Bottom post of the previous page:
You were wrong. You were so fucking wrong.Kor wrote:It is not like he can make it worse
Let's just talk about a few things about new gangs (gangacoplyse)
A. it telegraphs the round type fucking IMMEDIATELY. there's zero paranoia whatsoever in this game of paranoia.
B. it removes core components of the game to jury rig its own fucking team deathmatch bullshit.
C. Vigilanties either die in the first 3 minutes because they spawn with no weapons, or become insanely overpowered. They don't respawn however.
D. Respawning is bad, mmkay. Just period. It encourages shit play from people and is just a way to make the team death match drag out longer. With endlessly respawning reinforcements, the vigilanties just get ground down till they no longer exist.
E. It's literally validhunter versus gangs the mode. TDM.
F. did I mention the validhunters can get admin mechs and admin guns like rocket launchers?
G. the mounted machine gun turret is prett yfucking cool, I'll give you that. Too bad it's a bit op and glitchy as all fuck right now
H. Do i even need to tell you why just turning the game into stupid pvp is a bad idea? Some of us are here for more interaction then just clicking on sprites to render them horizontal
I. I fucking hate you robustin
J. allowing gangs to respawn fucking defeats the purpose of having the shuttle autocall, now doesn't it? since it'll never reach that point thanks to reinforcements...meaning you'll constantly have a fucking stalemate.
H. speaking of stalemates, they somehow are even worse when everyone has high powered weapons that just blow any latejoiner away. Fucking 10/10 balance there.
K. Both servers voted that they hate this new version of gangs. Myself and a couple others personally leave for hte other server whenever its testmerged. When it's testmerged on both I just stop playing. that's how NOT FUN this bullshit is. IF i wanted Team Deathmatch I'd play colonial marines, except I wouldn't because colonial marines actually enforces a level of rp we don't
M. Speaking of rule enforcement, vigilantes don't fucking count as antags so if they get some collateral damage in with their stupidly op guns, they get bwoinked and potentially banned. For doing what they need to do. Fucking thanks, cunt.
N. My sodium levels are too goddamn high for this bullshit.
O. I would rather 24/7 wizard then this bullshit
P. I would rather 24/7 raging mages then this bullshit
Q. I would rather 24/7 BULLSHIT RAGING MAGES then this bullshit.
T. Truthfully, I'd rather dig my eyeballs out with a rusty spork then this bullshit.
U. The gangs can just drop a dom and a MG turret in the time it takes you to earn soap as a vigilante, which means this goddamn gamemode is totally fucking out of balance. The only relevant parties in gangs is other fucking gangs, because vigilanties wont have any fucking weapons to fight by the time the first dominator gets dropped.