Progression Traitor Rework - High Risk, High Impact, High Reward

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Progression Traitor Rework - High Risk, High Impact, High Reward

Post by Redrover1760 » #710345


Current Issues with Progression Traitor: Too many, low impactful objectives. Tedium, essentially. There is a sense of MMO-gameyness to it, which is absolutely a downgrade from before progression traitor. In addition, the objectives given are a lot less rewarding than the satisfaction of planning out a way to actually accomplish your objectives. The "easiness" of old traitor with its 2 objectives helped allow new players to settle in and experienced players to try and create creative plans. Yes, you can somewhat ignore secondary objectives now if you wanted, but all that says to me that the secondary objectives as it currently is is an inferior system. In addition, objectives vary wildly, and you're given a huge selection of 6 and can have 2 active at any time. This probably also doesn't help for the MMO-eyness, old traitor forced you to either ignore your objectives or challenges you with harder stuff if you happened to roll it. Progression traitor here gives you so many options that its very gamey. In comparison to Heretic, which generally you are stuck with the sacrifice targets you have as targets (most people don't reroll, unless they have to). Its a challenge and you must figure out how to kill all these people. New traitor is less so "Here's a challenge, good luck" unlike Heretic and more "Pick the easiest options and optimize doing them as trying to do hard objectives over and over again will get you deleted." There is a reason why Heretic just feels better, it did what Prog tot is trying to do right. And no, I'm not saying Prog tot should be the same as heretic, that's absurd, but its clear there's a problem. Prog tot does however, have advantages over traitor, and I agree it shouldn't be removed. A lot of the issues about variety of traitor objectives also comes from the fact too many are offered to you, there is variety but you don't feel it because of how many objectives you have to do.

So here's my suggestions about how to make traitor satisfying again:
  • You can only set one objective at a time. On the other hand, reduce penalties overall for abandoning objectives, as its more likely you may be forced to abandon an objective now to balance things out. Simply put, single focus on a single goal. No micromanaging between multiple objectives.
  • Potential objectives refresh and swap out after an objective completion (or perhaps also an objective abandoned). This will help fight the feeling of Prog tot being a checklist, running down and completing a list of smaller, insignificant objectives, instead getting new, more challenging but rewarding objectives instead.
  • Either Remove the defined "Easy" objectives or alternatively force easy objectives for your first batch of objectives (Assuming you are a roundstart traitor, midrounds would still skip easy objectives), and then after one is completed, never make them appear again. Easy objectives should exist as a soft tell that "There is syndicate activity lurking aboard." They shouldn't be something you can grind, nor something you should be stuck with if you want.
  • In addition to the above, consider making it so you can refresh objectives to swap out the current objectives you have offered, but at a significant cooldown (or perhaps, even a tc/rep cost). From my dated prog tot experience the refresh button did nothing but add new objectives to the list, and I might be misremembering so yeah.
  • Scale the difficulty of objectives better so that there is more of a clear progression in terms of difficulty, as a rule of thumb, you should lose access to easier objectives in general as you gain more and more tc. You should really only be offered type of difficulty as you progress, but I suppose throwing one or two wild harder objectives occasionally above your rep level isn't a bad idea. This may sound bad, but it will help create a clear sense of progress and actual progression. The design goal is to be spending more time on less objectives, rather than being forced to spend less time on more objectives.
  • Reduce the selection of objectives you can pick from. To about 4 instead of 6, to be exact. Not only will this allow for objectives to be cut from the codebase if uninteresting, but will also force players to choose to take on challenges of occasionally getting harder rolls of objectives that happen to be not convenient.
  • In addition to above, Increase the rewards on all objectives. They're way too low, killing someone should be worth more than 2 TC and more reputation. The difficulty increase now is that you have less choice in picking your challenges, but in exchange you should be rewarded more. Before, objectives feel cheap due to low rewards and the wide variety of options. Now, we have strong challenges with less options to pick what's convenient for you. Therefore, you should be rewarded more for managing to go out of your way to create a story and engage with an objective not convenient to you. In addition, this will help with progtot objective checklisting mentalities and gameyness. The syndicate wants you do to a few specific things. You aren't here to have options, you are here to take on the challenge. And if you succeed, you will be rewarded greatly in both gaining harder objectives and a lot more TC.
  • And finally, I had an idea inspired by Spy Party, to add a minute cooldown after completing an objective to both receive the TC reward and to select a new objective, something like "Good job agent, Processing the objective". Not only will this add a nice satisfying break from the action and time to appreciate your success, but also it adds minor encouragement to being able to escape from security or be undetected after succeeding your objective. Perhaps, something like the Final Objective might be exempted from this on the basis that there's not really much else to do from there anyways.
Thoughts? I think I'd much prefer to play with this kind of framework instead of prog tot's. Also, having less objectives overall both being done and offered will help reduce the pressure on coders to add more objectives and will instead allow more focus on quality control, ensuring objectives are set at the appropriate difficulties and removing unneeded bad objectives, since variety becomes less of a dire need. I think the Rep changes of unrestricting items was a good change, although I think that rep locks aren't inherently evil, and instead the issues with them are a symptom of a bigger problem.

Edit: I guess this has both feedback and ideas for improvement? I forgot the ideas section is a thing but whatever, just move if its an issue.
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Re: Progression Traitor Rework - High Risk, High Impact, High Reward

Post by 8bot » #710556

after giving progression traitor a good, honest try, I can say I am 100% not a fan of it and would rather see it reverted to how it was originally. 20TC, no reputation or timelock shit, everything available from the start.
OP nails it perfectly with the MMO-esque grind that comes with the progression; otherwise, it's just a timegate, or something i mostly ignore in favor of using the stuff i'd have access to as a blood brother anyways.
as much as I dislike them, there is room for progression antagonists - but traitor has been, and should be, the blank slate, do whatever you want role with as few restrictions as possible.

while the OP does present some pretty decent ideas, it's all stuff that'd be better suited to other antagonists instead of the blank slate one.
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Re: Progression Traitor Rework - High Risk, High Impact, High Reward

Post by RedBaronFlyer » #710676

IIRC the main reason the timelock exists is to prevent the "spawns as a traitor, buy a bunch of bombs, and kamikaze the medbay 30 seconds into the shift" kind of stuff.
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Super Aggro Crag wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:11 pm I assume he did it elsewhere because it's fucking goofball and he never half-asses his shitty ideas, he full asses them so both cheeks are absolutely slathered in shit
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Sacko wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 8:32 am yes it it like the meatball faggot thing that was changed due to forces higher than ours
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Re: Progression Traitor Rework - High Risk, High Impact, High Reward

Post by CPTANT » #710717

RedBaronFlyer wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 4:36 am IIRC the main reason the timelock exists is to prevent the "spawns as a traitor, buy a bunch of bombs, and kamikaze the medbay 30 seconds into the shift" kind of stuff.
Which can be trivially implemented with an actual timelock, which prevents all of the negative effects of progression traitor.
Timberpoes wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:21 pm The rules exist to create the biggest possible chance of a cool shift of SS13. They don't exist to allow admins to create the most boring interpretation of SS13.
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Re: Progression Traitor Rework - High Risk, High Impact, High Reward

Post by 8bot » #710820

or just allowed in the first place
the mockery and scorn one receives should be punishment enough; and if it isn't, they'll eventually be ostracized for being a shitter.
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Re: Progression Traitor Rework - High Risk, High Impact, High Reward

Post by Pandarsenic » #710903

I hate to say it but I feel in my heart that medbay bomb speedruns were far less burdensome to the game than Progtraitors whackin' it for 40 minutes waiting to do anything interesting
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Re: Progression Traitor Rework - High Risk, High Impact, High Reward

Post by Jacquerel » #710932

if they can't do anything interesting without buying a syndicate bomb then they might as well be whacking it, because they're not going to do anything interesting after buying a bomb either
there's not even a large number of items locked behind rep any more
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Re: Progression Traitor Rework - High Risk, High Impact, High Reward

Post by Waltermeldron » #710968

Traitors already have their primary objective system. Given that progression traitor is now limited to roundstart traitors only, they have plenty of time to plan out whatever they want to do. Secondary objectives have always been largely optional.

Redrover1760 wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:04 pmYou can only set one objective at a time. On the other hand, reduce penalties overall for abandoning objectives, as its more likely you may be forced to abandon an objective now to balance things out. Simply put, single focus on a single goal. No micromanaging between multiple objectives.
Redrover1760 wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:04 pmIn addition to the above, consider making it so you can refresh objectives to swap out the current objectives you have offered, but at a significant cooldown (or perhaps, even a tc/rep cost). From my dated prog tot experience the refresh button did nothing but add new objectives to the list, and I might be misremembering so yeah.
Redrover1760 wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:04 pmReduce the selection of objectives you can pick from. To about 4 instead of 6, to be exact. Not only will this allow for objectives to be cut from the codebase if uninteresting, but will also force players to choose to take on challenges of occasionally getting harder rolls of objectives that happen to be not convenient.
It would be interesting to experiment with changing the number of objectives you can take, changing the number of objectives offered and changing the penalties to see how people play, but I don't think it would solve anything. Primary objectives still exist, players would still have their attention split. Again, midround traitors are no longer progtots so they only need to focus on their primary objectives anyways. Still, worth looking into.
Redrover1760 wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:04 pmPotential objectives refresh and swap out after an objective completion (or perhaps also an objective abandoned). This will help fight the feeling of Prog tot being a checklist, running down and completing a list of smaller, insignificant objectives, instead getting new, more challenging but rewarding objectives instead.
This already exists, objectives get replaced as time passes due to the fact that it's too early in the round to do them anymore. Implementing a more dynamic reroll system would be fine though
Redrover1760 wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:04 pmEither Remove the defined "Easy" objectives or alternatively force easy objectives for your first batch of objectives (Assuming you are a roundstart traitor, midrounds would still skip easy objectives), and then after one is completed, never make them appear again. Easy objectives should exist as a soft tell that "There is syndicate activity lurking aboard." They shouldn't be something you can grind, nor something you should be stuck with if you want.
Most ""easy"" objectives have already been removed, the only ones remaining are ones that require you to interact with other crewmembers or cause station sabotage. Even if you perceive them as easy, they have their roleplay reasons to exist. I.e. killing pets might be easy, but require breaking into a department and actually killing the pet requires taking several disruptive steps, and most roleplay orientated servers will have heads who care about their pets
Redrover1760 wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:04 pmScale the difficulty of objectives better so that there is more of a clear progression in terms of difficulty, as a rule of thumb, you should lose access to easier objectives in general as you gain more and more tc. You should really only be offered type of difficulty as you progress, but I suppose throwing one or two wild harder objectives occasionally above your rep level isn't a bad idea. This may sound bad, but it will help create a clear sense of progress and actual progression. The design goal is to be spending more time on less objectives, rather than being forced to spend less time on more objectives.
This already happens. The problem may be with how the numbers are balanced because some of the earlier objectives may be awarding too little progression
Redrover1760 wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:04 pmIn addition to above, Increase the rewards on all objectives. They're way too low, killing someone should be worth more than 2 TC and more reputation. The difficulty increase now is that you have less choice in picking your challenges, but in exchange you should be rewarded more. Before, objectives feel cheap due to low rewards and the wide variety of options. Now, we have strong challenges with less options to pick what's convenient for you. Therefore, you should be rewarded more for managing to go out of your way to create a story and engage with an objective not convenient to you. In addition, this will help with progtot objective checklisting mentalities and gameyness. The syndicate wants you do to a few specific things. You aren't here to have options, you are here to take on the challenge. And if you succeed, you will be rewarded greatly in both gaining harder objectives and a lot more TC.
Problem is the fact that these objectives are infinite and not necessarily difficult. It's like heretic's influence system, saccing someone lets you progress bit by bit but it's not going to let you suddenly buy an explosive.
Similarly, killing someone is worth 2 TC because rewarding them too much TC would allow them to very easily and very quickly accumulate massive amounts of telecrystals.
I don't mind tweaking the progression values and how fast you progress from these sort of objectives, but TC rewards have to be low for repeatable objectives because otherwise you get power creep. Midround traitors are now balanced around 20 TC and have no secondary objective system so we can't increase the cost of items without harming their experience.

I don't really understand why you think objectives feel cheap due to the low rewards. Sure, there might be variety, but the variety is usually grounded in difficult and hard objectives. Just because they offer a petty reward doesn't mean they're cheap, it's not a bad thing for them to be hard to complete and shallow in reward, at least in regards to telecrystals. The 20 telecrystals you start with are already enough to deck yourself out with traitor gear.
Redrover1760 wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:04 pmAnd finally, I had an idea inspired by Spy Party, to add a minute cooldown after completing an objective to both receive the TC reward and to select a new objective, something like "Good job agent, Processing the objective". Not only will this add a nice satisfying break from the action and time to appreciate your success, but also it adds minor encouragement to being able to escape from security or be undetected after succeeding your objective. Perhaps, something like the Final Objective might be exempted from this on the basis that there's not really much else to do from there anyways.
This was what was implemented for the steal objectives, you had to wait for the objective to complete, but players generally hated waiting. I think revisiting the idea could be interesting as the steal objective was bad for other reasons on top of this.
CPTANT wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:01 pmWhich can be trivially implemented with an actual timelock, which prevents all of the negative effects of progression traitor.
Already exists, it's called midround traitor. The negative effects of progression traitor will affect regular traitor when implemented with a timelock, the only thing that progression traitor introduces is complexity which may change how a player decides to approach problems, but the complexity can be completely ignored in favour of just playing it like old tot with a timelock.
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Re: Progression Traitor Rework - High Risk, High Impact, High Reward

Post by CPTANT » #710986

Waltermeldron wrote: Sun Nov 12, 2023 3:52 am Already exists, it's called midround traitor. The negative effects of progression traitor will affect regular traitor when implemented with a timelock, the only thing that progression traitor introduces is complexity which may change how a player decides to approach problems, but the complexity can be completely ignored in favour of just playing it like old tot with a timelock.
You dangle a carrot in the form of more IC and then say you can just ignore the carrot. That is not what the average player will do, they will chase the carrot and the rest of the shift is negatively impacted by progtot only doing errants for TC that barely impact anyone.
Timberpoes wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:21 pm The rules exist to create the biggest possible chance of a cool shift of SS13. They don't exist to allow admins to create the most boring interpretation of SS13.
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Re: Progression Traitor Rework - High Risk, High Impact, High Reward

Post by Waltermeldron » #710992

CPTANT wrote: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:58 am You dangle a carrot in the form of more IC and then say you can just ignore the carrot. That is not what the average player will do, they will chase the carrot and the rest of the shift is negatively impacted by progtot only doing errants for TC that barely impact anyone.
Okay, but the objectives do impact people? Most objectives have been replaced with objectives that directly impact others, there are no longer any mundane objectives that don't impact other players so that's a somewhat moot point.
Additionally, midround traitor is still old tot as explained above, secondary objectives are disabled for midrounds.
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Re: Progression Traitor Rework - High Risk, High Impact, High Reward

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #711065

Prog tot still has some kinks but i'm glad it's getting better.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
See you later
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