Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by A3STH3T1CS » #210206

Bottom post of the previous page:

does anyone have the video of spongebob and squidward bouncing up and down to deathgrips
banned consecutively from multiple communities
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<Pirou> Xhuis: You have 10 unread memos. You may read them by speaking in the channel. <Xhuis> ?!
<Chocobro> aesthetics is the best flower maker
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #210326

~New glasses~

I actually hate how I look less now!!1!

found this funny video on the subreddit
watched it a few times, only to then notice that it's my changeling sprite they're using.
completely flew past me the first few times.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by 420weedscopes » #210430

glasses are GOAT
Check out Phoenix Bucket!
TheWiznard wrote:jmad you read a book out loud to no one for two hours
original fanart by TheWiznard http://i.imgur.com/TTd3AFt.jpg
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by EndgamerAzari » #210701

My classes start at 9am EST tomorrow. Time for three months of information deluge and panicking as to whether I'm actually absorbing anything, hopefully followed by a well-paying and not too soul-draining job.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by ThanatosRa » #210897

Takeguru wrote:There's going to be a Carlin special on the 16th

Apparently this was recorded on 9/10/2001, and he said something to the effect of "I like it when a lot of people die", and then a day later 9/11 goes down and they decided to shelve the recording

15 years later and we finally get to see it

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/05/arts/ ... p=cur&_r=0
I own his last Autobiography "Last Words". One of my most favourite books. The last chapter is very bittersweet as he had plans to do a broadway play that was different than a lot of what he'd done before, but obviously his heart gave out so he never did it. A life full of great loves, great success, great pain, and a lot of fucking drugs.
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u a bish
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Timbrewolf » #211135

I drank too much last night and Ive been nursing s hangover all day. Fucking sucks.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Wyzack » #211139

Work hangovers are the worst. One time when i was still working in a car parts factory i got real real fucked up on a sunday night because it was my GF's birthday. Got like 3-4 hours of sleep, got to work the next day, was still drunk. I regard it as one of the worst days of my life. The hangover slowly crept in over the course of the day, and i was working hard the whole time. Jesus it was awful. Since then i have never made that mistake to that degree, although i do occasionally push it and have a mild to moderate hangover. Now that i work in a lab though it is not nearly as bad
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Malkevin » #211173

Try going to work when you have full blown alcohol poisoning.

Not my proudest moment, pretty sure its fucked my gag reflex and several internal organs.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #211265

Take my mum to the dentist, things don't go well, she goes to work I go home, get to bed for about 12 (midday) (cos I've not slept the previous day).
Wake at 7PM, I can work with this, watch things I want to watch and talk to people I want to talk to.
I'll just close my eyes for 2 seconds.

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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #211270

Damn son, I'm dying.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Timbrewolf » #211271

The worst I ever experienced was showing up to work with a pretty fierce hangover, and a Gatorade.

I started to bounce back but then started to crash hard. So I kept chugging the Gatorade. Man I just gotta hydrate. Gotta get those vitamins. Electrolytes are the shit plants crave, right?

Turns out the Gatorade WAS FROM 1996 and had just been in my pantry for that long and I didn't notice. I was fucking poisoning myself ontop of having a hangover and it was awful as you can imagine. Ended up going home after vomiting pretty heavily multiple times, then drank water and spent the next like 18 hours straight curled up in bed trying not to die.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #211274

I've had a hangover. Once. I stopped having them, though.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by XSI » #211279

I've never had one yet

I plan to keep it that way
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #211284

XSI wrote:I've never had one yet

I plan to keep it that way
same, though I can count the number of times I've drank alcohol on 3 fingers.
it's 3 times (honk).

Once at a christmas 4-5 years ago, had 1 glass of babysham and I became a braindead lump for the rest of the night.
About 8 months ago (I think) I was with my close friend circle at one of their houses, and I had some apple sours.
About 6 months ago that same group of people went to the pub and we had a pitcher of some stuff and it was ok.

none of those times did I -really- drink drink, and the first time I would have been 14/15 with no prior drinking experience so that's probably why It hit me so hard that night.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by XSI » #211286

I drink occasionally, but I am and was aware of how shit hangovers are from what I have been told, and have drank water or juice as well all those times I drank

I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything either, so I will continue doing what I have been doing in that regard
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #211289

XSI wrote: I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything either
This right here.
What I have drank was alright.
but... nothing special really, so whenever we go out anywhere I tend to just get J2Os, orange juice tastes just as good as any alcohol I've drank.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Wyzack » #211291

I love me some OJ but i like beer and scotch too much to give it up at this point
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by DemonFiren » #211304

Ultimately we all hydrate with water and water accessories.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by TheWiznard » #211330

I tend to only drink with my buds at their house, there's just something about sitting around a fire drinking. my only experience with alcohol thus far had been just JD whiskey, but last Saturday I bought some of the jd honey and man I really love that stuff. I had about half the bottle of that (it was a cheap $20 gift pack one and had two 375ml bottles) and boom I'm in that sweet zone for the rest of the night but I'm not really feeling the hangover the next day. I remember (different time) I was chilling at my buds house sleeping over that night and the next day I had to ride my bike home because we were out the day before biking before then fire, my legs were already dead from before but I don't know how I pedaled home.. unrelated to alcohol I bike on a mountain bike on the highest gears because idk that's how I am

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Malkevin » #211331

An0n3 wrote:The worst I ever experienced was showing up to work with a pretty fierce hangover, and a Gatorade.

I started to bounce back but then started to crash hard. So I kept chugging the Gatorade. Man I just gotta hydrate. Gotta get those vitamins. Electrolytes are the shit plants crave, right?

Turns out the Gatorade WAS FROM 1996 and had just been in my pantry for that long and I didn't notice. I was fucking poisoning myself ontop of having a hangover and it was awful as you can imagine. Ended up going home after vomiting pretty heavily multiple times, then drank water and spent the next like 18 hours straight curled up in bed trying not to die.
Highly sugary drink with lots and lots of added sugarsalt.

Probably not the best thing for a hang over because both of those things dehydrate you further.
Last edited by Malkevin on Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Screemonster » #211336

irn bru is the best fucking thing for a hangover and I'm not just saying that 'cause I spent my immediately-post-drinking-age years in glasgow
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by IrishWristWatch0 » #211342

Th best thing for a hangover is a big breakfast.
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<Shaps> I still firmly believe a drunk kor is more responsible than a sober irish
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by 420weedscopes » #211389


i drink fruit cider exclusively
Check out Phoenix Bucket!
TheWiznard wrote:jmad you read a book out loud to no one for two hours
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Screemonster » #211390

irn bru and a breakfast pack, fuck ye

(breakfast packs are fuckin' fantastic as a post-gym thing too. Wake up, lift for an hour, eat a fuckin tray of meat)
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #211395

I warned you about those bikes
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Wyzack » #211396

You kids wanna smoke some bike?
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #211397

Wyzack wrote:You kids wanna ride some bike?
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Timbrewolf » #211437

If you've never had a hangover you're missing out on a critical life experience.

It feels like absolute shit but at least there's some solidarity/empathy there. Brotherhood of the bottle.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Wyzack » #211438

I will toast to that
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by IrishWristWatch0 » #211516

CosmicScientist wrote:But if I never have a hangover, I can be a twat and lord over you as if I've made better life decisions and also speak really loudly right next to your ear.

In case I ever do drink, how should I combat a hangover?
Everyone jokes about cures but the only real cure is water and time
╔═══════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════════╗
<Shaps> I still firmly believe a drunk kor is more responsible than a sober irish
Zoey Webb(Firecage): Irish. You can break any coherent discussion by mentioning 2 words
420weedscopes: I once proposed to a girl with my dick in her ass
Lzimann's best friend.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Timbrewolf » #211527

Eat food. Take some painkillers. Hydrate. Take vitamins.

The problem with all that is that a true hangover kills your appetite and makes you fucking nauseous as hell. The whole world is sea-sawing, something in your head is trying to claw its way out, and you just want to throw up forever.
Everything smells and tastes wrong. Everything is excrutiatingly loud. Everything is blindingly bright.

Like imagine feeling so shitty that just hearing a noise makes you want to puke. NOW YOU'RE INNIT, SON.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Ricotez » #211562

Drinking a lot of water BEFORE you go to bed works wonders.
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Wyzack » #211608

420weedscopes wrote:[youtube]rMAhcffQqRs[/youtube]

i drink fruit cider exclusively
Jesus dude this one might be your best yet, fucking hilarious
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Deitus » #211628

guys im so fucked

>been playing an mmo since launch
>first raid is coming out soon
>a little different than "normal" mmo raids in that there's 5 teams of 4 that have to work across separate instanced dungeons to progress, wont bore you with specifics
>people getting shit together
>guild announces they're accepting applications for raid spots
>my class is basically a necessity since its the healer / buffer
>decide to toss in an application and see if i get accepted
>check discord few days later
>"hey neat, which team am i on, [easiest dungeon]?"
>"no you're gonna be on our primary attack party for [hardest cumulative final boss dungeon]"
>mfw i will literally be the difference between success and failure and 19 people will be judging me at once


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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by THE MIGHTY GALVATRON » #211639

Deitus wrote:guys im so fucked



Get busy getting good instead of freaking out about not being good enough.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by TheWiznard » #211649

Deitus wrote:
guys im so fucked

>been playing an mmo since launch
>first raid is coming out soon
>a little different than "normal" mmo raids in that there's 5 teams of 4 that have to work across separate instanced dungeons to progress, wont bore you with specifics
>people getting shit together
>guild announces they're accepting applications for raid spots
>my class is basically a necessity since its the healer / buffer
>decide to toss in an application and see if i get accepted
>check discord few days later
>"hey neat, which team am i on, [easiest dungeon]?"
>"no you're gonna be on our primary attack party for [hardest cumulative final boss dungeon]"
>mfw i will literally be the difference between success and failure and 19 people will be judging me at once


what mmo

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Malkevin » #211658

Really thick fog today.
Really thick drivers driving around without any lights on today too.

"Hurf durf, I'm sure if I drive without fog lights or head lights or running lights people will still see me cos I'm in ma beamer and the sun shines out me arse"
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by ColonicAcid » #211675

Yo I've been reading heavily into kidney cancer and I read an interesting fact.

Alcohol can be attributed to many, many forms of cancer. Stomach, Liver, Pancreatic etc. If there is one carcinogenic substance that isn't called smoking and you should probably stop doing it's alcohol. Here's the thing though, in a cruel twist of fate your kidney's actually don't have any form of alcohol caused cancer, in fact, alcohol actually helps prevent kidney cancer. So you could live as the paragon of human health but one day you will get Renal Cell carcinoma and have to be on dialysis for life if it's non-metastatic (if it is metastatic then good fucking luck) or you get something far worse such as transitional cell cancer, all of which could've have been prevented had you drunk a couple of pints here and then.

Human physiology is a fickle thing and more often that not completely arbitrary.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Malkevin » #211682

Thanks, makes me feel better about giving in from dry september last night.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Deitus » #211691

TheWiznard wrote:
Deitus wrote:
guys im so fucked

>been playing an mmo since launch
>first raid is coming out soon
>a little different than "normal" mmo raids in that there's 5 teams of 4 that have to work across separate instanced dungeons to progress, wont bore you with specifics
>people getting shit together
>guild announces they're accepting applications for raid spots
>my class is basically a necessity since its the healer / buffer
>decide to toss in an application and see if i get accepted
>check discord few days later
>"hey neat, which team am i on, [easiest dungeon]?"
>"no you're gonna be on our primary attack party for [hardest cumulative final boss dungeon]"
>mfw i will literally be the difference between success and failure and 19 people will be judging me at once


what mmo
dungeon fighter online
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Wyzack » #211694

Think of it this way Malk, we are doing it for kidney health. Fuck my other organs, who needs em
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Takeguru » #211709

My parents house went up about 2 hours ago

Everyone is fine, but we may have lost one of the cats

Upstairs and attic got gutted, probably lost a bunch of shit on the first floor to water damage

And I'm across the country and can't do fucking anything
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by TheColdTurtle » #211714

Rip cat
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Takeguru » #211720

I'm hoping she ran outside when it happened

My mom carried one of them out when the smoke detector went off but there's been no sign of the other, far as they can tell

And since there's currently a shit ton of news vans and fire trucks and stuff it's not likely she'd wander back right now

As an aside, I'm reading the news article and it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth
They mentioned my father by name, which is fine, but they used a headline like "local firefighter's house consumed in blaze" and it reeks of clickbait and I'm just getting mad at stupid shit

>There's a link to BUY THE PHOTO of my parent's house after it burned
Come the fuck on
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by TheColdTurtle » #211732

Gotta get those shekels. Also do you know how the fire started?

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Malkevin » #211739

is this news company owned by gawker?
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Takeguru » #211755

Faulty outlet in my younger sister's room was the cause, she's been away at college though
Both cats are alive, though one ran outside and is hiding because of the horde of responders, Red Cross people, and rubbernecking cunts
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by XSI » #211757

At least the cats are fine. Material possessions can be replaced, cats usually can't
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #211913

Niece's goldfish died.
Her dad flushed it down the toilet.
Her mum asked her "Do you think he's in fishy heaven?"
to which she replied
and I quote
"No he's in fishy toilet"

Then when she was talking to nanny and me about it "What do you think he's doing now? are people just peeing on him?"
and we all just burst out laughing.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Ricotez » #211928


one year closer to death
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Wyzack » #211929

hap birt. Doing anything exciting to celebrate?
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
certified good poster
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