Hey, you there, yeah you.
Seriously browsing the spriting and mapping forum on a (whatever day of the week it is) night?
Well, have I got a special deal for you friend!
I need your asteroids, yes you heard me, asteroids.
A recent idea for a station of mine calls for an old military station built inside of an asteroid, that was converted to a research base once NT bought it, here's the thing.
I figured it'd be more fun, and look better if the station was built around the asteroid, and not the other way around, but instead of just making one myself I decided why not let other people do it for me, so I can both do less work and have it look better?
All you need to do is submit to me an asteroid of whatever design you want, and if you're lucky (or unlucky depends on how you view things) it'll be chosen as the basis for my idea.
How to submit your epic asteroid(s):
- Firstly, before even starting work, make sure you read the requirements and suggestions below!
- When you think you're done, ping Paxilmaniac#3129 on the /tg/station discord in the mapping channel with your map, or send me a dm if the mapping channel scares you.
- Your submission must be an asteroid in space, meaning made of rock walls and of course, in space!
- Submissions must be large enough to conceivably fit a medium-highpop map inside of, meaning the inside area should take up maybe 60-70% of an empty map (open spaces inside of an asteroid count towards this)
- Submissions must be 255x255, and have two z-levels, with the asteroid taking space on both levels
- Your submission should not contain any structures or mobs, other decorations like plants and dirt decals, etc. are allowed
- Give it an interesting shape! Make one level a different size from the other, have a giant hole going down the center of it, get creative!
- Add some internal spaces to it, caverns that span multiple levels, large open areas inside, craters, you name it, make the inside of the asteroid more than just solid rock!
- Small details in open areas are encouraged, if you want an example take a look at Kilo station, as it's got some neat small plants and rocks around the open areas.
- In general, just get creative, make something unique! The shape of the asteroid will directly impact the shape of the station, after all.