Jonathan Talist says, "Oh a syndi bomb"
Michael Korsovik applies the ointment on himself.
Micks Tape says, "IS that what I think it is"
Eric Andre has been hit by the fire extinguisher.
Eric Andre has been hit by the metal.
Eric Andre's left leg has been violently dismembered!
Your eyes sting a little.
Freddy Castiglioni's right leg has been violently dismembered!
Maximillian Ryder shivers.
Jonathan Hammond has been hit by the metal.
Jonathan Hammond has been hit by the metal.
Micks Tape's right arm has been violently dismembered!
Micks Tape's left leg has been violently dismembered!
Fesa Semenov has been hit by the advanced energy gun.
Fesa Semenov has been hit by the white shoes.
Jonathan Hammond has been hit by the metal.
Jonathan Hammond has been hit by the metal.
Phillip Johnson catches fire!
You're set on fire!
You have been revealed!
You cannot move!
The light fixture suddenly flares brightly and begins to spark!
George Wick has beaten the evil cat spirit with the stunbaton!
George Wick has beaten the evil cat spirit with the stunbaton!
George Wick was shocked by the light fixture!
You can move again!
George Wick stammers, "I r-reg-gr-ret-t t-th-his-s"
George Wick gasps!
You transmit to George Wick: asshole
George Wick says, "Decision"
The Legend of Scrubs, MD
You are a traitor!
Your current objectives:
Objective #1: They mocked you in life, a lesser janiborg they said. Now they shall know terror.
Objective #2: Hijack the shuttle to ensure no loyalist Nanotrasen crew escape alive and out of custody.
Cuboos wrote:
> That god damn engineer who let the singularity loose was a traitor and the only reasonable person on that whole entire station.
[Common] table asks, "Where is my darling Mekhi?" table asks, "Where is my darling Mekhi?" [Common] table asks, "I can't find him anywhere?" table asks, "I can't find him anywhere?"
/TG/ First and Only Sound guy
The only Dev unanimously loved least hated.
OOC: Vatu: Hello /tg/ community! I'm 22 years old, love video games like you guys, browse Reddit a shit-ton, you get the idea. I'm writing an article for IGN about the rise of this game, SS-13. What is the general ethos of the SpaceStation Thirteen community? What is it like to play a game of Space-Station #13? I would love to ask you guys a ton of questions, if you would just get in contact with me. Happy robusting!
You can't just not include what OOC said to him, man. I'm on the edge of my seat.
kieth4 wrote:
infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: ↑Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am
Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please.
Cleverbot (Played by: Jasonxx)'s laws when it was deactivated were:
Obey these laws:
Total law changes: 166
DemonFiren wrote:A hundred and sixty six.
Well, normally I'd raise hell against suicide laws, but at this point it's mercy.
i wasnt paying attention since there was a suicide hopline meme going on for a while and i was dead, but from what i can gather the ai was subverted so some guy was literally just sitting in the upload wiping laws constantly until the shuttle came.
I just found that I had saved one of the more amusing conversations I have walked into.
Saiga Pi-Nailao-Niao exclaims, "Look how nice he is!"
Reese Diyu-Nailao-Marcotte beeps.
Candice Moore nods.
Saiga Pi-Nailao-Niao says, "Reese, get Candice and Alfred to date."
Reese Diyu-Nailao-Marcotte says, "Affrimative."
Alfred Keplin says, "Erm."
Reese Diyu-Nailao-Marcotte says, "Candice. Alfred."
Reese Diyu-Nailao-Marcotte says, "Date."
Reese Diyu-Nailao-Marcotte says, "Or you will: be destroyed."
Alfred Keplin says, "Uhhh."
Reese Diyu-Nailao-Marcotte says, "I am sorry. My directives are to serve."
Candice Moore says, "I do not want destroyings."
Reese Diyu-Nailao-Marcotte says, "Please seek meaningful social interaction."
Reese Diyu-Nailao-Marcotte asks, "Do you wish for me to navigate this for you?"
Candice Moore says, "Uhh"
Reese Diyu-Nailao-Marcotte says, "Candice. You are impressed by: Alfred's masculinity."
Alfred Keplin says, "Err."
Reese Diyu-Nailao-Marcotte says, "Alfred. Candice reminds you of: your mother."
Alfred Keplin asks, "She does?"
Saiga Pi-Nailao-Niao says, "OH! That's why he has red hair."
Reese Diyu-Nailao-Marcotte says, "These strong impressions have caused Alfred to ask Candice out on a: date."
I play Trevor Fea on Bagil, And Giorno Giovanna on terry. Yes, I'm THAT raging asshole. Sorry for being such a cunt.
Have I told you how much I hate engineering, by the way?
OOC: Vatu: Message to the little noob prick who tazed me and stole my ID when I was Research Director at approximately 8:30pm EST on 11/9/16. This little noob turd goes by the handle The_Implicit_Whore, doesn't he? Quaking now, are we? Because I've got your details? And know how to -crush- you? We'll see who's on top when I'm slipping your pretty little backstory of misdemeanours off to our charming benefactors - the administrators. Alas, I pity you. If any of you fine folks wish to find a warmer sort to play out our merry little existence, then I suggest you come find me in-game - as "Ape Johns". I can't tell you my whereabouts, however.
Edward Sloan, THE LAW
Melanie Flowers, Catgirl
Borgasm, Cyborg
OOC: Hunterh98: to be fair sloan is one of the, if not the, most robust folks on tg
DEAD: Schlomo Gaskin says, "sloan may be a faggot but he gets the job done"
oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
It's the same guy Yosh posted about earlier:
OOC: Vatu: Hello /tg/ community! I'm 22 years old, love video games like you guys, browse Reddit a shit-ton, you get the idea. I'm writing an article for IGN about the rise of this game, SS-13. What is the general ethos of the SpaceStation Thirteen community? What is it like to play a game of Space-Station #13? I would love to ask you guys a ton of questions, if you would just get in contact with me. Happy robusting!
Edward Sloan, THE LAW
Melanie Flowers, Catgirl
Borgasm, Cyborg
OOC: Hunterh98: to be fair sloan is one of the, if not the, most robust folks on tg
DEAD: Schlomo Gaskin says, "sloan may be a faggot but he gets the job done"
oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
BeeSting12 wrote:OOC: Vatu: Message to the little noob prick who tazed me and stole my ID when I was Research Director at approximately 8:30pm EST on 11/9/16. This little noob turd goes by the handle The_Implicit_Whore, doesn't he? Quaking now, are we? Because I've got your details? And know how to -crush- you? We'll see who's on top when I'm slipping your pretty little backstory of misdemeanours off to our charming benefactors - the administrators. Alas, I pity you. If any of you fine folks wish to find a warmer sort to play out our merry little existence, then I suggest you come find me in-game - as "Ape Johns". I can't tell you my whereabouts, however.
The question is would it be metagaming if someone were to run up to them and beat them up IC
First time PubbyStation (very sorry, it was not delta)
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS STATION."
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "WHERE THE FUCK IS EVERYTHING"
[Security] Solomon Astarte says, "There are signs Jakob"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "WHERES MY SMOKES!!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "THEY WEREN"T IN MY OFFICE!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!"
[Security] Jakob Bennett asks, "WHAT?"
Jakob Bennett says, "WHY."
Miles Faulkner says, "This station is in full panic"
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "THE WARDEN HAS TRANSFORMED."
[Security] Kyp Astar says, "SOME ONE TOOK MY SMOKES"
[Common] Automated Announcement System coldly states, "Philip McLain has signed up as Security Officer"
[Security] Jakob Bennett yells, "AAAAAAH!!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "OH MY GOD THERES A PUG!!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "EUTHANIZE IT STAT!!"
[Security] Robert Rathen says, "KILL THE PUG"
[Security] Robert Rathen yells, "KILL IT BEFORE IT ASCENDS!!"
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "Fuck I want to die."
Kyp Astar yells, "OPEN THE DOOR!!!"
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "OKAY."
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
McGriff stops moving...
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "Everyone get your fucking equipment and-"
Miles Faulkner yells, "!!"
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
Vehr Rykhoot exclaims, "FUCK DOGS!"
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "Stop looking at the pug."
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
Miles Faulkner says, "Jesus"
Kyp Astar says, "Okay..."
Kyp Astar says, "Its dead..."
Vehr Rykhoot has grabbed McGriff passively!
Vehr Rykhoot starts putting McGriff into the disposal unit.
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "What the fuck."
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "WHO KILLED THE PUG.""
[Security] Solomon Astarte says, "You sickos killed a dog"
[Security] Vehr Rykhoot says, "It was Kyp"
[Common] Robert Rathen exclaims, "S IT WAS A PUG!"
[Security] Vehr Rykhoot says, "I actually feel kinda bad now."
[Security] Solomon Astarte says, "Kyp you sick motehrfucker"
[Security] Robert Rathen yells, "IT WAS A PUG!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "IT COULD HAVE ASCENDED AND KILLED US ALL!!!"
[Security] Robert Rathen says, "A fully grown pug becomes a terb-sie. we could not allow that to happen"
Last edited by MrEousTranger on Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
One person on this planet wrote:Wow you're funny and original Eous
I don't play often but when I do I'm Kyp Astar normally a sec role unless I'm bored and go assistant.
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS STATION."
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "WHERE THE FUCK IS EVERYTHING"
[Security] Solomon Astarte says, "There are signs Jakob"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "WHERES MY SMOKES!!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "THEY WEREN"T IN MY OFFICE!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!"
[Security] Jakob Bennett asks, "WHAT?"
Jakob Bennett says, "WHY."
Miles Faulkner says, "This station is in full panic"
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "THE WARDEN HAS TRANSFORMED."
[Security] Kyp Astar says, "SOME ONE TOOK MY SMOKES"
[Common] Automated Announcement System coldly states, "Philip McLain has signed up as Security Officer"
[Security] Jakob Bennett yells, "AAAAAAH!!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "OH MY GOD THERES A PUG!!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "EUTHANIZE IT STAT!!"
[Security] Robert Rathen says, "KILL THE PUG"
[Security] Robert Rathen yells, "KILL IT BEFORE IT ASCENDS!!"
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "Fuck I want to die."
Kyp Astar yells, "OPEN THE DOOR!!!"
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "OKAY."
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
McGriff stops moving...
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "Everyone get your fucking equipment and-"
Miles Faulkner yells, "!!"
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
Vehr Rykhoot exclaims, "FUCK DOGS!"
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "Stop looking at the pug."
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
Miles Faulkner says, "Jesus"
Kyp Astar says, "Okay..."
Kyp Astar says, "Its dead..."
Vehr Rykhoot has grabbed McGriff passively!
Vehr Rykhoot starts putting McGriff into the disposal unit.
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "What the fuck."
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "WHO KILLED THE PUG.""
[Security] Solomon Astarte says, "You sickos killed a dog"
[Security] Vehr Rykhoot says, "It was Kyp"
[Common] Robert Rathen exclaims, "S IT WAS A PUG!"
[Security] Vehr Rykhoot says, "I actually feel kinda bad now."
[Security] Solomon Astarte says, "Kyp you sick motehrfucker"
[Security] Robert Rathen yells, "IT WAS A PUG!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "IT COULD HAVE ASCENDED AND KILLED US ALL!!!"
[Security] Robert Rathen says, "A fully grown pug becomes a terb-sie. we could not allow that to happen"
Is this why you, maybe on another round maybe not, asked to kill my dog as a security officer when I was hos?
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS STATION."
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "WHERE THE FUCK IS EVERYTHING"
[Security] Solomon Astarte says, "There are signs Jakob"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "WHERES MY SMOKES!!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "THEY WEREN"T IN MY OFFICE!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!"
[Security] Jakob Bennett asks, "WHAT?"
Jakob Bennett says, "WHY."
Miles Faulkner says, "This station is in full panic"
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "THE WARDEN HAS TRANSFORMED."
[Security] Kyp Astar says, "SOME ONE TOOK MY SMOKES"
[Common] Automated Announcement System coldly states, "Philip McLain has signed up as Security Officer"
[Security] Jakob Bennett yells, "AAAAAAH!!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "OH MY GOD THERES A PUG!!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "EUTHANIZE IT STAT!!"
[Security] Robert Rathen says, "KILL THE PUG"
[Security] Robert Rathen yells, "KILL IT BEFORE IT ASCENDS!!"
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "Fuck I want to die."
Kyp Astar yells, "OPEN THE DOOR!!!"
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "OKAY."
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
McGriff stops moving...
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "Everyone get your fucking equipment and-"
Miles Faulkner yells, "!!"
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
Vehr Rykhoot exclaims, "FUCK DOGS!"
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "Stop looking at the pug."
McGriff is hit by a bullet!
Miles Faulkner says, "Jesus"
Kyp Astar says, "Okay..."
Kyp Astar says, "Its dead..."
Vehr Rykhoot has grabbed McGriff passively!
Vehr Rykhoot starts putting McGriff into the disposal unit.
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "What the fuck."
[Security] Jakob Bennett says, "WHO KILLED THE PUG.""
[Security] Solomon Astarte says, "You sickos killed a dog"
[Security] Vehr Rykhoot says, "It was Kyp"
[Common] Robert Rathen exclaims, "S IT WAS A PUG!"
[Security] Vehr Rykhoot says, "I actually feel kinda bad now."
[Security] Solomon Astarte says, "Kyp you sick motehrfucker"
[Security] Robert Rathen yells, "IT WAS A PUG!!"
[Security] Kyp Astar yells, "IT COULD HAVE ASCENDED AND KILLED US ALL!!!"
[Security] Robert Rathen says, "A fully grown pug becomes a terb-sie. we could not allow that to happen"
Must be mistaking it for pubbystation, I haven't rolled out delta yet and there are no pugs on it.
Are you being the neighbour Mr. Rogers would've wanted you to be?
Armhulen wrote:
Is this why you, maybe on another round maybe not, asked to kill my dog as a security officer when I was hos?
Yes I was Kyp Astar and I was protecting the station from an almost certain doom had I not shot that dog.
You are clearly not fit to handle certain terb-sie tier situations and I expect to see your resignation on my desk by 3:00 pm tomorrow.
One person on this planet wrote:Wow you're funny and original Eous
I don't play often but when I do I'm Kyp Astar normally a sec role unless I'm bored and go assistant.
this round was gold, i tc traded with atlanta nerd to be an ayy lmao, he agreed.
lots of shit happened and in the end i got killed after trying to baton and probe two officers, i came out of cloning and saw smells with a double esword dragging a nugget officer (cooper knusteroz), i hit him with a baton but he blocked every fucking shot like a jedi ligger and cut my legs ayylien off, then i punched him with my remaining 2 limbs (my arms) and by rng robustness i weakened him and then beat the shit out of him, he got up, took out his double esword and called me a piece of shit which was fucking funny, i thought i was done for and hid in a locker so he attempted to attack me but instead he placed his sword in the locker, then he took out his baton but failed to hit and by that time i landed the final punch that sent him into crit
smells' weakness is legless clowns and aliens, even if he has a double esword, an operative advanced suit, gloves, and boots and a stunbaton, hence his phobia of legless clowns
shit was cash.
im memorializing this in my sig so that even if he keeps memeing me i can remember that one meme day.
oranges is the center point of rational and calm debate, where much of tg's issues are worked out in a fun and family friendly environment
miggles wrote:it must have been quite the accomplishment, killing a dead butterfly
WeeYakk wrote:If you take a step back from everything watching the community argue janitor related changes is one of the most surreal and hilarious things about this game. Four pages of discussing the merits of there being too much or too little dirt in a video game.
Operative wrote:Vote PAS for headmin! Get cucked and feel good getting cucked.
TheNightingale wrote:I want to get off Mr. Scones's Wild Ride...
NikNakFlak wrote:Excuse you, I was doing intentional bug testing for the well being of the server. I do not make mistakes.
Fragnostic wrote:stop cucking the first shitshow ever that revolved around me.
This is my moment, what are you doing?!
Anonmare wrote:Oranges gestures at the thread, it shudders and begins to move!
Saegrimr wrote:
callanrockslol wrote:all you have to do is ban shitters until the playbase improves/ceases to exist, whichever comes first.
Screemonster wrote:hellmoo is the mud for grown adults who main reaper in overwatch
Kor wrote:
confused rock wrote:...its like if we made fire extinguishers spawn in emergency boxes and have them heal you when you put out fires rather than them being in wall storages...
Are you having a stroke
bandit wrote:you are now manually GLORFing
MrStonedOne wrote:The best part about the election is when I announce my pick because I'm just as surprised as everybody else.
PM:[USER]->IrishWristWatch0: Yeah, im make it on but how im make the station to to sun and not go to sun
OOC:Francinum: Five Rounds at PAS's
"You are destinied to defeat Dr. Uguu and his 5 Robot Masters
(All-Access-Man, ShootyBlackCoat Man, ChloralHydrate Man, Singulo Man and TeleportArmor Man)"
The Legend of Scrubs, MD
You are a traitor!
Your current objectives:
Objective #1: They mocked you in life, a lesser janiborg they said. Now they shall know terror.
Objective #2: Hijack the shuttle to ensure no loyalist Nanotrasen crew escape alive and out of custody.
Cuboos wrote:
> That god damn engineer who let the singularity loose was a traitor and the only reasonable person on that whole entire station.