Stories of rage, tears and regret

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by DemonFiren » #85844

Bottom post of the previous page:

And this is why you run events on Basil.

You don't get to talk to anyone, either, but at least you won't get beat.

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by qwert » #85890

> Change myself into lizard
> Traitor
> Perform perfect abduction and rig the hostage with single tank plasmabomb
> AI, I have a hostage
> AI r-o-u-g-e!
> Nah, you are just lizard scum.
> Security pulls me to medbay, geneticist refuses to clone lisards
> Security pulls me into robotics, roboticist refuses to use lisard scum brain
> Security pulls me to chef, chef tells, that my meat is not that much bork bork bork
> Security pulls me to chaplain, he refuses to bury me with something like : even Jesus hates lizards
> Just dropped in hallway
> Clown picks me up, buckles into the rolling chairs, dresses into japanese schoolgirl uniform, runs around with me as his kawai waifu

Never to be lizard again.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by DemonFiren » #85891

You just didn't lizard well enough.

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #85981

I once had a clown bring me what seemed like an endless wave of husks in kitty ears and schoolgirl dresses.
I dont know where he got them from and there probbably werent all that many but it was funny at the time.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by DemonFiren » #86114

I think you're in the wrong thread, Dorsi.

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #86439

No it was awful.
I was the atmos tech and sec kept kicking the door down because ":s beep boop atmos full of husks"
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by IcePacks » #86531

>be assistant sitting on his fat assistant ass doing nothing
>randy savage runs up, suspiciously quiet and out of place for a HoP
>oh nevermind that's an alien
>bend over diligently and allow him to probe me
>just kidding try to disarm him and run away
>get taken to the mothership
>randayyyyyy savage goes back to the station looking for fresh asshole to probe
>run circles around the table for five minutes while the hilariously clueless alien scientist tries to catch me
>finally catches me
>get the baton
>tossed on the table
>get back up
>randayyyy comes back and fiercely batons me
>alien scientist preps my chest for cybernetic implants???
>get the baton to keep me the fuck down, jesus christ already
>kills me in the operation like a huge derp
>find out later it was my good friend and allegedly robust individual, blonkz

OOC: Deitus: tfw RL porn doesnt sexually excite me anymore
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by ThanatosRa » #86570

I remember a tale from LONG LONG ago. I remember little about it. But I believe I was traitor mctraitorton. An assistant too. I managed to kill my target and some others. However, I was moments away from unconscious crit.
TIME TO HIDE THE BODY. Oh hey the kitchen. Emag emag emag. Into the gibber you go!

I was standing on front of the output portion. Knocked into crit by the meat of my target.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by DemonFiren » #86572

I guess that's one way to meat your maker.

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by EmGee » #86699

>spawn as RANDY SAVAGE, Head of Personnel
>fuck this isn't RD
>i had RD on high
>Tell cap I resign, make myself a all-access QM id
>fuck off to do cargo things
>AI says that the captain hasn't secured the disk (20 minutes of the round has passed)
>decide to secure it
>get to cap office, grab it and the spare cap headset
>cap turns up
>Tell him hi, and what I was doing
>lasers me to death
>get cloned, and dragged to sec in crit and ton of braindamage
>questioned, and thrown out, without a ID, still on red health, and massive brain damage and genetic abnormalities
>go ask HOP to give me mannitol
>he laughs in my face
>"just walk it off, fuckface"
>he makes me a clown ID
>but accidentally gives me his ID
>i hightail it
>Use his ID to get to med and aquire mannitol and mutadone
>get to bridge, and tell HOP that I'm returning his ID
>new cap and HOP arrive
>smash my face in with telebatons
>get perma'd by luke cox
>but then
>"look in the bathroom"
>objective: 1# Escape perma
2# Escape on a pod
>n o i c e
>emag and revolver in bathroom
>luke comes in
>takes me to execution chamber
>steve mic comes in
>opens CO2 valve
>it leaks
>he dies
>emag the windoor, hide in lethal injection closet
>luke comes back
>jump put, shoot him twice and run away
>grab a ton of lasers
>cue yakety sax avoiding sec teleporting into my tracking beacon for 40 minutes
>in those 40 minutes
>keep tasing officers that come near me, and running off
>at one point I destroy the tele console
>but rebuild it
>luke finally corners me
>anesthetics tank+straightjacket+handcuffs+muzzle+sleep toxin.jpg
>ties me to a chair
>calls everyone to watch a "show of NT's power"
>people start coming to the courtroom
>luke whips out a flamethrower
>Tries to fry me with a flamethrower, but he accidentally lights 4 other people along with me
>my body burns in the courtoom, tied in the chair for the rest of the round
:salt: :salt: :salt:
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Ricotez » #86797

that story was awesome
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by kevinz000 » #86968

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Reimoo » #87186

>get arrested for trying to beat up the janitor
>borg bucklecuffs me in a cell with broken windows and no timer sentence
>while I am screaming at the borg a scientist walks up to me, takes my backpack and gives it back
>too distraught over being arrested FOR NO RASIN to think anything of it
>as I free myself I don't actually think to look in my backpack
>about a minute later on the escape shuttle I notice a TTV in my backpack
>oh god, okay, just need to disarm it
>as I take it out I notice it's a proximity sensor bomb
>oh shi-

On the plus side apparently the scientist that planted it got killed in the explosion. HAHAHA serves you right.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Xhuis » #87478

>be me
>has-no-face, the faceless lizard assistant
>time to go spook pe- NOPE TRAITORLING
>8 genomes, kill some engineer, hypospray, and get documents
>trade documents without a hitch
>ling chat: "oh hey i'm the captain btw"
>get all access from ling captain
>mimic voice my target and read wgw over radio
>target critted and left for dead
>eventually revived and goes braindead in medbay
>nom nom
>comms bombed by tator with c4, shuttle called because "muh toe DDDDDx"
>do all my objectives except for the hypospray
>ballsy gambit fails after i slip on the clown's PDA with the stunprodded and muted CMO in tow
>switch identities quickly
>shuttle arrives
>everyone on board
>gotta get the hypospray and i'll get greentext
>cockpit door opens with 30 seconds on the clock, cmo in there
>rush in, make small talk, go to a chair
>unbuckle cmo and table
>8 seconds on the clock
>start removing his backpack
>backpack comes off
>4 seconds
>shakily reach in
>2 seconds
>pick up the hypospray
>i have my objectives
>i have succeeded
>shuttle docks
>i wasn't quick enough to buckle in
>the hypospray falls from my hands
>a split second later the game searches my inventory and finds no hypospray

I'm an ex-coder for /tg/. I made the original versions of clockcult, shadowlings, revenants, His Grace, and other stuff.
I don't play, code, or participate in the community, but I occasionally post dumb stuff in the hut.
Kraso wrote:hi gay
wubli wrote:xhuis you said you were feeling better but every thread you make makes me worry more about your sanity
ExcessiveUseOfCobblestone wrote:Sorry I was making fun of xhuis' """""compromise""""" who insisted that was the correct term to use.
CitrusGender wrote:We've ended up disabling clockcult on sybil and bagil now (terry is having some problems.) We will give Xhuis some time until he wishes to work upon it again. As of now, please use this thread for ideas and not for bickering.
wubli wrote:you are a cultist of the gay
IkeTG wrote:It's a reflection of humanity, like all of man's creation. You cannot divorce this act from yourself, in a way there's a big titty moth inside all of us.
wesoda25 wrote:yeah no one was curious what it was from. Imagine choosing being a degenerate as your forum gimmick, LOL
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by qwert » #87561

> Hear in ooc about pneumatic and particle cannon
> Go to code check asap!
> Pneumatic cannon does not work/ particle cannon got scrapped and not added at all ;~;7
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by DemonFiren » #87568

Xhuis wrote:FUCK
As someone who had this precise thing happen to him with an ablative ages ago, 1) git gud, 2) condolences, that is fucked.

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Venticular » #87592

>Be virologist
>Spend half the round creating a disease that make you god-like
>Spend another Quarter distributing it and watching it spread
>Spend the final quarter realizing I forgot to buff my disease and the cure is nutriment
>Everyone eats stuff, my disease dies out
>Space myself in frustration

Remember kids, always buff your diseases!
My characters are Frank Lowe and Mel Cousins. I also play as CORION OS, the AI and Brainstorm the borg.
"I don't fail at much, but caring is one of them" -some guy

I'm actually back now bitches!
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Jazaen » #87690

DemonFiren wrote:
Xhuis wrote:FUCK
As someone who had this precise thing happen to him with an ablative ages ago, 1) git gud, 2) condolences, that is fucked.
I had this with an AI on a card. Which I have stolen using UI + UE to masquerade as a security.
I play:
SMAI-Reactivation (SybilAI)
SMAI-Revolutions (BagilAI)
: Endorsed by Poly, the Parrot! ... 7588301825
Shannah Rader (Sybil geneticist)
Janette Hall (Bagil geneticist)
Also, I'm a Game Admin or something right now. You can tell me how I'm doing here
I seriously hope you don't make the same mistakes I have
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Scones » #87701

>played ss13
plplplplp WOOOOooo hahahhaha
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Redblaze3000 » #87908

>be captain
>everything has gone to shit(lings, rouge cargo, greytide)
>go to gear up for shtf mode
>some lizard engineer has stolen everything except the handtele
>Go try to stop him before he escapes
>he flees
>put a hit on him because he's announced he will kill me if I try to stop him
>he proceeds to yellowtide command the rest of the round
>not antag
>his ooc justification was 'I need the captains gear to protect my self from the lings'(read: validhunt)
>all my rage
Why do people this kind of behavior is ok?
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Erisian » #88053

bandit wrote:>Gang leader, old gang version
>Start converting some folks
>Engiborg gets on my case, stop and pretend to be normal helpful crew
>I make a joke at Mekhi Anderson's expense
>Cap likes the joke
>Invites me to his office
>Decide to RP along, take a seat
>Captain asks if I am willing to protect the clown
>Clown is my gangmate
>Say yes, but I'll need all-access to do it
>Captain to my surprise agrees!
>Gives me a medal...
>And an e-gun...
>I'm sitting in a chair right in front of him, he's armed, can't do shit
>Ask if the captain can speed it up
>Gives me a radio headset...
>And different clothes...
>Reports of gang recruitment over the radio
>Ask again if captain can speed it up
>Takes my ID...
>Slowly slips it into the computer...
>And out...
>Finally gives me all-access
>I fuck off and am immediately gangbanged by members of the opposing gang
>Deadchat starts bitching at me for not converting more
>Captain, in deadchat: "I only did it because I know you hate RP."
I remember that. You were so mad I did that to you. I don't know why, but you're always my favorite target to piss off, bgo.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Vekter » #88068

Holy shit this thread wanders too much, had to delete half a page of bullshit, seriously two or three posts off topic is fine but damn folks
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by bandit » #88205

>Miming my own business
>A scientist comes up to me and asks if I'd like a bomb implanted into my chest
>Sure why the fuck not
>Scientist takes me into robotics, does the deed
>I've got a bomb in me
>Expect to die
>Don't die
>Scientist gives me the frequency and code for the bomb, as well as for his and for the rest of the bombs, gives me a signaller as well
>Spend the rest of the shift expecting to die anyway
>Don't die
>Shuttle arrives, someone's trying to hijack it, sets all of escape on fire
>I make it on board anyway, stop drop and roll
>It's just the two of us
>Traitor pulls out a double e-sword
>Eswords me to crit
>..and, only now, do I remember I had a fucking bomb in my chest

the one time I could have legitimately bombed as non-antag and I fucking ruin it
Last edited by bandit on Fri May 15, 2015 12:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I don't see any difference between ERP and rape." -- erro

admin feedback pls
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by DemonFiren » #88228

The more robust the shit you're packing, the more likely you will forget that you were packing it in the first place.

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Shaps-cloud » #88323

Yeah, I'm familiar with that

"Oh hey I'm a traitor CMO! I'll cook up some poison patches... Just after I set up cryo... And gotta heal this dude... Fuck, the chemists didn't make any medicine, guess I gotta do that too... And defib a few guys... Shit now I gotta clone this guy... And now I can get to my traitorous plo- WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE SHUTTLE JUST DOCKED"
P.S. Shoot Dr. Allen on sight and dissolve his body in acid. Don't burn it.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Ricotez » #88332

if you are a head traitor you get a lot of robust stuff from the start but you are also a lot higher profile and its much harder to sneak off

it's ~*~ balanced ~*~
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by dionysus24779 » #88594

Worst round I ever had:

> Sybil down forever, everyone plays on Basil... whatever really.
> Be borg
> Roll around a bit trying to get the layout down fast
> Find Robotics and ask for cell change... Roboticists both pretty much ignore me and do other stuff.
> After 10 Minutes I can finally get the Roboticist to give me some attention
> Get my cell removed, locked down via multitool and thrown out an airlock
> Luckily it's not a full spacing but I can be seen from some windows
> Eventually I get dragged in again by someone and brought back to Robotics
> Roboticist who's there is too busy with everything else before even attempting to fix me
> After I've spend nearly 30 minutes looking at "... You can almost hear someone talking ..." the Roboticist finally tries to fix me by slamming some board into me
> Since this isn't the problem he promptly gives up and drags me into some dark maint corner so I'm never ever found again

I couldn't interact with ANYTHING, I couldn't even look at ANYTHING, I couldn't get ANY sort of help. For over 30 Minutes it was

... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...

x 1000

And if I ghost out I remove all hopes of ever being rescued.

Nobody can figure out that I have no fucking cell installed. Not even the AI notices anything.

Whoever plays Kolton Whittier is the biggest asshole of a player I've ever met. Instead of just killing me he wastes my entire round.

I tried to adminhelp it, but all I got was "It's valid"...

It's a real joke. In my opinion this goes so much against server 1 rule. I could've just been killed and then observed as a ghost, instead I was disabled and couldn't ghost out without risking to never get revived.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Falamazeer » #88595

That's.... Was he an antag? Because otherwise that's not valid at all.
Ham Sammich, beating a dead horse since 2010.
NikNakFlak wrote:....It's true...that is why I removed my forum avatar
lumipharon wrote:ass parasite was pretty meh when I tried it.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by dionysus24779 » #88596

I actually posted this by accident before the round was over (I meant to leave it open to edit as the round was going on).

Anyway, after like 35 minutes I gave up and ghosted out. Though after like 50 minutes total I was found by someone else by accident and passed around a bit and had slight hopes of being fixed after all. I adminhelped twice to ask if I could please be allowed to re-enter my body again. Though I was never returned to it and never got an answer and in the end I was given over to the same Roboticist who couldn't figure out what was wrong and who didn't even try it again.

So the roughly 80+ minute long round I spend 5 minutes rolling around, ca.40 minutes hoping to be fixed while unable to interact with anything or get help or have anyone figure out what was wrong even when they stared into my empty cell-slot, and then the other 35 minutes as a ghost after I gave up.

And yeah that guy who did this to me was an antag, he was the thrall of a shadowling... so I guess being an antag really allows you to be as cruel as you want, no matter what.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by bandit » #88604

I was the one who dragged you in. I tried to save you. I yelled at the robos so often but they didn't do shit. :sad:
"I don't see any difference between ERP and rape." -- erro

admin feedback pls
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Wyzack » #88618

To be fair unless they had access to the upload it is in their best interest to keep borgs incapacitated
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Ricotez » #88628

you technically committed metacom there, gotta be a bit more careful with ranting on the forums
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by PKPenguin321 » #88644

dionysus24779 wrote:i got murdered as a cyborg in a way that didn't directly involve me getting bashed with something so therefore it wasn't murder but grief
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by dionysus24779 » #88683

PKPenguin321 wrote:
dionysus24779 wrote:i got murdered as a cyborg in a way that didn't directly involve me getting bashed with something so therefore it wasn't murder but grief

Don't put words in my mouth.

The point is that I was not murdered. If I was simply killed I could've ghosted out in peace and observe the round, but by keeping me alive I had to either abondon all hope of getting fixed or stay inside. That's the difference.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #88688

Disabling people to the extent that they suicide is the creativest form of murder there is, frankly.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Kot » #89139

Though if they're your target, just kill to be sure. They may as well ghost and give you a huge middle finger.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by qwert » #89150

> Traitor
> Buy emag
> Ehm, I should get a cup of tea irl
> Go to dorms, lock my dorm room
> Go for real cup of tea
> Return, ready to enjoy my traitoring
> Blindfolded, straightjacketed, muzzled, buckled to bed, in legcuffs, with N02 tank connected to my airsupply.
> Ghost
>Blast doors on my cell are down, also they have built a turret in cell, replaced table with one more turret and dragged the beepsky with turned off patrol just to be sure. And as this is not enough, there are beartraps around bed and proximitysensor single plasma tank firebomb.

Seriosly, I bet, even real terrorists dont get such a total overkill security measures.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by DemonFiren » #89160

This is...oddly hilarious. It's a Pink Pamther degree of overkill.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #89163

That's the sort of thing where I'd take a screenshot for the screenshot thread, beg an admin for the Warden's ckey, and send him a pm saying "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Wyzack » #89166

Oh come on, that sounds hilarious
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by mosquitoman » #89295

I was an engineer traitor, had to kill a lawyer. I was looking for him for most of the round. After a while singularity got loose, the shuttle was called, etc. I found the lawyer in his office. I readied my crossbow, came to him, said I need to weld a vent in his office and he let me in. I stunned him with the crossbow, robusted him in the head with a toolbox and dragged him in maintenance. Then I threw his corpse, the crossbow and the toolbox out of an airlock, destroying all evidence forever. I went to arrivals and sat in an escape pod. Shortly afterwards, some security guy came, sat in the other chair, we talked how we don't trust the shuttle because it's full of griefers, how the escape pods are safer etc. Then about ten seconds away from glorious greentext, the singularity appears and annihilates everything, while the shuttle leaves without any problems.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by lanceprater12 » #89392

>Ok, assistant goooooo-Tator? Huh, cool!
>Steal AI
>Well fuck that.
>Gun, silencer, emag, rest in ammo, and a c4 block, to be safe
>Shoot him in the gut 5 times, and smash his face in like a bag of baby carrots.
>In his backpack...The entire. Fucking. Armory.
>loot all the shit.
>get ready to leave the maint tunnel where I dragged him
>LOLNO, He gets up, healing virus, screams over comms, and stun/spaces me.
>Cry on the inside.
I play Kale Fulton, Jack Bright, and Kalebot.
-- Administrator private messages --
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Admin PM from-Bluespace: you are a wizard harry
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
OOC: Scones: lance is a redditor and mekhi is a cuck, thats my admin ruling
I, for one, welcome our new headmin overlords

Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Malkevin » #89418

Damn it, Omnitricks just got perma banned for monkeying me, appeals the ban so I write a detailed reply from my side annnnnddd the thread is moved to resolved before I can hit reply.

So I guess I'll just dump it here:

logs here: ... 0pm%29.htm
Unfortunately they don't include the round start medbay rumble.
omnitricks wrote: Your side of the story: Walking around the station, see CE being bashed to crit by greyshit. Take CE to medbay to get healed before the chemist/geneticist takes him off my hands to get at the defrib. I went on to hack the medbay machines to get my usual patches and crew monitor before trying to figure out cyro. After a while hear about the CE breaking into storage and some other junk. See the HoS with the CE buckled into a bed and the greyshit trying to bash the CE's brains out again. Because I witnessed what has happened so far I just PDA'd the HoS that the CE is innocent because he only wanted to get healed in a medbay without doctors and just helped him to stand up (he wasn't even cuffed) which made me believe the HoS had the CE buckled on the bed to make it easier to avoid the greyshit as well.
Someone, I presume medbay staff, yells over the radio that the CE has broken into medbay storage and is stealing supplies.

I go there, tell the CE to surrender, he doesn't comply so I stun and cuff him.
Some assistant, Meloskovic or something, runs up and starts beating the CE
I pull the ce out of the way so I can bash the assistant but the assistant runs off
CE is complaining about being arrest, I explain why he's been arrested
Assistant comes back and hits him again then runs off
I see the assistant hanging about in medbay lobby
I run out, CE in tow, and stun the assistant
I buckle the CE to a roller bed so that he can't get away
During this the clown has helped the assistant up who has gotten up and started punching the CE again
I stun the assistant, clown, and some other assistant that looked like he was about to fuck with things, then cuff Melo.
You unbuckle the CE from the bed then run over to Melo
I stun you, the clown, and the other assistant again
Then yell for back up.
CE gets away in the chaos thanks you to
I drag the assistant into the sec outpost and buckle him to the chair, back up arrives and I order the officer to take Melo to the brig for five minutes for assaulting a head.
I run off to the Bridge to set you and the clown on arrest for fucking with my arrests, and also some Guy the robotocists yelled bombed them with a mini bomb

I probably missed your message because I was too busy dealing with two law breakers and you three chuckle fucks who were either already being cunts or were making my HoSey-senses tingle.

Explanation done I just walked around until suddenly Beepsky arrested me. HoS comes along, says I am shit and tells officer to give me 5 minutes fnr (fnr to me at that time because that was no good reason and I at least explained the situation which is more than the head of shitcurity afforded me) After that HoS steals some of my stuff, keeps me buckle cuffed on the bed well over my 5 minute sentence for gods know what reason before I am "allowed to leave" oh and before I forget, head of shitcurity also decides to tracking implant me, again fnr where tracking implants are normally used for lings and shit.

Literally as I finish writing the reason for your arrest into the sec records beepsky arrests you (I believe beepsky had just got done arresting Guy, who'd yell on radio about it and you ran over to grab him)
I run off to the port hallway to grab Guy and hopefully you too (Guy taking priority for being a suspected antag)
Get there to find Officer Alex had got you, Guy wasn't there though
Quickly tell Alex to brig you for five minutes and that the reason was on your sec record, then run off to try and find Guy.

I don't find him so head to the brig
And... see that someone else had nabbed Guy and brought him to the brig, Guy says that you'd stolen his PDA.
So being that he was a suspected traitor I go into your cell to search you for the PDA.

Here are the logs of me going in your cell
Xander Kayliss hisses, "Nice flipsss"
Guy Stevens asks, "Did he have my pda on im?"
[Common] Phoebe Lotsu asks, "South of medbay?"
Guy Stevens says, "Please, talk to me here"
Xander Kayliss hisses, "Who taught you thossse movesss"
Urist McSpacedorf says, "I'll check"
Guy Stevens is buckled to the bed by Urist McSpacedorf!
[Common] Z.E.R.O. states, "Cash Newbern has signed up as Scientist."
Xander Kayliss hisses, "Could i get sssome sssunglassssssesss"
You extend the telescopic shield.
[Common] Phoebe Lotsu says, "Whoever did it cut wires to the CMO office"
Xander Kayliss hisses, "Hot"
Urist McSpacedorf says, "Lay down mime"
Xander Kayliss hisses, "Keep hitting that"
[Security] Alex Crimson asks, "Did we find Guy Stevens yet?"
[Security] Trevor Saylor says, "We have him brigged"
[Security] Urist McSpacedorf says, "In the brig, he was clean though"
Urist McSpacedorf says, "In the brig, he was clean though"
Xander Kayliss hisses, "Youre a true sssuperhero"
[Common] Z.E.R.O. states, "Get away from enginnering"
[Common] Kale Sagan says, "James Morgan, connect at the south end, too"
Urist McSpacedorf has stunned Oui Oui with the stunbaton!
You put the stunbaton into the security belt.
[Common] VPR-6 states, "Alert! Singularity Containment Failure soon."
Urist McSpacedorf is trying to put handcuffs on Oui Oui!
You handcuff Oui Oui.
[Common] James Morgan says, "Sorry kale, singulo problems, gotta fix that first"
Oui Oui is buckled to the bed by Urist McSpacedorf!
Urist McSpacedorf has unlocked the locker.
[Security] Alex Crimson says, "Mime had his PDA, i left it on the wardens desk"
[Common] Z.E.R.O. states, "The singularity is about to get out"
[Security] Xander Kayliss asks, "Sssingulo isss coming out?"
[Common] VPR-6 states, "Engineering teams to Engineering, Singularity expected to release."
[Security] Helps-In-Part hisses, "Engineering sssussspectsss one of their own isss sssabotaging thingsss."
[Security] Trevor Saylor says, "Yeah I returned it to him"
[Common] Ophie Schlange says, "It's not loose yet, but there's a good chance it'll break free."
You put the handheld crew monitor into the security backpack.
[Security] Cell 3 says, "Timer has expired. Releasing prisoner."
That's a space cleaner.
BLAM!-brand non-foaming space cleaner!
It contains:
250 units of Space cleaner
It is a small item.
[Common] Z.E.R.O. states, "Vladimir Drax has signed up as Atmospheric Technician."
Xander Kayliss hisses, "Thisss guy hasss sssome sssick dance movesss"
[Common] Ophie Schlange says, "I've shut off the PA. AI, please make sure no one turns it back on."
You put the space cleaner into Parcel Parceaux.
Trevor Saylor says, "That headset is confiscated"
[Common] VPR-6 states, "It's really close to becoming a mother of this station."
[Common] VPR-6 states, "Understood, Ophie."
Oui Oui attempts to unbuckle themself!
Urist McSpacedorf tries to remove Oui Oui's toolbelt.
[Common] Helps-In-Part hisses, "Engineering isss trying to resssolve the problem. But we have no guaranteesss it will be sssa-"
[Common] Z.E.R.O. states, "If it is released, I will call the shuttle"
[Common] Helps-In-Part hisses, "Uuuh, I've got radiation poisssoning."
[Common] Guy Stevens asks, "Are they not wiring the solars?"
Xander Kayliss hisses, "Thanksss"
[Common] Phoebe Lotsu says, "Well someone with insulated gloves snipped some wires in east medbay maint"
[Security] Urist McSpacedorf says, "Don't put convicts in cells with toolbelts damn it, mime could've escaped"
Urist McSpacedorf says, "Don't put convicts in cells with toolbelts damn it, mime could've escaped"
[Common] Rodger Thompson says, "Russell Lombardi just spaced himself"
This is Oui Oui!
He is wearing a mime's outfit.
He is wearing a beret on his head.
He is wearing a suspenders.
He is carrying an emergency oxygen tank on his suspenders.
He has some white gloves on his hands.
He is handcuffed!
He is wearing some black shoes on his feet.
He has a black gar glasses covering his eyes.
He has a radio headset on his ears.
He is wearing PDA-Oui Oui (Mime).
He has minor burns.
Rank: Mime
[Front photo] [Side photo]
Criminal status: [Incarcerated]
Security record: [View] [Add crime] [View comment log] [Add comment]
Roswell Baskett says, "Mime talked to me using the messenger"
[Common] James Morgan says, "He's snipping wires and cutting APC's everywhere"
Urist McSpacedorf asks, "And?"
Roswell Baskett says, "Give me his ID, i will demote him"
[Common] James Morgan says, "Security please comb maint"
[Security] Alex Crimson says, "Eh he didnt seem to want to escape"
Xander Kayliss asks, "What happened?"
[Common] Kale Sagan says, "At least we fixed medbay cables"
Roswell Baskett says, "He talked"
Urist McSpacedorf tries to remove Oui Oui's PDA-Oui Oui (Mime).
[Common] Phoebe Lotsu asks, "Who is?"
[Common] VPR-6 states, "Please do not enter Engineering without either a radsuit or a rigsuit"
Oui Oui unbuckled themselves!
Oui Oui is buckled to the bed by Urist McSpacedorf!
Oui Oui attempts to unbuckle themself!
[Security] Wilhelm Frick asks, "AI, could you open this?"
[Security] Trevor Saylor says, "Please comb maint for whoever is fucking up wires"
[Common] Micks Tape says, "HoP to desk please"
[Security] Cell 2 says, "Timer has expired. Releasing prisoner."
That's Mysterious Package.
That's Mysterious Package.
You put the flashbang into the security belt.
[Security] Wilhelm Frick says, "AI, could you-"
You put the handcuffs into the security belt.
[Security] Cell 1 says, "Timer has expired. Releasing prisoner."
[Security] Wilhelm Frick says, "I need to get-"
[Security] Wilhelm Frick says, "Thanks."
[Common] Trayvon Martin says, "I killed captain"
[Common] VPR-6 states, "Head of Personnel, you are requested to your office by Mr. Tape."
[Command] Ida Ngo exclaims, "Nudist on the bridge!"
Oui Oui unbuckled themselves!
[Common] Xander Kayliss hisses, "What"
Urist McSpacedorf is attemping to implant Oui Oui.
Oui Oui attempts to remove the handcuffs!
[Common] VPR-6 states, "Trayvon Martin has claimed he has killed the Captain."
Urist McSpacedorf has implanted Oui Oui.
You implant the implant into Oui Oui.
You put the implanter into the security backpack.
Oui Oui stares
Urist McSpacedorf tries to remove Oui Oui's handcuffs.
[Common] VPR-6 states, "Apparently, Fortune Ray must be dead."
Urist McSpacedorf says, "You may leave"
Oui Oui shows the finger
[Common] Xander Kayliss asks, "Where isss their body?"
Trevor Saylor has thrown the handcuffs.
You put the implanter into the boxed tracking implant kit.
[Common] VPR-6 states, "Let's hold a prayer held by the ghost of Fortune Ray at the Chapel with scary music."
[Common] Guy Stevens exclaims, "Oh no, not fortune!"
[Common] Guy Stevens exclaims, "She's my favorite ray!"
[Security] Urist McSpacedorf says, "I'm letting the mime go for now, but with a tracking implant"
Urist McSpacedorf says, "I'm letting the mime go for now, but with a tracking implant"
That's a stunbaton.
A stun baton for incapacitating people with.
It is a normal-sized item.
The baton is 40% charged.
[Security] Wilhelm Frick says, "Hey, someone come down to the bridge."
[Common] VPR-6 states, "Yeah well shes dead."
Trevor Saylor knocks on the reinforced window.
[Common] VPR-6 declares, "This is why folks you keep your suit sensors up!"
[Security] Helps-In-Part hisses, "Arressst Morgan Mugglesss. Engineering sssussspectsss him of grand sssabotage."
I didn't take anything of yours, the only thing I took were a portable crew monitor - which you'd stolen, and your ID which the HoP (your department head) requested so that he could demote you - as per his rights as your boss.

The other things I found on you, and actually let you keep were:
-a toolbelt
-a muzzle
-a straight jacket
-an internals box full of medical patches
-a space cleaner bottle

The tools of the trade of an antag or a valid hunting ass hole, so naturally I assumed you were going to be up to no good later on and so implanted you with a tracker - because thats why tracking implants exist you absolute fuck knuckle.
I then let you go

NB: I was also going to implant Guy but someone had let him out of the brig already, then comms went down and someone yelled that the singulo was out.
After that sing gets loose and eats the station. I got myself an EVA suit and start walking around. See beepsky in space stuck so I decide to drag it to escape where it will be useful and wouldn't you guess it, I get stunned and cuffed by it (thank the space gods that singuloth didn't come doubling back for a helping of mime) Guess who was nearest to me at the time. You guessed it, the head of shitcurity who is at the security records console at the bridge. No prizes for guessing whose fault this was yet again.
This is the only time when I was maybe being a bit of dick, but I only put you on arrest then back off because I saw you stealing off with beepsky - probably to help you valid hunt, either way I didn't want a filthy mime touching my glorious metal robot and zip ties only last for 30 seconds to resist out of - so not exactly a huge inconvenience to you.
Ahelped, no admins decide to answer despite there being admins on the admin list (I checked) So I decide to get a monkey SE from genetics and monkey the HoS for the remaining little time of the shift which pales in comparison to the total time I was cuffed, brigged, stunned and whatever have you which I believe is fair given how much my round has been ruined by some shitler taking advantage of his rank and equipment over a mime who he believes has no recourse (which is also true because I pda'd the HoP and captain about the HoS being shit. Both of them in the chain of command ignored me and the HoP even had the gall to demote me)

Why you think you should be unbanned:
Vekter said I can't take into my own hands what is essentially "killing" the head of shitcurity. Well I both tried the proper channels through the chain of command and ahelp, both were ignored (though surprisingly the HoS' ahelp was immediately responded to by vekter so you know what his priority is here) When I monkeyed the HoS, the pod was already here which means that there is only 2 minutes left and he was monkey syringed in full view of everyone who would know he is the HoS and not a ling. Why do I point out the ling part? Because the tracking implant can make any wrong person with the wrong meta assumption believe that I am a ling which also puts me and the HoS both at the same level in terms of danger which we are at risk of. In total while I was being abused and deprived of my round for over 10 minutes by a shitcurity officer, he HoS only loses out of 2 minutes where the pod will be in transit (because lets face it if he stays in the pod no one is going to kill him) unless of course he goes out to actively harm people like the shitler he is and the round end shuttle griff with his so many guns in his backpack which I'm sure he was dying to use.
You're a tool and the only guns I had were the two I start with.

Doesn't matter if it was only two minutes, pod ride home is often when the best RP happens, its two minutes of my time that you stole because you're a pissy little cunt that got punished for actively interfering with my job.

Honestly I'm glad you're permaed, though your victim complex produced plenty of laughably frivolous Ban Requests from you, you and the other "I dint do nottins" are the type of player we don't need in the game.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Wyzack » #89481

Reading all of their ban appeals and requests over the last while has been like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Rip in piece.
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Vekter » #89516

He's gone and he ain't coming back. Good riddance.

Back on topic.

>Go wire the solars
>Finish with southeast
>the FUCK did I miss
>Leave to try and get things under order
>Half the station is on fire, there's a shard just hangin' out in front of the bar
>fuck this, off to Robotics
>Break in, find the robos hanging out in a closet making out or something
>Ask them to let me in so we can blow borgs
>opens door to sci, walk out, RAGING INFERNO IN RD OFFICE
>ask Robo why he didn't warn me
"Why did you think we were hiding?"
>Resist urge to throttle him, slowly limp to tech storage to blow borgs
>Get LSD stung at some point, tripping balls
>Eight minutes later shuttle is almost here, FINALLY finish robotics console

Good news is I saved a braindead and made it out in a pod, but yeah fuck that round.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by IcePacks » #89523

i pushed that borg into the supermatter shard, then everyone else hit it like the worlds dumbest flies hitting the world's most radioactive lightbulb and i died.
OOC: Deitus: tfw RL porn doesnt sexually excite me anymore
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by lumipharon » #89529

Thus sums up every round where some chucklefuck opens a supermatter shard anywhere but inside a containment area.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by qwert » #89604

> Traitor scientist : asassinate botanist
> turn on this

> Black-ice borg comes in
> Make him super battery to seem a good guy.
> Find first aid kit, get mousetrap, 3 c 4, and four remote signalling devices, implant myself with explosive implant, hide the box with it.
> Rig the first aid kit to be bomb
> Put on radiation suit
> Leave it at botany desk
> Botanist is in crit and sucked into space hole
> Run, switch suit to my labcoat.
> Harmyeller 9000 : botanist exploded
> Medbay manages to save him, damn it.
> He tells about mysterious man in yellow suit leaving him trapped first-aid kit.
> Damn
> Buy pizza bomb
> Come into botany, no need to bust into, windows got blown up.
> Build glass table, put comfy chairs around it, and pizza bomb on table
> Botanist tells, that this is nice, I agree.
> After work he buckles to chair to enjoy his personal pizza
> Harmyeller 9000 : Explosion in botany again, now botanist is completely destroyed.
> Finally, I dont have to perform my alternative plan of bombing botany from maint with four fullcap bombs.
> Everything is ok
> security comes, asks to go with them.
> Dont resist, as they dont have any evidence
> Turns out, that 3 C 4 DONT BLOW UP CONTAINER, WHERE THEY ARE HOLD AND THE MOUSETRAP IS INTACT TOO, so there is some super solid proof
> Get sad
> Turn on explosive implant
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Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2014 9:15 pm
Byond Username: DemonFiren

Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by DemonFiren » #89609

Next time, just launch your container off Toxins.

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Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:56 am
Byond Username: Erbbu

Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Erbbu » #89616

That was some pretty creative traitoring easily ruined by the botanist being aware of pizza bombs.
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Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2014 9:15 pm
Byond Username: DemonFiren

Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by DemonFiren » #89619

He didn't. He did know about mousetrap bombs, though.

non-lizard things:
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