Sorry for sounding autistic but aren't those warning labels properly taught in basic high school chemistry? Who the hell puts a "1" at specific hazard and why are the labels on the walls. Placing them for the chem dispensers doesn't really make sense as the dispensers can give out chems from 0 to 4.
A reference:
I mean I've seen worse like in CoD where they rated everything a 5 on gas canisters or drew texas carbons but this still can't be unseen
Last edited by Waterboardmeawaypls on Sun May 23, 2021 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I mentioned this and was told that making multiple versions of the safety diamond wasn't worth the extra work for a wall fluff item.
Douglas Bickerson / Adaptive Manipulator / Digital Clockwork
OrdoM/(Viktor Bergmannsen) (ghost) "Also Douglas, you're becoming the Lexia Black of Robotics"
four overlays for the bottom symbol and then use maptext for the numbers on the top and side ones
i accept payment in bitcoin or tgcoin. please send within 12 working days of this solution post.
best wishes,
bobbah 'bee' brown
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talking a lot of shit for someone within tramming distance
Submitted by: sandstorm
The best way to get a girl/boy friend is to click on them say "hi" then push enter
then say "your cute" then push enter,wait until they say somthing back if they
don't go for another.