BYOND account: crowleymaxxing/asskek
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: alt of Asskek who has a permaban on the server. Appeal on the forum.
(my permaban on TGMC is mirrored from a /tg/station perma)
Time ban was placed: 2024-07-13 @ 22:32:05
Round ID in which ban was placed: 27966
Your side of the story: it was circa 2019(?) and i had just gotten out of basic training. my confidence was running high. i grew up in the SS13 community - this was my first time playing it in a couple years. i had bombed the entire station as antag. someone in OOC said i had small dick energy. i responded in kind with a (labeled) imgur link. it was a dumb thing to do as i tend to do dumb things, but this was particularly egregious and i feel more awful than embarrassed about it. nowadays i shit relentlessly on people that behave similarly - (young teens, like i once was, play this game, as i did, so posting your dick in OOC is fucking disgusting) - so i'm genuinely ashamed.
Why you think you should be unbanned: now, in regards to me playing here - i remembered recently that hey, this ban was mirrored. i did let an admin (Draudy) i was chatting with know, but I think he probably thought the image i posted was a ban on this ckey. regardless, he told me to appeal it. i did not appeal it! so, yeah, my playing on the Crowleymaxxing ckey can (and should) be considered evasion. that's fair enough.
Although this ban is mirrored, and is not concerning my behavior on TGMC, I will address the elephant in the room:
It definitely does not help that right before this ban was (re-mirrored?), I got caught up in a shit-flinging contest with Draudy over something he considered grief that I was refused to admit he was right regarding. I've since apologized to him kek, because yeah he was right, although I didn't consider it grief at the time. It also does not help that, feeling cornered by the entire Discord putting me on trial, I lied in this shit-flinging contest and based Zack caught me out on that lie. Beyond that I don't think I've been too egregious in my behavior on this server - behavior elsewhere, eh, I've been playing /vg/ for about 2 years now with only a single jobban to my name (that jobban was lifted). I recently went on a fun spree on Paradise and got banned tragically, I was enjoying it there. Outside of that, I was enjoying Blackstone but that's gone now. If the headmins want to keep this permaban applied b/c of my less-than-stellar note history in my very short time playing TGMC, I get it, it makes sense, no hard feelings.
And now, addressing the dick in the room:
Lot of things I could say I guess. I was clowning, I wasn't medicated yet - I've been medicated now for the 4-5 years since then - and would behave fucking erratically based on the throes of my dopamine - etc., etc., "it was bantz", but of course none of that is any excuse for what's really a disgusting thing to do. People who know me know I'm not a sex pest, or an attention seeker, or any such thing, and I'm sure they'd vouch in that regard. It was a terrible thing to do and I can only hope that my brain's developed since. I was not trying to disguise this fact by playing here under a different ckey - else I'd have changed my Discord name, and not told Draudy - but yeah it's kind of a fucked up thing to do, so appealing it was a hard thing to face. I appreciate Ausar for forcing me to own up to what I did.
[PERMABAN] - [Ausar28] - crowleymaxxing
- Henriquekill9576
- TGMC Lead
- Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:35 am
- Byond Username: HenriqueKill9576
Re: [PERMABAN] - [Ausar28] - crowleymaxxing
Have you appealed the ban on tg? If not, you should do so before attempting to appeal here since this is mainly a mirror ban.
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