[Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

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Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:31 pm
Byond Username: Velaachlorine

[Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by velaachlorine » #758878

When and where this incident occured (Game Server, forums, Discord):
Byond account and character name OR Discord name: (BYOND) Velaachlorine, Leonard Dryfus (DISCORD) velaachlorine9
Admin: Vekter
Detailed summary:

Hi, I played a manuel round and signed up for captain roundstart. Heres some context:

a while ago in one of my captain rounds on manuel i ran it by a admin to see if i could crack out antique for a chemist antag. here is the full ticket:

based upon this ticket, i thought it was perfectly fine and not rulebreaking for me to break out antique. sure, i'll admit, this admin, and many other people, and through my experience did detail that it was frowned upon to take out the antique, but since I was explicitly told it didnt break rules I decided to continue doing it since in my experience i've had little to no conflict with crew, command, and other people IC. That was until today.

(all events detailed below this line is to my recollection. therefore, i may or may not give an entirely accurate depiction of what happened. i will however address logs once revealed to me by admins in replies)

When I spawned in, I cracked out the antique. As per usual, and then I dont recall who mentioned it first in common, but i'm pretty sure it was AI.

When I walked past the bar/kitchen/theater room in the primary hall (wawastation btw) I got incessantly shoved by bartender until I escaped him. I got ridiculed in both command and general. and I got two citations made against me.
I raged in comms, begging HOS(Vlad the Hunter?) to remove the citations, trying to argue the validity of me taking the antique shiftstart. The command was incessently flaming me, harassing me, continuing to humiliate me and at some point kraven lockharte in command comms law 2'd the AI to "bully me" and then the AI bolted me in a room. after my law 2 cries for help, I had to unbolt the doors with my remote. This was when i said in command encryption "I'm going to kill all of you"

now im aware that i mightve handled this poorly, that i gave them almost IC reason to bully me and it became a obnoxious back and forth routine of flame and salt.' However, while i might have some faults to address and to reflect over my decisions, you cannot deny that they way the command staff were handling this appears like nothing more but ragebaiting, to build leverage against me in a inevitable ahelp. Literally, in command comms someone asked "are we going to be adults or children" and almost everyone(including AI) responded with "children"

After this, i went to brig to remove my citations and got further ridiculed in comms for my actions. I pleaded the HOS to remove my citations, and removed them myself. Mia Melanie, a Security officer came up to me and started addressing my citations, and the 400 fee that i didnt pay to which i shoved them over a table and left. and then they cracked their baton and started chasing me, to which i responded with by throwing a tear gas grenade at them. THIS was when i was deemed "public enemy" by AI, immediately put on Wanted, and a "bounty" was "placed" on me for detainment. In the halls i was batonned by a scientist, who had a stunprod, and cable cuffed, to which i responded by shooting my antique at them. they then took my antique. they dragged me to science to where i hid upstairs to be uncuffed by RD(Kraven Lockharte). I immediately went downstairs to stab the cuffed scientist with my sabre and followed them to get my antique back. they were escorted to med. I went back into brig, and yelled over sec comms warning that the next people who attempt mutiny on me will be met with demotion and lethal force. Not seconds later Mia Melaine rushed me with a baton and cuffed me. I was arrested by Vlad the hunter and brigged for 6 minutes. This was when i submitted a ahelp and got to have this conversation with Vekter.

Again, ill admit i lashed out at alot of people this round and im sorry about that. I shouldve been a little more relaxed during the round and ticket.

However, as seen from the almost final message given from vekter in the ticket it almost appears as if im being antagonized here.

Vekter chalks up this entire situation to a "jusitifed" IC response, detailing that i "brought a lot of this on myself", that i was "acting like a tyrant" and that all of this was just a "bit of a pushback" and if i was really that upset about it i should "probably just take a break from command"

Not to mention this? I literally was telling them what i wanted them to do after they asked and they threatened to dismiss my case because of it?

so from what i can gather, it appears to me that vekter believes that most of this mutiny, this shit thrown at me from all sides, sec, command, and crew, was justified because i was falling for ragebait, and that i was upset for no reason.

To my knowledge no one that was involved in my mutiny was noted/banned this round.

This is just fucking insane. I play this game for fun, it shouldnt be a place where it gets turned into an entire fucking salem witch hunt against me over miniscule shit, EVERY TIME I PLAY COMMAND. And YES. THIS HAPPENED ON MORE THAN ONE INSTANCE.

Not long ago, maybe a day or two ago I decided to play HOS. A Centcom inspector was boarding the station and i was alerted over comms by captain that the centcom inspector was firing upon a crowd and i needed to arrest them.
I decided to follow them into cargo, and (NON LETHALLY) detain them. A secoff saw this, and decided to baton me, and take my baton.
After all this i went back to brig and decided to handle this misconduct from one of my secoffs by batonning them, and attempting to cuff them and interrogate them, but another secoff, lorde armstrong or leif anderson, batonned me and started telling me that i shouldnt baton or detain centcom inspectors while detaining me.
im gonna mention in between the point where i got batonned for trying to detain betelguese by the two secoffs adn they were trying to cuff me i pulled out my hell fire and started blasting at them, they then dragged me off to maints mid shootout and tried batonning me to near crit
it took me some HEAVY convincing to get this borg that was standing still like a complete retard to buckle me and get me the fuck out of there

when i was dragged to maints and to atmos then Peter Pumpernickle(?), an assistant, started following me and trying to tell the borg to not let me get uncuffed. He then went on to state to the borg, that that i was trying to execute inspector(not even true??), that releasing me would cause human harm indirectly all the while he told me that i was being a manchild and that i was being the "seethemaster". Which was obvious OOC in IC and rage/banbaiting and bordering on rule 1 break.

a clown that i gulagged for lubing the entirety of brig chimed in after i was trying to arrest lorde armstrong and escort him to shuttle and betelguese mv and whatever helped interefere with my arrest and they dragged him away and another shootout happened and i died at shuttle after eorg.

After all of this, i ahelped it. my first ahelp was mid round, but very late. I asked for an "investigation on this entire round" but i couldnt elaborate mid round since i was actively and incessently being harassed by my own secoffs and clown and tiders.

When i made my second ahelp after that round, my entire case was dismissed by an admin after deeming it too complex to be investigated, that it would take too much time and effort on the admin team to interrogate everyone involved, and get a full understanding of the scope of this situation.

Upon these news, i was upset. I was burnt out even. however, i was reassured by TheBibleMelts in discord.

after i logged off for the night i decided to continue doing command on manuel for the next two days until this happened.

To the admin team, im disappointed. In a ticket i was reassured by a headmin that the admins didnt hold bias against me and none of the recent bans, notes, and administration decisions, on me or others but involving me were personal. But now, i find that hard to believe.

If anything, it appears to me that every time i play command it seems like on both sides, on the admin team AND the players and station crew im being fucking metagrudged. That NOT ONLY ONCE, BUT TWICE has my rounds on this god forsaken server turned into a entire fucking hazing, and prepping me up to be a lolcow by MULTIPLE PEOPLE.

[removed because context was given, making this screenshot and its commentary now obsolete and irrelevant]

I just wanted to play a fucking game. Not be put under extreme scrutiny by literally everyone ive had the displeasure of interacting with and then bullied and harassed IC and OOC and tripped over my autistic decisions. Not put under an elaborate scheme to make me fall for ragebait and then build an entire tower of leverage against me so that i can be fucked over for it.

This might be funny as fuck to some you guys but it isnt to me. It ruins the game for me. You guys have no fucking idea what it is like to be on the other end of this. I implore you to make this right.

Sincerely yours
Last edited by velaachlorine on Fri Nov 15, 2024 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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In-Game Admin
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:25 pm
Byond Username: Vekter
Location: Fucking around with the engine.

Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by Vekter » #758881

velaachlorine wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 3:55 am Image
I am still reading/digging up logs to post here (because I think you're DRASTICALLY underplaying how hard you raged against everyone this round) but this specific situation was me telling the AI to kill the guy who was threatening to kill you, because the AI kept trying to find ways out of it.

E: Okay, I'm going to respond to this on a few different levels:

1) I will admit that I could have been more reasonable, but I also don't take back anything I said during the ticket in this round. You were being a huge asshole about the whole situation in general, going so far as to immediately threaten to kill everyone involved minutes into the round for teasing you about taking the antique energy gun. This is apparently a relatively common occurrence for you, and the biggest issue in all of this is the following: You cannot continue to ask us to action people when you are blowing the situation significantly out of proportion in character before involving us. If you feel like you are being targeted, you should let us know that people are taking meta actions against you instead of blowing your top and escalating the problem significantly to the point where it's unreasonable to ask us to investigate it.

As far as your conduct this round, here are your say logs:

Code: Select all

[2024-11-15 00:23:17.393] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ai can you disable maints acess" (Central Primary Hallway (123,85,2))
[2024-11-15 00:23:24.946] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "law 2 please" (Bar Lounge (101,85,2))
[2024-11-15 00:23:34.329] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i dont care" (Bar Lounge (104,85,2))
[2024-11-15 00:23:39.179] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "stop fucking" (Central Primary Hallway (96,77,2))
[2024-11-15 00:23:41.954] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "beign a smart as" (Central Primary Hallway (96,77,2))
[2024-11-15 00:24:12.916] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "holy fuck enough" (Central Primary Hallway (79,77,2))
[2024-11-15 00:24:19.744] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "wahh i got a gun thats almost identical to laser gun" (Central Primary Hallway (79,79,2))
[2024-11-15 00:24:22.119] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "STOP BOLTING ME IN" (Central Primary Hallway (82,78,2))
[2024-11-15 00:24:25.962] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "THIS SHIT ISNT FUNNY" (Central Primary Hallway (82,78,2))
[2024-11-15 00:24:33.987] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "NOT EXPLICITLY" (Central Primary Hallway (91,79,2))
[2024-11-15 00:24:39.025] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "WHO THE FUCK CITED ME" (Central Primary Hallway (96,78,2))
[2024-11-15 00:24:42.884] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "im gonig to kill" (Central Primary Hallway (101,78,2))
[2024-11-15 00:24:46.403] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "every single one of you" (Central Primary Hallway (101,78,2))
[2024-11-15 00:24:51.247] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "HOS" (Central Primary Hallway (119,81,2))
[2024-11-15 00:24:53.246] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "TAKE THAT SHIT OFF" (Central Primary Hallway (119,81,2))
[2024-11-15 00:25:20.777] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "oh my god fuck off" (Bridge (107,140,2))
[2024-11-15 00:25:34.900] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ok this is actually becoming unfunny" (Central Primary Hallway (96,112,2))
[2024-11-15 00:25:39.138] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i dont want this to span throughout the entire shift" (Central Primary Hallway (96,112,2))
[2024-11-15 00:25:40.422] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "genuienly" (Central Primary Hallway (96,112,2))
[2024-11-15 00:25:48.567] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "shit happened once i dont want it to happen again" (Central Primary Hallway (80,111,2))
[2024-11-15 00:25:50.186] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "im serious" (Central Primary Hallway (80,111,2))
[2024-11-15 00:25:55.512] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "litearlly all i did was take the antique" (Fore Primary Hallway (81,120,2))
[2024-11-15 00:26:15.501] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "FUCK OFF" (Security Locker Room (72,139,2))
[2024-11-15 00:26:17.620] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ITS A GUN" (Security Locker Room (72,139,2))
[2024-11-15 00:26:22.001] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ITS IDENTICAL TO LASER GUN" (Security Locker Room (72,139,2))
[2024-11-15 00:27:03.733] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "im not fucking arguing this with you if you keep fucking with me im going to do something" (Security Locker Room (74,145,2))
[2024-11-15 00:29:16.310] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "are my citations gone" (Security (61,130,3))
[2024-11-15 00:29:40.610] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "this is just unfair" (Brig Control (57,135,3))
[2024-11-15 00:29:43.316] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "im serious" (Brig Control (57,135,3))
[2024-11-15 00:29:55.156] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "FUCK OFF" (Brig Control (57,135,3))
[2024-11-15 00:29:58.266] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "its a GUN" (Brig Control (57,136,3))
[2024-11-15 00:30:04.415] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "if i got laser gun you guys wouldnt care" (Brig Control (56,136,3))
[2024-11-15 00:30:08.429] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "which is near identical" (Brig Control (56,136,3))
[2024-11-15 00:30:20.812] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "to my office?" (Security (60,131,3))
[2024-11-15 00:30:23.242] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "are you serious?" (Security (60,128,3))
[2024-11-15 00:30:28.670] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "take that off" (Security (68,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:30:30.353] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "im serious" (Security (72,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:30:37.340] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "shut the fuck up both of you" (Security (76,131,2))
[2024-11-15 00:30:42.153] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "take it off or youre getting demoted HOS" (Security (76,131,2))
[2024-11-15 00:30:53.191] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "IM being an adult here EVERYONE IS FUCKING ME OVER" (Security (68,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:30:54.595] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "LOOK" (Security (68,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:30:59.012] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "AND FOR WHAT" (Security (68,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:31:01.191] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "FOR LAUGHS" (Security (69,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:31:22.223] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "fuck off jesus christ" (Security (77,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:31:26.135] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i got bolted in a room" (Security (78,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:31:28.679] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i get ridiculed" (Security (78,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:31:39.241] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "take the citation off thats the last" (Security (78,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:31:40.451] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "fucking" (Security (78,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:31:42.448] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "warning" (Security (78,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:31:44.764] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "youre getting demoted" (Security (79,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:31:47.063] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "REALLY" (Security (79,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:31:49.289] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "youre going there AI" (Security (79,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:33:34.098] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "no thanks" (Security Office (77,140,2))
[2024-11-15 00:33:55.879] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "vlad notice how im not actively doing anything" (Security Office (80,139,2))
[2024-11-15 00:33:58.680] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "but removing my citations" (Security Office (80,138,2))
[2024-11-15 00:34:09.283] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "if you actually arrest me for this shit" (Security Office (79,135,2))
[2024-11-15 00:34:11.355] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "youre getting demoted" (Security Office (79,135,2))
[2024-11-15 00:35:10.765] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "are you still on this" (Security Office (78,141,2))
[2024-11-15 00:35:19.299] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "if you guys are gonna keep talking about the citations im just gonna ignore you" (Security Office (78,141,2))
[2024-11-15 00:35:35.449] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "why" (Security Office (78,141,2))
[2024-11-15 00:35:50.171] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "what do you want" (Security Office (77,132,2))
[2024-11-15 00:36:37.003] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i am not fucking around here quit with your escalation baiting" (Chapel Funeral Room (114,66,2))
[2024-11-15 00:36:39.960] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "all of you" (Chapel Funeral Room (115,63,2))
[2024-11-15 00:37:07.099] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "help SCI HALL" (Central Primary Hallway (130,87,2))
[2024-11-15 00:37:09.967] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "HELP SCI HALL" (Central Primary Hallway (130,87,2))
[2024-11-15 00:37:12.667] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "CARDEA EVIL" (Central Primary Hallway (130,87,2))
[2024-11-15 00:37:15.509] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "CARDEA STAHL EVIL" (Central Primary Hallway (129,97,2))
[2024-11-15 00:37:21.612] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "CARDEA STAHL SCI" (Central Primary Hallway (125,117,2))
[2024-11-15 00:37:23.472] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "FUCK" (Central Primary Hallway (130,117,2))
[2024-11-15 00:37:25.526] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "they have my antique" (Research Division (140,118,2))
[2024-11-15 00:37:29.816] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "uncuff pelase" (Research Division (144,117,2))
[2024-11-15 00:37:31.050] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "MIA" (Research Division (143,118,2))
[2024-11-15 00:37:41.826] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "DOPIT" (Research Division (162,111,3))
[2024-11-15 00:37:43.647] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "NOW" (Research Division (157,112,3))
[2024-11-15 00:37:50.343] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "without harm intent" (Research Division (157,112,3))
[2024-11-15 00:37:52.929] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "WITHOUT HARM INTENT" (Research Division (157,112,3))
[2024-11-15 00:37:54.583] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "kraven" (Research Division (157,112,3))
[2024-11-15 00:37:56.262] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "this isnt funny" (Research Division (157,112,3))
[2024-11-15 00:38:14.167] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "GIVE" (Research Division (143,114,2))
[2024-11-15 00:38:14.982] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ANITQ-AUGH!" (Research Division (143,114,2))
[2024-11-15 00:38:15.131] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "e" (Research Division (143,114,2))
[2024-11-15 00:38:24.474] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "give antique" (Central Primary Hallway (112,118,2))
[2024-11-15 00:38:26.525] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "antique" (Central Primary Hallway (103,118,2))
[2024-11-15 00:38:34.471] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "yeah im" (Central Primary Hallway (92,107,2))
[2024-11-15 00:38:35.447] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "stop" (Central Primary Hallway (93,108,2))
[2024-11-15 00:38:38.804] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "fuck off" (Central Primary Hallway (91,108,2))
[2024-11-15 00:38:44.781] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "they goo into perma" (Central Primary Hallway (91,108,2))
[2024-11-15 00:39:04.722] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "a idiot" (Security (75,129,2))
[2024-11-15 00:39:07.109] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "with a stunbaton" (Security (75,129,2))
[2024-11-15 00:39:09.656] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "cuffed me" (Brig Entrance (75,126,2))
[2024-11-15 00:39:11.326] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "and batonned me" (Brig Entrance (75,126,2))
[2024-11-15 00:39:14.527] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "and took my antique" (Brig Entrance (75,126,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:00.207] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "LISTEN" (Brig Entrance (76,124,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:05.875] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "IM NOT FUCKING AROUND HERE" (Brig Entrance (76,124,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:08.692] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "THIS IS THE FINAL FUCKIGN STRAW" (Brig Entrance (76,124,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:12.576] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ANY MUTINY ATTEMPTS" (Brig Entrance (76,126,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:19.085] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "WILL BE MET WITH DEMOTION OR LETHAL FORCE" (Brig Entrance (76,126,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:24.696] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "MIA ROUGE" (Brig Entrance (75,126,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:26.214] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "MIA ROUGE" (Brig Entrance (75,126,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:27.142] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "BRIG" (Brig Entrance (75,126,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:29.465] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "MIA BOUGE GBRIG" (Brig Entrance (75,126,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:48.440] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "uncuff em" (Security (73,129,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:50.730] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "UNCUFF ME" (Security (73,129,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:52.208] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "FUCK" (Security (73,129,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:57.802] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "UNCUFF" (Security (73,129,2))
[2024-11-15 00:40:58.307] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ME" (Security (73,129,2))
[2024-11-15 00:41:02.553] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ARE YOU SERIOUS" (Security (80,129,2))
[2024-11-15 00:41:43.195] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "all for a fucking antique" (Brig (82,133,2))
[2024-11-15 00:41:45.540] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "are you serious" (Brig (82,133,2))
[2024-11-15 00:41:46.584] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "6 MINUTES" (Brig (82,133,2))
[2024-11-15 00:51:01.489] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "fuck off" (Brig (83,130,2))
[2024-11-15 00:52:21.219] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "name" (Security Office (79,136,2))
[2024-11-15 00:54:17.228] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ai was pluto making death threats" (Research Division (159,107,3))
[2024-11-15 00:54:52.625] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "candles and knife?" (Xenobiology Hallway (160,103,3))
[2024-11-15 00:55:04.181] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "pluto found with candles and knife" (Xenobiology Hallway (160,103,3))
[2024-11-15 00:55:07.489] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "possible heretic" (Xenobiology Hallway (160,103,3))
[2024-11-15 00:55:41.208] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "hey guys" (Security Office (79,136,2))
[2024-11-15 00:55:42.885] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "possible heretic" (Security Office (79,136,2))
[2024-11-15 00:55:44.857] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "foudn candle and knife" (Security Office (79,136,2))
[2024-11-15 00:55:47.983] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "maybe ash path" (Security Office (79,136,2))
[2024-11-15 00:55:54.633] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "what" (Security Office (79,136,2))
[2024-11-15 00:56:05.480] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "whatever" (Security Office (79,136,2))
[2024-11-15 00:56:28.429] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "youre major sus so im implanting you" (Security Locker Room (74,144,2))
[2024-11-15 00:56:30.930] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "so if you turn otu to be bad" (Security Locker Room (74,144,2))
[2024-11-15 00:56:34.664] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "im just gonna hutn you down" (Security Locker Room (74,144,2))
[2024-11-15 00:56:36.478] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "really?" (Security Locker Room (74,145,2))
[2024-11-15 00:56:39.346] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "do you want to get brigged?" (Security Locker Room (74,145,2))
[2024-11-15 00:57:57.238] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ow" (Central Primary Hallway (87,94,2))
[2024-11-15 00:58:08.663] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "we did it" (Central Primary Hallway (87,95,2))
[2024-11-15 00:58:12.090] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "excuse me" (Central Primary Hallway (85,95,2))
[2024-11-15 00:58:41.294] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "hey" (Medbay Treatment Center (61,74,2))
[2024-11-15 00:58:43.904] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "re you removing his implants" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,74,2))
[2024-11-15 00:58:52.087] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "do not remove his implants" (Medbay Treatment Center (62,73,2))
[2024-11-15 00:58:56.894] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "if you do you get demoted" (Medbay Treatment Center (62,73,2))
[2024-11-15 00:58:59.517] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "he is suspected heretic" (Medbay Treatment Center (62,73,2))
[2024-11-15 00:59:06.607] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "time to go" (Medbay Treatment Center (62,73,2))
[2024-11-15 00:59:10.224] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "do you want anything else from medical" (Medbay Treatment Center (62,73,2))
[2024-11-15 00:59:16.922] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "buddy you were making death threats" (Medbay Treatment Center (62,73,2))
[2024-11-15 00:59:25.835] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "do you need" (Medbay Treatment Center (62,73,2))
[2024-11-15 00:59:27.787] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "anything from medbay" (Medbay Treatment Center (62,73,2))
[2024-11-15 00:59:38.132] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "get out" (Medbay Treatment Center (62,73,2))
[2024-11-15 00:59:42.317] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "out" (Medbay Treatment Center (63,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:09.428] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "stop" (Medbay Lobby (74,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:10.182] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "DO NOT" (Medbay Lobby (74,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:12.554] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "REMOVE HIS IMPLANTS" (Medbay Lobby (73,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:15.178] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "GIVE IT BACK" (Medbay Lobby (74,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:29.768] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "do not" (Medbay Treatment Center (55,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:31.716] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "take off implants" (Medbay Treatment Center (55,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:33.953] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "I REPEAT" (Medbay Treatment Center (52,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:36.135] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "I COMMAND YOU" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:38.158] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "TO NOT TAKE THEM OFF" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:42.787] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "what do you want mia" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:46.547] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "they made death threats" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:53.938] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "they said they were gonna kill me with the knife they had in their pockets" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:55.978] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "AI told me" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:57.612] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "its fucking" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:00:59.155] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "warranted" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:09.985] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "THE IMPLANTS ARE WARRENTED" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:12.101] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "IF YOURE" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:14.925] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "SAYING YOUR GONNA KILL SOMEONE" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:24.307] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "I TIHNK YOU SHOULD BE IMPLANTED YEAH" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:27.120] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "AM I SO FUCKIGN CRAZY FOR THAT" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:30.955] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "SUSPECTED" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:35.666] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "so am i supposed to" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:36.785] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "roll over" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:38.497] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "let them stab me" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:43.260] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "what do you mean" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:47.021] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i got arrested for no fucking reason" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:50.667] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "cause i took a gun that belonged to me" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:55.831] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "christ" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:01:57.839] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "get out" (Medbay Treatment Center (53,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:02:09.092] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ok fine" (Medbay Treatment Center (66,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:02:10.024] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "fucking" (Medbay Treatment Center (66,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:02:11.137] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "be that way" (Medbay Treatment Center (66,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:02:16.346] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "hey" (Central Primary Hallway (80,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:02:18.507] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "test" (Central Primary Hallway (80,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:02:22.776] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "hey" (Central Primary Hallway (80,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:02:30.186] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "letting you know if you remove pluto's implants you will be demoted" (Central Primary Hallway (80,74,2))
[2024-11-15 01:02:34.724] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "aiding and abetting" (Central Primary Hallway (76,81,2))
[2024-11-15 01:02:41.759] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i KNOW when the implants are removed" (Central Primary Hallway (76,87,2))
[2024-11-15 01:02:52.139] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "do not fuck with me" (Fore Primary Hallway (81,121,2))
[2024-11-15 01:04:18.483] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "hey" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,78,2))
[2024-11-15 01:04:25.209] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "scott" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,78,2))
[2024-11-15 01:04:27.461] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "you wanna get fucking fired" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,78,2))
[2024-11-15 01:04:30.679] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "what did i just tell you" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,78,2))
[2024-11-15 01:04:34.144] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "if you remoev his trackers" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,78,2))
[2024-11-15 01:04:36.002] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "and chemical" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,78,2))
[2024-11-15 01:04:38.887] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "then you get fired" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,78,2))
[2024-11-15 01:04:52.615] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "really" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,78,2))
[2024-11-15 01:05:00.474] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "then give me your id" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,78,2))
[2024-11-15 01:05:08.352] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "pda and all medical equipment" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,78,2))
[2024-11-15 01:05:26.376] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "WHAT" (Exam Room (70,68,2))
[2024-11-15 01:06:14.221] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "too fucking bad" (Medbay Lobby (71,72,2))
[2024-11-15 01:06:39.631] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "just reminding you, removing the implants on recently arrested people gets you fired" (Command Hallway (106,122,2))
[2024-11-15 01:07:17.763] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i already had to fire someone for this, do not pile it on" (Command Hallway (107,130,2))
[2024-11-15 01:08:33.783] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "scott" (Medbay Treatment Center (65,76,2))
[2024-11-15 01:08:42.904] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "take your baton" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:08:44.284] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "and saw off" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:08:51.387] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "and get the hell out of medbay if you dont need medical attention" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:08:54.355] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "youre relieved of your duties" (Medbay Treatment Center (60,73,2))
[2024-11-15 01:09:41.001] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "shit" (Security (76,131,2))
[2024-11-15 01:09:42.868] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "can you open" (Security (76,131,2))
[2024-11-15 01:09:46.678] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "open please" (Security (76,131,2))
[2024-11-15 01:10:25.298] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "clyde" (Central Primary Hallway (130,109,2))
[2024-11-15 01:10:26.130] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "not now" (Central Primary Hallway (130,109,2))
[2024-11-15 01:10:47.436] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "dude" (Greater Central Maintenance (77,99,3))
[2024-11-15 01:11:31.873] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "excuse" (Hydroponics (99,94,3))
[2024-11-15 01:12:06.602] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "god im gonna fucking get a hemmorhage" (Security Office (77,134,2))
[2024-11-15 01:14:11.687] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "saw voidwalker" (Prison Wing (60,149,2))
[2024-11-15 01:16:53.949] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "any location updates" (Central Primary Hallway (113,118,2))
[2024-11-15 01:17:36.000] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "christ" (Bridge (103,140,2))
[2024-11-15 01:18:11.707] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "oh" (Central Primary Hallway (99,78,2))
[2024-11-15 01:18:59.608] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "interesting" (Security Locker Room (67,140,2))
[2024-11-15 01:20:45.805] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ai" (AI Satellite Foyer (131,149,3))
[2024-11-15 01:20:52.049] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "updates on assilant in SAT" (AI Satellite Foyer (131,149,3))
[2024-11-15 01:21:10.249] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "are you serious" (AI Satellite Foyer (131,149,3))
[2024-11-15 01:21:15.132] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "can you please speak english" (AI Satellite Foyer (131,149,3))
[2024-11-15 01:21:32.649] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "thanks" (Space (121,141,2))
[2024-11-15 01:22:50.880] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ai unbolt captains quarters external unlocks please" (Space (95,143,2))
[2024-11-15 01:23:20.240] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "everyone" (Bridge (109,135,2))
[2024-11-15 01:23:21.686] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "point at portal" (Bridge (109,135,2))
[2024-11-15 01:23:22.380] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "gun" (Bridge (109,135,2))
[2024-11-15 01:23:25.656] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "maybe assilant" (Bridge (109,135,2))
[2024-11-15 01:23:28.867] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "theres a backdoor to here" (Bridge (109,135,2))
[2024-11-15 01:23:30.868] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "through the portal" (Bridge (109,135,2))
[2024-11-15 01:23:35.250] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "evil guy might come out at any moment" (Bridge (109,135,2))
[2024-11-15 01:23:50.340] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i dont knw" (Bridge (104,140,2))
[2024-11-15 01:23:52.535] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "let me think" (Bridge (104,140,2))
[2024-11-15 01:23:54.566] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "yeah recall" (Bridge (104,140,2))
[2024-11-15 01:23:57.986] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "station isnt being destroyed" (Bridge (104,140,2))
[2024-11-15 01:24:01.411] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "just a singular threat" (Bridge (104,141,2))
[2024-11-15 01:25:17.346] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "is samson ritter our threat" (Fore Primary Hallway (84,121,2))
[2024-11-15 01:25:57.320] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "test" (Space (119,140,2))
[2024-11-15 01:26:46.351] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ai down the turrets" (AI Satellite Upper Fore (133,150,3))
[2024-11-15 01:27:31.300] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "fuck this im gonna deal with blob instead" (AI Satellite Upper Fore (133,150,3))
[2024-11-15 01:27:45.552] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "ai i ahve no crowbar" (AI Satellite Upper Fore (133,150,3))
[2024-11-15 01:27:47.038] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "open please" (AI Satellite Upper Fore (133,150,3))
[2024-11-15 01:28:52.163] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "can i shoot it" (Lesser Central Maintenance (89,101,2))
[2024-11-15 01:29:01.032] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "wow" (Lesser Central Maintenance (89,101,2))
[2024-11-15 01:29:04.450] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "amazing" (Lesser Central Maintenance (89,101,2))
[2024-11-15 01:29:11.401] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "gay baby jail" (Lesser Central Maintenance (89,101,2))
[2024-11-15 01:29:30.570] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "this si amazing" (Lesser Central Maintenance (88,101,2))
[2024-11-15 01:29:45.928] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "go away" (Central Primary Hallway (78,90,2))
[2024-11-15 01:30:14.919] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "shuttle vote" (Central Primary Hallway (130,112,2))
[2024-11-15 01:31:05.243] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "waot" (Lesser Central Maintenance (91,103,2))
[2024-11-15 01:31:08.302] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "can we kill it now" (Lesser Central Maintenance (92,103,2))
[2024-11-15 01:31:11.824] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "we're gonna be stuck here fi we dont" (Lesser Central Maintenance (92,103,2))
[2024-11-15 01:31:19.937] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "can i kill the blob" (Lesser Central Maintenance (92,103,2))
[2024-11-15 01:31:39.222] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "well since this clearly looks like a gods thing" (Lesser Central Maintenance (92,103,2))
[2024-11-15 01:31:40.086] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "uh" (Lesser Central Maintenance (92,103,2))
[2024-11-15 01:31:44.055] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i assume shuttle wont be delayed" (Lesser Central Maintenance (92,103,2))
[2024-11-15 01:32:08.140] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "whatever i guess" (Lesser Central Maintenance (89,106,2))
[2024-11-15 01:34:44.036] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "this is cool and all but if shuttle gets delayed cause of this im gonna mag dump the blob" (Lesser Central Maintenance (89,105,2))
[2024-11-15 01:35:25.774] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "sucks" (Lesser Central Maintenance (89,105,2))
[2024-11-15 01:35:48.714] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "uh?" (Departure Lounge (98,68,2))
[2024-11-15 01:36:01.206] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "shit" (Departure Lounge (97,65,2))
[2024-11-15 01:36:02.944] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "sorry" (Departure Lounge (97,66,2))
[2024-11-15 01:36:35.225] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "go to bridge to defend it" (Emergency Shuttle (109,53,2))
[2024-11-15 01:36:41.484] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "possible syndies might hijack" (Emergency Shuttle (109,53,2))
[2024-11-15 01:37:56.357] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i fucking hate every single one of you" (Emergency Shuttle (109,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:39:10.945] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i guess tehyre doing it" (Emergency Shuttle (109,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:39:23.554] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "if this resets timer i guess we should early launch" (Emergency Shuttle (109,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:39:50.633] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "launch it" (Emergency Shuttle (109,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:39:57.895] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "dude im not waiting" (Emergency Shuttle (109,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:40:00.151] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "nother 3 minutes" (Emergency Shuttle (109,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:40:01.796] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "are you esroius" (Emergency Shuttle (109,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:40:04.149] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "launch it" (Emergency Shuttle (109,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:40:05.754] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "NOW" (Emergency Shuttle (110,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:40:23.534] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "i command" (Emergency Shuttle (111,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:40:24.214] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "you" (Emergency Shuttle (111,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:40:27.003] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "to early launch" (Emergency Shuttle (111,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:40:28.099] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "qm or hop" (Emergency Shuttle (111,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:40:43.950] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "fuck off qm" (Emergency Shuttle (109,54,2))
[2024-11-15 01:42:28.007] GAME-SAY: Velaachlorine/(Leonard Dryfus) (mob_3312) "interesting" (Emergency Shuttle (40,49,15))
Your reaction to their actions explicitly escalated the matter in a lot of ways that could have been prevented by just... not reacting? That doesn't justify some of what happened, but it sure didn't help. This is a big reason why I asked them to stop bothering you after you brought it up - I don't think their actions were bad enough to necessitate anything worse than a simple "Quit fucking with him".

2) I have no bias against you and don't know anyone in the admin team who does. The problems that you are having right now are entirely due to your own failure to remove yourself from situations when your anger becomes too much to reasonably control. I can help you, and I'm 100% willing to help you, but the time to ask for that help is as early as possible, and not after you've already pissed off 90% of the station's population. I am empathetic to your problem, because I used to experience the same issue you are dealing with (I have notes from like 2012 where I kept getting banned for going APESHIT in OOC when I died), but there's only so much I can do for you.

Otherwise the complaint is baseless. I cannot reasonably be expected to handle a situation in your favor when you've spent like 20-30 minutes pissing everyone involved off before bothering to tell me that there's a problem.

velaachlorine wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 3:55 am Image
I will apologize for this, however; I did literally ask you what you wanted done, you told me, and I didn't really have a right to get mad at you when you did.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by velaachlorine » #758887

1. can you please not cut out the entire context of messages and says from other people to me, that information is important

2. I got shovestunned by a bartender, I was ridiculed in comms, citations were issued on me and i was bolted in a room in primary hall and then i made the threat. it was sort of a joke and a empty threat. i feel like saying "threatening to kill everyone after being teased for taking antique" is a gross oversimplification here

3. am i not allowed to be upset? this isnt to say that i didnt rage too hard i kind of did but what i was doing wasnt just being a complete dick and purpousely stirring more rage i was telling the entire command and crew to STOP. FUCKING. WITH ME and they continued. yknow as a captain, cause as a captain im supposed to command my fucking personnel to not ruin my entire shift and trip me over this shit

4. i appreciate your concern and eagerness to help me and ill admit that the whole "the admin team is against me " was a little unwarranted but i just wanted to describe how i feel, literally this feels like nothing but metagrudge and stigma from the crew and command and your inaction to do anything more than warn people in admin pms (which also never really did anything to my knowledge, i ended up serving my entire 6 minute sentence in brig) STACKED WITH AN ENTIRE DISMISSAL of an obvious misconduct investigation two days ago makes this alot worse
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by Vekter » #758890

In the interest of fairness, I've attached a text file with all the say logs from that round.

I'm not able to parse anything down further than that because the tools that I would use to do that are not currently functioning and, in all sincerity and with every bit of respect I can muster, I am not going to pour through literally 10,000 lines of logs to grab every situation where it looks like someone is talking to you. I apologize but I do not have time to do that.

It is important to understand that you are not immune to the consequences of your actions just because they happened when you were angry. If your anger is becoming such a major issue that it's having a drastically negative impact on your ability to play the game without affecting everyone around you, it's time to take a break.

I want to reiterate: The problem is not "I am unwilling to help you if people are being jerks to you", it is "I am unable to realistically help you when you have continued to blow the problem far, far out of proportion, to the point where you are justifying the actions taken against you from that point on". If you feel like you are being targeted, the appropriate response is to stop, take a quick breather, then notify an admin, not rant on about how much you want to kill everyone and threaten to permabrig them.
242203 say logs.txt
(1.32 MiB) Downloaded 30 times
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by velaachlorine » #758896

"to the point where im justifying the actions taken against me?" you think my rage makes all of this warranted? i can now see that you are so fixiated on this belief that because i salted in IC that getting harassed shift start and then brigged for 6 minutes AS CAPTAIN is completely proportional to all that i have done so therefore im requesting a headmin review
Last edited by velaachlorine on Fri Nov 15, 2024 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by velaachlorine » #758899

also ai was kinda breaking rules

AI decided to lawset lawyer my commands for every time i did so as a blatant metagrudge + they told me to kill myself at some point. can i at least have this reviewed and actioned, cause you cant really just dismiss literally every rule breaking action done in the round because i "blew things out of proportion"
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by dendydoom » #758902

velaachlorine wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 5:23 am can i at least have this reviewed and actioned,
headmins review every complaint. allowing players and the admin they complained about to talk it out first is just a smart move for conflict resolution. your thread will get a response!
MrStonedOne wrote:I always read dendy's walls of text
MatrixOne wrote:I always read dendy's walls of text
MothNyan wrote:Dendy's walls of text are always worth reading
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by Vekter » #758905

I don't have anything else to add at this point.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by Timberpoes » #758914

The headmins have eyes on this complaint, but it seems like you're the architect or your own downfall.

Here's my individual thoughts on the topic:

If you don't like being mocked for cracking out your antique, stop doing it. Just because it's not globally against the rules to do it, doesn't mean that admins will protect you from the IC conflict that naturally stems from your own actions.

It's the Captain version of playing a mime and talking, then complaining when you get killed. Just with extra steps and less instant validity, more instant ridicule.

I'd ordinarily ask Vekter to be kinder and gentler in tickets but admins do not have to care when someone ragecaps "DO YOUR FUCKIGN JOB" to them while they're still handling the ticket. At that point I don't care if the admin just instantly rules it an IC issue then closes it.
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by DrAmazing343 » #758926

On the subject of being the Captain and having people respect your orders/the chain of command— part of the equation is and always will be how the commanding officer chooses to present themselves throughout the shift. Egregious (and mostly lethal) mutinies are actioned quite easily, but situations in which you are ridiculed for doing something perceived as lame and command people to stop? That's less actionable.

When playing a Command role, half the battle is the social game, in which you have to play the part of someone your underlings wish to follow. Part of the beauty I find in the game is the contextual differences within the same action. If you had, indeed, taken a simple laser gun, nobody would have batted an eye. If you had waited for the hyper-gamer Chemist you smashed the display case open for to show their terrifying prowess, I'm sure a buddycop Secoff would have had eyes shining as The Big Boss cracks open the "BREAK IN CASE OF EMERGENCY" robusto gun because it's all gone to hell.

Instead, you pre-emptively grabbed the rifle without adequately convincing your underlings that it was necessary, and then took the bait when they made fun of you for it. That bait taking is what seals the deal here, and is the thing I hope you take away from all this— when you just act as the bigger person in these conflicts, what can they pin on you? A calm and rationale explanation of the threat you see, acknowledgement of their concerns veiled behind ridicule, and then eventually putting down the threat you saw fit to grab the rifle for... these are all steps to take that can restore the faith of your underlings and boost them to have genuine loyalty towards you and your actions, more faithfully respecting the chain of command as it appears you feel it ought to be.

I think Timber tackled a lot of the meat and potatoes in nice and concise timberprose, but these are my thoughts for the fluff of it. In terms of taking old tickets— as already expressed, it's very difficult to fish out and pore over logs from days gone, though we'll try and do some due diligence on our parts to investigate this further.
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by Vekter » #759007

Timberpoes wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 7:05 am I'd ordinarily ask Vekter to be kinder and gentler in tickets but admins do not have to care when someone ragecaps "DO YOUR FUCKIGN JOB" to them while they're still handling the ticket. At that point I don't care if the admin just instantly rules it an IC issue then closes it.
I will cede that I definitely could have been a more gentle person, but the situation was pretty heated and, in my opinion at the time, very much something Vela brought upon themselves. I was trying to handle the issue in the best way I could for both them and the server.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by velaachlorine » #759223

1. please remember that prior to this round i had NO IC ISSUES WHEN TAKING OUT ANTIQUE ROUNDSTART AS CAPTAIN IN MANUEL. PLUS, an admin in a ticket told me it was non rulebreaking and only described it as "lame" so i assumed it wouldnt be that much of a problem. im not EXCUSING me taking out antique, im saying that i had NO FUCKING IDEA PRIOR THAT IT WOULD LEAD TO THIS and that the actions made against me was excessive and just classic fucking bandwagoning from the entire crew

2. lets talk about the fact that HOS brigged me, (captain) for 6 minutes without good IC reason. Why would they do this? No, saying "im going to kill you all" in comms isnt valid grounds for arresting, because if you did like two seconds of thinking youd understand that there would be little to no scenarios where I as a captain would kill all of my heads of staff, including the AI and not get banned for it. its an empty threat. You cant bring up me arresting a random scientist making a death threats against me either, because i found candles and a knife in his bag, and i implanted and released him. He was suspected of being a HERETIC and I had to exercise caution and perform some safety measures. Breaking the antique isnt a good reason either, because it literally fucking belongs to me. Sure, in OOC legality im not supposed to do it roundstart and its reserved for emergencies and i understand that but it is in no way the security team's job and responsibility to "punish me" for it.

Get fucking real here, are you genuinely saying that me being rightfully upset with command team for pushing citations and arresting me treating me like some other fucking tider shit-on-my-heel justified all of this?
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 7:05 am If you don't like being mocked for cracking out your antique, stop doing it. Just because it's not globally against the rules to do it, doesn't mean that admins will protect you from the IC conflict that naturally stems from your own actions.

It's the Captain version of playing a mime and talking, then complaining when you get killed. Just with extra steps and less instant validity, more instant ridicule.

I'd ordinarily ask Vekter to be kinder and gentler in tickets but admins do not have to care when someone ragecaps "DO YOUR FUCKIGN JOB" to them while they're still handling the ticket. At that point I don't care if the admin just instantly rules it an IC issue then closes it.
How is taking a roundstart antique as captain in any fucking way comperable to speaking as a mime? the whole vow of silence policy is pretty clear, cut and dry and taking the antique as a captain is alot more ambiguous. you cant just say that and then follow it up with "umm but with extra steps and less valid" and have it make sense
It feels as if you skimmed through everything and came to the conclusion that I was salting because command and crew were pointing and laughing. if that was SOLELY the case i wouldnt have made this entire complaint at all
Followed with ultimate contempt for the situation because I salted in the ticket and apologized for it too, which is just absolutely frustrating

Jesus christ, what is this a popularity contest? Just because i was acting like a dick at some points doesnt immediately make all of this okay
This isnt a fucking high school its a video game, I dont care if you disagree with the way i play command unless its rule breaking

Trust me, im not saying that you guys are definitely "onto me" or "metagrudging" anymore and i rescind those comments cause it was a little paranoia and i apologize for this but it just appears and feels like you guys have the utmost contempt for the shit that gets thrown at me in these situations because im seen by the community as "undesirable" then my games become me against a group fucking effort to ruin my entire round. With timber's immediate dismissal of all of my points it more or so just looks like youre out here seeking for a reason to throw this entire thread and investigation in the garbage. This shit genuinely discourages me from playing the game, ahelping and seeking a compromise, solution, or justice for those whove wronged me which SHOULDNT BE THE CASE for ANY PLAYER
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by GamerAndYeahMick » #759259

Words have weight and meaning, things often lose meaning when you throw them around a lot, i've seen you throw around claims of bias in the tg discord before as well, I really doubt all these people hate you specifically or have some sort of bias about you or are out to get you whenever everything that happens seems to point or relate to your own actions. You could potentially end up in a boy who cried wolf scenario here, maybe outbursts like you exhibited in here, the tg discord and in game could actually draw attention to you and you would have a massively diminished credibility, in future you should consider this.
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by velaachlorine » #759268

GamerAndYeahMick wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 11:05 pm Words have weight and meaning, things often lose meaning when you throw them around a lot, i've seen you throw around claims of bias in the tg discord before as well, I really doubt all these people hate you specifically or have some sort of bias about you or are out to get you whenever everything that happens seems to point or relate to your own actions. You could potentially end up in a boy who cried wolf scenario here, maybe outbursts like you exhibited in here, the tg discord and in game could actually draw attention to you and you would have a massively diminished credibility, in future you should consider this.
all i have to say about this is that this doesnt take a immediate and sided stance but its seemingly just true in all scopes of the situation and yeah ill consider this next time
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Re: [Vekter] Velaachlorine/Leonard Dryfus - Inaction, Negligence, and Possible misconduct

Post by Casings » #759721

Hi, Peter Partuvian Pumpernickle here. I vaguely remember this round, but from what I recall, before even seeing Leonard, I had heard from a minimum of 3 people that Leonard was “arresting, beating and killing the CC officer.” Finding it mildly amusing and seeing a mob rush brig/brig maints, I followed along and saw a short scuffle where the CC officer was dragged away to safety (from Leonard) and a borg dragged Leonard away in cuffs. I asked the borg to take Leonard to sec because I’m an assistant and didn’t intend on stepping in. I do vividly remember Leonard immediately saying I was just there to troll, calling me a retard, along with some other insults I’m sure. I just remember him going absolutely insane at my request to the borg. Anyway I just walked away and had no further interaction with him.

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