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Submitted a minor update on GitHub, if it interests anyoneMetaStation v41J (11/05/2016):
(Image of the station, click here for full-size)
MetaStation v41J Changelog:
- Added extra grounding rods to the engine area to stop the tesla destroying some cameras. The main sign-conduction issue had already been fixed.
Added missing circuit boards to tech storage to match current box boards - exosuit fabricator, circuit imprinter, teleporter, and AI integrity restorer boards.
Added some glass, metal, and more wire to the bar backroom closet to allow for easier remodelling.
Added a selection of blank canvas to art storage and some easels to maint.
Added cameras to each xenobiology containment pen so the slime computers don't bug out so often.
Added missing indoor window pane in atmos by one of the computers.
Added a custom name to the armory securitron, which now also starts active and will by default detain unknowns and those holding guns without clearance.
Added formal uniform crate to the armory anteroom.
Adjusted layout of the aft arm of the engine area, making it a separate maint tunnel which is part of the engineering escape pod area.
Adjusted positions of some machines in the cargo office and QM office so the cargo APC and other items can be accessed properly again.
Adjusted interrogation access - now anyone with brig access can get in, such as the lawyer.
Anchored the O2 lockers in the engine room airlocks to stop them being dragged out by spacewind every time the airlocks are used.
Fixed glass sheet stacks in engineering having 12 sheets not 50.
Fixed the mutli-belt typo.
Fixed maint autodrobe incorrectly requiring theatre access.
Fixed some of the emergency shuttle exit airlocks requiring certain access levels.
Moved the portable flashes out into the armory anteroom, adding racks to where they were, which hold extra flashes, tear gas grenades, emergency doughnuts, and a rack of barrier grenades.
Moved HoP keycard authentication device so it can be reached without having to clamber on a table.
Replaced an empty canister in toxins with a fourth O2 canister.
Replaced some blood and gibs present on roundstart with their correct 'old' variants.
The cloning APC now starts unlocked.
Removed version suffix on filename in keeping with other maps.