Anonmare wrote:Make the QM a Head of Staff but without Command radio, bridge access, telebaton, zipties or flash.
It's time the QM became the shat-upon head he was born to be.
I've always been a fan of the roleplay during Revround where (I've seen it a few times) a revhead would bring a beatsquad to the QM and try and convince him to come quietly / lower his sunglasses and join the effort or be hurt. It's a small thing but it's something you don't often see in rev interactions simply because he starts with sunglasses but no implant. Him being a head would of course remove that (not saying it's a good or bad thing).
I wouldn't complain about QM being a head, but would that also mean a headban if a QM doesn't do specific things? It's a management task same as any other, and I am a terrible player so I have spent most of my time as either a QM or a Cargo Tech, I've seen all the different kinds of ways that a QM can play but at the same time what constitutes a real QM's job when they gain the scrutiny that comes with being a head?
But I will say if QM became head, doesn't get command but gets science radio to talk to RND about his miners that would be bretty cool. I'd like anything that could encourage miners to interact with the QM more rather than just bypassing him unless they need immediate help.