This year, I decided to push this out closer to when everyone else does it instead of sometime shortly after 2023.
We had a lot going on this year and I saw logs break more often than I can count which made me pull my hair out several times.
As usual we had even more robusting, explosions, and admins smiting brainless monkeys so often that they are definitely psychopaths.
This year I just pulled large screenshots of my dashboards instead of splitting up the graphs because I'm lazy.
If it looks grainy on the forums, open it in full size directly, the image isn't grainy the forums just don't display it big enough.
/tg/station 13 wrapped 2022
All data is pulled from all servers displaying from Jan 1st 2022 to December 12th 2022 the dashboards say 31st, obviously we don't have data that far.