Ban/note type (Check what applies):
() - Server Ban
(X) - Note
() - Forum Ban
() - Discord Ban
Ban/note length: Note
Ban/note reason: Warned - As a sec officer, was cured of an obsession discovered by a doctor after they ended up in medbay in crit. Subsequently gulagged the doctor because they were upset at picking up a colour blindness trauma in the process. Reminded that they can't retaliate against people for doing their jobs.
Time ban was placed: 2024-07-01 17:15:25
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 231452
Why are you making this appeal?(Check what applies):
(X) - The ban/note is factually incorrect
(X) - The ban/note is not against the rules
() - The ban/note needs modification
() - The ban was unjustifiably harsh
() - I was permabanned and I want another chance
Why should this appeal be accepted?:
Noting someone for correctly applying Space Law is absurd in itself.
I was the target of griefing, resolved it IC, and Thunder chose to note me instead of the griefer. As absurd as it sounds. Pretty much all explained in the ahelps:
Code: Select all
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Thunder12345: Hey, can you tell me what happened with June Creighton, please?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: I absolutely can. I was hunting the wizard when I was put into crit and I got brought to medbay. This bozo asked for cuffs to pin me down to perform an unnecessary lobotomy on me while ignoring my hairline fracture that needed fixing. As a result, I got a permanent colourblind trauma that makes this game borderline unplayable. Rule 1 violation on her.
PM to-Admins: So I arrested and gulagged her for the crime of kidnapping, a felony.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Thunder12345: You were obsessed, it was both reasonable and correct of them to fix that, and picking up a brain trauma in the process is an unfortunate side effect of being cured.
Getting to continue the round with only a brain trauma to show for it is on the very lucky end of consequences for being caught as an antag, and you shouldn't retaliate against someone for curing you.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
Error: Admin-PM-Message: No message input.
PM to-Admins: bruh I just hit esc and it deleted what I was writing to you
PM to-Admins: Valid hunting is not the medical doctor's job, it is neither correct nor reasonable of her to cuff me and put valid hunting above curing a hairline fracture and brute crit.
PM to-Admins: "getting" to have my round ruined (legitimately considered suiciding) over a random roll I had no choice in and had done nothing about (crit while hunting wiz before having any opportunity to interact with the roll) is a supremely weird way to put it.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Thunder12345: They are a doctor, they found you with a brain trauma that made you a danger to others, and they fixed it. Turn if off in your preferences if you don't want to deal with the consequences of the role instead of taking it out on the innocent party doing their job.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
Error: Admin-PM-Message: No message input.
PM to-Admins: Can't believe you're taking her side. What are you looking for here - is this just going to be an ahelp chat or is this going to end up on the forums?
Error: Admin-PM-Message: No message input.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Thunder12345: What I'm looking for is for you to not throw someone in the gulag again for doing their job, that's all
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: She didn't do her job - she specifically neglected her job, getting me out of crit - until the guy who rescued me yelled at her to fix me - and neglected her hairline fracture - to validhunt instead. She may be allowed to hunt valids but she sure as hell shouldn't be immune to the IC consequences of it. Simply existing and having a trauma is not a crime subject to arrest, making what she did a crime of kidnapping.
Your ticket has been resolved by an admin. The Adminhelp verb will be returned to you shortly.
First, on "for doing her job": she specifically neglected her job to hunt a valid. Dereliction is already punishable IC. Second, she may be allowed to hunt valids but she sure as hell shouldn't be immune to the IC consequences of it. Simply existing and having a trauma is not a crime subject to arrest, making what she did felony kidnapping, subject to a 500-800 point sentence, which I generously set as the minimum.
[The Space Law] page is an IC guideline that can be used to grant you protection from undue escalation/admin punishment if followed in good faith