[COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

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[COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by iansdoor » #748677

BYOND account: iansdoor
Character name: Deekin Scale
Admin in question: Zheak
When did it take place: 9:04pm CTU 9/14/2024
Round ID in which ban was placed: 30186 and the round before this 30185?
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "i dunno why hes so fucking mad"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "that i called him a kid lover"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "3 years ago"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "because he's a fucking 39 year old sad sack of shit who lives with his elderly mother"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "sorry, but no offense, i'm not going to listen to the guy named "family-guy-fan" when it comes to shitting on people who defended pedophiles"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "treats moderating like its an irl job"
DEAD: Family Guy Fan-420 says, "i dont know who these people ARE u fucking weirdo"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) asks, "whos acting like its cool??"
DEAD: Family Guy Fan-420 says, "i just think its strange to dox people"
DEAD: Primordial Drone (Ve-X) says, "dude, we don't know the history of such"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz asks, "then why are you interjecting yourself into someone else's conversation?"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "i literally just said it lol"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "that was a while ago and everybody knows about it lol it aint nothing new nor was i apart of it im bringing it up cause he hates all the people in that metacord including myself even if not everybody in the cord had something to do with it"
taken from the past two rounds till 9:13pm
(14.42 KiB) Downloaded 39 times
Your side of the story: I have no idea what was said in dchat prior, till the EORG was done. The conversation about DOX and calling pedo on some other person and downplaying situation as degrading a players opinion for them to keep topic out of our spess game to ain't any of your business, you new player. I think as a mentor, you know the rules aren't guidelines and topics should be veered off. You mentioned the topic itself was buried 3 years ago and yet you were happy to keep chatting about it when asked to keep it off. I personally dislike that they even outted the player in OoC the next round from a ticket they had with them. Besides the obvious Don't be a dick rule 1. Clearly from the discord rules as well, Doxxing & swatting: doing it, encouraging people to do it, or joking about doing it, will lead to an immediate & permanent game, discord, and forum ban. Leave the past behind.

OOC: Zheak: also whoever played family gun fan, you were shit talking me in dchat when i was helping you in mhelp
OOC: Zheak: in the clothing tab
OOC: Zheak: for someone who's played for "ten years" you needing help over a small thing is kinda funny
OOC: Zheak: Just some underaged mad that we talked about shit that happeened years ago.
OOC: Zheak: It's w/e.
An average yellow rock hater and the main reason you may get your shuttle recalled.
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Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:35 am
Byond Username: HenriqueKill9576

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by Henriquekill9576 » #749097

I'll go ahead and paste the entire convo here, keeping most of the messages from dchat and the next round's ooc for transparency and crossing out messages that aren't relevant, aswell as give my toughts along the way:
[2024-09-15 01:54:34.765] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "only a few people really got doxxed" (Combat Information Center (130, 107, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:54:37.398] GAME-SAY: (Sheng Morland) (DEAD) "yes" (End of Round Deathmatch Arena (129, 95, 1))
[2024-09-15 01:54:37.793] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "and that wasnt even by me" (Requisitions (130, 137, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:54:38.043] GAME-SAY: Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "quite funny" (Central Colony Grounds (77, 139, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:54:41.267] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "even tho i was homies w the people who did" (Tadpole Drop Shuttle (130, 155, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:54:43.251] GAME-SAY: (Sheng Morland) (DEAD) "but also" (End of Round Deathmatch Arena (151, 109, 1))
[2024-09-15 01:54:50.914] GAME-SAY: (Sheng Morland) (DEAD) "did i do a good job of doing every fucking shipside role at once" (End of Round Deathmatch Arena (151, 109, 1))

[2024-09-15 01:54:52.815] GAME-SAY: (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "why are u acting like thats cool though" (Enclosed Area (9, 19, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:54:52.830] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "ion blame em tho grims a weirdo" (Hallway Starboard (136, 128, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:54:53.460] GAME-SAY: (Flick 'Fridge' Hoover) (DEAD) "can this TC figure out how to defib" (Medical Lower (108, 150, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:54:53.501] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "sorry, but no offense, i&#39;m not going to listen to the guy named "family-guy-fan" when it comes to shitting on people who defended pedophiles" (Space (161, 154, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:54:54.612] GAME-SAY: (Flick 'Fridge' Hoover) (DEAD) "i wonder" (Medical Lower (108, 150, 3))
I asked zheak about the context of their conversation, here's what they replied with:
tl;dr me and icy were talking about how grim banned him again the moment he logged on despite having him being unbanned which lead to Peter and Ve-X saying we shouldnt be doxxing people or bringing up doxxed information
i know nothing of a dox, nor did we mention any IRL information about grimm and only mentioned off handedly his defense of a child predator they had on the server, i'm unaware if said predator was infact staff or a regular player
this resulted in them growing upset and insulting both icy and i despite being in a conversation between ourselves, not discussioning anything that shouldnt have been, regardless if it were dchat or not
i believe he was upset and claimed i was doxxing when i made a off-hand assumptiong that he was a 39 y/o man living in his mother's basement from how he acted with icy, having PM'd him saying he would be banned and the like which was in itself unprofessional
In TGMC, we do take things like accusations or giving out private info very seriously, however, I don't exactly see any issue with casually chatting about a dox situation from 3 years ago without giving out any information, names of victims or anything of the sort.

Continuing the logs:
[2024-09-15 01:54:57.811] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "treats moderating like its an irl job" (Common Squads Preparation (136, 114, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:55:00.772] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "lol" (Space (162, 155, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:55:06.265] GAME-SAY: (Brigador-528) (DEAD) "flamer moment" (End of Round Deathmatch Arena (118, 97, 1))
[2024-09-15 01:55:10.301] GAME-SAY: (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "i dont know who these people ARE u fucking weirdo" (Enclosed Area (6, 26, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:55:12.210] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "whos acting like its cool??" (Vehicle Crew Bunks (137, 157, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:55:14.692] GAME-SAY: (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "i just think its strange to dox people" (Enclosed Area (6, 26, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:55:21.516] GAME-SAY: Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "dude, we don't know the history of such" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:55:24.171] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "then why are you interjecting yourself into someone else&#39;s conversation?" (Space (182, 189, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:55:25.637] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "i literally just said it lol" (Hallway Starboard (136, 109, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:55:30.394] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "if you dont know?" (Space (182, 189, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:55:31.681] GAME-SAY: Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "but you said it was 3 years ago? and found nothing?" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:55:36.382] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "lol" (Space (182, 189, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:55:37.565] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "no" (Hangar (124, 157, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:55:38.135] GAME-SAY: (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "because it&#39;s weird to be talking about doxing people in deadchat" (Space (116, 215, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:55:39.316] GAME-SAY: (Young Praetorian (WumboWoyer)) (DEAD) "weird convo to have in dchat anyways" (Space (255, 1, 1))
[2024-09-15 01:55:39.807] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "it was done 3 years ago" (Hangar (124, 157, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:55:40.088] GAME-SAY: Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "no victor. its not very funny" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:55:41.751] GAME-SAY: (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "go jerk each other off in a discord" (Space (116, 215, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:55:46.506] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "they found him and alot of the other highstaffs facebooks and shit" (Hangar (124, 157, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:55:49.515] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "no one said it was funny?" (Space (182, 189, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:55:50.510] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "bruh fuck them" (Common Squads Preparation (154, 130, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:55:55.708] GAME-SAY: Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "then drop it" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:56:00.613] GAME-SAY: Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "never talk to them again" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:56:04.863] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "why do i have to listen to you" (Space (182, 189, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:56:07.687] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "LOL" (Space (182, 189, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:56:09.306] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "LMAO nobody said it was funny" (Hull Lower (148, 166, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:56:11.637] GAME-SAY: (Young Praetorian (WumboWoyer)) (DEAD) "awkward dchat" (Valhalla (64, 21, 1))
[2024-09-15 01:56:13.311] GAME-SAY: Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "are you serious?" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:56:16.421] GAME-SAY: ExplosiveShotgun42/(Brigador-528) (DEAD) "we love it" (End of Round Deathmatch Arena (129, 108, 1))
[2024-09-15 01:56:21.051] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "yall all interjecting yourself into some shit that didnt involve yall" (Hull Lower (148, 166, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:56:28.838] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "if you dont know the deeplore" (Hull Lower (153, 151, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:56:31.465] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "of what were talking about" (Hull Lower (153, 151, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:56:35.692] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "then dont get involved" (Common Squads Preparation (135, 111, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:56:42.275] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "cuz alot of this shit i cant even say here" (Condor Jet (127, 174, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:56:42.995] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "literal twitter behavior" (Space (182, 189, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:56:44.201] GAME-SAY: Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "you are bringing up sludge about someone from 3 years ago. yeah, its a bit weird." (War Room (117, 180, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:56:56.912] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "because i just recently got community banned by said person??" (Condor Jet (127, 174, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:57:01.506] GAME-SAY: (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "it&#39;s extremely strange behavior" (Space (46, 252, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:57:04.065] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "for something that I said 3 years ago" (Hangar (127, 172, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:57:11.528] GAME-SAY: Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "that sucks" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:57:13.027] GAME-SAY: (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "yea he banned u so u immediately started quoting his dox or smthn weird like that" (Space (46, 252, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:57:15.679] GAME-SAY: (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "guys not even a pedo" (Space (46, 252, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:57:18.438] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "jesus how hard did the playerbase fall off" (Hallway Starboard (131, 127, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:57:21.140] GAME-SAY: (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "just an autistic ass CM admin" (Space (46, 252, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:57:22.086] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "when i took my break" (Tadpole Drop Shuttle (130, 163, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:57:27.031] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "bro" (Space (182, 189, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:57:28.433] GAME-SAY: Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "yes, don't fucking speak of dox. MSO takes those seriously." (War Room (117, 180, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:57:34.119] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "oh wow no shit sherlock" (Executive Officer's Bunk (145, 142, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:57:35.212] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "i&#39;m pretty sure these two are new players" (Space (182, 189, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:57:39.433] GAME-SAY: (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "ive been playing for 10 years" (Space (191, 252, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:57:40.212] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "so" (Space (182, 189, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:58:07.024] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "that was a while ago and everybody knows about it lol it aint nothing new nor was i apart of it im bringing it up cause he hates all the people in that metacord including myself even if not everybody in the cord had something to do with it" (Executive Officer's Bunk (145, 135, 3))
Round ends afterwards.

Going through all that, family guy fan kind of comes off as a dick, claiming icy started quoting his dox after he was banned, which is very much untrue if you look at these logs. I'd like to reiterate once again, talking about doxes that have occured in the past is not a bannable offence if you are just casually chatting and don't leak anything yourself.

And now a new round begins, and the convo continues in ooc:
[2024-09-15 01:59:37.975] GAME-OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, &#34;that was a while ago and everybody knows about it lol it aint nothing new nor was i apart of it im bringing it up cause he hates all the people in that metacord including myself even if not everybody in the cord had something to do with it&#34;" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 01:59:43.999] GAME-OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "weird ass" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 01:59:49.775] GAME-OOC: Vending Machine/(Vending Machine) "iiiccyyyyyyy" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 01:59:55.400] GAME-OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "why are you so upset about this" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 01:59:55.560] GAME-OOC: Sugga/(Sugga) "whats weird is bringing it to ooc" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:03.372] GAME-OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "you seem overly invested in this" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:12.715] GAME-OOC: Icy5/(Icy5) "huh" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:18.331] GAME-OOC: Sibg/(Sibg) "huh" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:22.937] GAME-OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "your ac is off" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:24.744] GAME-OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "die" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:33.671] GAME-OOC: Icy5/(mob) "i got you" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:44.500] GAME-OOC: FP250110/(FP250110) "how do i get a cape" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:47.919] GAME-OOC: FP250110/(FP250110) ":(" (start area (8, 8, 1))

[2024-09-15 02:00:48.223] GAME-OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "also whoever played family gun fan, you were shit talking me in dchat when i was helping you in mhelp" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:48.876] GAME-OOC: Vending Machine/(Vending Machine) "we will get to 50 before round start" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:51.540] GAME-OOC: Vending Machine/(Vending Machine) "i knows it" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:52.687] GAME-OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "you get it from clothing vendor" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:54.342] GAME-OOC: Sugga/(Sugga) "the venodr for clothes" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:00:55.907] GAME-OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "in the clothing tab" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:00.713] GAME-OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "it&#39;s near the bottom of the list" (start area (8, 8, 1))

[2024-09-15 02:01:10.234] GAME-OOC: FP250110/(FP250110) "ok" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:12.267] GAME-OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "u answered a question about grenade types idc lol mr mentor ass" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:12.325] GAME-OOC: FP250110/(FP250110) "also" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:21.557] GAME-OOC: FP250110/(FP250110) "that tank was fun as hell" (start area (8, 8, 1))

[2024-09-15 02:01:30.288] GAME-OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "i called a guy weird for talking about doxing some admin in deadchat and like citing his personal details " (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:30.307] GAME-OOC: Iansdoor/(Iansdoor) "tank is always fun!" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:33.183] GAME-OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "cuz the admin banned him" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:34.776] GAME-OOC: Sibg/(Sibg) "Would of been more fun if you didnt die :P" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:36.023] GAME-OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "for someone who's played for "ten years" you needing help over a small thing is kinda funny" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:38.914] GAME-OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "so this zheak guy is like "BRO DOXING IS COOL"" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:49.340] GAME-OOC: Iansdoor/(Iansdoor) "was it zheak? no" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:50.566] GAME-OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "psycho shit" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:51.726] GAME-OOC: Vending Machine/(Vending Machine) "we dont GIVE A SHIT" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:52.702] GAME-OOC: Sugga/(Sugga) "shut ooc off admin" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:52.974] GAME-OOC: Vending Machine/(Vending Machine) "drop it" (start area (8, 8, 1))

[2024-09-15 02:01:53.141] GAME-OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "weird ass haha" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:01:59.463] GAME-OOC: BobLemon/(BobLemon) "Down with zheak" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:02:06.816] GAME-OOC: WoodenTucker/(WoodenTucker) "down with zheak" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:02:11.167] GAME-OOC: Just Kay/(Just Kay) "whats this drama flood dafug" (start area (8, 8, 1))
[2024-09-15 02:02:11.312] GAME-OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "I&#39;m too powerful." (start area (8, 8, 1))
One thing that stands out in particular for me is:
[2024-09-15 02:01:30.288] GAME-OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "i called a guy weird for talking about doxing some admin in deadchat and like citing his personal details " (start area (8, 8, 1))
As we've seen from above, these are straight up lies. However, one thing I do think that Zheak messed up on was revealing the correlation between Makhnovtsi and their family-guy-fan character, which is a no no since the only way to know that without makh telling you themselves is through admin/mentor tools.

So from all that I've gathered: I do not believe icy and zheak were talking about doxing an admin and citing his personal details, I also do not believe either of them called the guy a pedo at any point, all they did was call the guy a weirdo, which is pretty tame imo. Zheak also did not leak any ticket info aside from the guy's static, which is not as bad as leaking a ckey for example, but still not cool.

As such, I'll remind Zheak of the above and consider this complaint resolved, if you have anything extra to add, I'll keep this open for a couple days and move it to resolved if there is no further discussion to be had.
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Joined: Wed May 19, 2021 2:49 am
Byond Username: Iansdoor
Location: Texas

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by iansdoor » #749103

Sorry for the mess with names being switched.
I don't try to keep up with names to ckey very often, that would be my fault for not asking someone that may know or investigating.

I do apologize to Icy for the confusion and I will tell him I was baffled by Zheaks words in both ooc channels.

If Zheak was talked to about the issue of conduct, then I am satisfied with that. That sequence of information they said up to "cause I am mentor" to me, was uncalled for and too much information.

If the conversation prior to the end of the round wasn't mudraking someone from another server, with dox and pedo claims, and the investigation on your end is sound, then I will leave it alone. There is two parts to this complaint particularly around a player asking for a new topic from TGMC staff and them disregarding the ask to which both parties flamed each other.
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "i dunno why hes so fucking mad"
Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "that i called him a kid lover"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "because he's a fucking 39 year old sad sack of shit who lives with his elderly mother"
DEAD: Family Guy Fan-420 says, "cm admins are weirdos but if theyre not a pedo don't be doxing them and shit"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "sorry, but no offense, i'm not going to listen to the guy named "family-guy-fan" when it comes to shitting on people who defended pedophiles"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "that was a while ago and everybody knows about it lol it aint nothing new nor was i apart of it im bringing it up cause he hates all the people in that metacord including myself even if not everybody in the cord had something to do with it"
An average yellow rock hater and the main reason you may get your shuttle recalled.
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Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:35 am
Byond Username: HenriqueKill9576

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by Henriquekill9576 » #749307

There is two parts to this complaint particularly around a player asking for a new topic from TGMC staff and them disregarding the ask to which both parties flamed each other.
As zheak pointed out in their reply, the player initiated the argument by suddenly interjecting into the conversation they were both having, in which they did not discuss anything agaisn't the rules, like information about the dox itself, for example. The player could have politely asked for a change of topic or just muted dchat if they did not want to hear that conversation.
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Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by iansdoor » #749310

I am going to be honest. I don't really care for his opinion of what Zheak thought happened. He already tried to slink away from truth of his actions in the other thread and you already admitted that what he did, which was not cool. If he wishes to clarify with the information you and I posted then that would be great. I see miscommunication between you, myself, and Zheak and Icy. I am sorry. I only care for your opinion of this conversation as a whole, do you understand what agitated the guy and then do you understand what agitated me about their conversation? Is icy's and zheaks actions correct as staff members?

This is pulled from my own deadchat ooc with your logs.
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "because he's a fucking 39 year old sad sack of shit who lives with his elderly mother"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "TRUE"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "I FORGOT ABOUT THAT"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "OH MY GOD"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "i mean look at his name man"
DEAD: Family Guy Fan-420 says, "you guys are being weird"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz asks, "hm?"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "as his pronouns now"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz asks, "lol?"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "bro"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "he has"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "they/it"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "its the pipeline"
DEAD: Family Guy Fan-420 says, "cm admins are weirdos but if theyre not a pedo don't be doxing them and shit"
DEAD: Rena Celeste says, "Whats wrong with that"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "LMAOOOO bro"
DEAD: Rena Celeste says, "They and It are pronouns"
01:54:34.765] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "only a few people really got doxxed" (Combat Information Center (130, 107, 3))
01:54:37.793] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "and that wasnt even by me" (Requisitions (130, 137, 3))
01:54:41.267] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "even tho i was homies w the people who did" (Tadpole Drop Shuttle (130, 155, 3))
01:54:52.815] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "why are u acting like thats cool though" (Enclosed Area (9, 19, 2))
Can you show me the moment where family-guy injected themselves into their conversation and how the other two responded? I am not certain of what you mean, unless I witnessed the full swing of that conversation as that round ended to reboot. From what you given, there lacks the start point of the conversation.
I was not there, and I don't know the beginning. I only know the middle and end to which Zheak told me "cause I am mentor" that is why he had the information. I understand folks telling me in the other thread that I can just use byond.com/(placeholder username) to locate, this doesn't work with folks that place their profile on private.

So this is the briefest overview the people in this conversation, from beginning to end,
starts with zheak talking awful things about whomever on CM.
goes to icy making awful comments about them and their gender orientation
goes to familyguy responds to those Child comments and calls it weird.
goes to rena celeste responds to those gender comments
goes to me Ve-x8<- respond to icy comment and familyguys cause dox was mentioned by your staff member
goes to every listener of the round. hearing zheak, and icy having a meltdown from their conservation unto familyguy.
icy says the last thing of the round

Family guy carries icy's words that over since the other two were not being very nice.
Zheak mentions what he shouldn't have mentioned from his mentor position and more in the middle of the round.
Vending machine backs Zheak up to drop the conversation
The rest of the chat is making ahelps to icy, who is afk at the roundstart.
ooc is muted
then the rest of the round, Zheak bothers the hell out of family guy while I am re-reading the chat up to 9:13pm.

Does this look correct for a general overview of the information below?

I will put together both what you give and what I submitted and weed out anything that I remember that isn't part of that conversation.
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "because he's a fucking 39 year old sad sack of shit who lives with his elderly mother"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "TRUE"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "I FORGOT ABOUT THAT"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "OH MY GOD"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "i mean look at his name man"
DEAD: Family Guy Fan-420 says, "you guys are being weird"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz asks, "hm?"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "as his pronouns now"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz asks, "lol?"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "bro"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "he has"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "they/it"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "its the pipeline"
DEAD: Family Guy Fan-420 says, "cm admins are weirdos but if theyre not a pedo don't be doxing them and shit"
DEAD: Rena Celeste says, "Whats wrong with that"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "LMAOOOO bro"
DEAD: Rena Celeste says, "They and It are pronouns"
We have perished.
But it is not the end of us yet... wait until a newborn can rise in this world...

Primordial Drone (Ve-X) has died at Northwestern Grounds.
01:54:34.765] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "only a few people really got doxxed" (Combat Information Center (130, 107, 3))
01:54:37.793] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "and that wasnt even by me" (Requisitions (130, 137, 3))
01:54:41.267] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "even tho i was homies w the people who did" (Tadpole Drop Shuttle (130, 155, 3))
01:54:52.815] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "why are u acting like thats cool though" (Enclosed Area (9, 19, 2))
01:54:52.830] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "ion blame em tho grims a weirdo" (Hallway Starboard (136, 128, 3))
01:54:53.501] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "sorry, but no offense, i'm not going to listen to the guy named "family-guy-fan" when it comes to shitting on people who defended pedophiles" (Space (161, 154, 3))
01:54:57.811] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "treats moderating like its an irl job" (Common Squads Preparation (136, 114, 3))
01:55:00.772] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "lol" (Space (162, 155, 3))
01:55:10.301] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "i dont know who these people ARE u fucking weirdo" (Enclosed Area (6, 26, 2))
01:55:12.210] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "whos acting like its cool??" (Vehicle Crew Bunks (137, 157, 3))
01:55:14.692] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "i just think its strange to dox people" (Enclosed Area (6, 26, 2))
01:55:21.516] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "dude, we don't know the history of such" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:55:24.171] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "then why are you interjecting yourself into someone else&#39;s conversation?" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:55:25.637] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "i literally just said it lol" (Hallway Starboard (136, 109, 3))
01:55:30.394] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "if you dont know?" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:55:31.681] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "but you said it was 3 years ago? and found nothing?" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:55:36.382] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "lol" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:55:37.565] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "no" (Hangar (124, 157, 3))
01:55:38.135] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "because it's weird to be talking about doxing people in deadchat" (Space (116, 215, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:55:39.807] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "it was done 3 years ago" (Hangar (124, 157, 3))
01:55:40.088] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "no victor. its not very funny" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:55:41.751] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "go jerk each other off in a discord" (Space (116, 215, 2))
01:55:46.506] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "they found him and alot of the other highstaffs facebooks and shit" (Hangar (124, 157, 3))
01:55:49.515] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "no one said it was funny?" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:55:50.510] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "bruh fuck them" (Common Squads Preparation (154, 130, 3))
01:55:55.708] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "then drop it" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:56:00.613] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "never talk to them again" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:56:04.863] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "why do i have to listen to you" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:56:07.687] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "LOL" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:56:09.306] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "LMAO nobody said it was funny" (Hull Lower (148, 166, 3))
01:56:11.637] (Young Praetorian (WumboWoyer)) (DEAD) "awkward dchat" (Valhalla (64, 21, 1))
01:56:13.311] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "are you serious?" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:56:16.421] ExplosiveShotgun42/(Brigador-528) (DEAD) "we love it" (End of Round Deathmatch Arena (129, 108, 1))
01:56:21.051] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "yall all interjecting yourself into some shit that didnt involve yall" (Hull Lower (148, 166, 3))
01:56:28.838] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "if you dont know the deeplore" (Hull Lower (153, 151, 3))
01:56:31.465] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "of what were talking about" (Hull Lower (153, 151, 3))
01:56:35.692] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "then dont get involved" (Common Squads Preparation (135, 111, 3))
01:56:42.275] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "cuz alot of this shit i cant even say here" (Condor Jet (127, 174, 3))
01:56:42.995] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "literal twitter behavior" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:56:44.201] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "you are bringing up sludge about someone from 3 years ago. yeah, its a bit weird." (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:56:56.912] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "because i just recently got community banned by said person??" (Condor Jet (127, 174, 3))
01:57:01.506] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "it&#39;s extremely strange behavior" (Space (46, 252, 2))
01:57:04.065] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "for something that I said 3 years ago" (Hangar (127, 172, 3))
01:57:11.528] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "that sucks" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:57:13.027] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "yea he banned u so u immediately started quoting his dox or smthn weird like that" (Space (46, 252, 2))
01:57:15.679] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "guys not even a pedo" (Space (46, 252, 2))
01:57:18.438] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "jesus how hard did the playerbase fall off" (Hallway Starboard (131, 127, 3))
01:57:21.140] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "just an autistic ass CM admin" (Space (46, 252, 2))
01:57:22.086] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "when i took my break" (Tadpole Drop Shuttle (130, 163, 3))
01:57:27.031] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "bro" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:57:28.433] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "yes, don't fucking speak of dox. MSO takes those seriously." (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:57:34.119] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "oh wow no shit sherlock" (Executive Officer's Bunk (145, 142, 3))
01:57:35.212] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "i&#39;m pretty sure these two are new players" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:57:39.433] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "ive been playing for 10 years" (Space (191, 252, 2))
01:57:40.212] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "so" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:58:07.024] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "that was a while ago and everybody knows about it lol it aint nothing new nor was i apart of it im bringing it up cause he hates all the people in that metacord including myself even if not everybody in the cord had something to do with it" (Executive Officer's Bunk (145, 135, 3))

The new round
01:59:37.975] OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, that was a while ago and everybody knows about it lol it aint nothing new nor was i apart of it im bringing it up cause he hates all the people in that metacord including myself even if not everybody in the cord had something to do with it" (start area (8, 8, 1))
01:59:43.999] OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "weird ass" (start area (8, 8, 1))
01:59:55.400] OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "why are you so upset about this" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:00:03.372] OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "you seem overly invested in this" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:00:12.715] OOC: Icy5/(Icy5) "huh" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:00:48.223] OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "also whoever played family gun fan, you were shit talking me in dchat when i was helping you in mhelp" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:00:52.687] OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "you get it from clothing vendor" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:00:54.342] OOC: Sugga/(Sugga) "the venodr for clothes" (start area (8, 8, 1)
02:00:55.907] OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "in the clothing tab" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:01:00.713] OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "it&#39;s near the bottom of the list" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:01:12.267] OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "u answered a question about grenade types idc lol mr mentor ass" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:01:30.288] OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "i called a guy weird for talking about doxing some admin in deadchat and like citing his personal details " (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:01:33.183] OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "cuz the admin banned him" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:01:36.023] OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "for someone who's played for "ten years" you needing help over a small thing is kinda funny" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:01:38.914] OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "so this zheak guy is like "BRO DOXING IS COOL"" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:01:49.340] OOC: Iansdoor/(Iansdoor) "was it zheak? no" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:01:50.566] OOC: Makhnovtsi/(Makhnovtsi) "psycho shit" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:01:51.726] OOC: Vending Machine/(Vending Machine) "we dont GIVE A SHIT" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:01:52.702] OOC: Sugga/(Sugga) "shut ooc off admin" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:01:52.974] OOC: Vending Machine/(Vending Machine) "drop it" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:01:59.463] OOC: BobLemon/(BobLemon) "Down with zheak" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:02:06.816] OOC: WoodenTucker/(WoodenTucker) "down with zheak" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:02:11.167] OOC: Just Kay/(Just Kay) "whats this drama flood dafug" (start area (8, 8, 1))
02:02:11.312] OOC: Zheak/(Zheak) "I&#39;m too powerful." (start area (8, 8, 1))
OOC: Sugga: zheak is respectable
OOC: WoodenTucker: he pissed in my fucking shoes
OOC: WoodenTucker: ban that mf
OOC: Zheak: I'll do it again.
OOC: Just Kay: fuck you zheak i'll take away your cookies for whatever they're mad about!!11!
OOC: Sugga: oatmeal
OOC: Zheak: reeeeee
OOC: Icy5: yall mfs fell off so hard
OOC: Zheak: Just some underaged mad that we talked about shit that happeened years ago.
OOC: Zheak: It's w/e.
OOC: Icy5: i re tab back in
OOC: Icy5: seeing 3 ahelps about closing OOC
OOC: Zheak: LOL
OOC: Just Kay: lul
OOC: Icy5: ok guys fourth ones the charm

As for the rest of the round, I don't have this information, if you wish to fill in the gaps. I would appreciate this.
Last edited by iansdoor on Wed Sep 18, 2024 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
An average yellow rock hater and the main reason you may get your shuttle recalled.
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Joined: Wed May 19, 2021 2:49 am
Byond Username: Iansdoor
Location: Texas

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by iansdoor » #749319

You know what I am bit more bothered by the tldr. So let me correct it with logs and you fit the puzzle pieces together and is that the same story as icy and zheak told you? I have bolded Family guys responses to the conversation below.
tl;dr me and icy were talking about how grim banned him again the moment he logged on despite having him being unbanned which lead to Peter and Ve-X saying we shouldnt be doxxing people or bringing up doxxed information
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "because he's a fucking 39 year old sad sack of shit who lives with his elderly mother"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "TRUE"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "I FORGOT ABOUT THAT"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "OH MY GOD"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "i mean look at his name man"
DEAD: Family Guy Fan-420 says, "you guys are being weird"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz asks, "hm?"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "as his pronouns now"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz asks, "lol?"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "bro"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "he has"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "they/it"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "its the pipeline"
DEAD: Family Guy Fan-420 says, "cm admins are weirdos but if theyre not a pedo don't be doxing them and shit"
01:54:52.830] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "ion blame em tho grims a weirdo" (Hallway Starboard (136, 128, 3))
01:54:53.501] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "sorry, but no offense, i'm not going to listen to the guy named "family-guy-fan" when it comes to shitting on people who defended pedophiles" (Space (161, 154, 3))
01:55:10.301] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "i dont know who these people ARE u fucking weirdo" (Enclosed Area (6, 26, 2))
01:55:12.210] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "whos acting like its cool??" (Vehicle Crew Bunks (137, 157, 3))
01:55:14.692] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "i just think its strange to dox people" (Enclosed Area (6, 26, 2))
i know nothing of a dox, nor did we mention any IRL information about grimm and only mentioned off handedly his defense of a child predator they had on the server, i'm unaware if said predator was infact staff or a regular player
01:54:34.765] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "only a few people really got doxxed" (Combat Information Center (130, 107, 3))
01:54:37.793] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "and that wasnt even by me" (Requisitions (130, 137, 3))
01:54:41.267] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "even tho i was homies w the people who did" (Tadpole Drop Shuttle (130, 155, 3))
01:54:53.501] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "sorry, but no offense, i'm not going to listen to the guy named "family-guy-fan" when it comes to shitting on people who defended pedophiles" (Space (161, 154, 3))

01:56:21.051] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "yall all interjecting yourself into some shit that didnt involve yall" (Hull Lower (148, 166, 3))
01:56:28.838] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "if you dont know the deeplore" (Hull Lower (153, 151, 3))
01:56:31.465] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "of what were talking about" (Hull Lower (153, 151, 3))
01:56:35.692] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "then dont get involved" (Common Squads Preparation (135, 111, 3))
01:56:42.275] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "cuz alot of this shit i cant even say here" (Condor Jet (127, 174, 3))
01:56:42.995] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "literal twitter behavior" (Space (182, 189, 3))
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "that was a while ago and everybody knows about it lol it aint nothing new nor was i apart of it im bringing it up cause he hates all the people in that metacord including myself even if not everybody in the cord had something to do with it"
this resulted in them growing upset and insulting both icy and i despite being in a conversation between ourselves, not discussioning anything that shouldnt have been, regardless if it were dchat or not
01:55:38.135] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "because it's weird to be talking about doxing people in deadchat" (Space (116, 215, 2))[2024-09-15 01:55:39.807] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "it was done 3 years ago" (Hangar (124, 157, 3))
01:55:40.088] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "no victor. its not very funny" (War Room (117, 180, 2))

01:55:41.751] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "go jerk each other off in a discord" (Space (116, 215, 2))
01:55:46.506] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "they found him and alot of the other highstaffs facebooks and shit" (Hangar (124, 157, 3))
01:55:49.515] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "no one said it was funny?" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:55:50.510] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "bruh fuck them" (Common Squads Preparation (154, 130, 3))
01:55:55.708] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "then drop it" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:56:00.613] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "never talk to them again" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:56:04.863] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "why do i have to listen to you" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:56:07.687] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "LOL" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:56:09.306] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "LMAO nobody said it was funny" (Hull Lower (148, 166, 3))

01:56:11.637] (Young Praetorian (WumboWoyer)) (DEAD) "awkward dchat" (Valhalla (64, 21, 1))
01:56:13.311] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "are you serious?" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
i believe he was upset and claimed i was doxxing when i made a off-hand assumptiong that he was a 39 y/o man living in his mother's basement from how he acted with icy, having PM'd him saying he would be banned and the like which was in itself unprofessional
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "because he's a fucking 39 year old sad sack of shit who lives with his elderly mother"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "TRUE"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "I FORGOT ABOUT THAT"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "OH MY GOD"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "i mean look at his name man"
DEAD: Family Guy Fan-420 says, "you guys are being weird"

DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "as his pronouns now"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz asks, "lol?"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "bro"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "he has"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "they/it"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "its the pipeline"
DEAD: Family Guy Fan-420 says, "cm admins are weirdos but if theyre not a pedo don't be doxing them and shit"
DEAD: Rena Celeste says, "Whats wrong with that"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "LMAOOOO bro"
DEAD: Rena Celeste says, "They and It are pronouns"

01:54:34.765] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "only a few people really got doxxed" (Combat Information Center (130, 107, 3))
01:54:37.793] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "and that wasnt even by me" (Requisitions (130, 137, 3))
01:54:41.267] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "even tho i was homies w the people who did" (Tadpole Drop Shuttle (130, 155, 3))
01:54:52.815] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "why are u acting like thats cool though" (Enclosed Area (9, 19, 2))

01:54:52.830] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "ion blame em tho grims a weirdo" (Hallway Starboard (136, 128, 3))
01:54:53.501] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "sorry, but no offense, i'm not going to listen to the guy named "family-guy-fan" when it comes to shitting on people who defended pedophiles" (Space (161, 154, 3))
01:54:57.811] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "treats moderating like its an irl job" (Common Squads Preparation (136, 114, 3))
01:55:00.772] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "lol" (Space (162, 155, 3))
01:55:10.301] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "i dont know who these people ARE u fucking weirdo" (Enclosed Area (6, 26, 2))

01:55:12.210] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "whos acting like its cool??" (Vehicle Crew Bunks (137, 157, 3))
01:55:14.692] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "i just think its strange to dox people" (Enclosed Area (6, 26, 2))
► Show Spoiler
01:55:24.171] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "then why are you interjecting yourself into someone elses conversation?" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:55:25.637] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "i literally just said it lol" (Hallway Starboard (136, 109, 3))
01:55:30.394] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "if you dont know?" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:55:31.681] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "but you said it was 3 years ago? and found nothing?" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:55:36.382] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "lol" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:55:37.565] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "no" (Hangar (124, 157, 3))
01:55:38.135] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "because it's weird to be talking about doxing people in deadchat"

01:56:56.912] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "because i just recently got community banned by said person??" (Condor Jet (127, 174, 3))
01:57:01.506] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "it&#39;s extremely strange behavior" (Space (46, 252, 2))
01:57:04.065] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "for something that I said 3 years ago" (Hangar (127, 172, 3))
01:57:11.528] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "that sucks" (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:57:13.027] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "yea he banned u so u immediately started quoting his dox or smthn weird like that" (Space (46, 252, 2))
01:57:15.679] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "guys not even a pedo" (Space (46, 252, 2))

01:57:18.438] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "jesus how hard did the playerbase fall off" (Hallway Starboard (131, 127, 3))

01:57:28.433] Iansdoor/(Primordial Drone (Ve-X)) (DEAD) "yes, don't fucking speak of dox. MSO takes those seriously." (War Room (117, 180, 2))
01:57:34.119] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "oh wow no shit sherlock" (Executive Officer's Bunk (145, 142, 3))
01:57:35.212] Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "i'm pretty sure these two are new players" (Space (182, 189, 3))
01:57:39.433] (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "ive been playing for 10 years" (Space (191, 252, 2))
01:58:07.024] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "that was a while ago and everybody knows about it lol it aint nothing new nor was i apart of it im bringing it up cause he hates all the people in that metacord including myself even if not everybody in the cord had something to do with it" (Executive Officer's Bunk (145, 135, 3))

tldr, the player was asking for a new topic and the two tgmc staff members were lol'ing and not listening. I am under the opinion that you could use a better source of direct messaging to avoid in our silly spess game.
An average yellow rock hater and the main reason you may get your shuttle recalled.
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Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:35 am
Byond Username: HenriqueKill9576

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by Henriquekill9576 » #749403

I am going to be honest. I don't really care for his opinion of what Zheak thought happened. He already tried to slink away from truth of his actions in the other thread and you already admitted that what he did, which was not cool.
I admitted that him revealing the correlation between a player's ckey and static is indeed not appropriate, this has nothing to do with him slinking away from the truth of his actions, the only things he mentioned in the other thread was: 1. Victor was not icy, 2. They were not an admin, 3. They checked the account's creation date, which once again, is public.
Can you show me the moment where family-guy injected themselves into their conversation and how the other two responded? I am not certain of what you mean, unless I witnessed the full swing of that conversation as that round ended to reboot. From what you given, there lacks the start point of the conversation.
Indeed it seems like I've missed the first piece of the dchat part, here's what I believe to be the actual start of the convo:
[2024-09-15 01:51:39.444] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "victor" (Hyperspace (194, 59, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:39.609] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "so icy" (Tadpole Drop Shuttle (188, 57, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:40.648] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "i got" (Hyperspace (194, 56, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:42.396] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "rebanned from CM" (Hyperspace (194, 56, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:46.570] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "kek" (Hyperspace (194, 57, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:47.901] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "what&#39;d you do" (Hyperspace (194, 57, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:51.188] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "grim" (Hyperspace (191, 56, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:53.751] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "logged on for the first time" (Tadpole Drop Shuttle (128, 160, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:51:54.931] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "in a week" (Requisitions (128, 151, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:51:56.881] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "to sticky ban me" (Requisitions (128, 137, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:51:59.998] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "cause of shit i said 3 years ago" (Hallway Starboard (128, 128, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:00.637] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "HAHAHa" (Weapon Control Room (119, 118, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:05.417] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "that apparently i shoulda been cbanned for" (Hallway Starboard (128, 128, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:10.415] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "you know its true of he&#39;s still mad" (Weapon Control Room (119, 118, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:10.507] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "or some shit" (Space (146, 190, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:15.835] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "he wont even talk to the manager about it" (Space (146, 190, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:19.227] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "managers about it" (Space (126, 201, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:20.893] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "bro zeethh is" (Weapon Control Room (119, 118, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:22.165] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "fucking" (Weapon Control Room (119, 118, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:23.438] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "hes just ignoring any questions about my ban" (Space (120, 201, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:28.770] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "soooo" (Space (82, 130, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:31.268] GAME-SAY: Makhnovtsi/(Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "which admin is it imperious" (Enclosed Area (39, 78, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:52:31.931] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "im writing a staff report" (Space (80, 147, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:34.612] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "grim" (Hangar (129, 183, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:36.632] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "doing some shit that&#39;d zack would ban him for" (Garden (119, 134, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:38.764] GAME-SAY: Makhnovtsi/(Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "kekekekekek" (Northern Grounds (109, 192, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:52:44.242] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "bro" (Space (166, 138, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:44.962] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "grim is a giant ass puppet anyways" (Garden (119, 134, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:46.081] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "i didnt even have" (Space (166, 140, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:48.810] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "anything to do w doxxing him" (Space (166, 140, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:50.041] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "so" (Space (163, 154, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:55.874] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "i dunno why hes so fucking mad" (Space (163, 154, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:52:56.011] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "LOL" (Garden (119, 134, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:00.853] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "that i called him a kid lover" (Hull Lower (143, 183, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:02.233] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "3 years ago" (Hull Lower (143, 183, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:13.353] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "because he&#39;s a fucking 39 year old sad sack of shit who lives with his elderly mother" (Garden (119, 134, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:19.328] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "TRUE" (Hangar (112, 170, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:20.838] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "I FORGOT ABOUT THAT" (Hangar (112, 170, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:22.027] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "OH MY GOD" (Hangar (112, 170, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:35.510] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "i mean look at his name man" (Space (161, 154, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:44.961] GAME-SAY: Makhnovtsi/(Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "you guys are being weird" (Space (1, 206, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:53:48.408] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "hm?" (Space (161, 154, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:50.650] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "bro" (Hangar (112, 170, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:52.146] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "he has" (Medical Operating Room 2 (118, 155, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:53.760] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "they/it" (Medical Operating Room 2 (118, 155, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:56.914] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "as his pronouns now" (Medical Operating Room 2 (118, 155, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:57.482] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "lol?" (Space (161, 154, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:54:05.401] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "its the pipeline" (Weapon Control Room (123, 125, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:54:06.295] GAME-SAY: Makhnovtsi/(Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "cm admins are weirdos but if theyre not a pedo don&#39;t be doxing them and shit" (Space (1, 206, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:54:20.272] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "LMAOOOO bro" (Requisitions (134, 143, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:54:20.285] GAME-SAY: (Rena Celeste) (DEAD) "They and It are pronouns" (Western Grounds (29, 124, 2))
And then it continues through the logs I first posted.
To answer your question, I believed family guy fan to be interjecting into the conversation with this message, near the beginning of my first block of logs:
[2024-09-15 01:54:52.815] GAME-SAY: (Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "why are u acting like thats cool though" (Enclosed Area (9, 19, 2))

However, seems that he does it a bit earlier:
[2024-09-15 01:53:44.961] GAME-SAY: Makhnovtsi/(Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "you guys are being weird" (Space (1, 206, 2))
[2024-09-15 01:54:06.295] GAME-SAY: Makhnovtsi/(Family Guy Fan-420) (DEAD) "cm admins are weirdos but if theyre not a pedo don&#39;t be doxing them and shit" (Space (1, 206, 2))

You may disagree, but I believe there is a difference between doxing and dissing. Saying that x admin is an old sack of shit is different from saying that Mike Ox, living at 3 Banana Plazza, 696969 Viperious-Town is a having wet dreams about furries.
In one case, it's relating memories/perceptions and venting frustration. In the other, it's spreading info, true or false, targeting a person specifically in the aim of hurting them and/or their reputation.
I understand folks telling me in the other thread that I can just use byond.com/(placeholder username) to locate, this doesn't work with folks that place their profile on private.
This would be a valid argument, if the guy had his account set to private, which he does not, as seen in this screenshot: https://gyazo.com/afadb45b030be872bd93022938bd8325
It is public information, and as such, does not warrant any action for leaking it.
So this is the briefest overview the people in this conversation, from beginning to end,
starts with zheak talking awful things about whomever on CM.
goes to icy making awful comments about them and their gender orientation
goes to familyguy responds to those Child comments and calls it weird.
goes to rena celeste responds to those gender comments
goes to me Ve-x8<- respond to icy comment and familyguys cause dox was mentioned by your staff member
goes to every listener of the round. hearing zheak, and icy having a meltdown from their conservation unto familyguy.
icy says the last thing of the round

Family guy carries icy's words that over since the other two were not being very nice.
Zheak mentions what he shouldn't have mentioned from his mentor position and more in the middle of the round.
Vending machine backs Zheak up to drop the conversation
The rest of the chat is making ahelps to icy, who is afk at the roundstart.
ooc is muted
then the rest of the round, Zheak bothers the hell out of family guy while I am re-reading the chat up to 9:13pm.

Does this look correct for a general overview of the information below?
Going to be honest and say that those first few points are painting a worse picture than it actually is.
starts with zheak talking awful things about whomever on CM.
According to zheak, these things were based on icy's interaction with the person prior to his banning, would this justify the comments? It's uncertain, since we don't know the full scope of the interaction, however, from my personal opinion, these comments are pretty mild compared to what I've seen in the server, unsure about the opinion of other headmins on them.
goes to icy making awful comments about them and their gender orientation
I assume that these are the comments you're refering to:

[2024-09-15 01:53:50.650] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "bro" (Hangar (112, 170, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:52.146] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "he has" (Medical Operating Room 2 (118, 155, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:53.760] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "they/it" (Medical Operating Room 2 (118, 155, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:56.914] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "as his pronouns now" (Medical Operating Room 2 (118, 155, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:54:05.401] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "its the pipeline" (Weapon Control Room (123, 125, 3))

I don't know about awful, could it be implied? Yeah, but it would be very silly to yell at someone for pointing out another person's pronouns.
The rest seems mostly accurate.
You know what I am bit more bothered by the tldr. So let me correct it with logs and you fit the puzzle pieces together and is that the same story as icy and zheak told you? I have bolded Family guys responses to the conversation below.
Yes, unless you're able to point out any contradiction I've missed, this seems like same story.
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Joined: Wed May 19, 2021 2:49 am
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Location: Texas

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by iansdoor » #749454

Henriquekill9576 wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 6:55 pm
I am going to be honest. I don't really care for his opinion of what Zheak thought happened. He already tried to slink away from truth of his actions in the other thread and you already admitted that what he did, which was not cool.
I admitted that him revealing the correlation between a player's ckey and static is indeed not appropriate, this has nothing to do with him slinking away from the truth of his actions, the only things he mentioned in the other thread was: 1. Victor was not icy, 2. They were not an admin, 3. They checked the account's creation date, which once again, is public.
So I am going to have to disagree with your statement. All Zheak did in the other post, which was about both of zheak and icy, was trying to deflect with some ad hominem fallacy, and I heavily dislike that you are telling me make assumptions that he uses outside website information that is easily accessible by the player panel. Unless you specifically tell me that in the logs that he didn't check, I don't believe that Zheak at his word didn't hold on to that information after lol'ing the guy alot with petty comments.
Screenshot_825.png (5.2 KiB) Viewed 1775 times
Anyone can press adminwho and I genuinely am confused on what mentor does exactly that an admin cannot already do. From what I remember on CM, is that mentor can spawn and hands-on teach you and explain carefully. I don't see SEA, but mentors on tgmc, take mhelp via tickets and do those tickets have the full-on panel?
Can you show me the moment where family-guy injected themselves into their conversation and how the other two responded? I am not certain of what you mean, unless I witnessed the full swing of that conversation as that round ended to reboot. From what you given, there lacks the start point of the conversation.

Indeed it seems like I've missed the first piece of the dchat part, here's what I believe to be the actual start of the convo:

[2024-09-15 01:51:39.444] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "victor" (Hyperspace (194, 59, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:39.609] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "so icy" (Tadpole Drop Shuttle (188, 57, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:40.648] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "i got" (Hyperspace (194, 56, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:42.396] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "rebanned from CM" (Hyperspace (194, 56, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:46.570] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "kek" (Hyperspace (194, 57, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:47.901] GAME-SAY: Zheak/(Victor Schwartz) (DEAD) "what&#39;d you do" (Hyperspace (194, 57, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:51.188] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "grim" (Hyperspace (191, 56, 4))
[2024-09-15 01:51:53.751] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "logged on for the first time" (Tadpole Drop Shuttle (128, 160, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:51:54.931] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "in a week" (Requisitions (128, 151, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:51:56.881] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "to sticky ban me" (Requisitions (128, 137, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:51:59.998] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "cause of shit i said 3 years ago" (Hallway Starboard (128, 128, 3))
Now this, I can reasonably understand why Icy is upset and how the ball rolls into the direction that the conversation went. Again, like I told icy, that sucks. But, airing out your business in ooc aka deadchat, doesn't help your mood or case, that is my opinion. To which, familyguy ultimately attempted to reason with them here, on tgmc, saying,
yea he banned u so u immediately started quoting his dox or smthn weird like tha.
Which is a reasonable to state, like come on man. don't give in and be the person that they say you are. -iansdoor

And then it continues through the logs I first posted.
To answer your question, I believed family guy fan to be interjecting into the conversation with this message, near the beginning of my first block of logs:
(snip logs)

However, seems that he does it a bit earlier:
(snip logs)

You may disagree, but I believe there is a difference between doxing and dissing. Saying that x admin is an old sack of shit is different from saying that Mike Ox, living at 3 Banana Plazza, 696969 Viperious-Town is a having wet dreams about furries.
In one case, it's relating memories/perceptions and venting frustration. In the other, it's spreading info, true or false, targeting a person specifically in the aim of hurting them and/or their reputation.
I do agree that there is a difference from venting something frustrates you and confirming something that was correct? I can understand deeply about getting locked out of a community you adore from something you said 3 years ago. I do hope they grew out of that phase of their life. Icy and Zheak did not do themselves any favors to be like yeah, I know the people that did dox and I am still chummy with them.Again, my own opinion is that you let that conversation die, or hold it with friends. Since they both Lol'ed and lmao'ed at concerns of the dox they spoke of, that shit is not right. While I type this out, perhaps that is culture of the server is to lol and lmao at awful real life things..
I understand folks telling me in the other thread that I can just use byond.com/(placeholder username) to locate, this doesn't work with folks that place their profile on private.

This would be a valid argument, if the guy had his account set to private, which he does not, as seen in this screenshot: https://gyazo.com/afadb45b030be872bd93022938bd8325
It is public information, and as such, does not warrant any action for leaking it.
I have already spoken about this up there. I will say Zheak used his privilege in a selfish way, you will say that information of the guy is public, zheak will say he didn't use player panel to be petty.

Does this look correct for a general overview of the information below?

Going to be honest and say that those first few points are painting a worse picture than it actually is.
I do appreciate the full context of the conversation, cause that first line when end screen popped up and them chatting about the topic, was very confusing in a public chat. Then the attempts of a player to reason in with their own input and that flak that was given back. I will admit that I expect a bit more from the staff
starts with zheak talking awful things about whomever on CM.
According to zheak, these things were based on icy's interaction with the person prior to his banning, would this justify the comments? It's uncertain, since we don't know the full scope of the interaction, however, from my personal opinion, these comments are pretty mild compared to what I've seen in the server, unsure about the opinion of other headmins on them.

goes to icy making awful comments about them and their gender orientation
I assume that these are the comments you're refering to:

[2024-09-15 01:53:50.650] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "bro" (Hangar (112, 170, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:52.146] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "he has" (Medical Operating Room 2 (118, 155, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:53.760] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "they/it" (Medical Operating Room 2 (118, 155, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:53:56.914] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "as his pronouns now" (Medical Operating Room 2 (118, 155, 3))
[2024-09-15 01:54:05.401] GAME-SAY: Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "its the pipeline" (Weapon Control Room (123, 125, 3))

01:54:34.765] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "only a few people really got doxxed" (Combat Information Center (130, 107, 3))
01:54:37.793] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "and that wasnt even by me" (Requisitions (130, 137, 3))
01:54:41.267] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "even tho i was homies w the people who did" (Tadpole Drop Shuttle (130, 155, 3))
01:55:46.506] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "they found him and alot of the other highstaffs facebooks and shit" (Hangar (124, 157, 3))
01:56:21.051] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "yall all interjecting yourself into some shit that didnt involve yall" (Hull Lower (148, 166, 3))
01:56:28.838] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "if you dont know the deeplore" (Hull Lower (153, 151, 3))
01:56:31.465] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "of what were talking about" (Hull Lower (153, 151, 3))
01:56:35.692] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "then dont get involved" (Common Squads Preparation (135, 111, 3))
01:56:42.275] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "cuz alot of this shit i cant even say here" (Condor Jet (127, 174, 3))
01:56:56.912] Icy5/(Young Hunter (Imperious)) (DEAD) "because i just recently got community banned by said person??" (Condor Jet (127, 174, 3))

I don't know about awful, could it be implied? Yeah, but it would be very silly to yell at someone for pointing out another person's pronouns.
The rest seems mostly accurate.
updated more of the generalness, cause log diving and reading the intention is rough. I will admit that part. To myself, His speech was not just about bigotry, which is a rule break itself. the topic of the CM admin about speaking the shitty things that happened to them and playing off with lols and cool guy?
You know what I am bit more bothered by the tldr. So let me correct it with logs and you fit the puzzle pieces together and is that the same story as icy and zheak told you? I have bolded Family guys responses to the conversation below.
Yes, unless you're able to point out any contradiction I've missed, this seems like same story.
tl;dr me and icy were talking about how grim banned him again the moment he logged on despite having him being unbanned which lead to Peter and Ve-X saying we shouldnt be doxxing people or bringing up doxxed information
This is true
i know nothing of a dox, nor did we mention any IRL information about grimm and only mentioned off handedly his defense of a child predator they had on the server, i'm unaware if said predator was infact staff or a regular player
This is false
this resulted in them growing upset and insulting both icy and i despite being in a conversation between ourselves, not discussioning anything that shouldnt have been, regardless if it were dchat or not
This is questionable and in public chatter.
i believe he was upset and claimed i was doxxing when i made a off-hand assumptiong that he was a 39 y/o man living in his mother's basement from how he acted with icy, having PM'd him saying he would be banned and the like which was in itself unprofessional
If you read above the bold responds, that comment is about 39 y/o cm admin and then spouting the weird rant about them?

I will leave this as my last post as these take awhile to disgest in my head and if anyone else wishes to weigh in. go for it. I will admit that I am actually more upset I came to the different conclusion from what I was told by others and what I remember about this server.
An average yellow rock hater and the main reason you may get your shuttle recalled.
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Byond Username: HenriqueKill9576

Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by Henriquekill9576 » #749484

I will leave this as my last post as these take awhile to disgest in my head and if anyone else wishes to weigh in. go for it.
It is still ultimately up to you if you wish to write a last post, I will also do a last reply regardless.
So I am going to have to disagree with your statement. All Zheak did in the other post, which was about both of zheak and icy, was trying to deflect with some ad hominem fallacy, and I heavily dislike that you are telling me make assumptions that he uses outside website information that is easily accessible by the player panel. Unless you specifically tell me that in the logs that he didn't check, I don't believe that Zheak at his word didn't hold on to that information after lol'ing the guy alot with petty comments.
I have already spoken about this up there. I will say Zheak used his privilege in a selfish way, you will say that information of the guy is public, zheak will say he didn't use player panel to be petty.
You might disagree, but for me, the means of which the information was acquired is not relevant if the information is public in the first place. Was it childish to show it like he did? Yes, although there were no real guidelines broken, which is why I said it would not warrant any action. I've spoken to zheak about it regardless.
Anyone can press adminwho and I genuinely am confused on what mentor does exactly that an admin cannot already do. From what I remember on CM, is that mentor can spawn and hands-on teach you and explain carefully. I don't see SEA, but mentors on tgmc, take mhelp via tickets and do those tickets have the full-on panel?
Answer questions about the game so that admins only need to bother with rulebreakers and policy tickets. Mentors have very limited tools like aghost and imaginary friend, I'm unsure if they even have access to the player panel.
Now this, I can reasonably understand why Icy is upset and how the ball rolls into the direction that the conversation went. Again, like I told icy, that sucks. But, airing out your business in ooc aka deadchat, doesn't help your mood or case, that is my opinion. To which, familyguy ultimately attempted to reason with them here, on tgmc, saying,
"yea he banned u so u immediately started quoting his dox or smthn weird like tha."
Which is a reasonable to state, like come on man. don't give in and be the person that they say you are. -iansdoor
I wouldn't really call that reasonable, guy is quite literally accusing icy of quoting the dox info after getting banned, which is very much untrue as we've seen.
I do agree that there is a difference from venting something frustrates you and confirming something that was correct? I can understand deeply about getting locked out of a community you adore from something you said 3 years ago. I do hope they grew out of that phase of their life. Icy and Zheak did not do themselves any favors to be like yeah, I know the people that did dox and I am still chummy with them.
Icy specifically said "and that wasnt even by me, even tho i was homies w the people who did", which implies he is no longer friends with them.
Again, my own opinion is that you let that conversation die, or hold it with friends. Since they both Lol'ed and lmao'ed at concerns of the dox they spoke of, that shit is not right. While I type this out, perhaps that is culture of the server is to lol and lmao at awful real life things..
The only instances I could find that came close to this was zheak going "LOL" over icy wondering why the guy is mad at him, even though he was not apart of the dox and zheak going "lol" once again after icy says that the guy treats moderating like it's an irl job. I do not believe there's any part where they laugh at the dox itself.
updated more of the generalness, cause log diving and reading the intention is rough. I will admit that part. To myself, His speech was not just about bigotry, which is a rule break itself. the topic of the CM admin about speaking the shitty things that happened to them and playing off with lols and cool guy?
Once again, I do see it as bigotry myself, due to the fact he just pointed out the person's pronouns without adding any further comment. And as I've said in the response above, there were no parts where they laugh at the shitty things that happened to the CM admin.
i know nothing of a dox, nor did we mention any IRL information about grimm and only mentioned off handedly his defense of a child predator they had on the server, i'm unaware if said predator was infact staff or a regular player
This is false
I'm unsure which part you're refering to, is it that he knew about the dox? They certainly did not mention any IRL info.
this resulted in them growing upset and insulting both icy and i despite being in a conversation between ourselves, not discussioning anything that shouldnt have been, regardless if it were dchat or not
This is questionable and in public chatter.
You can still have a conversation between each other in a public enviroment, if the conversation is deemed to be agaisn't the rules, then it warrants action. However, as I've mentioned in a previous reply, I see no reason to act if talking about a dox without revealing anything of the dox itself.

Once again, if you wish for this to be the last post, so be it. I've already spoken to zheak so I have no issue with continuing this.
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Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by makhnovtsi » #749988

hey so i'll be frank i didn't know this complaint existed until i came here to figure out the rules for appealing my (justified) permaban - in fact remembering this round in particular, Icy literally apologized to me and i admitted maybe i was stoking a flame that didn't need to be stoked, and so I apologized to Icy.
Also: despite Zheak knowing my ckey as evidenced by his OOC rant i literally never had a problem with him after this and he's been nothing but friendly to me, he has even continued to answer my (often salt-induced) mentorhelps, so i will NOT say he's held a grudge or been spiteful past this little instance we see in this complaint

but you know what, i figured this might be of particular relevance to you considering the conditions of my (albeit deserved) permaban which you've applied Henrique
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "i dunno why hes so fucking mad"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "that i called him a kid lover"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "3 years ago"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "because he's a fucking 39 year old sad sack of shit who lives with his elderly mother"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "TRUE"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "I FORGOT ABOUT THAT"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "OH MY GOD"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz says, "i mean look at his name man"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "as his pronouns now"
DEAD: Victor Schwartz asks, "lol?"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "bro"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "he has"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "they/it"
DEAD: Young Hunter (Imperious) says, "its the pipeline"
what kind of pipeline are we talking about? sometimes we say stupid derisive shit we don't really fundamentally believe and we regret it, i can accept that these two aren't particularly hard-set on this take because it's a pretty unreasonable one
Last edited by makhnovtsi on Sun Sep 22, 2024 11:38 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by Henriquekill9576 » #749994

what kind of pipeline are we talking about? sometimes we say stupid derisive shit we don't really fundamentally believe and we regret it, i can accept that these two aren't particularly hard-set on this take because it's a pretty unreasonable one
That's a question for icy to answer, I can only assume that he's refering to the beware of the pipeline meme: (https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/beware-of-the-pipeline)
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Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by makhnovtsi » #750027

Henriquekill9576 wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2024 11:59 pm
what kind of pipeline are we talking about? sometimes we say stupid derisive shit we don't really fundamentally believe and we regret it, i can accept that these two aren't particularly hard-set on this take because it's a pretty unreasonable one
That's a question for icy to answer, I can only assume that he's refering to the beware of the pipeline meme: (https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/beware-of-the-pipeline)
you know what i think i was just being lame and annoyed about my own ban
while i maintain you're just applying different standards to the 2 of us, that's fair, they're trusted players and i'm not. i construe what theyre saying in that quote as offensive in nature, you dont, thats fine, plus its not like i'm making this argument in good faith anyway considering my recent permaban - and what i said was much more explicitly offensive (tho search that word up in the discord and youll be surprised)

to be quite honest if there's nothing else then yea man i mean. i never had a problem with zheak or icy past this round like i said. icy at the least said "yeah it was a convo for a different place" like flat-out to me afterward, which is all i had to hear, and zheak's never been bitchy or rude to me knowing my ckey... i wouldn't call any of what they did malfeasance at least on my end of the situation
Last edited by makhnovtsi on Mon Sep 23, 2024 5:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by Henriquekill9576 » #750105

while i maintain you're just applying different standards to the 2 of us, that's fair, they're trusted players and i'm not. i construe what theyre saying in that quote as offensive in nature, you dont, thats fine, plus its not like i'm making this argument in good faith anyway considering my recent permaban - and what i said was much more explicitly offensive
The nature of your ban is way more severe than this, hence why I am applying different standards, although I appreciate you being honest about it.
(tho search that word up in the discord and youll be surprised)
Feel free to send me any examples, from the search I did, most results are just this: https://gyazo.com/0955f677588c82f9ad019f47ae499556
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Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by makhnovtsi » #750162

(tho search that word up in the discord and youll be surprised)
Feel free to send me any examples, from the search I did, most results are just this: https://gyazo.com/0955f677588c82f9ad019f47ae499556

search dilate and set the search to "relevant" and they'll come up under various admins & mentors - it is almost all from 2022-2023 though and i think asking "WLEL APPLY THE STANDARD TO THEM" would be the goofiest shit imaginable considering the timespan

the kuro ones are fucking hilarious it was his favorite phrase for EXACTLY a 30-day period

i def get though, me saying that re: an admin after unreasonably shitting on their PR every time i was online pretty much just falls under harassment and is therefore way worse than the stuff u'll see in those discord posts. it was a dumb fucking thing to do but i'm smart enough to understand the difference

i think i'm carrying on a conversation i should eventually have in an appeal instead, though, so i apologize for continuing this thread, just felt obligated to respond
Last edited by makhnovtsi on Mon Sep 23, 2024 6:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by Henriquekill9576 » #750234

search dilate and set the search to "relevant" and they'll come up under various admins & mentors - it is almost all from 2022-2023 though and i think asking "WLEL APPLY THE STANDARD TO THEM" would be the goofiest shit imaginable considering the timespan
I see now, and yeah, pretty much. Most of the time if someone said something bad a long time ago, it's not usually something we go after unless it's very egregious.
i think i'm carrying on a conversation i should eventually have in an appeal instead, though, so i apologize for continuing this thread, just felt obligated to respond
It's fine, although yes, if we want to go down this path I'd suggest making an appeal about the topic.
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Re: [COMPLAINT] [<Zheak>] Iansdoor

Post by Henriquekill9576 » #750237

Seeing this has already been resolved by Makh and Icy and there is nothing left to discuss, I'll go ahead and close it.

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