Minor Suggestions

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Luke Cox
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Luke Cox » #268352

Bottom post of the previous page:

Jacough wrote:
Luke Cox wrote:Give perma an emergency internals box. The window gets breached constantly.
Fuck em, tell the criminal scum to hold their breath while they're in the rec area. They're just going to rot in there anyway.
Eh, if I dump them in perma it's because I like them enough to not kill them, or I'm not 100% sure they're guilty
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Lombardo2 » #268468

Pets should be able to wear internals. Do they suffer from oxygen deprivation or toxins damage? There has been a tendency to fill the station vent with plasma and that pretty much is death for Ian :(
Gun Hog
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Gun Hog » #268510

Lombardo2 wrote:Pets should be able to wear internals. Do they suffer from oxygen deprivation or toxins damage? There has been a tendency to fill the station vent with plasma and that pretty much is death for Ian :(
Try giving Ian a mask and putting a large air tank on his back!
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by JJRcop » #268869

Be able to rip up your undershirt/underwear to make gauze.
I lurk quite often...
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Onule » #269096

Make derelict drones not blowable unless they're on the station's z-level. Maybe apply that to all drones?
Would also be dope if they had some way to viewing the station's structural data like the blueprints, for fixing bomb repairs. No option for changing anything tho, just viewing.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Qbopper » #269474


Add an excerpt from this as a round end sound

Limey wrote:its too late.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by calzilla1 » #270365

Cowboy hat
(Also known as the ten gallon hat)
Activities in which a cow boy hat will improve
Riding borgs
Passing whisky
Having shoot outs with security
Saying "yee haw!"
Beating up city slickers
Shooting ass walkers
Building campfires
Twirling mustaches
Life is too short for anything meaningful and too long for anything memeingful
Super Aggro Crag wrote: The best shitpost youll ever be responsible for will be your obituary.
Quality debate brought to you by ColonicAcid wrote:imagine having this little empathy

do you have autism bud? does your brain not see these people as humans? are they just a faceless statistic to you?
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by PKPenguin321 » #270401

calzilla1 wrote:Cowboy hat
(Also known as the ten gallon hat)
Activities in which a cow boy hat will improve
Riding borgs
Passing whisky
Having shoot outs with security
Saying "yee haw!"
Beating up city slickers
Shooting ass walkers
Building campfires
Twirling mustaches
Yes this please
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #270425

What in tarnation!

- Cowboy hat has a sec hailer/ Cowboy's up your voice.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #270734

Make firelocks buildable with an RCD.

Also add an RCD that explicitly makes wallmountings. As an engineer, it's really time-consuming to make light frames, air alarms, fire alarms, APCs, cameras and so on. I don't mind if it's inefficient, just that it isn't as time consuming to do it all the manual way. Maybe make it a premium engi-vend item that requires a coin?
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by PKPenguin321 » #271337

Make wizard apprentices inheret any objectives their master has in addition to the "protect your master" objective

Just saw a wizard apprentice get another wizard apprentice, the second layer apprentice ended up killing the original wizard and it was technically valid
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Screemonster » #271346

"technically valid" sounds like shorthand for "being a dick".
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Tokiko2 » #271348

Would be great if ghosts had some way to check atmos stats on tiles. So you can see how/why engineering is breaking the engine again or how cold that freon filled holodeck really is.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #271550

PKPenguin321 wrote:Make wizard apprentices inheret any objectives their master has in addition to the "protect your master" objective

Just saw a wizard apprentice get another wizard apprentice, the second layer apprentice ended up killing the original wizard and it was technically valid

Upstart young apprentices killing older, wiser wizards is a tradition of the Wizard Federation's Unseen University.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Armhulen » #271552

Anonmare wrote:
PKPenguin321 wrote:Make wizard apprentices inheret any objectives their master has in addition to the "protect your master" objective

Just saw a wizard apprentice get another wizard apprentice, the second layer apprentice ended up killing the original wizard and it was technically valid

Upstart young apprentices killing older, wiser wizards is a tradition of the Wizard Federation's Unseen University.
PALPATINE: He became so powerful . . . the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. (smiles) Plagueis never saw it coming. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.
One Seven One
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by One Seven One » #272143

You know the syndicate chemical ops ruin?
What if we gave them the ability to sell their chemical creations to agents for TCs?
Sell off bundles of gas grenades or a few large beakers of Thermite.

Also give them a chem dispenser just for traitor toxins.

Edit: They could even be under their own 'Local' tab to at least signify that there's a base active.
Just so a traitor doesn't buy up all their stuff early on only to realize they could have bought some chems from their local agents.
Last edited by One Seven One on Thu Mar 23, 2017 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Armhulen » #272161

Let lavaland syndies add their viruses and chemicals to the syndicate uplink with a pricetag YES
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Reece » #272375

1 TC bundle of hellchem airborne deathplagues please.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Armhulen » #272451

Reece wrote:1 TC bundle of hellchem airborne deathplagues please.
Obviously there has to be a tax for how many items sent
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by calzilla1 » #272453

Armhulen wrote:
Reece wrote:1 TC bundle of hellchem airborne deathplagues please.
Obviously there has to be a tax for how many items sent
Make it so tc gives perks (more chems to their machine, more stuff to make viruses, weapons n' shit) you wouldnt eant to sell your insta death needles for 1 tc then
Life is too short for anything meaningful and too long for anything memeingful
Super Aggro Crag wrote: The best shitpost youll ever be responsible for will be your obituary.
Quality debate brought to you by ColonicAcid wrote:imagine having this little empathy

do you have autism bud? does your brain not see these people as humans? are they just a faceless statistic to you?
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #272505

What does the syndie lab get out of it for co-operation, and couldn't it justify more syndie pop up ruins? (Syndie Cyborg/Mech construction facility)

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by calzilla1 » #272509

FantasticFwoosh wrote:What does the syndie lab get out of it for co-operation, and couldn't it justify more syndie pop up ruins? (Syndie Cyborg/Mech construction facility)
1 tc for ammo
2 for ammo variations (bleeding, toxic, ect)
5-40 for different weapons
10 for small upgrades
20 for large upgrades/new rooms
50 for full nuke ops promotion
Life is too short for anything meaningful and too long for anything memeingful
Super Aggro Crag wrote: The best shitpost youll ever be responsible for will be your obituary.
Quality debate brought to you by ColonicAcid wrote:imagine having this little empathy

do you have autism bud? does your brain not see these people as humans? are they just a faceless statistic to you?
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Armhulen » #272566

how much for permission to leave

and actually building on that, if a traitor meets the lavaops the lavaops should be able to leave with the traitor.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by AnonymousNow » #272747

Make it so that any random piece of bric-a-brac found in maintenance, storage rooms or similar has a ridiculously low random chance to be the equivalent traitor item.

For example, timers look exactly like chameleon projectors look exactly like timers. Make it so that timers are, occasionally, replaced with chameleon projectors.
Hornygranny wrote:It's not your codebase. It's our codebase. You can imply soft power as much as you want, but you don't have it. Division between the server and project is absolute. I'm not interested in reading dezzmont platitudes for the billionth time and won't be checking back in this thread.

~Simplified for the sake of Wyzack's delicate feelings~
Fuck anti-roleplay suggestions and fuck Bay.

Xenomorphs a shit.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #272784

1% chance, like igloves in yellow toolboxes?

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Reece » #272905

Port gmod to byond.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by AnonymousNow » #272942

DemonFiren wrote:1% chance, like igloves in yellow toolboxes?
Something low enough so that only the most autistic types will systematically carve their way through maintenance every round, because it so rarely yields anything, but high enough so that hilarious miracles can happen.

Probably best to compile a list. Chameleon projectors look like timers. Bomb beacons look like tracking beacons. Parapens and pen uplinks (empty? Two TCs?) look like... pens. Non-slip chameleon shoes and jumpsuits look like regular shoes and jumpsuits. So on and so forth.
Hornygranny wrote:It's not your codebase. It's our codebase. You can imply soft power as much as you want, but you don't have it. Division between the server and project is absolute. I'm not interested in reading dezzmont platitudes for the billionth time and won't be checking back in this thread.

~Simplified for the sake of Wyzack's delicate feelings~
Fuck anti-roleplay suggestions and fuck Bay.

Xenomorphs a shit.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Togopal » #272945

AnonymousNow wrote: Probably best to compile a list. Chameleon projectors look like timers. Bomb beacons look like tracking beacons. Parapens and pen uplinks (empty? Two TCs?) look like... pens. Non-slip chameleon shoes and jumpsuits look like regular shoes and jumpsuits. So on and so forth.
I dont think giving greyshits and janitors a chance to find a bomb is a good idea, even if its a rare chance

One Seven One
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by One Seven One » #272946

calzilla1 wrote:
FantasticFwoosh wrote:What does the syndie lab get out of it for co-operation, and couldn't it justify more syndie pop up ruins? (Syndie Cyborg/Mech construction facility)
1 tc for ammo
2 for ammo variations (bleeding, toxic, ect)
5-40 for different weapons
10 for small upgrades
20 for large upgrades/new rooms
50 for full nuke ops promotion
15 -One of those four chemical big bombs that you can sell a traitor a beacon too
25 -That zombie virus
30 -A bridge for leaving the base or letting someone enter the base
70 - 'Scrubber backpressure surge' event nut instead of it being random chems it's whatever you want
100 -Fungal Tuberculosis grenade

Maybe the items would have prices base off how many chems are in the grenade/syringe or set prices depending on how lethal they are?
That second one would be a bit hard to put a price too though.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #273024

AnonymousNow wrote:Make it so that any random piece of bric-a-brac found in maintenance, storage rooms or similar has a ridiculously low random chance to be the equivalent traitor item.

For example, timers look exactly like chameleon projectors look exactly like timers. Make it so that timers are, occasionally, replaced with chameleon projectors.
When mining was on he asteroid, you could find chameleon jumpsuits from abandoned crates and I think no-slips too.

I also remember being able to find transparent PDAs from the poster advertisements as well
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #273028

Scanning a poster with your PDA should issue a advertisement, sort of like those barcode scanning things we have with smartphones.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Fiz Bump » #273316

It would be cool if there was a way to get smoke from chem reactions into the atmos system. Like, you cab scrub it out of a room or send it into other areas by modifying an atmos loop.
Not sure how this could be done without a bunch of tedious atmos coding though.
I play Fiz Bump.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #273321

Why not alter the scrubber to smoke'ify the reagents? A particle dispenser or something.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Fiz Bump » #273322

Oh, and in response to the syndie base trading, you could just add a unique fulton beacon to the uplink for a hefty price tag and have it linked to a bunch of fulton packs on the lavaland base.
That way the syndies on base could send whatever they want to the syndie station-side. You could easily balance it by only giving the syndie base a limited number of fulton packs and by making the station-side fulton beacon cost 18 TCs. This way, it would be a gamble for the traitor on whether or not the syndie base players were competent enough to make it worth his TCs.
I play Fiz Bump.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Slignerd » #273334

Well I mean, whatever scientists can cook up isn't really that strong and could be much cheaper.

Was about to suggest that it shouldn't cost as much, then I realized that there's still sniper rifles and the self-destruct.
It would appear that I'm a high RP weeb who hates roleplay and anime.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #274018

Allow the making of Access-restricted lockers by adding airlock electronics to a normal locker. Adding a blank ID card allows you to make it a personal-owned locker.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by calzilla1 » #274054

Remove the random bundle weighting
Life is too short for anything meaningful and too long for anything memeingful
Super Aggro Crag wrote: The best shitpost youll ever be responsible for will be your obituary.
Quality debate brought to you by ColonicAcid wrote:imagine having this little empathy

do you have autism bud? does your brain not see these people as humans? are they just a faceless statistic to you?
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #274211

One small thing Bay had that I don't think we do: backpack welding tanks for engineering and atmos.
They have less capacity than their bigger counterparts and you really don't wanna stick a lit welder in there, but they do seem useful for major construction autism.

You should probably blow up in a high-temperature environment or after taking sufficient burn damage, though.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Jacough » #275033

Garrote wire:
A very thin hard to see piece of wire that can be placed up to two tiles. Anyone who runs into it takes heavy brute damage and gets knocked down but walking lets you duck under it. Takes a few seconds to set up and you can use wire cutters to cut it.
confused rock
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by confused rock » #276429

thats a fucking incredibly shitty suggestion fam just place 2 in a row in a hallway and acquire esword thatd be like the uranium walls thing but invisible
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #276556

Requires two metal rods and 30 lengths of cable.

Click it on a wall to place the first rod down and then click on another wall opposite it within 5 tiles to place the second rod down. Anyone running, but not walking, over the wire will be knocked over and will be forced to throw whatever they're holding as hard as they can directly in front of them. Knockdown from a trip wire lasts only but a second. Cablecutters removes and returns the wire and rods.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Qbopper » #276705

this is a much more reasonable version

though I like the idea of a more dangerous traitor version
Limey wrote:its too late.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #278102

You should be able to dig a hole in asteroid/lavaland turf tiles and be able to bury items and people by placing sand/ash in the hole. Burying people will leave a raised patch of dirt, add some wood to make a cross.

Bury your dead compatriots, hide evidence and even hide yourself in the ground. Burying yourself will somewhat reduce damage from ash storms but only enough for you to just manage to survive from full health.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Kyrah Abattoir » #279475

Racks should prevent items from being moved around by pressure differences.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Yakumo_Chen » #279743

EMP proof upgrade for traitor AI APCs (or the sat and all machines on it in general). I'm tired of being GG NO RE from space with only two EMP grenades or an implant. You don't even have to hack in and fight the turrets, grenades just kill you every time, and drains all your power in the SMES so you can't rechage.

I should be able to have a way to counter the most critical flaw of silicons if I'm a traitor AI, as EMP basically makes any fight against an AI a one-sided battle.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #279820

Increase the consumption of oxygen by carbon mobs and production of CO2 as well. For an atmospherics simulator, death by lack of air is surprisingly uncommon
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by XDTM » #279898

That's mostly because everyone starts with ~15 minutes worth of air in a box, removing the oxygen in a room isn't really going to faze anyone as long as that's true.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by MrEousTranger » #279924

FantasticFwoosh wrote:Scanning a poster with your PDA should issue a advertisement, sort of like those barcode scanning things we have with smartphones.
You should then be able to order an item that is shown
Which is then delivered to you through cargo which cargo must deliver to you or else.
Money can be added to your account by inserting cash into pda
Commie posters = ushanka, rare chance of a russian revolver with one bullet
xeno babes poster = a signed copy of "the Lusty Xenomorph Maid" signed By W. Johnson, rare chance of maid dress
Igloves= discount I gloves, rare chance of real I gloves
Silenced pistol = a message from a nigerian prince that when replied to empties your wallet then causes your pda to spam advertizements at other people until it is deactivated
Sec posters = deputy badge, toy sec officer, rare chance of fake sec door controller
Syndicate poster = Syndie Balloon, 2 tc sent directly to uplink if used with a traitor uplink pda, rare chance of fake nuke disk
Ian poster = Toy Ian and Toy HoP, rare chance of recieving a constructable robo corgi named E-N
Nanotrasen = Nanotrasen balloon, rare chance of fake nuke
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #279959

XDTM wrote:That's mostly because everyone starts with ~15 minutes worth of air in a box, removing the oxygen in a room isn't really going to faze anyone as long as that's true.
If you increase O2 consumption, that tanks not gonna last nearly that long
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by XDTM » #280001

Even if it was tripled that's still 5 minutes of free coasting before anyone takes a single point of damage from it, so it'll only really be a factor when a huge area is breached or if someone is in space, and it would still prevent assassination via de-oxygenating rooms.
a.k.a. Duke Hayka

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Armhulen » #280035

XDTM wrote:Even if it was tripled that's still 5 minutes of free coasting before anyone takes a single point of damage from it, so it'll only really be a factor when a huge area is breached or if someone is in space, and it would still prevent assassination via de-oxygenating rooms.
It's definitely an improvement though, it makes long term situations problematic.
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