Your character name: Mauricio Best
Their character name: Zeela Takk
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Atticat
Server and time: Sybil, ~12:45pm UTC+13
Logs and/or screenshots:
Description of what happened:
Joined for my bi-monthly 20 minute game of SS13; gave Officer a go in spite of the high pop.
Random tries to steal my ID.
Code: Select all
Anda Lucia tries to remove Mauricio Best's Mauricio Best's ID Card (Security Officer).
Code: Select all
Zeela Takk asks, "Yes?"
Anda Lucia says, "Let me in"
[Security] Fiona Hope says, "Captain come to the HOP office"
You fire the hybrid taser!
The security barrier is hit by the electrode!
[Common] Jannister Mannister says, "Hey mining do you guys want a mech"
Zeela Takk says, "Wait"
You fire the hybrid taser!
Anda Lucia is hit by an electrode in the chest!
[Common] Taylor Garrison says, "We need more engines"
Zeela Takk says, "Dont taser her"
[Common] Sean Young says, "You too mime"
Anda Lucia stammers, "I c-came t-t-to s-see T-T-Ter-r-r-rr-r-r-ry"
Mauricio Best is trying to put handcuffs on Anda Lucia!
You fail to handcuff Anda Lucia!
Anda Lucia says, "Terry"
The stunbaton is now on.
Mauricio Best has stunned Anda Lucia with the stunbaton!
[Security] Golem states, "Done."
You put the stunbaton into the security backpack.
Zeela Takk says, "Stop"
[Common] Chip Hawking says, "Get out mime."
[Common] Sean Young says, "Je ne comprends pas"
[Common] Taylor Garrison asks, "What is with the flamethrower?"
[Security] Fiona Hope says, "Captain report in"
[Security] Mauricio Best says, "Idiot, I was arresting her for a different crime"
Mauricio Best says, "Idiot, I was arresting her for a different crime"
Anda Lucia says, "Im good"
[Common] Starka Stross says, "Self defense"
Terry Mcfall says, "I'm fine"
[Common] Damian Syder says, "Pierce, get in liune"
Mauricio Best has stunned Anda Lucia with the stunbaton!
Bones McGee says, "What type of self defense"
You put the stunbaton into the security backpack.
Zeela Takk fires the X-01 MultiPhase Energy Gun!
Your armor softens the blow!
Mauricio Best is hit by an electrode in the chest!
Terry Mcfall says, "Would you"
[Common] Sean Young asks, "You wanna order somethuing?"
Terry Mcfall says, "Fucking sotp"
Zeela Takk is trying to put handcuffs on Mauricio Best!
Terry Mcfall shakes Anda Lucia trying to get her up!
[Common] Sean Young says, "Get in line"
[Common] Nasir Shupe asks, "Any chemists out there?"
[Common] Damian Syder says, "Before another crowd shows"
Terry Mcfall shakes Anda Lucia trying to get her up!
[Security] Frank N. Stine says, "What"
Mauricio Best says, "She tried to steal my ID you moron"
Bones McGee says, "I'll be back for you"
Zeela Takk tries to remove Mauricio Best's Mauricio Best's ID Card (Security Officer).
[Common] Sean Young says, "Sir"
This is Zeela Takk!
She is wearing a head of security's jumpsuit.
She is wearing a head of security beret on her head.
She is wearing an armored trenchoat.
She is carrying a X-01 MultiPhase Energy Gun on her armored trenchoat.
She has a security satchel on her back.
She has some black gloves on her hands.
She has a security belt about her waist.
She is wearing some jackboots on her feet.
She has HUDSunglasses covering her eyes.
She has the head of security's bowman headset on her ears.
She is wearing PDA-Zeela Takk (Head of Security).
[Security] Fiona Hope says, "GET TO HOP's OFFICE NOW"
Mauricio Best says, "My God"
[Common] Chip Hawking says, "Hey."
Zeela Takk says, "Use your words next time"
Zeela Takk says, "When your superior tells you to stop"
[Common] Chip Hawking asks, "Who ordered the gloves?"
[Common] Richard Aultman says, "I did"
Mauricio Best says, "I didn't need to"
[Common] Richard Aultman says, "Im right here"
Zeela Takk fires the X-01 MultiPhase Energy Gun!
Your armor softens the blow!
Mauricio Best is hit by an electrode in the chest!
Zeela Takk says, "Well"
[Common] Argal Tal says, "RD dead in expirementor lab..."
Zeela Takk says, "You seem incapable of working with a team"
Zeela Takk says, "Im gonna have to demote you"
[Common] Argal Tal says, "Fag blew himself up"
Mauricio Best says, "Sure"
[Common] Chip Hawking says, "Deny."
Zeela Takk tries to remove Mauricio Best's security backpack.
Zeela Takk tries to remove Mauricio Best's helmet.
[Common] Automated Announcement System coldly states, "Lyle Ugleman has signed up as Assistant"
Zeela Takk tries to remove Mauricio Best's armor.
Zeela Takk tries to remove Mauricio Best's hybrid taser.
Zeela Takk tries to remove Mauricio Best's jackboots.
Zeela Takk tries to remove Mauricio Best's black gloves.
Zeela Takk tries to remove Mauricio Best's security jumpsuit.
Zeela Takk tries to remove Mauricio Best's PDA-Mauricio Best (Security Officer).
[Common] Richard Aultman says, "What the fuck"
[Common] Richard Aultman asks, "Why?"
Zeela Takk tries to remove Mauricio Best's security jumpsuit.
Zeela Takk tries to remove Mauricio Best's security bowman headset.
[Common] Sean Young says, "Spess reasons"
[Common] Chip Hawking says, "I need it stamped."
security newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Station Announcements!"
Central Command Update
Lifesign Alert
Unknown biological entities have been detected near Research Colony VI, please stand-by.
Zeela Takk starts climbing onto the wooden table.
Zeela Takk climbs onto the wooden table.
[Common] Damian Syder says, "Dumb fucking mime"
[Common] Nasir Shupe says, "Toxins and shit"
Frank N. Stine says, "What's all this"
Zeela Takk says, "He defied orders and is acting quite insane"
Kevin Owens puts the hybrid taser into the backpack.
Zeela Takk says, "So im demoting him"
Zeela Takk tries to put Mauricio Best's ID Card (Unassigned) on Mauricio Best.
[Common] Fiona Hope says, "Knock it off"
Zeela Takk tries to remove Mauricio Best's handcuffs.
[Common] Damian Syder says, "THANKS"
This is Zeela Takk!
She is wearing a head of security's jumpsuit.
She is wearing a head of security beret on her head.
She is wearing an armored trenchoat.
She is carrying a X-01 MultiPhase Energy Gun on her armored trenchoat.
She has a security satchel on her back.
She has some black gloves on her hands.
She has a security belt about her waist.
She is wearing some jackboots on her feet.
She has HUDSunglasses covering her eyes.
She has the head of security's bowman headset on her ears.
She is wearing PDA-Zeela Takk (Head of Security).
HoS then tases me out of the blue, and brigs me for trying to arrest. I run out of the cell, because at this point we've gotten a bit silly. The man playing her takes this as an reason to demote me.
His justification was "disobeying orders," or something. Didn't see his text because I was busy arresting the criminal. Probably wouldn't have stopped me though, the apparent "orders" being issued were being done so from a place of ignorance and the player should've just given the officer the benefit of the doubt instead of oddly protecting the criminal and punishing the officer.
Why they should be banned:
Demoting your officers for arresting criminals is pretty bizarre. Not sure of Atticat's reasons for protecting the Anda Lucia character, as there didn't seem to be any IC. Incidentally Anda got banned for metafriending last month it seems.