CosmicScientist wrote:Anonmare wrote:Equal to epinephrine. You could probably stack your epi-pen+synapatazine+nicotine for anti-stun that's only a little worse than traitor stimulants.
Argh. It requires so many steps. I think I'd just get sick of trying to break into/job swap to chemistry to spend 5-10 minutes making chemicals I might need just to die to an explosion, a 'ling or a revolver. Especially when time is usually an important currency to spend as a traitor on anything but well practised steps or entirely on experimentation.
I guess I just don't want to do it because of the OOC requirement of reading the wiki to do anything fun with chemicals.
It was nice to see epinephrine has an overdose on it though... although I'm trying to remember if the chemistry dispenser available to the crew is stocked with the stuff by default and if it's useful outside of obviously sticking too many needles into a dying patient. Do overdose effects wear off once you go under the threshold?
Actually synapatazine's so easy to make you could probably make a bunch in less than a minute, the biggest downside to it is its toxicity so it's best to have some antitoxin to purge it.
Epinephrine has a few uses, it reduces stun timers, increases holodamage regeneration and helps you recover from being knocked out faster, as well as recovering brute/burn/tox damage if you're in crit and prevents a patient from suffering from more than 35 oxy damage while in crit. It's complicated to make, though a competent chemist will have usually have a bunch of the compounds used to make it on standby since diethylamine, acetone and phenol are used in a lot of recipes.
As for overdoses, you need to purge the chemical completely in order to stop the effects.
Also, here's another oft overlooked tip. Morphine is completely harmless as long as you have less than 11u in your system and has the added bonus of letting you ignore slowdown. If things look bad, keep a pill with a small amount on you so that you can zip away regardless of your damage level. If you don't believe me, I have the proof in the pudding:
Code: Select all
M.status_flags |= IGNORESLOWDOWN
to_chat(M, "<span class='warning'>You start to feel tired...</span>" )
if(12 to 24)
M.drowsyness += 1
if(24 to INFINITY)
M.Sleeping(40, 0)
. = 1