF5

add ash drakes to the abandoned crate drop list when
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Remie Richards » #326793

I like angler whelk in FF6
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Anonmare » #326877

>Hide ash drake in EVA SSU
>Wait for greyshits to break-in
>Cue the inevitable "WHO THE FUCK PUT A DRAGON IN THERE?!"
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by DemonFiren » #326892

Anonmare wrote:>Hide ash drake in EVA SSU
>Wait for greyshits to break-in
>Cue the inevitable "WHO THE FUCK PUT A DRAGON IN THERE?!"
Surprise dragons are my fetish.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Anonmare » #326938

DemonFiren wrote:
Anonmare wrote:>Hide ash drake in EVA SSU
>Wait for greyshits to break-in
>Cue the inevitable "WHO THE FUCK PUT A DRAGON IN THERE?!"
Surprise dragons are my fetish.
Stupid lizards need to die.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Nilons » #326946

Anonmare wrote:Stupid lizards need to die.
I play Ostrava of Nanotrasen (good name) and Rolls-The-Bones (Crag Given name god bless)
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by Limski » #326970

You can gib people by putting them in between shield gens (like the ones in science) and then turn them on.
It's a good way to dispose of lings, or suicide.
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Re: Little things you learned that are game changing

Post by CPTANT » #327077

A cannister linked to the distribution loop with a connector is a great way to re-pressurise rooms.

It requires no power, is faster than vents and also has a way better check to prevent overpressure. Vents and air alarms usually aren't on the same tile so they tend to overpressure rooms when set to fill.
Timberpoes wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:21 pm The rules exist to create the biggest possible chance of a cool shift of SS13. They don't exist to allow admins to create the most boring interpretation of SS13.
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