Minor Suggestions

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Byond Username: Calzilla1

Re: Stock photos are dumb

Post by calzilla1 » #242344

Bottom post of the previous page:

Drynwyn wrote:
calzilla1 wrote:Can someone buff bundles, some of them are really shit
This is actually a really good idea, there's essentially no reason right now to buy a bundle over a Surplus Crate.
Ill post here what I said in the other thread (and more ;))
Spy:Replace the switch blade with a butterfly knife doea massive damage and a stun when back stabbed but tiny amounts and shows your true name on anything but
Stealth:Add an EMP flash light
Screwed:idk maybe add an emag or ID
Guns: Look at /vg/ make it fucking ANY GUN oooooor a FUCK TON of random goof gun parts
Murder:Add a soap for SLIPPING ACTION!
Implant: Make it a macro bomb for the lelz
Hacker:Add an EMP flashlight
Lord Sing: Add a enrcypt key
Sabotage: 2 X4s and an emag
Dark Lord: idk I think its breddy balanced
Sniper: Add a pistol w/ spare mag and a disk that lets you print any 50 cal round
Metaops: Add an adrenal implant for maximum benny hill
Life is too short for anything meaningful and too long for anything memeingful
Super Aggro Crag wrote: The best shitpost youll ever be responsible for will be your obituary.
Quality debate brought to you by ColonicAcid wrote:imagine having this little empathy

do you have autism bud? does your brain not see these people as humans? are they just a faceless statistic to you?
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Byond Username: Calzilla1

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by calzilla1 » #242353

Also port /vg/s explosive implant
Life is too short for anything meaningful and too long for anything memeingful
Super Aggro Crag wrote: The best shitpost youll ever be responsible for will be your obituary.
Quality debate brought to you by ColonicAcid wrote:imagine having this little empathy

do you have autism bud? does your brain not see these people as humans? are they just a faceless statistic to you?
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Byond Username: Reondin

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Sweets » #242393

"Summon Bees. Summons bees in every open space adjacent to the wizard. 40 sec cooldown. Robes required. Costs one spell point. Upgrading the spell replaces bees with random chemical bees. These bees will attack the wizard if he is not wearing Yellow or black robes."
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #243220

Paintable beakers. Black beakers are opaque and do not show contents.
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Byond Username: Reece1995

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Reece » #243406

Parasite MMI. Tator item, attack a downed person with it to suction their brain out and make it an MMI with legs, it can leap like an alien and attach to peoples faces to hijack their bodies into mind slaves.
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Byond Username: Swindly

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Swindly » #243439

Make mixing xeno blood with virus mutagens give another set of endgame symptoms.
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #243467

Emagging a janitor's holo-emitter or holobarrier tool should allow you to make a holographic image or solid holographic illusion of yourself, the barrier one should be push aroundable and take a few hits to dissapate.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #243479

Let me wear a belt while naked.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #243873

Mimes get access to a musical instrument screen when they *airguitar that lets them play imaginary instruments.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #243877

Clowns can use bananium and the circuit imprinter to build a 'Honky-tonk' board which when constructed with four airhorns and a machine frame builds a piano that plays the honk sound at various pitches and accepts song inputs, so you can finally remake: https://aberrantkenosis.bandcamp.com/al ... n-volume-1
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #243878

Balloons that can be filled from air tanks for various levels of boyouncy / shenanigans potential. Tying enough of them to something makes it weightless and float around randomly.
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #243893

Pink slime cores injected with sugar makes slime treats that greatly buff slime friendship levels.
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Byond Username: DemonFiren

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #243894

Holy sextuplepost Batman, edit your posts.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Lumbermancer » #244342

"Low Frequency EMP", or LFE. Syndicate agent handheld multi-use tool allowing one to disable all light sources on screen, like Sling could.
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Byond Username: Jacough

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Jacough » #244474

Implement a Twitter system. Like the news feed but you can check it from your PDA at any time. You can also do @ different departments

> Cucked a traitor fuccboi with soap #robust #salt
> @security lmao warden check your armory #greytide
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #244488

Replace all glasses with a generic item type, these generics have properties similar to radio headsets except instead of inserting and removing decryption keys you can insert and remove 'functionality' for example a red, scouter style security hud has the 'security overlay software' property and nothing else while a set of HUD sunglasses has 'Tinted lenses' and 'Security Overlay software'. The space available for properties varies between glasses type, all basic generic glasses only have space for one property. Some might have none to start with however, things like prescription glasses might have 'vision corrective lenses' or sunglasses might have 'tinted lenses'. But you could swap those around so your sunglasses now correct your vision at the expense of losing their protective properties.

So why would you do it this way? Well for starters you could pop out the properties you want from one set of glasses and hide them in another, plus there could be upgraded versions of the current hud types that give you exact health values or show when a person is visibly carrying contraband. Or let you lock down cyborgs / control bots like you can manipulate records with hud glasses but for upgraded diagnostic huds.
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #244915

Dumping liquid chems on a knife should add a chemical colored blotchy overlay to the blade (like blood) and add a fraction of the amount of chemicals on the blade to the bloodsteam of those you stab. Should work for anything that can 'impale' as well, adding ALL the chemicals on the weapon slowly over time as long as it remains embedded. Finally a reason to buy syndicate shurikens.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #244932

Are you fucking serious, shuriken in a pneu cannon are robust as fuck.

non-lizard things:
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #244933

buyable remote control cars that fit inside vents, can mount a camera assembly to let you see through its eyes. Can also drag most items by dragging and dropping things onto its sprite.
DemonFiren wrote:Are you fucking serious, shuriken in a pneu cannon are robust as fuck.
Just use shards you weeb

Active magboots should let you walk freely inside disposal pipes.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Screemonster » #245012

Weepo wrote:buyable remote control cars that fit inside vents, can mount a camera assembly to let you see through its eyes. Can also drag most items by dragging and dropping things onto its sprite.
make it attachable like other assemblies and give the controller a button to activate it, so you can use it with C4 like that bit in The Dead Pool
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #245395

Allow robotics to put active robots in crates. This could have FUN uses as a traitor.
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #246176

Bluespace fannypacks that hold as much as a regular dufflebag
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #246177

Add the special equipment of the command positions like the compact defib, hypospray, advanced magboots and others to the available research at 6+
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Byond Username: Anonmare

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #246192

Add a white crayon to the crayon packs. I need to scare people with fake sac runes gosh dangit to heck.

Make the Chaplain's hoodie able to be dyed different colours too.
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #246265

Breifcase turret for traitors, costs 7tc, folded it looks like a regular briefcase, used in hand it deploys and after a very short delay begins gunning down anyone in sight with deadly lasers. Can swipe an ID through it to add it to the nokill list, swipe again to remove. Can only fold the turret if you're on the whitelist, anyone can unfold. Can be opened with a screwdriver and hacked, has three wires, one is the ID wire, pulse to erase the whitelist, cut to remove all FFID, one is the 'fold' wire, cutting it stops the turret working and keeps it folded, pulsing it folds / unfolds the turret. last is the zap wire that shocks your ass if you touch the turret without proper ID, cutting it removes that feature. Pulsing it electrocutes the breifcase AND turret forms.
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #246280

Ion handgun for traitors. A blue pocket fittable handgun with regenerating ammo that is an ion gun, Fuck up borgs and machinery more efficiently than a emp flashlight at the expense of audiable noise and obvious action.
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #246329

Syndicate bomb collar, attachable clothing that accepts a timer, signaller, voice analyzer / whatever. Cannot be removed by wearer, detonates when signalled, when the wearer is critted or removal is attempted by anyone else. The only way to remove it is to swipe the ID used to lock it in the first place or use EMP (risky). obliterates a 3x3 square and guaranteed decapitation with a chance to gib the wearer. Obvious sprite when worn, can be used to ensure loyalty to syndicates and turn a random assistant into a unwilling sidekick.
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Byond Username: Calzilla1

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by calzilla1 » #246472

Weepo wrote:Ion handgun for traitors. A blue pocket fittable handgun with regenerating ammo that is an ion gun, Fuck up borgs and machinery more efficiently than a emp flashlight at the expense of audiable noise and obvious action.
Emp granades and an implant are enough
Life is too short for anything meaningful and too long for anything memeingful
Super Aggro Crag wrote: The best shitpost youll ever be responsible for will be your obituary.
Quality debate brought to you by ColonicAcid wrote:imagine having this little empathy

do you have autism bud? does your brain not see these people as humans? are they just a faceless statistic to you?
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Byond Username: Anonmare

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #246537

Allow hackable wall mounted machines (I.E. APCs, air alarms and fire alarms) to be reinforced in the same manner as airlocks, making them slightly more difficult to break into and reinforcing them against damage.
Also allow plasma sheets to be inserted into them to give EMP resilience, might give a bored engie something to do.

As well as allow the cyborg metal dispenser to count as two metal sheets when it comes to adding reinforcements to airlocks, it does when it comes to adding metal to girders so the inconsistency is odd.

Make closed, immobile boxes made from Syndicate cardboard invisible to people wearing secHUDs

Give the Chaplain "replica" Blood/Clock cult armour, nothing special about it, it just looks like regular cult attire. Maybe let the Null Rod become lesser artefact weapons of the two cults (Eldritch Longsword and Ratvarian Spear respectively).

Give the Syndicate gas masks a voice changer, no chameleon though. As well as make it possible to alter a voice changer's say verb and span text.
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Byond Username: Swindly

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Swindly » #246565

Allow buttons to be built.
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #246573

Spurr augment: Researched at some arbitrary point. Allows you to store whatevers in your hand in your arm and deploy it instantly from seemingly nowhere to your hand. You can drop it from this point but it lets you hide guns swords and other neat shit in your bits.
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Byond Username: Kustridaren

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by kust » #246714

When there is two chaplains and you transform your nullrod make a warning about what it will turn into. Right now you don't know what it will turn into like the god hand.
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #246847

Telepaths should be able to perform telepathy from inside MMIs
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #246855

Hitting someone point blank with a shotgun and hitting them every shell should send them two tiles like hitting them with a baseball bat. It should also stun like being hit with a telebaton. Oh also: The impact should dismember possibly. Basically firing the shotgun point blank should hit with an invisible melee weapon at the same time that has the baseball bat and dismembering property.
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Byond Username: DemonFiren

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #246922

Yeah, great idea. Make buckshot even more powerful.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #246958

Make the tesla unattracted to grilles. Once it finds an area with a lot of grilles, it never leaves because it can't destroy them but it's still attracted to them.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Screemonster » #246969

inb4 some hero engineer uses a shitload of grilles to lure the tesla back into the field generators and recontain it
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Byond Username: Scrubs2009

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by scrubs2009 » #246994

Let drones build destructible plastic flaps. I NEED THEM FOR MY DRONE AUTISM FORTS.
Thanks, Kev.
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #247189

DemonFiren wrote:Yeah, great idea. Make buckshot even more powerful.
Well another suggestion is give shotguns a less wimpy sprite and make them two handed. You can fire it one handed once its pumped but it has a chance to fly out of your hand and smack you in the face.
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #247513

Make bannana calm down monkey
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #247542

Hitting a signaller in the 'able to be modified' configuration with another signaller that is secured should change the modifyable signaller's signal frequency to that of the secured one.

Actually this should be standard behavior for most attachables like proxies and timers for matching times and settings
Last edited by Weepo on Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by PKPenguin321 » #247543

Weepo wrote:Hitting a signaller in the 'able to be modified' configuration with another signaller that is secured should change the modifyable signaller's signal frequency to that of the secured one.
This is actually an excellent idea
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #247589

Add a function to the chameleon suits to 'lock' and 'unlock' by using a multitool, locking the suit removes its disguise ability to allow it to pass security checks making it less of a liability for sneaky syndies.

Replace the thermal-glasses chameleon ability with the standard chameleon behaviour.

Allow smugglers satchels to fit in the belt and exosuit storage pockets of most standard exosuits, allowing you to store your sawnoff shotgun and ammo inside your leather duster for columbining the crew to death. (and also missing out on a thorough security check of your pockets and pack.) the only way they'd know its there is if they took your exosuit which is usually reserved for air tanks.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Screemonster » #247728

Weepo wrote:Add a function to the chameleon suits to 'lock' and 'unlock' by using a multitool, locking the suit removes its disguise ability to allow it to pass security checks making it less of a liability for sneaky syndies.
make it lock and unlock by clicking it with un unlocked uplink. Do this for all stealthy antag items.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Cobby » #247798

Weepo wrote:Hitting a signaller in the 'able to be modified' configuration with another signaller that is secured should change the modifyable signaller's signal frequency to that of the secured one.

Actually this should be standard behavior for most attachables like proxies and timers for matching times and settings
Voted best trap in /tg/ 2014-current
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #247829

Something in this thread actually gettin' done, and its my idea? The fuk m8
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Byond Username: Anonmare

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #248170

Make external airlocks start with their door timers already pulsed.

Seriously it's phenomenally good at stopping spacewind
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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #248523

Staffs of all kinds should apply their magic in melee. The staff of animation should be able to animate things directly from your inventory / hands.
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Byond Username: FantasticFwoosh

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #248826

Id still like to retain the right to literally beat people to death with the staff's. Perhaps the fire wand should burn people in melee to stop wizards exploding in their own face.

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Byond Username: Weepo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Weepo » #249024

Like a separate / limited set of abilities for melee with a staff? Sure I could see it.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Armhulen » #249034

staff of sentience when
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