Minor Suggestions

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #172770

Bottom post of the previous page:

For the love of all that is holy, let autorifles be silenced.


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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Armhulen » #172884

Add strafing to humans
Can in the current state of the game do the moonwalk: no.
Do I want the clown to do the boogie: yes.
Does it actually add anything to the game: no.
Do I want it for much arrr pee backing away from xeno: yes.
Everything checks out officer
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by paprika » #172918

You could add mousedown() support for holding a click in a direction to strafe in that direction and also for fully automatic weapons but it sends a lot of traffic to the server so I dunno if we want to implement it
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by PKPenguin321 » #172936

strafing is a shit but if we did it like pap said it might be cool
toggle strafing/making strafing the default is bad since people just slide around everywhere and never turn around or anything
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Armhulen » #172981

oh yeah that is true, be careful with strafing because I don't want to play 2d chess
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Durkel » #173862

Craftable baseball bats that can later have spikes added to them. They have a low chance to hit thrown items back at the the thrower except for something like a grenade that just explodes.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #174001

Durkel wrote:Craftable baseball bats that can later have spikes added to them. They have a low chance to hit thrown items back at the the thrower except for something like a grenade that just explodes.
Other way around, Spears and such go through, but anything small and round - say, grenades - is returned.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Meijerivoi » #174020

Please make nettles inject their reagents into victims already. I need my morphine sticks.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Pettyrelik » #174126

The police baton should fit into the armor slot. The telescopic baton does, even when extended.

Really annoying as the detective.
I'm a fairly new player but I've been practicing alot and have gotten better.

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"Why, as a woodcock to mine own springe, Osric. I am justly kill'd with mine own treachery."

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Malkevin » #174164

Pettyrelik wrote:The police baton should fit into the armor slot. The telescopic baton does, even when extended.

Really annoying as the detective.
I was the one that swapped the batons and thought the coat could hold the classic baton, so I agree with this. Do it.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Drynwyn » #174291

Something !!fun!! should happen if a wizard gets tesla zapped while he's charging a lightning bolt spell.
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Screemonster » #174647

Putting absolute fucktons of power into an APC should cause it to periodically cause !!FUN!! things to happen depending on just how excessive the power supply is.

Start with popping lights slightly more often, step up to setting off sparks in the area, blowing all the lights, small fires, breaking equipment and finally causing the cell to explode just as if it had plasma in it.

90% of the bad stuff should be mitigated by the breaker tripping and a power alarm going off unless the APC is emagged.

While we're at it, add a non-emag way to fuck with the breakers by just cramming wire in there to bypass them. Doing so removes normal control over the APC via the interface, locks it into an always-on state, and will shock you without gloves.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Smeller » #174659

Traitor's camera bug should let you observe areas much like you're using abductors camera console or when you're an AI, not just regular security console
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by InsaneHyena » #174852

Speaking of traitor items nobody ever uses, surgery dufflebags. This item is absolutely useless, unless you have a fully assembled cyborg shell - in order to create which, you need to be in robotics. But here's the deal - if you're in robotics anyway, you also have access to tools and MMIs. Sure, you still have to subvert the borg, but it can be done with an emag, a much better item - or hell, even a simple freeform board will replicate the effect of the syndicate MMI, since they both don't give the borg access to hacked weapons.
Solution - raise the price on it, but supply a fully assembled cyborg shell with it too. Also, give cyborgs created with syndicate MMI access to hacked tools.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #174867

InsaneHyena wrote:Speaking of traitor items nobody ever uses, surgery dufflebags. This item is absolutely useless, unless you have a fully assembled cyborg shell - in order to create which, you need to be in robotics. But here's the deal - if you're in robotics anyway, you also have access to tools and MMIs. Sure, you still have to subvert the borg, but it can be done with an emag, a much better item - or hell, even a simple freeform board will replicate the effect of the syndicate MMI, since they both don't give the borg access to hacked weapons.
Solution - raise the price on it, but supply a fully assembled cyborg shell with it too. Also, give cyborgs created with syndicate MMI access to hacked tools.
Honestly I had a few ideas for Syndicate MMI cyborgs, though both would require jacking up the price but if there was more functionality I think it'd see more use.

My first idea would be to give them a traitor-comms key and/or a traitor HUD, make them unemaggable, as well as unable to law-sync or connect to an AI.
As well as self-destruct upon death, or by choice, to prevent retrieving the MMI (blowing from the console also prevents MMI retrieval). The MMI could still be retrieved if you repeatedly flashed/ioned it while deconstructing.

Before any of you say that'd be too OP, let me point out that the syndie MMI doesn't give the borg hacked modules and it's stuck with an uneditable Syndie OS that lacks a Law 0 defining only you are a Syndicate Agent. Essentially meaning it'd have to obey, protect and conceal the presence of every traitor it came across - and it's doubly screwed if it's a Double Agent round. I'd say a good price for this would be 6 TCs since the cyborg has perfect knowledge of who is a traitor but doesn't necessarily have to tell you or help you exclusively.

My other idea would be to make them not appear on the robo console at all, essentially forcing a confrontation if Security wants to deactivate it, and unemaggable to prevent it from easily getting hacked modules or complete loyalty to any single person. The MMI would not blow up on this version and sec could easily interrogate it for answers. I'd make this version a solid 12-16 TCs at least since a borg with no robo connection would be at least destructive, if not more, as a Syndie bomb or a hacked AI and it's cost would have to be in the same ballpark.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by InsaneHyena » #174892

I think you're greatly overestimating the power of an unhacked cyborg. The most dangerous module of them all is standard, since it has a stun baton, and even then it's not really all that great. In order to reliably kill someone, an unhacked borg has to whack a guy with a stunbaton and drag him to the nearest airlock, all while stunning his victim again and again, draining his battery rapidly. This is by no means a syndcate bomb level of destruction.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by MMMiracles » #174896

I've actually used the surgery dufflebag to convert my target into my cyborg minion as an assistant before. I broke into robotics when nobody was watching and swiped a finished shell and just tossed the shit into some obscure maint corner to drag my target to.

Dufflebag is super conditional and looses all actual value for some jobs but it has valid use. Also if you're hitting the person enough with a baton that its draining the cell to unusuable levels then either you're hitting them a lot more than you need to or you have a shitty cell.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by confused rock » #174899

make the duffle 2tc with no mmi.
make a cyborg shell+mmi 1 tc
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Byond Username: Jacough

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Jacough » #174980

Since we've finally got dismemberment, how about doing something exceptionally useful with it? Make it so you can mount heads on rods and put them on display.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Screemonster » #175193

Jacough wrote:Since we've finally got dismemberment, how about doing something exceptionally useful with it? Make it so you can mount heads on rods and put them on display.
chaplain murderboner walking around with a trophy rack full of severed heads

fund it
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #175252

Hwee did eet four khayos
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Lumbermancer » #175480

Why don't chairs have sprite to show when person is buckled in?
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Thundercoot » #175516

Hug somebody with a cavity-implanted item? Have a chance of noticing that the person's chest feels a bit off. :c4:
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by TheNightingale » #176185

You should be able to create null rods by combining sufficient amounts of holy water and lava.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Reece » #176288

Ghetto ships, table craft a plasma cannister, two O2 tanks, an igniter, and an eva suit for a ghetto spaceship.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by One Seven One » #176342

Hard drugs should make you see tiles/people/everything spin
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by yackemflam » #176345

Jacough wrote:Since we've finally got dismemberment, how about doing something exceptionally useful with it? Make it so you can mount heads on rods and put them on display.
>Many Station Heads are killed
>CMO is the last one alive, somehow
>Looks outside of the bridge
>The severed heads of the HoS, HoP, Captain, RD, and CE are impaled on spears and put on display in front of you
>The grayshirts are stabbing the mutilated bodies
>The Revs are not giving you an option to escape
>Hear welding from the starboard side.
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by One Seven One » #176735

What if the chameleon traitor set came with a small signaler/PDA cartridge that let you switch the entire set on the fly instead of one at a time?
It would be good for quick disguise changes and maybe the signaler/PDA cartridge could be the only way of switching them, to prevent people from knowing you're a traitor just by stripping you and checking for the HuD icon.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Reece » #176746

Implant flashes into your eyes.
Add mining drills, stun batons, pneumatic cannons and mech weapons to things you augment your arm with ala chainsaws.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by PKPenguin321 » #176785

Reece wrote:Implant flashes into your eyes.
Add mining drills, stun batons, pneumatic cannons and mech weapons to things you augment your arm with ala chainsaws.
If I ever make the chainsaw augment system more modular this might be possible but I'm kind of lazy
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Reece » #176889

PKPenguin321 wrote:
Reece wrote:Implant flashes into your eyes.
Add mining drills, stun batons, pneumatic cannons and mech weapons to things you augment your arm with ala chainsaws.
If I ever make the chainsaw augment system more modular this might be possible but I'm kind of lazy
On second thought though maybe not mech weapons, though it would be amusing to just go full 40K and make assistants into gun servitors it might be a little overpowered.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Armhulen » #176890

Reece wrote:Implant flashes into your eyes.
Add mining drills, stun batons, pneumatic cannons and mech weapons to things you augment your arm with ala chainsaws.
>flash burns out
speaking of which have an event where the station gets infested with such pirahnas and they'll eat you up. Bonus, also have a shadowling
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Skorvold » #176997

Inserting a PDA cartridge into a pAI should give the pAI the carts abilities.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by PKPenguin321 » #177001

Skorvold wrote:Inserting a PDA cartridge into a pAI should give the pAI the carts abilities.
i dont know how minor that actually is codewise but it'd be neat
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Gun Hog » #177127

PKPenguin321 wrote:
Skorvold wrote:Inserting a PDA cartridge into a pAI should give the pAI the carts abilities.
i dont know how minor that actually is codewise but it'd be neat
Giving a pAI access to the PDA in which it is inserted would be an easier task.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by XDTM » #177223

Make a blue smiley medHUD icon for beneficial viruses instead of having them be invisible, especially now that sneezing is facing some nerfs.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Armhulen » #177454

Gun Hog wrote:
PKPenguin321 wrote:
Skorvold wrote:Inserting a PDA cartridge into a pAI should give the pAI the carts abilities.
i dont know how minor that actually is codewise but it'd be neat
Giving a pAI access to the PDA in which it is inserted would be an easier task.
Aha, then make the pai face on the pda, perfect
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Screemonster » #177631

Reskin the captain's spare as a multipass.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Smoopadoop » #178610

nvm this wasn't a minor suggestion so i moved it
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Ezel » #178763

Make the ling armblade cost chems as its out and retracts when your out

A ling is stealth antag
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Malkevin » #179023

Stealth ling was boring though and everybody hated it.

Probably should be some penalty to having it out all the time though.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #179129

Smoopadoop wrote:Why not a Solitron radar from MGS as a traitor item, or just a dumb fluff item? As an alternative to xray vision or whatever.
Make it an implant, and have it brings up a window with a pixel map of your surroundings, a bit bigger than the size of your screen. Doesn't show any detail, only shows walls (or anything that cannot be walked through), airlocks, floors, people, and their line of sight.

Like this:
The player is standing in the bridge, and someone is in EVA storage or whatever it's called. The blue field is their line of sight.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by stiph » #179183

Zilenan91 wrote:The space bar doesn't work until we get pods or GPS devices being more common. Currently the space bar may as well not exist unless there's ghost spawners for patrons.
Space bar?
Oh cool i remember on Goon they had a space bar with random SNPCS (hope im using that right) on it.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by stiph » #179188

Anonmare wrote:Hwee did eet four khayos

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by stiph » #179190

Reece wrote:
PKPenguin321 wrote:
Reece wrote:Implant flashes into your eyes.
Add mining drills, stun batons, pneumatic cannons and mech weapons to things you augment your arm with ala chainsaws.
If I ever make the chainsaw augment system more modular this might be possible but I'm kind of lazy
On second thought though maybe not mech weapons, though it would be amusing to just go full 40K and make assistants into gun servitors it might be a little overpowered.
Am in full support of full 40k, but why not gunservitor cyborgs bound to serve only their creators and or the ai or what ever.

this would also enable borging to be more of a punishment, like in 40k. like they could cut off all your limbs and replace your feet with a floor buffer.
or cut off your arms and replace it with a crate lifter. Or cut off all their limbs and replace with drill and ore scoop

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Skorvold » #179196

Make the automaton text that appears on SNPC examine a variable admins can toggle. Alternatively remove the text altogether.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #179365

Skorvold wrote:Make the automaton text that appears on SNPC examine a variable admins can toggle. Alternatively remove the text altogether.
You can do this by VV editing the "chattyness" of it.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Smoopadoop » #179392

DemonFiren wrote:
Smoopadoop wrote:all that shit
eh I felt like everyone would direct me to this thread if I made a new one for it

fine i'll move it
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Smeller » #179575

Replacing anti-breach shield generators with goon's pocket ones, make them require a power source. Coverage depends on power cell's capacity. They spawn without power cell. Some are spawned in engineering(like 2-4), you can also get some from engi-vend. Also some spawn in emergency storages (like one below hydroponics on box and one below tech storage on meta).
Engineers now actually have access to anti-breach shields without asking CE/AI to open secure storage if it was closed, they don't have to pull that shit all the way through crowded hallways/narrow maintenance and now can actually prevent meteors from hitting the station instead of fixing what's been hit. Maybe will have to lower barrier's hp because of that a bit.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Skorvold » #179652

Anonmare wrote:
Skorvold wrote:Make the automaton text that appears on SNPC examine a variable admins can toggle. Alternatively remove the text altogether.
You can do this by VV editing the "chattyness" of it.
This doesn't remove the examine text, it just makes them shutup.

This is the examine text I'm talking about. "She is appears to be some sort of sick automaton, her eyes are glazed over and her mouth is slightly agape."
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Anonmare » #180923

Uplink item
PDA tracker
Cheap TC item, let's say 2 TCs, that functions as a PDA cartridge. Upon inserting into your PDA, turns the screen into one akin to a pinpointer and points to another person's PDA, so long as their ringer is active. Can only track existing PDAs and if the trackee's PDA is destroyed or turned off or not on the same z-level as the tracker, displays a big question mark.
Good for hunting miners, people with altered identities but are holding onto their PDA or finding that one target who's gone braindead in a locker somewhere deep in maintenance.
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