Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

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Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by iamgoofball » #626444


Quit fucking randomly smiting players with the knotted shoelaces. This is just randomly griefing players. Haha, yes, it's funny to watch people fall over. No, it's not enjoyable to get randomly griefed by admins mid round.

Randomly pressing buttons doesn't qualify as an event under the precedent that we deadminned Judicator and his rod-spam under, so randomly pressing smite knotted shoelaces on people also doesn't fly under "you cant complain about events".

Grow the fuck up. Quit acting like children. We have an 18+ rule. Being a griefing shithead with admin tools is immature as shit.

regretfully mothblocks denied removing the shoelace smite
Last edited by iamgoofball on Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Mothblocks » #626446

Making no comment of the discussion:
If I see more fucking random shoe knotting I'm removing it from the smite list.
No you will not, and I would like to ask that you remove this from your thread, as this will not get merged.

EDIT: Goof has removed this from their OP, much appreciated.
Last edited by Mothblocks on Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Aeri » #626447

As a victim of this random ass drive-by smite bullshit I would like it to stop as well.

When I got smited today during round Manuel R176966, I wasn't really doing anything to warrant it? It's really lame when admins are just like "hehe time to press funny grief button, the player literally cannot retaliate against me".
Last edited by Aeri on Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Rune_Quester » #626450

As someone who's been shoe smited a few times among other admin smites, I do not give a shit and most of the time It adds a nice chuckle for a second
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Timberpoes » #626454

You have a point but your way of going about arguing it is terrible.

Random smites are probably part of the "don't fuck with your friends" and also "don't fuck with people because they're not your friends" unwritten rules that the admin team try to abide by and so occasionally fail at.

But I think the raw reality is that it's the kind of soft admin abuse of powers that's casually accepted by most players and most other admins. That is as long as not done excessively and saved for only when a smite is truly funny.

Despite that, any admin who does random smites is also taking on the responsibility if things go wrong because of it and a player complains. That's actually a judgement call every admin makes every single time they make a choice to use any admin power.

I've done smites targetted at players for dumb reasons before. If I got a complaint from it, I'd just apologise and be more careful on who and when I used smites in the future. But I don't think it's worth expressly forbidding.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by GamerAndYeahMick » #626455

What makes you think its random
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by iamgoofball » #626457

GamerAndYeahMick wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:50 am What makes you think its random
You don't get to hide behind this when there's absolutely nothing around the smites in question via logging that indicates they did something worth being randomly griefed by an admin.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Aeri » #626460

Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:49 am You have a point but your way of going about arguing it is terrible.

Random smites are probably part of the "don't fuck with your friends" and also "don't fuck with people because they're not your friends" unwritten rules that the admin team try to abide by and so occasionally fail at.

But I think the raw reality is that it's the kind of soft admin abuse of powers that's casually accepted by most players and most other admins. That is as long as not done excessively and saved for only when a smite is truly funny.

Despite that, any admin who does random smites is also taking on the responsibility if things go wrong because of it and a player complains. That's actually a judgement call every admin makes every single time they make a choice to use any admin power.

I've done smites targetted at players for dumb reasons before. If I got a complaint from it, I'd just apologise and be more careful on who and when I used smites in the future. But I don't think it's worth expressly forbidding.
I mean, I checked the logs for round Manuel: R176966 and found it was actually "AdipemDragon" and like, well, I don't know this admin like I do say, Cimka who is friend shaped. And it feels pretty weak to admin complaint somebody for one shoesmite. It leaves me in a bit of a tricky situation, like, I literally wasn't doing anything to warrant it? But also like "Fuck you can you not dude?"

I was the QM, leaving the cargo bay to discover a medical staff member being murdered by some monkies that he was, presumably, harvesting organs from. I said on the radio "There's a doctor getting mauled by monkies, funniest shit I've ever seen" on my way to the library to sacrifice a few tables to make a bat to dispatch then because now the monkies are everyone's problem.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Rune_Quester » #626462

I think the tricky situation is solved easily by asking the offending admin in question to stop politely over discord or something if its genuinally annoying.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by GamerAndYeahMick » #626466

iamgoofball wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:53 am
GamerAndYeahMick wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:50 am What makes you think its random
You don't get to hide behind this when there's absolutely nothing around the smites in question via logging that indicates they did something worth being randomly griefed by an admin.
I'm not hiding behind anything, I am asking you so I can see what context prompted this, but I now understand that you think this because of the lack of context, as a footnote I will say I disapprove of random admin abuse and it is against admin conduct and deadmin worthy
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Timberpoes » #626467

Aeri wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:55 am I mean, I checked the logs for round Manuel: R176966 and found it was actually "AdipemDragon" and like, well, I don't know this admin like I do say, Cimka who is friend shaped. And it feels pretty weak to admin complaint somebody for one shoesmite. It leaves me in a bit of a tricky situation, like, I literally wasn't doing anything to warrant it? But also like "Fuck you can you not dude?"

I was the QM, leaving the cargo bay to discover a medical staff member being murdered by some monkies that he was, presumably, harvesting organs from. I said on the radio "There's a doctor getting mauled by monkies, funniest shit I've ever seen" on my way to the library to sacrifice a few tables to make a bat to dispatch then because now the monkies are everyone's problem.
There are three ways to approach it:
1. Ask the admin in question politely if they wouldn't random smite you in the future via ahelps
2. Leave feedback on their feedback thread that they randomly smited you and you found it frustrating
3. Open up a complaint.

You're RIGHT that opening up a complaint about admins random smiting dumb shit like knot shoes is petty. It's sorta like using a sledgehammer to crack a peanut. But every time I use admin powers for the lulz, I run the risk that I do a derp, get a complaint and have to own up to it.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by iamgoofball » #626468

Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 2:07 am There are three ways to approach it:
1. Ask the admin in question politely if they wouldn't random smite you in the future via ahelps
2. Leave feedback on their feedback thread that they randomly smited you and you found it frustrating
3. Open up a complaint.

You're RIGHT that opening up a complaint about admins random smiting dumb shit like knot shoes is petty. It's sorta like using a sledgehammer to crack a peanut. But every time I use admin powers for the lulz, I run the risk that I do a derp, get a complaint and have to own up to it.
The Admin Complaints process is really not well suited to situations like this. If 10 separate admins all knot your shoelaces once a round for 10 rounds, you'd have to make 10 separate admin complaints against each admin to handle it in the current system.

Admins intending to grief players can rely on people being unwilling to risk looking like a petty little asshole when it comes to minor slights like this, especially since it's multiple members of the team engaging in the behavior. If one admin smites you every round with shoe knots you can easily nail them for it, but it's really hard to establish a pattern of poor behavior when it's a bunch of different admins randomly without looking like a crazy person.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by GamerAndYeahMick » #626469

the issue with you making a policy thread is that it's already against policy to harass people FNR with admin tooling though is the point so the only real way to address such an issue would be an admin complaint in which the specific admin is likely to address it or add context
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by largibbon » #626481

iamgoofball wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 2:11 am's really hard to establish a pattern of poor behavior when it's a bunch of different admins randomly without looking like a crazy person.
I would agree entirely...
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Drag » #626492

Listen, if there's no threat and nothing going on OR you're being a little shit I'm gonna tie your shoes. Simple as. If players have a problem with me doing so they could do what timber has already suggested. I'm very careful to make sure players aren't about to enter combat or into a situation where shoe tying would be detrimental to them. Players on Manuel have expressed on the metacord that they literally don't give a fuck and its even funny to them because of the timing.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Bawhoppennn » #626501

I am also quite against this. Admin fuckery should be entertaining to the whole round or a group in the round. This is either pestering random players, or is favoritism if they only do it to their friends. Neither are a good thing for an admin to be doing.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by mrmelbert » #626504

+1ing Burgerman, a lot of smites which seem completely random are usually prompted for some reason or another.

However, Goof is not wrong in that a lot of shoe tie smites are done on Manuel.
It's not even one singular admin - most of the Manuel candidates that have been brought on have a penchant for it, it's a sort of culture they've developed. (I'm not involved with those animals.)

Regardless, a policy thread won't get the problem solved. You'd be more likely to see something done with a very petty complaint, like Timber said.
Or, just ahelp and ask them to stop, and if they say "no lol" then complaint that they're being a dick.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by carshalash » #626515

Admins should be smiting other admins specifically, making their off time when they play the game more miserable.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Sylphet » #626522

...I haven't noticed this personally, but yeah smites shouldn't be done randomly. I use smites only for stupid prayers as a rule. It's how things should be, it feels shitty as a player to be on the receiving end of this.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Pandarsenic » #626540

Sylphet wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 8:17 am ...I haven't noticed this personally, but yeah smites shouldn't be done randomly. I use smites only for stupid prayers as a rule. It's how things should be, it feels shitty as a player to be on the receiving end of this.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Flatulent » #626542

make every smite have a 50% chance to cremate the player being smited
Mothblocks, winter 2020, “successfully” preventing bagil death with relevant data wrote:You seem to be under the fallacy that reinforcing that Bagil is a TDM shithole where you must carry bolas and spears on you at all times, while looking for the next valid to hunt down is a positive change to the server. I don't. The data suggests other people don't.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Jackraxxus » #626543

I personally don't mess with smiting people 4 teh lulz, not because I dislike it but because I'm way scared that I'll hit gib instead of tie laces and fuck someone's round over. The closest I get to it is spawning mousetraps on digi lizards or drop podding no-ERP posters onto people.
Before I was adminned I had a lot of fun being messed around with by admins, it broke up the occasional boring sec greenshift with some funny memes. One time an admin figured out how to tie my shoelaces while I was a barefoot digi lizard and that was hilarious. If an admin's messing with you and you don't like it just ask them to stop? Like genuinely Ahelp "Could you please stop messing with my round without prompting?" and if it was me I would apologise and fuck off in future.

I've had negative experiences with smiting only twice in my like 1500 (read: small amount) living hours. Once because I just genuinely didn't get the joke and was feeling guilty about shoving a contractor over and nicking their baton earlier in the round, this turned out to be a joke about running around as a malnourished deathly pale assistant and I had a good laugh about it in deadchat next round. The second time I was being a dickhead and genuinely deserved it.

This is something that could probably be put to a player poll maybe now that I think about it, to gauge how many people enjoy being messed with by admins versus how many people would enjoy being left alone. It'd be a better use of that system than the fucking felinid furry level vote.

In summary, and speaking as a player, I would prefer to be bwoinked by a bunch of fun-loving happy-go-lucky people who enjoy messing around both ways but sometimes go too far, than by a bunch of brick-wall emotionless banbots who get their kicks out of removing people from the server. I find a little playful memery to be endearing, god forbid OP hears what me and my mates do to eachother in person.
iamgoofball wrote:Vekter and MrMelbert are more likely to enforce the roleplay rules Manuel is supposed to be abiding by than Wesoda or Jackraxxus are.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Striders13 » #626545

I'm not sure why people get upset at getting their shoes tied. It's pretty funny when it happens to me.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #626547

The shoetie smite just always makes me laugh, because I'll say make a dumb pun, then try to take a step and immediately land on my face.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Aeri » #626557

Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 2:07 am
Aeri wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:55 am I mean, I checked the logs for round Manuel: R176966 and found it was actually "AdipemDragon" and like, well, I don't know this admin like I do say, Cimka who is friend shaped. And it feels pretty weak to admin complaint somebody for one shoesmite. It leaves me in a bit of a tricky situation, like, I literally wasn't doing anything to warrant it? But also like "Fuck you can you not dude?"

I was the QM, leaving the cargo bay to discover a medical staff member being murdered by some monkies that he was, presumably, harvesting organs from. I said on the radio "There's a doctor getting mauled by monkies, funniest shit I've ever seen" on my way to the library to sacrifice a few tables to make a bat to dispatch then because now the monkies are everyone's problem.
There are three ways to approach it:
1. Ask the admin in question politely if they wouldn't random smite you in the future via ahelps
2. Leave feedback on their feedback thread that they randomly smited you and you found it frustrating
3. Open up a complaint.

You're RIGHT that opening up a complaint about admins random smiting dumb shit like knot shoes is petty. It's sorta like using a sledgehammer to crack a peanut. But every time I use admin powers for the lulz, I run the risk that I do a derp, get a complaint and have to own up to it.
I want to note that without log diving post round (which I'm unlikely to do unless they're REALLY pushing it) I have no idea which admin smote me generally, unless there's only one on, in which case it makes it pretty obvious.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Aeri » #626558

Jackraxxus wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 9:57 am I personally don't mess with smiting people 4 teh lulz, not because I dislike it but because I'm way scared that I'll hit gib instead of tie laces and fuck someone's round over. The closest I get to it is spawning mousetraps on digi lizards or drop podding no-ERP posters onto people.
Before I was adminned I had a lot of fun being messed around with by admins, it broke up the occasional boring sec greenshift with some funny memes. One time an admin figured out how to tie my shoelaces while I was a barefoot digi lizard and that was hilarious. If an admin's messing with you and you don't like it just ask them to stop? Like genuinely Ahelp "Could you please stop messing with my round without prompting?" and if it was me I would apologise and fuck off in future.

I've had negative experiences with smiting only twice in my like 1500 (read: small amount) living hours. Once because I just genuinely didn't get the joke and was feeling guilty about shoving a contractor over and nicking their baton earlier in the round, this turned out to be a joke about running around as a malnourished deathly pale assistant and I had a good laugh about it in deadchat next round. The second time I was being a dickhead and genuinely deserved it.

This is something that could probably be put to a player poll maybe now that I think about it, to gauge how many people enjoy being messed with by admins versus how many people would enjoy being left alone. It'd be a better use of that system than the fucking felinid furry level vote.

In summary, and speaking as a player, I would prefer to be bwoinked by a bunch of fun-loving happy-go-lucky people who enjoy messing around both ways but sometimes go too far, than by a bunch of brick-wall emotionless banbots who get their kicks out of removing people from the server. I find a little playful memery to be endearing, god forbid OP hears what me and my mates do to eachother in person.
Admins messing about is admittedly kinda funny, but the sliding scale is way on the high end when it has good comedic timing, and way less amusing when as near as I can tell, there was no reason for it. Truly, being an administrator is like being a clown, a single well timed slip that makes a particular crewmember look like a Buffon in front of everyone is worthy of applause, but the clown just randomly putting banana peels and indiscriminately slipping everyone everywhere is a lot less interesting, more beatdown worthy.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by AdipemDragon » #626560

As someone who's probably one of the more active shoetie smite users, I need to just come in and say it: What on earth are you talking about? "Random" smiting? Is that really how you think it is?

As it's been said in here a couple of times already, If shoe smiting Does happen for some reason, it's with Purpose, you know, things like "Stop that." or "That Would be funny.". If the situation is misunderstood (usually due to a lack of context) and a joke smiting seems unwaranted, that's on the smiter, and I'm personally sorry for the moments where that might've happened on my end. I genuinely fully welcome people ahelping whenever a smite that's mostly used just to poke fun is misused, as that's the kind of thing that could be discussed right then and there, instead of waiting for who knows how long until the logs are publicised just to hit that specific admin with a complaint when a simple "hey, why, stop" in the moment would suffice.

Also, I love how you decided to show an example of this being bad but the one you provided is, from what I can understand in that sentence, an ex-admin sending an immovable rod at someone because "random event lol", like. You do realize the difference in scale between a (hopefully) comedic trip and a Rod Cutting A Station In Half, no?
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Armhulen » #626561

At the very least this policy doesn't do much because it's already policy to not grief and abuse players. Any complaints about shitty smiting go through the vectors timber outlined
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by WineAllWine » #626566

Maybe it's just Terry but I don't really see this very often. Obviously if you make a prayer you're immediately open to funny smites but I don't often see this without a prayer
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by The Wrench » #626570

This all seems like a non-issue to me, we already have rules regarding admin abuse, so why remove more freedom from janitors?
Jonathan Gupta wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 6:32 pm all you godamn do is whine and complain come up with ideas, stop bitching for christs sake.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by confused rock » #626577

I find that shoe tying as a "stop that" punishment is a bad way to go about things. If it's actually against the rules, then this is horribly informal and you're not being lenient, you're just refusing to actually engage with the player. If the player continues, you better not consider the shoe tying as a "warning". If it's not against the rules, then this is what is known as an "IC issue" which, in all my experience, is the thing that admins say "fuck off, deal with it yourself" to. Admins should fuck off and deal with it IC if they don't like it. That's what *I* have to do.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #626714

While complaining about shoe tying of all things seems extremely petty, I do not like the idea of admins allegedly using punishment smites on random players for their own amusement. I’m more inclined to believe adipem when they say that these arent random and are intended to be slaps for being naughty, however.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Drag » #626926

Also, I like how the screenshots of my smites were when that person was stalking an antag as a non-security officer. Just thought Id point that out.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by iamgoofball » #626927

Drag wrote: Mon Jan 24, 2022 5:31 am Also, I like how the screenshots of my smites were when that person was stalking an antag as a non-security officer. Just thought Id point that out.
It took you an entire week to retroactively justify your random smiting?
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Drag » #626928

It took you an entire week to retroactively justify your random smiting?
I don't need to justify anything to you. I know what I did, you're the one who has gone on a crusade.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Screemonster » #627005

mrmelbert wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:21 am +1ing Burgerman, a lot of smites which seem completely random are usually prompted for some reason or another.
if the admin doesn't use their fucking words then it might as well be random
or are players supposed to magically read their mind and discern that the reason they just got their shoes tied was some sort of instruction and not just because the admin was bored?
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by nianjiilical » #627016

the correct time to use shoe smite is when it would be funny and the player in question is being a smartass
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by The Wrench » #627168

Admins should be free to press as many buttons as they want whenever they want
Jonathan Gupta wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 6:32 pm all you godamn do is whine and complain come up with ideas, stop bitching for christs sake.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by cacogen » #627529

If they knot your shoes it's like Sauron's eye has briefly focused on you. What's wrong with that?
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Stickymayhem » #627544

Any reason for smiting is acceptable but you should have a reason
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by iamgoofball » #627546

id like to note while im here that doing an event of "the shoe goblins are coming for your shoelaces!!!" and then sdqling everyone's shoes to tie is perfectly fine, funny, and is actually an event because you took the time to like, make up some lore as to why people's shoes are being tied
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by mindstormy » #628044

iamgoofball wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:37 pm id like to note while im here that doing an event of "the shoe goblins are coming for your shoelaces!!!" and then sdqling everyone's shoes to tie is perfectly fine, funny, and is actually an event because you took the time to like, make up some lore as to why people's shoes are being tied
I try to only do this once a week or so. It was pretty funny the one time when it got you as a new character spawning in on the shuttle. You didn't get the message but it did knot your shoes. I can understand how it made you mad, but the coincidence of it all was quite humorous.

BUT please don't remove it as a smite because it is very funny. I do not see it being abused at all on sybil but maybe it is on manuel. I never play on manny so I would not know.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Domitius » #628048

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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #628050

Domitius wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 6:03 pmno
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Cobby » #628059

if it bothers you the best course of action is to F1 it asking them to please dont do that and if they go on the defensive then you can complaint them with randomly trolling you AND being a dick in ahelps instead of "they tied my shoelaces *check notes* 1 times!"
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Annihilite111 » #628458

Jackraxxus wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 9:57 am I personally don't mess with smiting people 4 teh lulz, not because I dislike it but because I'm way scared that I'll hit gib instead of tie laces and fuck someone's round over. The closest I get to it is spawning mousetraps on digi lizards or drop podding no-ERP posters onto people.
Before I was adminned I had a lot of fun being messed around with by admins, it broke up the occasional boring sec greenshift with some funny memes. One time an admin figured out how to tie my shoelaces while I was a barefoot digi lizard and that was hilarious. If an admin's messing with you and you don't like it just ask them to stop? Like genuinely Ahelp "Could you please stop messing with my round without prompting?" and if it was me I would apologise and fuck off in future.

I've had negative experiences with smiting only twice in my like 1500 (read: small amount) living hours. Once because I just genuinely didn't get the joke and was feeling guilty about shoving a contractor over and nicking their baton earlier in the round, this turned out to be a joke about running around as a malnourished deathly pale assistant and I had a good laugh about it in deadchat next round. The second time I was being a dickhead and genuinely deserved it.

This is something that could probably be put to a player poll maybe now that I think about it, to gauge how many people enjoy being messed with by admins versus how many people would enjoy being left alone. It'd be a better use of that system than the fucking felinid furry level vote.

In summary, and speaking as a player, I would prefer to be bwoinked by a bunch of fun-loving happy-go-lucky people who enjoy messing around both ways but sometimes go too far, than by a bunch of brick-wall emotionless banbots who get their kicks out of removing people from the server. I find a little playful memery to be endearing, god forbid OP hears what me and my mates do to eachother in person.
Personally, i would genuinely enjoy if admins nuggeted me as long as i'm not doing anything in particular. Well, i might want a heads up just in case i've got something in mind for the round, but not for something as small and unintrusive as knotted shoelaces.
EDIT: I'm probably an outlier however.
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by Shellton(Mario) » #628478

I know this has nothing to do with admins smiting people but can we try to do some better events. Like a week ago an admins blew up the bar twice because someone found a way to make a crazy amount of bags of holding. I personally would like to see less 2d events that are only interesting if someone does this one thing like igniting a bunch of fuel tanks an admin spawned or max capping the shuttle because an admin made it super small and if they dont do that one thing the thing the admin did is pointless.

In regards of admins smitting me unprovoked, most of the time they give me cookies and make me fat. As such ban them or am going to seethe and mald. Also I want 1 wizard token in return for my time wasted or I will sue for racism. This is all
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Re: Tell admins to stop randomly smiting people.

Post by dragomagol » #632573

We agree with this statement provided by Timberpoes:
Admins who use admin buttons to mess with their friends or players at random are rolling the die when it comes to admin complaints and do so at their own risk. If new admins are picking up bad habits from watching tenured admins, those admins may be held accountable.
This guideline has been added to Admin Conduct.

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