[Riggle] EkarusRyndren - Psudo-Bwoink

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[Riggle] EkarusRyndren - Psudo-Bwoink

Post by EkarusRyndren » #666545

Manuel, February 18th 2023 at apx 3 PM Eastern time.
EkarusRyndren, EkarusRyndren, Ekarus Ryndren
Riggle (Possibly false)
Round ID: 200360
Detailed Summery:
Admin in question posted a false admin notification linking to a video on cats under the guise of a legitimate admin action complaint. (Exact wording was "Hiya, do you have a minute?") Such actions diminish the power of the administration team as a whole and should be punishable at most and warned against at least. Otherwise I fear more players will view admin contact as a joke and not to be taken seriously. To be clear at most I'm looking for a "don't do it again" for the admin in question, I am unsure if "Riggle" is the admin in question but the notification seemed real.

if I'm making a fool of myself reporting this I feel it only reinforces this complaint in that you now have someone assuming an admin shitposted in the form of an official action.
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Re: [Riggle] EkarusRyndren - Psudo-Bwoink

Post by Riggle » #666548

Hiya, thanks for taking the time and making a complaint, and I'm sorry you feel this way.

Attached below you can find an image of the message.

When clicking on my name (link), it forwards you to this video.

While I understand your concerns, I do not think they are valid whatsoever. If someone doesn't respond to an ahelp, we can send them another and wait for a response.

Admins, in my opinion, should not be cold and professional at all times. Being compassionate and fun humanizes you. I can pretty confidently say that talking to a real human being is much more enjoyable than talking to the same, old, robotic tone of professional tech support. Do you really want to get an admin message and cower in fear or be extremely excited for the tech support-tier answer, or would you rather have a normal conversation with a human being?
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Byond Username: EkarusRyndren

Re: [Riggle] EkarusRyndren - Psudo-Bwoink

Post by EkarusRyndren » #666551

I do agree about the humanism however I feel using the official channels should be a bit more restricted. I just fear no one taking you all seriously because "could be a cat video, could be asking why I did something I clearly shouldn't that I'll post to digg later and complain about getting banned"

However, at best this is up to debate and I was told this is the place to file my complaint so- complaint filed. Smarter people than I will decide the ruling and I'll run with it.
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Re: [Riggle] EkarusRyndren - Psudo-Bwoink

Post by Riggle » #666553

As previously stated, if someone doesn't respond admins will send out another ahelp. I can assure you this isn't the first nor last time someone did something similar. So far it didn't noticeably diminish anything.
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Re: [Riggle] EkarusRyndren - Psudo-Bwoink

Post by Timberpoes » #671737

Admins occasionally engage in memey messages and shenanigans from time to time. The fake bwoink is a trope as old as the SS13 admin tools to globally narrate them. This isn't really against admin conduct.

That aside, we recognise that this can cause stress or worry in players especially when combined with an admin playing the bwoink noise as well.

There's nothing here to uphold. We'd like to remind admins that if there are any negative outcomes from sending fake bwoinks, they are responsible for the consequences.

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