Alex Crimson wrote:I think its fine as is. Bigger gangs seems like it would ruin the fun and just turn things into a warzone. This isnt Rev.
It will never be rev due to the fundamentally different objectives. It's also possible to make bigger gangs without opening the door to flash spamming a department and turning the station into a battlefield within minutes.
Reducing the cooldown while still having the cooldown rise as the gang grows accomplishes this quite well.
Also keep in mind that the gang war NEEDS to have an impact on the round. People abhorred the initial changes to newling because it basically meant you were playing an extended round since the antags were few in number and lacked any kind of offensive power.
Gangs have the same issue right now. They can get interesting on lowpop, but on highpop every round I've seen involved some graffiti getting sprayed, maybe a couple small fights, and then some gang member is eventually sloppy, gets caught with a spraycan, and then gets implanted and gives security all the names they need to basically end the round.
Security should have a reasonable fear of gangs, but the lack of communication tools and clear objectives makes the gang an impotent force. Tagging is very loud and when I play sec during a GW I know that's im basically invincible. I roam maint, listen for spraying, search the nearest dude I find in maint, and since he has 0% chance of being able to rally a gang to his aid, he gets dragged off to sec, implanted, tells me the leader, and within 5 minutes that gang is basically dead.
I've already made some suggestions but my description is accurate. Gangs feel downright impotent. Even when a gang wins it's basically "One gang had a tagger get caught by security, who promptly shit on the gang, while the other side just lurked and converted and eventually tagged 50% of the station because sec was too lazy/bored to hunt down some spray painting assistants". There's almost no "war" in a gang war.
The round isn't fun for security either when there's nobody actually antagonizing the station. It's boring and I could care less if one side sprays enough paint to win if the only role I get to play to tazing a bunch of unarmed gang members and stuffing implants up their butts.