will you give us the player's table

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will you give us the player's table

Post by dendydoom » #744068


my pet project this term was turning bagil into a player-run and player-owned server, just like a player's table in a game store where they can run whatever weird and wonderful adventure they come up with.

unfortunately due to some turbulent months that have had a pretty huge impact on my real life, the amount of time and energy i could pour into this project diminished to the point that there's no way it would ever be realized with the time we had left.

but as soon as i'm able, i'd like to be able to continue on with this project, because i think it'll become a huge boon to the community and enable a lot of interesting and new kinds of roleplay that can strengthen the understanding of our ic universe, peoples' connections to it and their characters, and allow us to really experiment with what's possible with our game outside of the classical station setting. it would allow players insight into what it's like to manage games, teach them about mapping/tools to understand how our game works and train them up as contributors, and ultimately give them some power and responsibility that will give them a deeper appreciation of the game we all enjoy so much.

would you be willing to work with me on this to see it realized? what are your thoughts on the concept?
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Re: will you give us the player's table

Post by TheRex9001 » #744074

Yes, I have this idea in my campaign and policy revival. Its a really cool concept that I think goes hand in hand with my player events platform. I would want to realise this as a concept and to give people a space to run lower population more personal events than they otherwise could.
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Re: will you give us the player's table

Post by xzero314 » #744123

I have liked the sound of this idea since it was brought up.

How would some of it work? Would everybody on the server have expanded permissions? Or would it be an opt in/sign up to have them for the round sort of like our current event runner role?
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Re: will you give us the player's table

Post by Timberpoes » #744127

I say this as a double-term headmin that has undertaken large rule rewrite projects: I'm not interested in implementing this myself purely because of the amount of work and micromanagement involved which probably makes it unsuitable as a headmin pet project.

In a wonderful coincidence, this makes it a wonderful not-headmin pet project, with someone that can have responsibility to implement it delegated as their sole focus without bureaucratic red tape.

So if you would like to progress it at some point after your term ends, I'll give you my backing, support and input with anything you need at the headmin level. But I'm not likely to dedicate my own time to it.
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Re: will you give us the player's table

Post by RaveRadbury » #744159

Similar to Timber, it's something I'd enable but not something I'm interested in pursuing.

Also worth mentioning that Burger, from what I understand in his headmin thread, has a distinct desire to not repurpose existing servers.

Thankfully we can spin up more servers it's not really a big deal.
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Re: will you give us the player's table

Post by DrAmazing343 » #744299

Ever since your very first call from the Big Red Phone, I've been absolutely enamored with this idea. As of the last I heard, our biggest hurdle yet has been a code issue concerning the way privileges such as VV are able to be handed out without also allowing compromising information such as IP and CID to be given to non-administrators, yeah? I can't do much to help directly with that, but otherwise, I am one-hundred percent in support of this and I'd absolutely love to support it in any way I can pending compromises with Burger and another Headmin as necessary. This certainly feels like a multi-term project to really spin up proper, but I'd love to do my part in the effort.
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Re: will you give us the player's table

Post by ekaterina » #744467

dendydoom wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:45 am would you be willing to work with me on this to see it realized? what are your thoughts on the concept?
Yes. I am a big fan of yours, and your project supports the "encourage admins and empower players to host more events" tenet of my campaign platform. There's no point having a dead server just sitting there. If it can be leveraged for fun, unique experiences instead, you would have my full backing.
I have a confirmed grand total of 1 merged PR. That basically means I'm a c*der now. 8-)
toemas wrote: ekaterina is really funny because they just consistently say what should be complete common sense (...) and then they get dogpiled by everyone in the thread
kinnebian wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:51 am i agree with ekaterina but in a less aggressive manner
MooCow12 wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:47 am I endorse everything ekaterina has said so far
sinfulbliss wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 2:03 am Marina is actually a very high quality roleplayer, believe it or not, and a pretty fun and good-faith player in my experience.
Jacquerel wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 6:31 pm
kinnebian wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 6:13 pm ekaterina stops threads from becoming dogpiles (...) they just point out logical things to bring up in context of a ban and people get mad at them because they refuse to discuss it
when everyone goes into peanuts already set on what their opinion is ekat's posts are a breath of fresh air
might be more true to say they redirect the dogpile most of the time tbqh, like diving heroically onto a grenade
MrStonedOne wrote: Im gonna have to quote Ekaterina at you because they ended up saying this better than i would have
warbluke wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:03 am Suboptimal research play detected, deploying lethal force.
Timberpoes wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:50 am No deviations allowed. All must know the meta. All must power the game.
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