[COMPLAINT] [<SpookyTeet>] <No idea>

Joined: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:45 pm
Byond Username: Zaffinomlb

[COMPLAINT] [<SpookyTeet>] <No idea>

Post by Zaffinomlb » #757582

BYOND account: Zaffinomlb
Character name: HWL
Admin in question: Jessye | SpookyYeet
When did it take place: 08 NOV 24 17:31:45
Round ID in which ban was placed: N/A
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Your side of the story: Simply put I pinged the following Admins who were online at the time to host the server. I was met with downright vitriolic attacks and written abuse.

Being abusive to someone who using the discord as it was intended and asking an admin to do what they volunteered to do is anathema to how an admin should act.

There is a reason all admins are required to be on the discord mind you.

Timing me out and out right calling me with abuse might be reasonable if the admin in question was being spam pinged, or I was spam pinging. However, this was not the case.

Mind you by pinging the available admins online the server DID become hosted, by me doing this INTENDED action. An aside I did not ping any admins who were, set to DND, idle, mobile, or offline. Only those marked as online.

This person needs to be reprimanded in some fashion.

I know for a fact these actions are not acceptable as it has been stated as such in the past.
Last edited by Zaffinomlb on Sat Nov 09, 2024 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Byond Username: Barnet

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<SpookyTeet>] <No idea>

Post by Barnet » #757801


The pictures including evidence have timed out (content not available,) if you could use Gyazo or some other image hosting service that would be optimal. Until then, we can't look at the complaint's evidence - and thus cannot come to dialogue or decision. Do that, and then we will look into it. The thread will remain open for such.

Thank you,
Joined: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:45 pm
Byond Username: Zaffinomlb

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<SpookyTeet>] <No idea>

Post by Zaffinomlb » #757825

Barnet wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 6:46 pm Hello,

The pictures including evidence have timed out (content not available,) if you could use Gyazo or some other image hosting service that would be optimal. Until then, we can't look at the complaint's evidence - and thus cannot come to dialogue or decision. Do that, and then we will look into it. The thread will remain open for such.

Thank you,
TGMC Administrator
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Byond Username: SpookYeet

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<SpookyTeet>] <No idea>

Post by SpookYeet » #757831

Hello, I'm the admin that the complain is being raised against
I'm really sorry you feel that way
As I said it in a comical and lighthearted manner, seeing as you pinged every single admin trying to get the server hosted
I was hoping that it would come off as a joke
I'll try to be more tactful in the future
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Byond Username: Zaffinomlb

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<SpookyTeet>] <No idea>

Post by Zaffinomlb » #757840

SpookYeet wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 10:17 pm Hello, I'm the admin that the complain is being raised against
I'm really sorry you feel that way
As I said it in a comical and lighthearted manner, seeing as you pinged every single admin trying to get the server hosted
I was hoping that it would come off as a joke
I'll try to be more tactful in the future
I fail to see how pinging the avaliable admins who are marked as online and not marked as unavailable to see who can host should be met with insults, and "lighthearted" calls for banning is jovial.

If you couldn't do it why be antagonist,verbally abusive and abusing your power and position, instead of ignoring it like the others. Mind you the ping alerted an available admin who then hosted the server.
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Byond Username: Barnet

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<SpookyTeet>] <No idea>

Post by Barnet » #758122

Headmins have reviewed this complaint and have come to this conclusion;
Spookyeet has been told to tune it down. Regardless of what was asked, it wasn't exactly the most appropriate response.
The admin that timed you out, Ridgyax, has also been warned to not use the time outs more than one minute as freely.
On a somewhat unrelated but related note - pinging all admins, even if you just select those who are online, is frowned upon and we would not like to see that.

Thank you,
Joined: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:45 pm
Byond Username: Zaffinomlb

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<SpookyTeet>] <No idea>

Post by Zaffinomlb » #758170


Thank you for the responds. That being said I feel inclined that we hammer down on your last statement. Words are important and even more important then that is people's comprehension.
On a somewhat unrelated but related note - pinging all admins, even if you just select those who are online, is frowned upon and we would not like to see that.
I agree pinging all admins to host is in bad taste. However that is not what was done here at all.

Let us use a visual example Image

Now in this example who could a community member ping, everyone. HOWEVER who SHOULD community member ping?

From the example above, Cazz, Spider, and Kesserline. As the other total list of admins are offline or marked as unavailable, they should not be pinged.

Why this is good for the community?:
This is good for the community because it allows the game to be played, which is the whole point lest we forget, but it also allows admins who have been out of the loop(be that for whatever reason, burn out, etc.) chance to break the cycle hop back on to the game we all love and that they volunteered to serve.

I stress the importance of this because your last statement makes it seem as if you didn't quite grasp what was being said and done. Unfortunately if this is not clearly outline I fear we will see yet again another instance of abuse of admin power in the future.

I pinged several people because vexingly they all fell in line with the criteria laid out in the example.

This a practice that has long been acceptable and is different then
pinging all admins

People who ping all admins and the spam pingers should be condemned totally, and deserve action taken.

That being said, members of our community who do as I did and as outlined in the example, are doing a healthy thing and it should be encouraged, and definitely not met with hostility and abuse.
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Byond Username: Barnet

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<SpookyTeet>] <No idea>

Post by Barnet » #758551

Another discussion among the Leads on the pinging matter;
It is better refined as pinging multiple admins. From the other leads knowledge, it was agreed that you could ping a single online admin, and if they say no, you could move onto the next - as to not have duplicate people attempting to start hosting when they don't need to, and cut down on the total pings. That should be all - if there is anything you wish to add, feel free. Otherwise, this will be closed in some days time.

Thank you,

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