Ckey blender admin button, blender-lite

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Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:38 am
Byond Username: Amidaychi

Ckey blender admin button, blender-lite

Post by Midaychi » #180714

Two new admin fun buttons, Ckey blender and Ckey blender lite.

Ckey blender when pressed, makes a list of all living mobs that can be ckeyed to, and also takes all connected ckeys that are currently in a living body into the list associated with their original body. The blender button makes a backup of this, and stores it as a clickable undo button.
The blender then switches them all, so nuke ops officer Ckey ends up in ian, clown CKEY ends up in ai, captain CKEY ends up in CE, etc. Their origins are stored, so if an admin wants to undo they just hit the handy dandy undo button.

Blender-lite is like the above, but when you press it, you instead get an input for a number. The number is between 1 and infinity. Blender lite will take the number you entered, and pick THAT number of players, and randomize them throughout the list of unoccupied living mobs and the mobs that originally had the randomly chosen Ckeys. If there aren't enough living unoccupied mobs for the ODD ckey out, they might get created a body or creature for it randomly on the station.

AN idea was for everyone effected to slowly fade to black, like a slow blink, and then ckey switch.
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Re: Ckey blender admin button, blender-lite

Post by Saegrimr » #180715

Already sort of have this with the wizard mass mindswap button, but no way to undo it.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:38 am
Byond Username: Amidaychi

Re: Ckey blender admin button, blender-lite

Post by Midaychi » #180717

Saegrimr wrote:Already sort of have this...
Would it allow for more comfortable admin shenanigans during a round if a similar thing were assigned to an admin button, next to a backup undo button?
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Re: Ckey blender admin button, blender-lite

Post by Saegrimr » #180751

The general consensus on this button is "Never fucking press it holy shit this is the worst thing ever what are you doing REMOVE ADMIN"

So it never really happens outside of a wizard summoning events, and even that has been nerfed multiple times.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: Ckey blender admin button, blender-lite

Post by Anonmare » #180757

>Be me ERT
>Change minds event fires
>Get put in the body of someone about to die in space with muteness SE
>Person who got my body was an antagonist and gunned down the rest of my ERT
>Deadchat gives me shit even though it wasn't me

It was fun tbh.
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