What policy conclusions do you think should be in headmin rulings?

(Mainly the wiki)
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What policy conclusions do you think should be in headmin rulings?

Post by dragomagol » #617844

With the return of wiki editing (and with rulings on 26 new policy threads this term so far), what policy thread conclusions do you think would be worth having on the Headmin Rulings page, especially from past terms?

Are there any policy thread rulings you remember seeing that were significant (whatever that means to you) that you wish were easier to reference?

What specific things that have been discussed repeatedly in policy (or maybe referenced in an appeal but weren't in rulings) but ultimately got forgotten?
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Re: What policy conclusions do you think should be in headmin rulings?

Post by Riggle » #617848

I'd like that a ruling for needless shuttle calls would finally be passed and added to the rulings page.


It would be also great if we restructured the wiki page a little, since it's getting rather large. Putting the important / often used ones on top, and a list of less important threads below, each in their own section.
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Re: What policy conclusions do you think should be in headmin rulings?

Post by BeeSting12 » #617863

Make sure the streaming policy is up to date, last one's from 2019
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Re: What policy conclusions do you think should be in headmin rulings?

Post by Cobby » #617971

every ruling you expect people to enforce or align their behavior to.
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Re: What policy conclusions do you think should be in headmin rulings?

Post by Misdoubtful » #617973

Cobby wrote: Tue Nov 02, 2021 4:03 am every ruling you expect people to enforce or align their behavior to.
Honestly this.

Ideally everything that could be conceivably enforced would be in the same place for ease of reference. It'd be wacky to expect people to have to dig through forum threads and posts to find rulings on things. Forums are a bit old and antiquated, and not everyone has the skills to search through them to find what they are looking for with ease. I really don't vibe with the idea of holding people to rulings that could otherwise be buried so far down that they couldn't reasonably be expected to know about it on the fly. Imagine them having to be pulled out of a hat like some kind of macabre magic trick? That sucks, for literally everyone involved.

Like yeah, the headmin rulings page could use some work sure — the rulings page could without a doubt however, be adapted to make searching through all these rulings easier one day (have some thoughts on how that could be done as it is but not trying to get into that right now).
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Re: What policy conclusions do you think should be in headmin rulings?

Post by dragomagol » #617976

Misdoubtful wrote: Tue Nov 02, 2021 5:26 am Like yeah, the headmin rulings page could use some work sure — the rulings page could without a doubt however, be adapted to make searching through all these rulings easier one day (have some thoughts on how that could be done as it is but not trying to get into that right now).
I would love to get into that sometime! That's part of what I would like to work towards but haven't wrapped my head around how that would be done yet.

An excellent point by both of you; I guess the real question I'm asking is: are there any policy thread rulings you remember seeing that were significant (whatever that means to you) that you wish were easier to reference? At least while the headmin rulings page exists in the format it does right now?

For example: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=28864
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Re: What policy conclusions do you think should be in headmin rulings?

Post by Mothblocks » #617992

every ruling you expect people to enforce or align their behavior to.
This, basically. A seemingly common sense policy discussion that's just one guy salting and everyone telling him "no obviously you're wrong" doesn't need to be on the board. Anything controversial, or at the very least fuzzy enough to be discussed more than a few times does.
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Re: What policy conclusions do you think should be in headmin rulings?

Post by dragomagol » #618012

Mothblocks wrote: Tue Nov 02, 2021 10:04 am
every ruling you expect people to enforce or align their behavior to.
This, basically. A seemingly common sense policy discussion that's just one guy salting and everyone telling him "no obviously you're wrong" doesn't need to be on the board. Anything controversial, or at the very least fuzzy enough to be discussed more than a few times does.
Do you have any specific examples? That's the kind of thing I'm going for here; I'm asking folks to think back on specific things that have been discussed repeatedly (or maybe referenced in an appeal but weren't in rulings?) but ultimately got forgotten.

I'll edit the OP to make that clearer.
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Re: What policy conclusions do you think should be in headmin rulings?

Post by Mothblocks » #618037

The one that comes to mind is ash walkers, free golems, etc and what rights they have to the above station. Ash walkers get discussed in bus every few weeks, yet ctrl+f ash walker doesn't answer whether or not they can leave the station or anything similar. Same with free golems.
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
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Re: What policy conclusions do you think should be in headmin rulings?

Post by Hulkamania » #619066

I went back on my old policy threads to see if there's any that doesn't add up with current rulings. This one might be irrelevant these days because it's covered in the flavortext, but it's not on the page proper

I think we could use something officially on the books about calling the shuttle for stupid reasons, it actually comes up fairly regularly.

Best I can tell we don't actually have anything down about killing fresh spawns? I think most players know about this, but I've seen bans being levied for this reason and it isn't on the books

As tentative as I am to say this, we may want to include this in silicon policy or the headmin rulings. I am not necessarily in favor of increasing the wordiness of silicon policy but the surgery thing is actually another one that comes up fairly often (it actually came up the round before I started writing this) but isn't formally recorded

This was just from one pass at the policy stuff that I was personally involved in, but those are the standouts. I may have missed one of these being included on the ruling page or somesuch, but I did a quick CTRL+F and couldn't see any.
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