An0n3 wrote:
We have a really powerful and subtle way of bending our perceptions of reality in slight ways that are just far enough out of our control that there's a danger to that. Imagining what it would be like if everything you ever ate tasted like actual shit because your brain just interpreted it that way. And then suddenly getting stuck like that.
This is actually a thing that happens to people. Rarely, used to happen much more often.
It's how the old curse of "May all the food you eat turn to ash in your mouth" works even. If you truly and honestly believe you are cursed into never tasting anything but ashes, then your brain will make it happen.
The good news, it's easy enough to fix, and in fact most religions have ways to 'lift curses' which is basically fixing that sort of problem. Prayer, meditation, tribal rituals, a concoction of nice smelling herbs and everything else like it will also set your brain back on the right track if you truly believe it will. (Note that some things also double up for other uses. It's a complicated thing)
You know why we don't see curses anymore today while medieval peasants were scared of a witch in the woods? Because people stopped believing in them, so they no longer inflict these things on themselves. Even a curse for 'bad luck' is just something your brain makes real. All the simple things that are a bit annoying but no big deal and you would have shrugged off suddenly become signs of 'the curse' if you believe you are cursed.
Psychology ahoy!
Seriously though, brains are powerful. Handle with care