Bottom post of the previous page:
Ill post here what I said in the other thread (and more ;))Drynwyn wrote:This is actually a really good idea, there's essentially no reason right now to buy a bundle over a Surplus Crate.calzilla1 wrote:Can someone buff bundles, some of them are really shit
Spy:Replace the switch blade with a butterfly knife doea massive damage and a stun when back stabbed but tiny amounts and shows your true name on anything but
Stealth:Add an EMP flash light
Screwed:idk maybe add an emag or ID
Guns: Look at /vg/ make it fucking ANY GUN oooooor a FUCK TON of random goof gun parts
Murder:Add a soap for SLIPPING ACTION!
Implant: Make it a macro bomb for the lelz
Hacker:Add an EMP flashlight
Lord Sing: Add a enrcypt key
Sabotage: 2 X4s and an emag
Dark Lord: idk I think its breddy balanced
Sniper: Add a pistol w/ spare mag and a disk that lets you print any 50 cal round
Metaops: Add an adrenal implant for maximum benny hill