oranges wrote:Oldman actually can't envision a situation where a player wouldn't use all the powers available to them to make the round more enjoyable. Seriously, it's not his fault he just cannot imagine that situation at all.
It's almost as if peolpe have consistantly abused everything and anything to their advantage, ignoring RP and fun for anyone but themselves.
You make it sound like oldman is being rediculous, when he's simply being practical.
You cannot say 'devil is fine if the player decided to not be a powergaming shit', unless we actually have a ruleset to ensure that they're not a powergaming shit - because guess what, people like to be powergaming shits, and always have been, as seen by: literally every feature ever.
Or, you know... admins do what I suggested and only give devil to players who are actually going to rp.
Shadow it doesn't really matter, you can RP the fuck out of your contracts but the contracts already sell themselves and you are forced to evolve/ascend as you sell contracts. Once you ascend the round ends and its IMPS ERRYWHERE.
Each devil weakness does something different.
Salt disrupts spellcasting.
There's one that makes toolboxes deal 2.5x damage.
One that makes fruits/vegetables stun him.
One makes you deal more melee damage the whiter your jumpsuit is.
Silver irradiates the devil
Cold iron poisons the devil
Light causes flashes/flashbangs to disrupt spellcasting.
I'm working on a fix for the inability to put a jumpsuit on the devil for the banishment ritual. But the rest of the banishment rituals should work at all stages.
Okay, maybe 350 health is a bit much. Does 250 sound better?
The jaunt out is supposed to have a 10 second spool up time, but that seems to have been removed? Let me look into that, it might be my fault.
Should I also add a jaunt in spool up time?
>oldman attempts to use salt on it, many other people have attempted to use its weakness to kill it
>oldman fails, and does what he does best and maxcaps it
>it still survives
if the antagonist/object someone adds cannot either a: be maxcapped or b: has a feasable weakness to kill it
it's poor design on part of the person that created it, not a lack of robustness or effort.