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Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:36 am
by Limey
Bottom post of the previous page:
whatever you do though, do not watch berserk 2016
it never existed ok
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 4:26 am
by Remie Richards
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:52 am
by firecage
Well, currently just started Durarara!!, this is gonna be a looong anime. Total about 60 episodes, not including the specials.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:39 pm
by D&B
Holy shit, that new opening for Bites The Dust blew me out of my fucking boat.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:27 am
by Remie Richards
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 3:24 am
by Alipheese
started watching Assassination Classroom,
i thought the main person was a girl for so long...
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:24 am
by Timbrewolf
Best Jojo's are over why are you still watching? This shit is pale.
Drifters is the best thing airing right now. O;N is at least nice to look at but very droll otherwise.
I just sat down and watched all of Westworld instead because it's fucking great and I got time since ALL THIS ANIME IS CRAP.
If you watch Keijo unironically you should take up hurting yourself as a hobby. It's okay to watch it ironically though.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 5:03 am
by captain sawrge
I too only watch pornography ironically.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 6:40 am
by Timbrewolf
Calling Keijo pornography is an affront to modern pornography.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:17 am
by Ricotez
why would you actually watch keijo? Enough people on the internet talk and post about it so they can ensure you they only enjoy it ironically. Just take all that in, no need to watch it yourself.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:05 am
by Ricotez
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:58 am
by D&B
Timbrewolf wrote:Best Jojo's are over why are you still watching? This shit is pale.
Drifters is the best thing airing right now. O;N is at least nice to look at but very droll otherwise.
I just sat down and watched all of Westworld instead because it's fucking great and I got time since ALL THIS ANIME IS CRAP.
If you watch Keijo unironically you should take up hurting yourself as a hobby. It's okay to watch it ironically though.
>Best Jojo are over
That will only be true after SBR gets animated
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:55 am
by Incomptinence
Parts 5 and 6 still good even if not best of the jojos.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:58 am
by D&B
I can't wait for animated King Crimson
Also Giorno is a pretty cool Jojo but the problem is a lot of his personality is shadowed by Bucellati and the shitty translations. Hopefully when we get the "official" clean version with an anime people can appreciate him more.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 2:17 pm
by captain sawrge
Dang I just finished reading FMA and now Idk what to read
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:06 am
by firecage
Currently watching Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete. This seems to be full CGI anime done right.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:09 pm
by onleavedontatme
Pretty dissappointed they left out the explanation of Kira being able to measure the distance to his targets. He was doing the hand motions, but the bit about knowing the measurements of his hands fit in great with the other OCD nonsense he's always up to.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:11 pm
by TheColdTurtle
I have not watched jojo in like a month or something like that. Last episode I saw was the one where kira just gets bites the dust. Should I watch again?
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:13 pm
by onleavedontatme
TheColdTurtle wrote:I have not watched jojo in like a month or something like that. Last episode I saw was the one where kira just gets bites the dust. Should I watch again?
Next week is the last one, may as well wait and watch the whole fight at once.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:14 pm
by TheColdTurtle
Fair enough. Is the animation good or bad for those episodes anyways?
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:57 pm
by firecage
Okay. Watching Evangelion 3.0. Damn the rebuilds are SO much better than the originals.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:07 am
by D&B
TheColdTurtle wrote:Fair enough. Is the animation good or bad for those episodes anyways?
So so honestly.
This whole season had more QUALITY than stardust crusaders Dio's World
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:10 pm
by Remie Richards
C;C's pretty good so far.
Starts off with a 47 minute double-feature, an "Episode 0" that recaps ALL of C;H (Who's anime is apparently fuck-garbage-terrible-trash), then "Episode 1" which starts C;C off properly.
Gonna try and play C;H, because apparently the VN is actually really good compared to it's anime.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 5:10 am
by Munchlax
I recently started evangelion, and wow, its trash . From the whiny main character devoid of any personality to the terrible story build up.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:44 am
by D&B
geilebeer wrote:I recently started evangelion, and wow, its trash . From the whiny main character devoid of any personality to the terrible story build up.
Clearly too deep for you
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:54 am
by Munchlax
D&B wrote:geilebeer wrote:I recently started evangelion, and wow, its trash . From the whiny main character devoid of any personality to the terrible story build up.
Clearly too deep for you
the obvious religious symbolism forced into that show that even an 8 year old could get doesnt make it deep lmao
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:03 am
by Lumbermancer
I've finished Stray Dogs and it was really really good, although I think I liked the prequel part of s2 the most.
Recommend me some nime. The only nime I've seen and liked were: Hellsing ova, Black Lagoon, Code Geass, Death Note, All gits, Assassination Classroom, Iron Fortress. Probably I missed something but it's roughly it.
I like action with interesting theme, smarts, mystery, and plots within the plots intrigue.
There are lots of anime i'd like to see, but they lack sufficent seeds on torrints and I don't fancy downloading 50 gigs for a month.
Arigatou gozaimasu.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:06 am
by Munchlax
Lumbermancer wrote:
Arigatou gozaimasu.
Basic ass answer but pretty much exactly what you're looking for: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.
And you could stream your shows instead of downloading them.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:23 am
by Lumbermancer
Stream from where? Crunchyroll?
* Content availability is subject to geographic restrictions.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:43 pm
by Timbrewolf
What the actual fuck am I watching
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:02 pm
by Ricotez
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:12 am
by Ricotez
is Youjo Senki worth a watch though? I was originally gonna avoid it but I heard it's so batshit insane it's worth a try at least
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:21 am
by Timbrewolf
I'm giving it the three episode rule like all shows that come out.
The premise is batshit insane but I'm curious where the fuck this is going.
It's firmly in that weird territory of Japanese Nazi-boo's who still wish they could've been part of the Third Reich.
So far this season I'm already enjoying:
Konosuba 2 (more Megumin plz)
Masamune-kun no Revenge (getting some neat Toradora vibes from this one)
Maid Dragon (cute, stupid, fun)
Kuzo no Honkai (really weird romance anime, really curious to see where this goes)
I'm on the fence about:
Youjo Senki (what if strike witch was Nazi but also a dude?)
Demi-chan (monster girl fap bait)
I already fucking hate:
Gabriel Drop-Out (garbboooooooooo)))))))
But overall I think there's a surprising amount of watchable stuff this season. Probably missing some stuff too.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:25 am
by D&B
Lumbermancer wrote:Arigatou gozaimasu.
Watch JoJo or the old Berserk.
Hunter X hunter is good too.
geilebeer wrote:D&B wrote:geilebeer wrote:I recently started evangelion, and wow, its trash . From the whiny main character devoid of any personality to the terrible story build up.
Clearly too deep for you
the obvious religious symbolism forced into that show that even an 8 year old could get doesnt make it deep lmao
>Thinking the religious symbolism is what's deep about it
That's sum bait.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:17 pm
by Ricotez
World War One...........but with mages
and magical lolis
EDIT: a very ANGRY magical loli holy shit
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:54 pm
by Malkevin
Speaking of Putting on the Reich.
Just watched the first two eps of ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka, so far so good - an entertaining dry comedy/drama for adults, with a lack of overblown annoying characters (except for the three Bridge Bunnies, who I will now nickname as The Three Cake Bitches)
Bit disappointing though that in the second ep they make a big deal of hiding the identity of the Bastards of the Round Table's master spy, only to reveal who it was right at the end of the episode.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:13 am
by Ricotez
he didn't sign up for this
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:21 am
by TheColdTurtle
Loved the animation for kiras bites the dust. Pretty good. Surprisingly not a lot of QUALITY, guess that explains the surface and red hot chili peppers part 1
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:28 am
by Timbrewolf
Watching Acca because I hadn't heard of it before now.
What the fuck is going on with the sense of scale between people in this?
Some people are literal fucking giants, while others are like dwarves.
This is like fujoshit levels of QUALITY in terms of the proportions between people holy shit.
I can't ignore it. What is the fucking deal here?
Original creator is
"Also writes BL stories under a pseudonym..."
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:02 am
by Saegrimr
For a second I thought you were talking about one that is literally horrible old school BL art style "ironically" but this is something else entirely and looks like a hot pile of garbage.
I wish I could find the ending sequence for the one i'm talking about its comedy gold.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:29 pm
by Malkevin
Timbrewolf wrote:Watching Acca because I hadn't heard of it before now.
What the fuck is going on with the sense of scale between people in this?
Some people are literal fucking giants, while others are like dwarves.
This is like fujoshit levels of QUALITY in terms of the proportions between people holy shit.
I can't ignore it. What is the fucking deal here?
It wasn't explained very well but I think that state has really big people (because it has really big produce) but the short people are from another state - it would make sense the people overseeing affairs of the state are from another state so as to remove positive bias.
Maybe the Hitler Youth MC will visit a state thats main industry is mining and is populated by dwarfs?
Maybe even the ACCA agents are giants for comedic affect.
firecage wrote:Okay. Watching Evangelion 3.0. Damn the rebuilds are SO much better than the originals.
I guess... if you're a fan of generic gundam-tier trash
Why did they add the big titted weird girl that likes to smell Shinji, what does she add to the show other than spank wank?
Where's the mental anguish of school kids being shoved into giant robots to fight aliens?
You know, the thing that made Eva unique.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:51 pm
by Munchlax
Lumbermancer wrote:Stream from where? Crunchyroll?
* Content availability is subject to geographic restrictions.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:02 am
by Timbrewolf
Malkevin wrote:-snip-
Dis nigga mad
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:06 am
by D&B
Malkevin wrote:Timbrewolf wrote:Watching Acca because I hadn't heard of it before now.
What the fuck is going on with the sense of scale between people in this?
Some people are literal fucking giants, while others are like dwarves.
This is like fujoshit levels of QUALITY in terms of the proportions between people holy shit.
I can't ignore it. What is the fucking deal here?
It wasn't explained very well but I think that state has really big people (because it has really big produce) but the short people are from another state - it would make sense the people overseeing affairs of the state are from another state so as to remove positive bias.
Maybe the Hitler Youth MC will visit a state thats main industry is mining and is populated by dwarfs?
Maybe even the ACCA agents are giants for comedic affect.
firecage wrote:Okay. Watching Evangelion 3.0. Damn the rebuilds are SO much better than the originals.
I guess... if you're a fan of generic gundam-tier trash
Why did they add the big titted weird girl that likes to smell Shinji, what does she add to the show other than spank wank?
Where's the mental anguish of school kids being shoved into giant robots to fight aliens?
You know, the thing that made Eva unique.
Wasn't she added to mock current generation of anime watchers.
Which the creator fucking hates, apparently.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:08 pm
by Limey
I remember seeing the preview for Maid Dragon and thinking "damn dude this looks boring"
then the first episode came and I did too.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:10 pm
by DemonFiren
>maid dragon
BRB, googling.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:15 pm
by imblyings
'onii-sama e..' is riveting so far.
made decades ago, with art style kind of like logh but older??
I never knew high school drama was so intense, maybe this is why bored wives watch tv dramas.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:57 pm
by Ricotez
miss kobayashi's dragon maid is great
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:47 pm
by Screemonster
I got myself one of those kodi box things and it has some animes on it but I don't know much about what animes are any good
at the moment I'm working my way through Outlaw Star 'cause shlocky space opera stuff with pirates and magic in space is always fun but I dunno what other things are worth checking out since the last time I really watched anything was when I was living in a sharehouse that had an anime channel on sky that showed episodes of things completely out of any discernible order
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:10 pm
by Alipheese
Finished assassination classroom season 1 and 2.
Good shit.
Now I need to decide what moeblob on my que is next to watch.
Re: Chinese Cartoons
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:38 pm
by captain sawrge
Screemonster wrote:I got myself one of those kodi box things and it has some animes on it but I don't know much about what animes are any good
at the moment I'm working my way through Outlaw Star 'cause shlocky space opera stuff with pirates and magic in space is always fun but I dunno what other things are worth checking out since the last time I really watched anything was when I was living in a sharehouse that had an anime channel on sky that showed episodes of things completely out of any discernible order
Watch katanagatari