The rules image:
- I also would put a mining outfits locker in it, though I think those have been replaced by vendors. In that case, just place some mining outfits/backpacks/shoes.
- Place a table in the corner of the room with: A stack of metal to get started, an RCD with a couple of expanded cartridges (to traverse the lava lake), a pickaxe
- Spawn some better mining tools, such as drills or KAs, underneath some rocks or just out of site of the island that the colonists will eventually find.
- Spawn a human in the room, racechange him to a skeleton, and possess him. Spawn him a crown and rename him to King Calcium.
- Spawn a paper, name it "SKELETON LAW", and write this set of rules in it:
Code: Select all
1. Don't interact with the humans or their workplaces.
2. Don't fight your fellow skeleton.
3. You can, and should, build housing for more of your fellow skeletons to live in.
- When somebody builds a new house as according to specifications, spawn a `/obj/effect/mob_spawn/human/skeleton/alive` in it and tell the ghosts in deadchat that they can orbit you and click it to spawn in. Rooms that are larger follow a formula of (tiles - 4)/6 rounded down to at least 1 = # of new skellies spawned.
- An ore smelter that either doesn't require power or runs off of the original 3x3 room (will require you to also set up an APC) is usually the last thing needed
Once you have all that, the rest of the event is up to you pretty much. It's interesting to see how big and how far they've spread in the past. You're encouraged to be really involved in it and spawn things as you see fit. One time they made a big room for botany, so I gave them a seed vendor, dirt plots, a pond, and some buckets. Basically it's like Rimworld but your colonists are all sentient and their primary goal is to reproduce, which will increase the size of their living quarters by necessity.