(Sublime Text 3 package with similar features here.)
IntelliSense features include:
- Workspace symbol search to find types, procs, vars, and macros (Ctrl+T).
- Robust go-to-definition (Ctrl+Click) support.
- As-you-type autocomplete of types, procs, vars, and macros.
- Hovering var and proc definitions to see their parents.
- Outline view of the current file.
- Find all references, for finding places where a type/proc/var is used.
- Warnings against certain kinds of bad style.
- Project object tree view.
- Ctrl+Shift+B to run the compiler.
- Ctrl+Shift+P "Default Build Task" to remove prompts for tgui builds.
- Errors will appear in VS Code's "Problem" pane, clickable to navigate to that code file.
- Status bar control to toggle a file's tickmark in the .dme.
- Optionally automatically ticking created/unticking deleted files.
- Built-in DM Reference browser.
- Open index with "DreamMaker: Open DM Reference" in the command palette.
- Look up items with workspace symbol search (Ctrl+T) or by Ctrl+Clicking where they're used.
- Status bar button which can be clicked to reload the environment.
A separate extension is available for syntax highlighting, which I recommend but do not maintain: BYOND DM Language Support.
The go-to-definition support is brand new and I think finally adds enough meat to the IntelliSense to warrant an announcement on the forums. A few of the maintainers in #coderbus, particularly Antur, have been helping test and providing feedback (thanks!). I've been using this setup for several months and it's huge productivity improvement. I have a very rough roadmap going forward, but am open to suggestions if they make sense. Future updates will be posted in this thread.