As for non-human heads I believe expanding our pool of players for head of staff positions is healthy for the game. A larger pool of players in that role will help the game immensely with new players and ideas entering those roles. It will also help with command staff shortages that I often see in the game resulting in half the departments without someone leading them.
I don't get why people talk about "command shortages" so much, as if they're a universal negative. I frequently play medbay, and used to play a lot of science...Whether my department had a head or not had basically no bearing on my shift, and it definitely didn't hurt the efficiency of our department not having one. Not having a head of department just means you have one less baton-wielding egomaniac running around(a certain subset of the playerbase roll command explicitly for that reason--since it's a one tap win stick in many situations). I seriously don't fucking understand this strange vision and
need some players have where they act as if a department doesn't have a head then it's useless, doomed or otherwise.
And more to the point--I do not want my boss to be a lizard, thanks. Browns straight up won't obey a non-human head.
The attachment to your static argument holds serious water. You all should just make a human character if you want to roll command.
The people talking about speciesism not being fun also seem to be speaking exclusively from the "receiving" end of the spectrum(which I've also experienced, by the way). Did you know that you can have fun and literally make new friends by being selectively mean to certain races while preferring others? It happened to me and it could happen to you. And yes, calling lizards "foul beasts" will never get old to me.
As for Britgrenadiers jewel of a post:
It’s not interesting, it’s tired, it’s often incredibly bigoted and thinly veiled real racism.
Nice to see that the earlier insinuation that I made about many people mistakenly believing that IC speciesism literally translates to real life racism vindicated. Honestly, there should be a rule against that or something, because it should be very fucking alarming to anyone free and fair-minded that tossing out accusations like that isn't very cool...
As to the claims that it's not interesting or tired--that's just like, uh, your opinion man. Your claim that it's largely human players opposing this change in this thread is just wrong. Or maybe you missed the posts by myself, 8bot, and NecromancerAnne where we said otherwise?
Also, I already wrote a paragraph on why speciesism and racism can never be compared and how they literally aren't the same thing. You should watch any season of Star Trek pre-Kelvin timeline(aka NuTrek) to see what I mean. In Star Trek's timeline, like ours, racism literally doesn't exist anymore(not only that, but it's a poster child series for racial equality IRL)...But what about speciesism? It 100% exists in that universe. Just look at how the rest of the crew treat Spock in Star Trek: TSO. What about TNG? Worf has tons of speciesist interactions--like when his brother accuses him of not being a real Klingon because he's a federation officer. DS9? Again, Odo experiences specesism and has multiple episodes about his difficulty in living amongst the "solids"; there's also a great episode where Capt. Sisko plays a baseball game against an old Vulcan rival who says some pretty speciesist shit about humanity(it's pretty obvious that he's implying humanity is inferior to Vulcans IMO). That's scratching the surface in a long list of many many speciesist interactions in that series.
The idea that speciesism is something pernicious which must be exorcized from the game in order to keep it fun is pure, unadulterated bullshit.