Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon [FEEDBACK]

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Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon [FEEDBACK]

Post by Zytolg » #662242

You can blame san7890 for this one...
Based on a legacy station of dreams, virtue, and ambition
Unrivaled in both its complexity and beauty
We got rid of Birdboat once, and evidentially it was a mistake
I shall correct this sin

This thread will double as Birdshot Stations official feedback thread

From the creator of Gammastation and Phobosstation, I bring you a zombified Birdboat, complete with all the latest bells and whistles of a Nanotrasen Space Station. The .dmm is aptly titled "Birdshot" to remind us all of how we took our best bar-friend and murdered it in cold blood. The player-facing name of the station of course will remain Birdboat- true to the intention of this project. I expect to deliver this special bundle of joy by Spring, and it will most likely replace Kilostaton (unfortunately, and I was promised Metastation blood). In order for this to happen of course, I have to make this the highest quality map on the Repo. What does this mean for poor birdboat?Adding moreHigh Quality Contentthan ever before.

This post will serve as Birdboats devblog when I feel like updating it. It's thread, an echo chamber for you to praise the bird. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated and valued, so voice your opinions for all to see. I'll read all of it but that does not guarantee that suggested changes will be implemented. Naturally Maptainers can request or demand changes be made, but EOB has been pretty clear that I'm going to need to pull out every trick in the book for this to stand a chance in claiming its rightful place in the map rotation.

"So what's actually changing Zytolg?" Everything. This is a complete remap of Birdboat. The only thing staying the same is where things roughly were. This will avoid stuff akin to the Delta/Meta/Icebox predicament where certain segments of the station do not change while others do so dramatically. This is the only way I can give Birdboat the glowup it so justly deserves. Remember: This is where we started

Where we're heading:
Below you'll find a by-department by-first-updated list of all the changes and how the new Birdboat looks.

-Increased department population to 6 (8 Overflow)
-Decreased Gas Volume
-Added Atmospherics
-Disappeared the TEG Sorry!
-Miniaturized the SM Engine
-Optimized the HFR
-Added Maintenance
-Increased lounging space
-I can confirm that being intentional with SM Engine Treatment may or may not result in wiping engineering out of orbit.

AI Sat:
-Increased Neurotoxin capacity
-Safer AI Core Design
-Rock and Stone
-Basically the META STATION ai sat but with a few personal tweaks to make it better
-Maintenance to harass the AI with EMP's all day long

-Added a streamlined Tool Storage
--Engineers can also find their lockers and EVA Gear here (it's also next to E.V.A.)
-Forgive the rooms mess, crimes been rampant since cooperate drove the squatters out. They live in the maint tunnels like rats.
-Sunfinder Society game room. Open Friday evenings. Bring a character sheet.
-Cargo is really tucked away. I did some measurements and miners will have to open 8 doors in order to access the ORM
--But you won't have to deal with customers this way ;-)
-QM gets an office that is the envy of the station
-The mining shuttle is now stored in a hangar. I have to make birdboat medpop somehow some some sacrifices need to be made.

-Command Hallway the leads to various faculties.
-Bonus Guest Suite
-Detached Gravity Generator and Gateway located in a tertiary hallway

-Standard setup but allows for some more public access space within the medbay. Perfect for the Psyche office and Paramedics.
-Dethatched medical "pod" that does absolutely nothing as of right now. This is where you'll do your comprehensive examinations.
-Conveniently located Chemfactory and Pharmacy (for the doctors, not so much the rest of the schmucks on station)
-Tighter hallways to deny freeloaders. And to really make use of trench shotguns.

-Holding cell is located in a lobby area adjoined to interrogation and the brigcells.
-4 brigcells located in a separate room, convenient for not seeing what's going on and sorting through people who need a talking to against those who really need to steam for 10 minutes.
-Use the Holding cell
-Tight hallway the holds the more office-y stuff for the sectopia. Leads to something special.
-Tram that connects security to a prison area.

-Birdshot features a small library, but the curator was able to carve out some secret corridors for themselves.
-Full sized kitchen. Chefs rejoice.
-Diner area that hooks up to the theatre area.
-Bar area reminiscent of days gone by
-A clothing boutique (it's run by cargo, but fight them)
-Botanical area, tight but efficient.
-Janitorial diggs

[Other stuff etc I'm too lazy to write it right now go see the PR at ]

If you're reading this bit you're at the end of the blog. As previously stated this will be irregularly updated with more current bits of Birdshot as time goes on. Special thanks to mmmiracles, san7890, and armhulen for encouraging my madness. If you want to reach me, I'm active in the tgstation discord and less so here.

Birdboat comes
Last edited by Zytolg on Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:15 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Birdboat V2 (Birdshot)

Post by BeeSting12 » #662338

Birdboat was the only that gave me the screaming metal death trap in space vibes. Every other station feels like it's state of the art and oversupplied. Please keep that vibe and don't listen to people complaining about how they won't be starting with 500000 of every resource, an EVA suit for everyone, and their meta loadout.
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oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: Birdboat V2 (Birdshot)

Post by Misdoubtful » #662374

BeeSting12 wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:09 pm Birdboat was the only that gave me the screaming metal death trap in space vibes. Every other station feels like it's state of the art and oversupplied. Please keep that vibe and don't listen to people complaining about how they won't be starting with 500000 of every resource, an EVA suit for everyone, and their meta loadout.

I hope to see a modern Birdboat become a reality.
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Re: Birdboat V2 (Birdshot)

Post by Bawhoppennn » #662536

BeeSting12 wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:09 pm Birdboat was the only that gave me the screaming metal death trap in space vibes. Every other station feels like it's state of the art and oversupplied. Please keep that vibe and don't listen to people complaining about how they won't be starting with 500000 of every resource, an EVA suit for everyone, and their meta loadout.
Regrettably I think that ship has sailed. The current map maintainers are really against that scarcity philosophy.
I consider myself a /tg/station historian. If you're interested in the server history at all, feel free to ask me and I'll try and get you an answer! #ConcurForever

<KorMobile> you're a hero

[21:20:53] <%oranges> Baw "has cute legs" hoppen
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[07:13:57] <Rockdtben> Keep in mind that I'm an extremely successful and wealthy male in his late twenties.

(F) DEAD: Professor DonkPocket says, "Admins preventchaos with good messages"

OOC: Pogoman122: Fun fact if someone trespasses on your kitchen just turn them into a nugget


<+KorPhaeron> russians have no souls so magic enrages them
<+KorPhaeron> people who don't like rng are not from /tg/ and are likely redditors
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by Kendrickorium » #667110

Ive just observed mostly at the moment, but I like what I see

2 things:

-replace the bar and kitchen tiles with ALL dark wood for ultimate cozy. I see a little in the bar, we can do better. we can be COZIER.
-why does this have to replace kilo? they are both good unique maps

keep up the good work, this looks fantastic so far.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by rasonj » #667115

I like a lot about the station, biggest thing I need is help navigating it. More signage would go a long way towards helping.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by BeeSting12 » #667186

Yeah I really enjoyed this, you did a really good job of modernizing the map while keeping a lot of what made it unique. RIP the TEG though lol. I agree with rasonj that more signage would make a big difference. It truly feels like Nanotrasen hired the cheapest contractors to build this thing, and I absolutely love it.
Edward Sloan, THE LAW
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OOC: Hunterh98: to be fair sloan is one of the, if not the, most robust folks on tg

DEAD: Schlomo Gaskin says, "sloan may be a faggot but he gets the job done"

oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by kinnebian » #668198

Played a few rounds, heres some notes.

>No grinder in Virology
>The gravity generator is strangely far away from engineering.
>The colour of maint doors is inconsistent, with it being yellow in some areas (Security Maint) and green in others. This can be really confusing, especially on new stations. Typically maint is yellow, and service is green.
>Engineering is hard to navigate, as the foyer is seperate and you have to go through atmospherics to get to the main hall and SM.
>The warden is very deep into the brig, which conflicts with their job goals as the main protector and watcher of the brig. They are also far away from the cells. I think the interrogation room and armory could be swapped here to fix that, but thats just a suggestion.
>Cargo is lacking their Ripley
>Not sure why the telecomms storage is in science, as engineers have access to it. Additionally, not sure why telecomms is buried so deep into science, as again- its engineers who will be fixing it.
>Xenobiology has too few cells. People are already using the little grass patch as another cell, so why not make it official?
>Genetics has no public shutters.
>BZ can that is typically in cyt or secure xenobio is in the Gun Lab
>Chapel is very small, and has no public Altar. This is somewhat important for the sparring sect.
>A lot of small places, such as the chapel's coffin launcher are really tucked into maint, and hard to find. A navigation tool of any sort is pretty much required.
>General lack of signage.
>A blob can spawn in the small abandoned section of the station westward, and steamroll. This has happened, nobody found it in time!!

Cool shit:
>The treatment centre is really cool, and I love being able to see into space while replacing livers.
>The AI "sat" is sick, the N20 cans is really unique and memorable.
>I like the scarcity and scrappy feel and theme of the station, and I feel that it executes it very well. Maybe too well.
>The usage of trams is really cool, makes going to perma feel like a proper isolation from the rest of the station.
>Maint is fun to explore, and theres lots of it.
>Cargo is really nice, the delivery office is a good, centralized place.
>The usage of windows to space is everywhere, and I think its really neat to look at. It definitely adds to the feeling that there isn't much protecting this station.
>The command area is very luxurious, and contrasts with the rest of the station in a cool way.
>The far too often forgotten about cytology get its own lab.
>Unique spaces, such as the cubicles in sci go a long way in making the station memorable.

Hope this helps is some way!! :D
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by COwlbear » #668212

Hi! I've had a few Birdshot rounds so far, and I like the bones of it a lot. I'd like to offer some helpful feedback about how to refine it!


I have the most to say about this one so it gets proper paragraphs.


Here we can see where my Curator spawned in inside Gay Baby Jail. This wasn't taken right at roundstart, but it's hopefully close enough. The shutter on the right-hand side leading to a long hallway with both the private study and two different exits is fun, I'd just really like an easy way to get from behind the desk to the main library floor. As is I had to jump the desk every time I wanted to grab more books to put out for patrons. It might be worth getting rid of the potted plant and the shelf just below it to replace with a windoor connected to the table? The ease of movement is worth losing a little aesthetic niceness. Can always slap an art display point on the wall if that makes things feel a little too empty. Alternately, if you can figure out some sort of "trick shelf" gimmick to move the bookshelf out of the way to let the librarian past, that'd be very funny! Someone on Discord suggested having clicking a specific book be the slide toggle. This may be beyond the scope of the map, however.

I'm assuming the shelves themselves intentionally don't have assigned subject matter (Reference, Fiction, etc.). If you really want there to be eight in the library area, removing the potted plant behind the public book console, swapping it with the book binder, and putting an extra shelf where the book binder currently is is one way to do it.

The general layout is cozy while remaining plenty usable. The location also felt pretty good, since even adjusting for people not knowing the station layout it felt like plenty of people would swing by. It falling apart in places actually feels like a proper fit for the station!


BangingDonk mentioned a lot of things in the Github PR, so I'll focus on stuff he didn't bring up:
  • we need more trash cans in there, both as possible contraband spawn points and as places to throw away garbage. you can easily replace potted plants with cans (it is a prison)
  • the shovels in the garden dig up dirt beds instead of digging out an existing plant the way spades do; this is a problem when trying to free up a bed with something growing there. the rakes work fine!
  • no laundry hamper in the laundry room, just a machine and a wheelie cart. hampers are a source of cloth for bandages, etc. and another place to hide (but not spawn) contraband
  • this is purely for fluff reasons, but consider moving the spare prisoner clothing closer to where inmates' personal storage would be, since right now it's implied they're dressed in orange right before being shoved into the brig, and it's not clear where their stuff is supposed to be put
  • it feels about the right size as is, not too big, not too small, and requires just enough effort to break out of; having the security locker and a bunch of consoles a single reinforced window away from the main perma also provides an easy goal for the mischief-minded


Just some odds and ends:
  • I'd love to see more support for navigation beacons, since with such a mazey station people will need to use them more than ever while they learn the layout
  • there's a lot of signage in the halls but I'd argue there's room for even more, since it can feel weirdly difficult to find the dorms or evac from some parts of the station
  • the Psych Office windows are tinted, so they don't really look out anywhere. could we get them swapped out with shutters like seen in other stations? this is purely cosmetic and not a big deal if it goes against your vision for the area
  • I'd love to see more fax machines sprinkled about, but that's because I think they're funny
  • sunglasses don't spawn in the Law Office. many lawyers care about that
  • I don't remember seeing too many posters, but that may be a failing on my part

All in all I'm really excited to see how the map shapes up.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by TheSmallBlue » #668240

Generally I'm not a big fan of it, ESPECIALLY if its going to replace Kilo. Kilo, I feel, is BETTER in so many ways, be they aesthetics, room layout, maint qualit/loot and general fun.

Birdboat feels like a pain to traverse, with there being little to no sense to the room layouts.

You come out of arrivals, and to you have the usual, some bathrooms, aux base construction, a Zoo that lets you see into xenobio for some reason. You go to the right, the lavaland shuttle and. Comms? Which is next to many desolate, unusable rooms that are too out of the way to be shops or anytning like that and that instead could only be used as hiding spots? Wouldn't that make it EXCEEDINGLY easy to sabotage comms? Next to these weirds are doors that are labeled "maintenence" but do not have the actual maintenece door, while doors that dont lead to maintenence do???


Then in that same maintence you have a (non maintenence) door that leads to two transit tubes. YKnow, those tubes that every other map exclusively uses to lead to impotant areas. Where do these lead? fucking MAINT. And a MAINT in a DISTANT ASTEROID out of the way of EVERYTHING. Below that is a small chapel, which isn't the main chapel, and it has nothing useful for the chaplain except extra bibles I guess. To tghe right you have a pair of doors that lead into the asteroid and. There's bananium on the table.


Ok, heading back, there's a door named "Industrial Lab maintenence". It leads to the circuits lab. Does that mean the maintenence you come in from IS the industrial lab maintenence??? No other doors are named that??? Anyways right now you're in "South-East Science Maint", which goes nedxt to the circuits lab and toxins. Sure. Heading left from that area you hit tcomms! AGAIN! Still weird that it's just, there. Next to it is a designated augment room, which means that if someone comes into the robotics desk to be borged, you have to drag them aaall the way down to this augmenting room and do surgery on them there, since robotics has no surgery table. Also, no round-start MMI's. Fun! :)

I could go on and on and on about how batshit insane this layout is but I sincerely don't have the patience for that. This maps feels OLD, even though its been "remade".

On the positive side though, I like the AI sat being IN the bridge. I feel like that would lead to interesting situations in which the AI has to lock down the entire bridge when defending themselves, which is fun. I like the whole "Old station vs new station" aesthetic, though I feel like it was developed utterly horribly (The gravgen and gateway are on the "Old Command Hallway", which not only has nothing resembling a destroyed bridge, but its public accessible by anyone). The level of detail is immaculate, though some bits stuck out like the shrine which is just. Some walls and some benches. Not very shrine-y.
I LOVE perma, LOVE the tram that leads of it, though it could be a bit further out. It feels like a maximum security preason, but it still has SO many chances of escape. Like, solars being there allow for a prisoner to knock out the engineer that is setting up solars and assume their identity and thats awesome.

To sum up my thoughts, at the moment the map is. not good, but its still being worked on so I'm sure it won't stay that way. However, as a REPLACEMENT TO KILO it's honestly kind of insulting, for the love of god if this map does get merged DO NOT REPLACE KILO WITH IT
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by vect0r » #668329

I don't know what blue is on, I love the map, please keep working on it <3
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by kayozz » #668372

Might wanna fix the disposals loops, very easy to get trapped there. I had to ahelp to get myself unstuck...
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by Imitates-The-Lizards » #670159

Please connect a Pure to Engine line, it's rather silly this is the only map that doesn't have a line from atmos to the engine.... Even Kilo, the smol station, has this.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by vect0r » #670217

Yeah. During lowpop I cannot turn it on as the AI, and I can't singlo as a rogue AI
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by Epicgamer545 » #670262

Love Birdshot as everything BUT Security. The cells don’t have timers and they also don’t have the same kick as the other maps, such as the brig being viewable. However I’m willing to put everything like this aside if they add timers. On the other hand, the Station is cramped and small to allow for a gritty experience on MRP, and it is a very interesting map to me. It had a sour taste when I was warden, but when I played as Engineer and Cargo Tech, it flipped right up.

As AI, I adore the satellite design and how there are chambers right next to me labeled “neurotoxin” so I can pull a Portal 2 incase things get a little purge-ey. I enjoyed it as jobs other than Security, but I feel like there may be other jobs that possibly have faults. Maybe I’ll get into robotics again.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by BeeSting12 » #683669

Gulag is missing prisoner ID's which means the officer has to make a trip to perma to grab some. Sinfulbliss also told me that the perma prisoner IDs apparently don't have gulag shuttle access which screws any prisoners sent down there. Also I'm not sure if this is an every round thing but I witnessed a simple mob russian in maintenance kill a ton of people. Not sure if that needs to be looked into or if the people who died are just dumbasses.
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oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by Googles_Hands » #683712

Yeah, the russian mobs in the abandoned bar kill Pun Pun at roundstart, they should not be there.
Also, why does Pun Pun start in the the maint bar and the Goose start in the main bar?

Edit: Oh, I get it, Birdboat the Goose, I suppose it fits the map. But the russian mobs should be nerfed and moved to the gambling den, so Pun Pun doesn't die roundstart.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by blackdav123 » #683713

the russian is shooting mosin rounds full auto instead of something weaker
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by Vekter » #688524

I haven't seen much being done on this map, which is a shame because I think it definitely needs work.

Most of the complaints I hear are that engineering feels way too small and hard to manage. Delams seem to happen a lot and atmos appears to be somehow fundamentally broken. I don't know enough about either department to really give exceptional feedback in this department but there's work to be done for sure.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by sinfulbliss » #688775

Vekter wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 5:50 pm I haven't seen much being done on this map, which is a shame because I think it definitely needs work.

Most of the complaints I hear are that engineering feels way too small and hard to manage. Delams seem to happen a lot and atmos appears to be somehow fundamentally broken. I don't know enough about either department to really give exceptional feedback in this department but there's work to be done for sure.
I can venture why the SM delams a lot.

The gas filters are unlike the filters on all the other maps. On the other maps, you set the filters to filter N2, which gets filtered into the cooling loop, and everything else passes through into waste. With this setup you need to check every gas except N2, since it filters everything into waste. If you check n2 on the filters like all the other SM setups, it'll actually filter the N2 into waste, which will cause all the other gasses to pile up instead and delam will be quick.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by c4g » #688788

sinfulbliss wrote: Tue Jun 06, 2023 9:26 pm I can venture why the SM delams a lot.

The gas filters are unlike the filters on all the other maps. On the other maps, you set the filters to filter N2, which gets filtered into the cooling loop, and everything else passes through into waste. With this setup you need to check every gas except N2, since it filters everything into waste. If you check n2 on the filters like all the other SM setups, it'll actually filter the N2 into waste, which will cause all the other gasses to pile up instead and delam will be quick.
yeah, once you know this the SM setup is actually great, its really compact and imo kinda cute. it does mean you cant just set it up by following the wiki guide so it'll be a trap for new players/engies who don't actually understand how the SM works when they get stuck with it, but aside from that i think its really cozy and not any more prone to delam unless you're really pushing it
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by Constellado » #691118

I am surprised nobody mentioned the CO2 and the n2o tanks. Why are they like this? Why is there a valve that can just vent all the CO2 out? Why is there pipes with approximately 16k pressure that I can just straight pipe into distro easily by replacing the pumps along the way? Why haven't I seen a n2o flood of epic proportions yet?

It is so bad it is good.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by BrianBackslide » #691273

Slapdash, ramshackle, and highly sabotagable are hallmarks of good map design when it comes to SS13. Don't coddle me with your Metas and Deltas.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by NotADev » #711001

kinnebian wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:26 pm >Not sure why the telecomms storage is in science, as engineers have access to it. Additionally, not sure why telecomms is buried so deep into science, as again- its engineers who will be fixing it.
I just want to note that I was looking through the map to find stuff to write about for the wiki and it took me a solid minute to find tcomms, which at first seems rather odd, but I can see some justification for it. Firstly on Birdboat tcomms was located in the AI sat, having a meagre 9 machines and 2 consoles. Zytolg came along and expanded the AI sat significantly, and today it essentially looks nothing like what it used to then, aside from being north of command. Elongating the sat now would just make it look wrong (its nice and level with engineering currently), requiring a new location for tcomms.

Secondly there is likely justification from a security point of view that having so many essential departments makes it an easy target to take out the stations central infrastructure in one go, so it just seems smarter to have the only thing keeping communications up to be in a completely differnet spot.

The result that has been created is a nice deviation from the usual formula, giving science a new responsibility to protect the station's telecommunications infrastructure.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by Imitates-The-Lizards » #711019

Ah, since this thread got bumped, I just want to say Birdshot has grown on me. It has an extremely well placed Bar, I like that it's single z instead of the shitty forced multi-z meme, it has great performance, it has some cool gimmicks with the isolated perma and floating medical exam room, and I like the dedication to frequent updates and improvements.

Keep working on it and people will come around to it eventually. Probably.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by Constellado » #717790

The. N2O and CO2 tanks are more of a problem than I thought.
The waste system does not work and is *clogged* because of it. If you did not know, a filter will not push gas if one output has a high pressure. Because the N2O and the CO2 tanks are at a high pressure, none of the gasses actually will get filtered. This will cause the waste pipe to slowly fill, eventually stopping the scrubbers in the whole station from working. There is a valve to release it all into space but it wastes all the gasses and make the whole pipe setup useless.

Also something is broken with the turbine as any time I see an atmos tech use it they either complain about it being shit or the whole room burns down. I haven't tried it myself to see what the exact issue is but yeah... Worth a look.

Also can we move the place to open engi department crates to somewhere a bit closer to the front door? It's a pain having to go through atmos to be able to open crates.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by Constellado » #717793

NotADev wrote: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:34 pm
kinnebian wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:26 pm >Not sure why the telecomms storage is in science, as engineers have access to it. Additionally, not sure why telecomms is buried so deep into science, as again- its engineers who will be fixing it.
I just want to note that I was looking through the map to find stuff to write about for the wiki and it took me a solid minute to find tcomms, which at first seems rather odd, but I can see some justification for it. Firstly on Birdboat tcomms was located in the AI sat, having a meagre 9 machines and 2 consoles. Zytolg came along and expanded the AI sat significantly, and today it essentially looks nothing like what it used to then, aside from being north of command. Elongating the sat now would just make it look wrong (its nice and level with engineering currently), requiring a new location for tcomms.

Secondly there is likely justification from a security point of view that having so many essential departments makes it an easy target to take out the stations central infrastructure in one go, so it just seems smarter to have the only thing keeping communications up to be in a completely differnet spot.

The result that has been created is a nice deviation from the usual formula, giving science a new responsibility to protect the station's telecommunications infrastructure.
Science is never the ones to look after tcomms, and it is as far as it can get to engi. How about east of the bridge? It's a bit closer and other maps have it in the command area which makes it more likely people would be able to understand it or find it.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by xzero314 » #717926

Much love for Birdshot. A few rather minor things.
Brig needs a toolbox in the armory for the warden, Brig also need med kits.
The AI SAT door that opens into the first room with turrets uses the CE remote instead of the Command remote for control.
Some access permissions missing on doors. Like tech storage for engie sec or R&D for the HOS.
There is no button to lift the shutters for EVA.
Medbay has no break room at all. Not even a microwave.

I cannot remember the rest but I had more. I will start writing this stuff down as I love birb like I said and want to see it not clowned on.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by PapaMichael » #718008

I like Birdshot too, but a bunch of things feel weird.
  • Ordnance doesn't spawn with pumps, so you have to mooch them from atmos.
  • Does medbay not have a crate of prosthetic limbs? Last I played there I couldn't find it. (If this is by design, that's actually kinda cool, make the doctors swipe morgue limbs or grow them or something, I'm just curious if it's by design or something that was overlooked, or if I'm just stupid and missed a crate in plain sight)
  • I'm not a fan of the hostile Russian mobs in that one maints room. In practice, all it amounts to is "noob enters once, gets shot, and then either never enters again or cheese kills them because they're stupid mobs", which doesn't feel like great gameplay.
    (I think I'd be much more amenable to it if they either didn't spawn every round, or spawned in different randomized places, that would really enhance the "oh shit, there are fucking mobsters in our station's maints" feeling that I think is utterly lost the way it is now.)
Even if Constellado's technical points about Engineering are sound, I still really do like the feel of it (actually, I quite like the feel of nearly all departments)
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon [FEEDBACK]

Post by Zytolg » #720513

Long story short, I'm getting used to using SDMM2 now that SDMM1 is out of commission forever. Probably. It's ultimately a minor hickup, but it's let me do some spring cleaning. Figured I'd update the thread to an official discourse thingy for feedback.

So feedback below please

Related: I've also been able to identify some growth-areas that haven't made the transition as well as I'd like as the codebase has grown. I want to get to them, and once things are flowing quite a bit better, I'm hoping that I can knock them all out in short succession. Not giving dates, I'm bad with 'em, but I figure a 3am update fueled by a caffine-induced headache is a fantastic way to update this thread with.

Unrelated: It's been brought to my attention that I'm being pinged in #voice-chat-general over on the discord. This is a poor way to reach me since I have those channels muted. Feedback should be directed here, or if it's urgent, to the #mapping-general channel. I tend to be doing mapping stuff so I'll eventually see it.

Until next time.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon [FEEDBACK]

Post by Nabski » #726386

The filters once again do nothing by default for the engine. Someone said that unless you move the extra teslas over the engine can't produce enough power for the station. The safety railings are incredibly frustrating to move around. The entire engineering rework feels neat and clean which just generally doesn't remotely fit with the rest of the stations dirty grimey styling (which I find very fun. Fixing up the dorms area is a free fun vanity project.)

Maybe this is what you were going for with it being it's own semi-separated asteroid, that the engineers are the only ones that are cared about on the station. All the special tiling and the use of titanium supports that.

Putting the mesons past the main engine so that you can't grab them without seeing the engine when it's turned on combined with all the other little inconveniences makes me feel like you're trolling everyone with these changes.
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Re: Birdshot Station - Shipping Too Soon (PR in desc.)

Post by NotADev » #736520

Constellado wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 11:15 pm Science is never the ones to look after tcomms, and it is as far as it can get to engi. How about east of the bridge? It's a bit closer and other maps have it in the command area which makes it more likely people would be able to understand it or find it.
I don't disagree that it is unconventional, but in my view it is certainly novel, and if someone had an interest in switching around the exact responsibilities of the departments I think it could be a unique experience. On the other hand, maybe the idea I'm trying to present is more effort than fun, I don't know unfortunately.

The entire area around the bridge looks cramped to me, but I suppose the area is also full of superfluous equipment that isn't always used, and perhaps their locations can be switched with telecomms. Up to the mapper
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