>Some xenobio idiot caused spiderpocalypse when I went to robotics for five minutes
>in the station's situation the best solution I think of is warping a plasma can into xenobiology
>grab can
>about to open and shove it in
>outta nowhere gayden a botanist just runs up to me and pushes the can in
>spiders come out of the portal, plasma doesn't work, they kill me
>as I am dying the captain fires me
>at roundend I learn that everyone is super pissed at me for uploading a really shittily worded pseudo onehuman
>I logdive and find out it was a random scientist that shittily onehumaned the AI
>everyone mocks me for even swearing I didn't do it
>this gives me flashbacks to the actual saddest I've ever been in a round of 2d spacemen
>one of my first rounds back
>walk into medbay and I see it clearly now as it feels like a dream
>it's him
>he's perfect
>I walk up to the baby polar bear, walking in place. we greet, and I realise that he has no friends, no followers, nothing but all access.
>Just like me
>we resolve that in our lives we must have some purpose, some..goal. my immature mind comes to the thought of attracting a moth, which this station seems to lack
>we travel the station, discovering oddities and gathering lamps, before the concept of a 'moth lamp meme' had even entered the minds of the users of the website leddit.
>after travelling through a fire and finding our polar bear at 100% health I personally come to the conclusion that he is immortal
>as I travel we encounter many a man in need of help and I often disregard them and my comrade in my selfish pursuits
>occasionally I indulge my comrade and assist the injured chemist just enough to get him on his feet, and then desert him. If my callow ally did not urge my compassion, and I were not fearful of my life without his all access, I'd have selfishly deserted the innocent souls I stumble upon
>eventually the small white shifting companion proposes we search the morgue for dead moths
>the morgue is barren, but a roboticist bares wings just in view!
>after my rush to grasp the lamps, I lose track of the roboticist again, and, thus, hope
>in the most thoughtful act anyone has ever done for me, and the wisest use of language I've seen yet, a lizard urges me in his tongue that the moth is in a ripley within cargo. I never even told them of my plight, and the moth was blissfully unaware of my search
>hurry to them, and offer the lamps. I slyly make an offer for the moth to dinner, in hopes of learning more about the species.
>the moth rejects the shorts and I collapse in agony
>I awaken to the polar pal assuring me that she accepted the lamps. I comfort myself be hoping that this is true. I will learn of moths no matter what!
>I use what strength I have remaining to steal the captain's deluxe fur coat with assistance from our snowy saviour
>I bring it to the moth and offer
>the moth rejects my coat
>I am stunned, but stunned more by the sudden fire
>I resist most of it, but the moth is disfigured
>I offer her a burn patch
>the vile creature rejects my
burn patch
>I have learned what I needed from the experiences with moths. They are vile, cruel creatures who wish for you to suffer, while being horrifically weak themselves.
>I go on, with my treasured omnivore by my side, hoping to exact more knowledge from life on the mother russia bleeds shuttle
>I ask my friend to open a door
>no answer, he merely waddles in place.
>I ask again
>no answer
>in my frustration, I throw him at the door
>I look more closely
>the movements are mere spasms from his corpse.
>He was not immortal. the fire finally took his life
>I spent his last moments yelling at him to open a door
>I am more crushed than I ever could've imagined. I limp to the shuttle in despair, and am invited to the cockpit.
>I tell my tale to all that will hear
>before I know it, the chief engineer butchers the innocent cold corpse of my comrade.
>Feeling intense anger but wishing to follow my former friend's altruistic ways, I leave the cockpit in a huff.
>I see it
>on the floor there
>what a fool I was! I could've saved him! my sorrow was wasted when I could've been active! I had ignored others in need yet again!
>I lash out at the chief engineer in rage, but realise there is nothing I can do to fix what
I have caused.
>I cry as I realise the real moth was the friends we made along the way
baby polar bear was the best friend I could've ever asked for, and I led to his undoing.