When: around 19:30 +3 UTC
Byond account: narciss_f
Character name: Mia Hughes
Admin: Virtual John
Round ID: 108902
Detailed summary:
Was having fun in my durand named HITLER when admins asked me to change it's name through pray.
I nicely changed it to ADOLPH. Common german name.
After 10 minutes passed, finds out Virtual John is not okay with new name so he decides to delete ADOLPH witout warning.
This makes me sad so I ahelp and ask who did that and why.
Finds out Virtual John did.
I asked him what is wrong with ADOLPH name.
He tells me "not to play a dumbo" refusing to explain anything.
I asked him to apogolzie for calling me a dumbo and give me my mech back.
But he just closed the ticket so I ahelped him again giving a warning that i won't leave it like that.
Here are conversation logs
Hope Virtual John will rethink his attitude and apologize before me.
also i want my durand back