Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by cedarbridge » #42943

Bottom post of the previous page:

Steelpoint wrote:Just a notice that these things are still obnoxious. I've been in two rounds with them and as soon as you get hit by it you basicly die. I went under a shower, drank healing regents but I still died.
I'm honestly surprised that after all this time and the general uproar about it, not a single thing has been done about them.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by iyaerP » #42961

Because when coders have something that they like, it is protected to the point of insanity. When there is something that players like, but coders don't, it is gone faster than a fucking bullet.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by oranges » #42974

We've merged in a new system for acid, with the intention of having blobbernauts use the acid to counter armoured units instead of fire.

It's not an oversight, it's just taken longer than expected and we are now in a feature freeze.

It's only a volunteer project, so we can't fix everything all at once all the time. Rest assured we would welcome anyone willing to make the change right after the feature freeze has occurred.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by cedarbridge » #42979

oranges wrote:We've merged in a new system for acid, with the intention of having blobbernauts use the acid to counter armoured units instead of fire.

It's not an oversight, it's just taken longer than expected and we are now in a feature freeze.

It's only a volunteer project, so we can't fix everything all at once all the time. Rest assured we would welcome anyone willing to make the change right after the feature freeze has occurred.
Then something needs to be done in the interim to stop a "feature" from continuing to ruin rounds. I can understand the freeze to fix bugs or whatever, but this is actively screwing rounds a lot more than code cleanup will fix. At the very least we need to toggle blob to off until the bus can get around to fixing this.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by iyaerP » #42987

Or just remove blobbernauts until they are fixxed.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by Steelpoint » #43032

There's no hard counter to blobbernauts which makes it a bad game play mechanic currently. It will kill anyone regardless of what armour they are wearing, and once it hits someone at least a single time I have NEVER seen them survive the ordeal.

Let me repeat that, if you are hit ONCE by a blobbernaut, you die and nothing can stop that, I've never seen someone survive it armour or nothing.

In the round last night once I got hit by a blobbernaut once I did the following things.
  • I put myself out with a fire extinguisher.
  • Stop dropped and rolled
  • Stood under a shower for about 10 seconds
  • Ingested a large amount of healing chemicals
  • Applied first aid
Yet I still keeled over and died.

Something needs to be done now and not in a months time.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by youngbuckliontiger » #43037

You stop burning from blobbernaut regeant acid thingy if you are in space right???
or do you still keep burning?
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by ExplosiveCrate » #43041

You do, but as soon as you step back on a floor tile you are immediately set on fire until the 30+ units of burning spores metabolize.
i dont even know what the context for my signature was
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by Arkraven » #43045

So new acid system is basically just screwing with the code until it was back to before /tg/station apparently. A guy, lube, Polyacid, and a chicken suit was all it took to kill the entire station this recent round. Remove this monstrosity you created before it gets worse, we beg you.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by cedarbridge » #43046

Steelpoint wrote:There's no hard counter to blobbernauts which makes it a bad game play mechanic currently. It will kill anyone regardless of what armour they are wearing, and once it hits someone at least a single time I have NEVER seen them survive the ordeal.

Let me repeat that, if you are hit ONCE by a blobbernaut, you die and nothing can stop that, I've never seen someone survive it armour or nothing.

In the round last night once I got hit by a blobbernaut once I did the following things.
  • I put myself out with a fire extinguisher.
  • Stop dropped and rolled
  • Stood under a shower for about 10 seconds
  • Ingested a large amount of healing chemicals
  • Applied first aid
Yet I still keeled over and died.

Something needs to be done now and not in a months time.
The only thing I've seen survive the fire is a guy in fireproof gear. And they just end up dying anyway because they're in a rigsuit/firesuit being pounded by a 'naut.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by kosmos » #43067

Make it burn you until your 10hp and then the chemical disappears from the body. Forces people to back off and/or have good medics around.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by mikecari » #52694

So did we ever nerf these bastards yet? We had two blobs today and the blobbernauts took out like half the fucking crew. We only won because I'm a shitlord and used emitters to kill them.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by dezzmont » #52703

The idea of setting the target on fire rather than having it stack reagents has some interesting ramifications for play. It makes it so the first hit by the blobernaut is more important, allowing it to better smash into groups of enemies without having to be able to remove any one of them from the fight instantly, and makes getting hit by the it after a hit and run more impactful. It is well suited to a hulking monster designed to attract attention and fight groups of crewmembers, and allows it to have a high strength hit without becoming completely ridiculous. It opens up some counterplay too by rotating people in and out in hit and run strikes which gives players the ability to mitigate damage with a stop drop and roll. Also encourages certain player behavior from the blob, making it play sort of like a L4D tank trying to rush in and distrupt everyone with a powerful hit that can't be spammed easily, due to it applying a burn proc rather than an invulnerability proc and flat damage, meaning that a blobbernaut would do what you expect it to do, run somewhere with a bunch of people and start smashing stuff for the little guys to finish off.

Reagents meanwhile do not have this property, the first hit is as important as the next if you don't have access to a shower, meaning that either the hits are low impact and don't feel important until you hit a critical mass, or the first hit alone is strong and every other hit just further screws you.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by iyaerP » #52970

These still remain one of the biggest bullshit foes to face. Take a single hit? GG, you're dead, hope the line for cloning is a short one.

They need to be removed if no counter-play to them is going to be created, because they are horrible as they are.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by Aleph » #53200

Someone won their blob round by endlessly spamming blobbernauts whenever they can. Two of them managed to ignite 11 people and kill them all with just one or two hits.

Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by deathhoof » #53241

The solution is so obvious I cant believe no one thought of it. Instead of making it inject like 20 fire chem per hit, make it inject .1 firechem so that it will metabolize instantly.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by Scones » #53242

I'm surprised these haven't even been mentioned lately but they are still as bullshit as ever

Fight them from EVA if you want a shot at living. Oh, you came inside? You fire now, son.
plplplplp WOOOOooo hahahhaha
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by Alex Crimson » #53244

Yeah they were supposed to be fixed ages ago, but i guess coders didnt feel like it.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by iyaerP » #53273

Too busy removing donk pockets.
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Re: Blobbernauts: What the fuck is this shit

Post by mikecari » #53350

Alex Crimson wrote:Yeah they were supposed to be fixed ages ago, but i guess coders didnt feel like it.
They never feel like it. They do it for free.
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