cacogen wrote:oranges wrote:afraid your shitty reputation will follow you like a bad smell cacogen?
Well no, I follow the rules. But I think bobbah's ancient YogStation bans are a good example of why this is an unfair system. Obviously you don't have to worry about it because you don't play the game. But you calling MSO spiteful made it seem to me like you were against it.
to address your concern, though id like not to derail the thread: whilst i can understand why you would be concerned about ancient bans if this were some sort of system that would automatically ban or penalize you based on bans, that simply isn't what centcom is.
all that centcom does is effectively let you search multiple public ban webpages at once, the question of what data is presented to you is not a question for centcom but a question of the individual source/codebase. i have no intention or interest in modifying the content returned from sources in any form, it's not what the application is designed for or advertised as.
not only this, but the servers that use centcom for admin purposes are (as far as i am aware) just using it to get a better idea of...
- if you are appealing a ban, have you gotten banned recently anywhere else
- if you are playing and are up to no good, have you gotten banned recently from somewhere for a similar reason
- if you are suspected of metacomming have you been banned elsewhere for metacomming (more specifically with the same player)
those three scenarios probably make up the majority of the use case for centcom as a service, and hopefully you can agree with me when i propose that the people using it for those reasons won't care about a ban from seven years ago.
hopefully this clarifies some things. i would suggest taking a look at the
previously linked hackmd document if you have deeper questions or concerns that i have not addressed here as they likely are addressed there
buzzing with activity,
bobbah 'bee' brown
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