[Complaint] MrComradeRD - Yttriums

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[Complaint] MrComradeRD - Yttriums

Post by yttriums » #732895

BYOND account: Yttriums
Character name: This is Discord related.
Admin in question: Mr Comrade RD/Draudy
When did it take place: Every single day
Round ID in which ban was placed: This is a Discord behavior complaint. I'm complaining about his behavior on the Discord.
Evidence: Included below

Piggybacking off of MJP's complaint, I do not think that whatever talk the headadmins had with MrComradeRD has taken at all. He is continuing to use the server's public discord channels to discuss 18+ topics. He acknowledges that he believes underage users are present while he is regularly fishing for sexual attention.

This guy has you looking as stupid as the CM admins. It saddens me to see this guy using his platform in a game I've loved behave like this. With the overall lax attitude the other admins have taken towards his behavior, I have to assume you either condone it or are complicit in it. Given that he's met up with a head admin irl, it's not a stretch to say that.

The below messages are all from PRC this morning.
If you believe that server members are minors and you flirt with every server member you see, then who the fuck do you think you're flirting with?
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Byond Username: Dudeman100

Re: [Complaint] MrComradeRD - Yttriums

Post by Dudeman100 » #733083

Hello. I wrote the original complaint. Want to say that people *have* (including head admins) been making fun of my complaint and taking it non-seriously, the guy himself makes jokes about it constantly.
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Re: [Complaint] MrComradeRD - Yttriums

Post by yttriums » #733086

A very different tone from their response to their original complaint, of course.
Wanted to give Nani the benefit of the doubt, but she's obviously not interested in holding anyone accountable on this one.

This will just go the same way it does everywhere else - one of these people will turn out to be a genuine creep and hurt someone, it will damage the server's reputation forever, etc etc etc. I'm getting out early personally
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Re: [Complaint] MrComradeRD - Yttriums

Post by Henriquekill9576 » #733112

Before anything else, I'd like to say no decisions will be taken yet, as we would like draudy to reply and give his side first.

For starters, please do not peanut post if it's not related to the complaint itself, I have deleted the comments that do so. Please make another complaint if you have issues with a different staff member.

With that out of the way, after looking at all the screenshots provided, I can't help but notice every single one is cropped and missing context that would otherwise make most of these invalid.

With that in mind, I'm going to go through every screenshot and provide my own opinion aswell as message links if you want to see it for yourself.
Number 1:

Conversation link: https://discord.com/channels/4985696460 ... 9575227433
Image provided: Image
In this one, Vanguard begins the convo by saying they're going to send draudy a video, to which draudy jokingly replies "do not send me porn" and says "i will block you", Vanguard replies with "you wouldn't ban tommy", to which draudy once again jokingly responds by saying he would, since he does not want any porn in his dms.

Number 2:

Conversation link: https://discord.com/channels/4985696460 ... 1145563169
Image provided: Image
This is literally sarcasm in response to Faust saying draudy has 100tb of porn in his dms.

Number 3:

Conversation link: https://discord.com/channels/4985696460 ... 1759202445
Image provided: Image
This one infuriates me the most, you try to paint this one image as draudy thinking everybody in the server is a minor, and then use it in the rest of your argument in order to imply that they flirt with the minors in question, this is just disgusting and extremely shitty on your part as it ends up making the rest of your complaint look like a personal attack.
The actual context, as seen in the image, starts with bart wondering whats the age most people play ss13 for the first time, to which draudy replies he was 16, and then goes on to say most people who play started as minors.

Number 4:

Conversation link: https://discord.com/channels/4985696460 ... 8045077618
Image provided: Image
"Yeah there's this thing where people actively go after furries to bully them"
"I do the opposite, I flirt with them instead"
So he's admitting to flirting with people, which... Okay? What about it?

Number 5:

Conversation link: https://discord.com/channels/4985696460 ... 0899161191
Image provided: Image
This is the first one where I actually agree that is valid for the complaint. It is draudy replying Kelleher posting an image of them squeezing a toy fish like a rag with "I wish you would squeeze me dry like that".

Number 6:

Conversation link: https://discord.com/channels/4985696460 ... 8239360120
Image provided: Image
Also a valid one, while it's clearly a joke, still looks weird from a third party perspective.
Draudy says "Enough with discord, I need to focus on PREY", Kelleher says "prey on me" to which draudy replies "Call me the preda-".

Once again, no official decision will be taken yet as we would like draudy to reply with his side, which he will likely do so tomorrow.
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Re: [Complaint] MrComradeRD - Yttriums

Post by yttriums » #733115

In response to that - I didn't pull these out of context to frame a narrative - I just scrolled a (roughly) two hour period of his message history from that morning to point on how much of the content that he posts is sexual. These messages are in context with eachother in that sense. I did this quickly before leaving the server. A deeper look at his message history could find many more examples like number 5 and 6 - I'm just not interested in going into that level of detail - I'm leaving the server anyways.
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Re: [Complaint] MrComradeRD - Yttriums

Post by Zack24 » #733122

Insinuating that one of our admins is actively fishing for sexual attention while fully knowing there are minors.

Bashing CM, saying that the other admins have all let this through, saying that we are participating or condoning such behavior, and even refer to a Headmin meeting them in real life.

Then when you're given a proper response that isn't even an official decision yet, you have the gall to say you're not too interested in going in that level of detail while doing such egregious accusations and implications to not only on an admin, but to us as a whole.

I suggest you keep your personal attacks to yourself next time before you do the equivalent of backing out at the moment of first resistance.

It feels as if you said as much buzzwords that get the playerbase rowdy just for the sake of it, if you weren't ever trying to actually point out a real injustice or inconsistency in our system- or to accuse someone, an admin or not of being a pedophile in the first place, something we take extremely seriously.

Then please, again, keep such commentary to yourself if you never had any intention to go down to the detail for such.
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Re: [Complaint] MrComradeRD - Yttriums

Post by yttriums » #733123

Others have gone into detail on other posts. I'm just pointing out that the behavior has not improved since the previous complaint. And since I actually don't care to go into detail, I will just leave on that. You guys can sort it out as you see fit. Best of luck.
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Re: [Complaint] MrComradeRD - Yttriums

Post by Otter » #733151

Since I believe this is relevant to both complaints and Draudy's behavior in general: I'm going to give a quick observation/statement.

When I was still a senior admin before retiring from the role; I went through our bot's flagged messages and warned people for messages within the context it was used based on my own personal thoughts of what went over as it is a grayish area. I did at one point warn Draudy when he was a candy for sexual and/or creepy behavior which was logged in the admin log channel we have on the discord. I also sent him two messages warning him in moderation and/or staff one for the official warning and the other making sure he noticed the first. He replied to the second and said he saw it. Someone on your team could confirm this as I do not have perms.

This is the third instance, if your team deems this complaint valid, of Draudy being overly sexual/creepy. That's all I wanted to add, if this gets removed for whatever reason; fair enough.
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Re: [Complaint] MrComradeRD - Yttriums

Post by MrComradeRD » #733293

Sorry for the wait as I was being studying for my finals yesterday and I did not have free time to do anything.

first image: I am literally saying do not send porn to my DM's because I hate it when people do.

second image: I was making fun of the discord porn bots sending me porn and questionable pictures

third and fourth images: You cropped this and made it look extremely, Extremely bad, Why would you even do such a thing? you didn't even read the entire context or show it, space station 13 was meant for the ages of 18+, The fact you even tried to pull this really annoyed me and I will always remember this

fifth and sixth images: This was a running joke between us but yeah I shouldn't make as many suggestive jokes, sorry about this
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Re: [Complaint] MrComradeRD - Yttriums

Post by Henriquekill9576 » #733312

Ignoring the accusations and insinuations that lead nowhere, the complaint still proves a point, draudy was already warned and told to tone down this behavior twice before, though it doesn't seem as if they've done that much at all.

As such, draudy will be removed from their trial phase and put as a normal player, they're free to apply for admin again after the regular waiting period, just as long they show that they're able to tone down their behaviour.

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