BYOND account: onjec
Character name: Eternius Lament
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 1 day
Ban reason: The ban reason is: Overescalation. As a non-antagonist, had their PDA and ID confiscated because they were assumed to be traitor, when a secoff refused to hand over the ID they stunned them with a baton and killed them. Stunning and getting your ID back from officer would've been fine, but finishing them off when they were already in a stam crit is not good. 1 day ban due to it being a repeat offense.
Time ban was placed: 2022-04-28 19:10:04
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 182292
Your side of the story: I was arrested and searched in cargo by two security officers for possesion of a unique firearm "Chekov's Gun" usualy otherwise unacessable from an Away mission, during search the officers found the Hand teleporter which i previously used to efficiently gather crates and fuel tanks for cargo as cargo technician, for these two reasons the officers decided to drag me handcuffed through maint in search of further evidence against me, this search was propagated by discovery of suicided body of a miner of whose murder i was blamed for despide the corpse having the "commited suicide" message visible when examined, while i argued this the officers ignored me and dragged me through more maintenance and through the mining base on lavaland, on the mining shuttle i was flashed, stun batoned and pepper sprayed so the security could uncuff and recuff me, after arriving in brig i was put in a cell with arrest reason of possesion of contraband, the two security officers took everything except for my clothing and kept it for them selfs, one took my firearm and other taking the hand teleporter and my PDA with ID as he has stated he had lost his own, i was also blamed for possession of telebaton which i never previously seen nor had this entire round, i did try to resist imprisonment and to reason with the warden and later with the HOS but i was either ignored or refused by both of them, while one of the officers kept verbaly harrasing me in my cell, after release i demanded at least return of my PDA and ID card which i was refused and told by the officer who was currently wearing my PDA and ID that i should get a new one from the HOP office, which was closed and in lockdown the entire shift, and i forcefully removed from brig with nothing but my clothes, i spoke with the QM since he was my superior and i couldnt perform my duty anymore due to lack of ID with cargo access who suggested to resolve the matter diplomaticaly, and he managed to get the security officer with my ID to come to cargo to talk but this only resulted in me being blamed for the murder of the suicided miner again after which the security officer left again, i tried to persude the officer multiple times on the hallway but I was always refused belligerently, after one such encounter the security officer decided to attack me with chainsaw despite having multiple non lethal weapons (stun baton, telebaton, pepperspray, flash and disabler) after telling me he wont be returning my belongings, which i took as a reason to escalate the conflict further first non lethaly with bola and stun baton but since the officer continued using the lethal chainsaw i escalated to lethals as well ultimately killing the officer and strip, unfortunately i was interupted by the CE to which i procceed to take the stripped gear and run into hiding, when i returned to the body with the intention to at least drag the corpse to medbay i was again interupted, this time by ahelp concerning matters of this conflict.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I believe this ban is unfair due to the claim that the reason for my arrest and taking of my PDA and ID was due to security assuming I was traitor which never happened and and only reason for my arrest ever stated was officers belief i dont need this gear and that they have better use for it themselves and because i believe that my engagement with lethal weaponry on someone who started the conflict with lethal weaponry was adequate despite them being a security officer
Anything else we should know: before the confrontation I did consult multiple other players, notably the quartermaster, and all of them agreed with me on the security being unreasonable, which while not being good argument for the escalation in the fight itself it at least validates my behaviour before hand.
[Striders13] Eternius Lament - overescalation ban
- Tearling
- Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2021 4:40 pm
- Byond Username: Tearling
Re: [Striders13] Eternius Lament - overescalation ban
I believe the round ID listed could be wrong because your last round as cargo tech was actually round 182291, and that round seems to match up with the description of the ban/defense.
Here are the logs of that round: ... /game.html
And the full folder: ... nd-182291/
Here are the logs of that round: ... /game.html
And the full folder: ... nd-182291/
- Tearling
- Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2021 4:40 pm
- Byond Username: Tearling
Re: [Striders13] Eternius Lament - overescalation ban
Here is the point where onjec mentioned Phil McKrackin lied about Eternius killing a dead miner with everything unrelated to Phil's story removed:
Here is the point where onjec said Phil McKrackin attacked Eternius with a chainsaw, with everything unrelated to the encounter removed.
Aftewards Eternius starts to strip Dunkelbunt, before finishing him off.
I'd like to mention something, while this part may be a peanut (feel free to snip this part if it is) it is likely that Phil didn't maliciously lie about Eternius killing the miner. Dunkelbunt seems to be quite new according to scrubby, so he likely accidentally lied in the process of explaining his arrest.
Code: Select all
[2022-04-28 17:46:05.525] SAY: 17:46:05.525] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "sit down" (Interrogation Room (127,167,2))
[2022-04-28 17:46:09.684] SAY: 17:46:09.684] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "let me explain" (Interrogation Room (127,167,2))
[2022-04-28 17:46:13.655] SAY: 17:46:13.655] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "so" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:46:21.404] SAY: 17:46:21.404] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "we asked that cargo guy" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:46:25.536] SAY: 17:46:25.536] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "why he was armed" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:46:34.468] SAY: 17:46:34.468] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "and he ran away into maints" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:46:40.710] SAY: 17:46:40.710] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "we arrested him" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:46:44.197] SAY: 17:46:44.197] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "and found this" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:46:52.340] EMOTE: 17:46:52.340] EMOTE: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) points at the hand tele (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:46:59.453] SAY: 17:46:59.453] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "he also had a mosin" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:47:08.460] SAY: 17:47:08.460] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "10mm package" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:47:16.502] SAY: 17:47:16.502] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "and a telescopic baton" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:47:22.700] SAY: 17:47:22.700] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "so we searched maints" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:47:28.862] SAY: 17:47:28.862] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "we found a dead miner" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:47:32.833] SAY: 17:47:32.833] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "clearly shot" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:47:38.928] SAY: 17:47:38.928] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "so wearrested him" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:47:45.163] SAY: 17:47:45.163] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "took the items" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:47:51.092] SAY: 17:47:51.092] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "and confiscated the id" (Interrogation Room (128,166,2))
[2022-04-28 17:47:54.865] SAY: 17:47:54.865] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "+pds" (Interrogation Room (127,167,2))
Code: Select all
[2022-04-28 18:00:19.122] SAY: 18:00:19.122] SAY: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) "return my shit" (Central Primary Hallway (96,115,2))
[2022-04-28 18:00:21.534] SAY: 18:00:21.534] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "no" (Central Primary Hallway (102,114,2))
[2022-04-28 18:00:26.130] SAY: 18:00:26.130] SAY: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) "ok then" (Central Primary Hallway (98,115,2))
[2022-04-28 18:00:28.481] SAY: 18:00:28.481] SAY: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) "i will take it" (Central Primary Hallway (98,115,2))
[2022-04-28 18:00:37.747] SAY: 18:00:37.747] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "how about no" (Central Primary Hallway (100,113,2))
[2022-04-28 18:00:44.542] SAY: 18:00:44.542] SAY: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) "how about" (Central Primary Hallway (98,115,2))
[2022-04-28 18:00:46.944] SAY: 18:00:46.944] SAY: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) "you stop being a cunt" (Central Primary Hallway (97,115,2))
[2022-04-28 18:00:52.019] SAY: 18:00:52.019] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "yeah stop" (Central Primary Hallway (100,113,2))
[2022-04-28 18:00:53.646] ATTACK: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) has attacked Onjec/(Eternius Lament) with chainsaw (Wielded) (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 76) (Central Primary Hallway (99,114,2))
[2022-04-28 18:00:57.301] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has thrown the bola (Central Primary Hallway (104,115,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:04.150] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has thrown the bola (Central Primary Hallway (127,122,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:04.566] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has threw and hit Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with the bola (NEWHP: 82.4) (Central Primary Hallway (127,123,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:08.431] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has suffered: Open Laceration to moth head | Damage: 24 (rolled 81/85.5649) (Central Primary Hallway (126,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:08.433] ATTACK: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) has attacked Onjec/(Eternius Lament) with chainsaw (Wielded) (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 52) (Central Primary Hallway (125,125,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:09.241] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has stun attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 82.4) (Central Primary Hallway (126,125,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:14.037] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has stun attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 82.4) (Central Primary Hallway (126,127,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:15.319] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has grabbed Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) passive grab (NEWHP: 82.4) (Central Primary Hallway (126,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:18.939] SAY: 18:01:18.939] SAY: Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) "STOP HIm" (Command Hallway (119,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:19.446] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has stun attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 82.4) (Command Hallway (117,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:22.419] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 74.9) (Command Hallway (111,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:23.476] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 67.4) (Command Hallway (109,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:24.619] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 59.9) (Command Hallway (106,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:25.661] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 52.4) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:27.207] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has stun attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 52.4) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:28.284] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 44.8) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:29.316] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 37.3) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:30.603] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 29.9) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:31.508] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 22.4) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:32.660] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 14.9) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:33.680] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has stun attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 14.9) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:34.738] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 10.4) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:36.054] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 2.9) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:36.982] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -4.6) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:37.964] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -12.1) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:39.111] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -19.6) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:40.135] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has stun attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with the stun baton (NEWHP: -19.6) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:41.302] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -27.1) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-28 18:01:42.795] ATTACK: Onjec/(Eternius Lament) has attacked Dunkelbunt/(Phil McKrackin) with surgical drill (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -31.6) (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
I'd like to mention something, while this part may be a peanut (feel free to snip this part if it is) it is likely that Phil didn't maliciously lie about Eternius killing the miner. Dunkelbunt seems to be quite new according to scrubby, so he likely accidentally lied in the process of explaining his arrest.
- Striders13
- In-Game Admin Trainer
- Joined: Tue May 07, 2019 7:59 am
- Byond Username: Striders13
Re: [Striders13] Eternius Lament - overescalation ban
Hi there, thank you for appealing.
My main issue with this was that you could've returned your ID through nonlethal takedown, since you had a baton.
I didn't notice that he actually attacked you twice, not once, and that left you with decent injuries. So the kill is perfectly valid here.
Another issue i've had about it is that you didn't bring them to medbay after scuffle, but you were injured, and I suppose it's not a great idea to patch yourself up when there's a corpse of an officer under you, would've probably gotten you lynched.
Also, as you've mentioned in your appeal, you did return in an attempt to bring secoff to medbay, and, even though it's not in the logs, I'm willing to believe that.
That being the case - appeal accepted, I'm going to remove the note and lift the ban, apologies for the inconvenience.
My main issue with this was that you could've returned your ID through nonlethal takedown, since you had a baton.
I didn't notice that he actually attacked you twice, not once, and that left you with decent injuries. So the kill is perfectly valid here.
Another issue i've had about it is that you didn't bring them to medbay after scuffle, but you were injured, and I suppose it's not a great idea to patch yourself up when there's a corpse of an officer under you, would've probably gotten you lynched.
Also, as you've mentioned in your appeal, you did return in an attempt to bring secoff to medbay, and, even though it's not in the logs, I'm willing to believe that.
That being the case - appeal accepted, I'm going to remove the note and lift the ban, apologies for the inconvenience.
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