[GamerAndYeahMick] avaster

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Joined: Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:42 am
Byond Username: Avaster

[GamerAndYeahMick] avaster

Post by avaster » #731122

BYOND account: avaster

Ban/note type (Check what applies): () - Server Ban

Ban/note length: 1month
Ban/note reason: : Rule 1 - As a medical doctor was in the chem lab building some sort of factory and required ants to be present so left meat on the ground, the chemist did not understand why the meat was in their workplace and wanted to move it because it was stinking, they just kept telling them stop moving the meat instead of explaining why not to move the meat and what exactly the issue was and beat them in their own workplace, additionally earlier in the round told them to shut up and to go read the wiki
Time ban was placed: 5 min ago
Server you were playing on when banned: terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 231122

Why are you making this appeal?(Check what applies):

(X) - The ban/note is factually incorrect
(X) - The ban/note is not against the rules
() - The ban/note needs modification
(X) - The ban was unjustifiably harsh
() - I was permabanned and I want another chance

Why should this appeal be accepted?: I logged in on Terry and a player for kept asking me to help them learn numerous shifts in a row for chemistry plumbing. I politely declined every time. This happened for multiple shifts. I kept politely refusing and kept referring this player to the CMO, whos job is to help their medical department staff with any enquires. My reason for this is that I wanted to focus on building a new chemfactory from scratch which takes a long time as it means I have to alt tab all the time and take notes which is the reason for my unavailability to help any players. Every single time, every single shift in a row, they kept asking me and wouldn't take no for an answer.

The round I was banned on I politely told the same guy, once again, for the numerous time to ask the CMO for assistance. I did this twice before telling them to be quiet. I repeated this statement from previous shifts.

Later, I put synthflesh meat down on the floor to make ants. He moved it, so I warned and specifically him not to take the meat or move the meat (the reason for this is so ant hills dont move away from the chemical heater so I could make Fire Ants).

Then, I walked back into chemlab at the time where I saw that he moved my stuff despite me telling him not to, along with at the time I thought he grinded my meat because he used an All-In-One-Grinder right as I walked in (you can check logs for this timeframe if possible, as I did forget to mention this in the ticket). I also believe the player did this intentionally to annoy me & provoke a conflict. I beat him a bit (not enough to be crit) and made sure he got healed in medbay. When he returned to chemical lab after being swiftly healed I did not escalate any further as I just wanted to do my own thing without being disturbed, which was my whole purpose these past shifts.

This is the entire chatlog between me and this player this round:
[2024-06-25 15:03:46.769] GAME-SAY: 15:03:46.769] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "how does this plumbing shit works" (Chemistry (138,74,2))
[2024-06-25 15:03:54.780] GAME-SAY: 15:03:54.780] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "fuck" (Chemistry (139,72,2))
[2024-06-25 15:04:01.297] GAME-SAY: 15:04:01.297] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "i guess gotta figure out myself" (Chemistry (139,72,2))
[2024-06-25 15:04:11.194] GAME-SAY: 15:04:11.194] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "alright.." (Chemistry (140,70,2))
[2024-06-25 15:04:17.416] GAME-SAY: 15:04:17.416] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "i wanted this space for my shit" (Chemistry (140,70,2))
[2024-06-25 15:04:20.922] GAME-SAY: 15:04:20.922] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "but ok..." (Chemistry (140,70,2))
[2024-06-25 15:05:23.471] GAME-SAY: 15:05:23.471] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "uh" (Chemistry (145,65,2))
[2024-06-25 15:05:42.521] GAME-SAY: 15:05:42.521] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "bro can you leave a bit place for me" (Chemistry (143,68,2))
[2024-06-25 15:05:45.677] GAME-SAY: 15:05:45.677] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "bruh" (Chemistry (145,68,2))
[2024-06-25 15:06:04.529] GAME-EMOTE: 15:06:04.529] GAME-EMOTE: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) sighs. (Chemistry (144,67,2))
[2024-06-25 15:06:33.316] GAME-SAY: 15:06:33.316] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "ill try to make fent factory..." (Chemistry (144,73,2))
[2024-06-25 15:10:14.094] GAME-SAY: 15:10:14.094] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "how do i turn it on" (Chemistry (144,68,2))
[2024-06-25 15:10:25.000] GAME-SAY: 15:10:25.000] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "its on" (Chemistry (139,69,2))
[2024-06-25 15:10:31.546] GAME-SAY: 15:10:31.546] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "why fent is not making" (Chemistry (144,66,2))
[2024-06-25 15:10:39.940] GAME-SAY: 15:10:39.940] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "!scream" (Chemistry (143,65,2))
[2024-06-25 15:10:44.394] GAME-SAY: 15:10:44.394] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "bru" (Chemistry (143,65,2))
[2024-06-25 15:11:12.252] GAME-SAY: 15:11:12.252] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "can you help me, i dont understand a shit in here" (Chemistry (142,65,2))
[2024-06-25 15:11:21.618] GAME-SAY: 15:11:21.618] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "ask cmo" (Chemistry (142,69,2))
[2024-06-25 15:11:24.324] GAME-SAY: 15:11:24.324] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "OOC i am not going to kill you this time" (Chemistry (143,67,2))
[2024-06-25 15:11:33.171] GAME-EMOTE: 15:11:33.171] GAME-EMOTE: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) sighs. (Chemistry (143,66,2))
[2024-06-25 15:11:47.235] GAME-SAY: 15:11:47.235] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "you are here right now, why shoulf i ask cmo" (Chemistry (144,65,2))
^doesn't take 'no' as my answer
[2024-06-25 15:11:57.933] GAME-SAY: 15:11:57.933] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "because" (Chemistry (140,67,2))
[2024-06-25 15:12:02.642] GAME-SAY: 15:12:02.642] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "i dont want to be bugged" (Chemistry (140,67,2))
[2024-06-25 15:12:05.491] GAME-SAY: 15:12:05.491] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "ask cmo" (Chemistry (140,67,2))
[2024-06-25 15:12:08.423] GAME-SAY: 15:12:08.423] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "what?" (Chemistry (143,65,2))
[2024-06-25 15:12:10.895] GAME-SAY: 15:12:10.895] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "bugged?" (Chemistry (143,65,2))
[2024-06-25 15:12:17.713] GAME-SAY: 15:12:17.713] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "i am not asking you to place anything" (Chemistry (143,65,2))
^doesn't take 'no' as my answer again despite repeating myself
[2024-06-25 15:12:21.885] GAME-SAY: 15:12:21.885] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "bro" (Chemistry (140,67,2))
[2024-06-25 15:12:22.764] GAME-SAY: 15:12:22.764] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "shut up" (Chemistry (140,67,2))
^ so i tell him to be quiet
[2024-06-25 15:12:28.553] GAME-EMOTE: 15:12:28.553] GAME-EMOTE: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) sighs. (Chemistry (143,65,2))
[2024-06-25 15:13:01.093] GAME-SAY: 15:13:01.093] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "what the fuck walking cardboard" (Chemistry (143,64,2))
[2024-06-25 15:13:07.219] GAME-SAY: 15:13:07.219] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "uh" (Chemistry (138,64,2))
[2024-06-25 15:13:46.019] GAME-SAY: 15:13:46.019] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "what is green pipe stands for" (Chemistry (144,66,2))
[2024-06-25 15:13:50.161] GAME-SAY: 15:13:50.161] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "go wiki" (Chemistry (142,67,2))
^ i tell him to go to the wiki so he can learn what the pipe colors mean
[2024-06-25 15:23:06.143] GAME-SAY: 15:23:06.143] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "waht" (Chemistry (146,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:23:07.510] GAME-SAY: 15:23:07.510] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "why" (Chemistry (146,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:23:15.090] GAME-SAY: 15:23:15.090] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "can you" (Chemistry (146,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:23:16.500] GAME-SAY: 15:23:16.500] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "stop" (Chemistry (146,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:23:16.037] GAME-SAY: 15:23:16.037] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "why you hit me" (Chemistry (145,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:23:18.472] GAME-SAY: 15:23:18.472] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "moving" (Chemistry (142,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:23:19.543] GAME-SAY: 15:23:19.543] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "my meat" (Chemistry (142,75,2))
^ he moved my stuff, so I tell him not to do this
[2024-06-25 15:23:21.523] GAME-SAY: 15:23:21.523] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "WHAT ID I DO" (Chemistry (146,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:23:24.991] GAME-SAY: 15:23:24.991] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "STOP WHAT" (Chemistry (145,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:23:27.124] GAME-SAY: 15:23:27.124] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "dont move my meat" (Chemistry (142,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:23:31.053] GAME-SAY: 15:23:31.053] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "STOP FUCKING PISSING ME OFF" (Chemistry (145,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:23:36.375] GAME-SAY: 15:23:36.375] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "nah you keep moving my meat" (Chemistry (142,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:23:39.500] GAME-SAY: 15:23:39.500] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "dont move my meat" (Chemistry (142,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:23:41.929] GAME-SAY: 15:23:41.929] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "bruh" (Chemistry (146,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:25:09.317] GAME-SAY: 15:25:09.317] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "can you not leave reaction chamber on on full power?" (Chemistry (145,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:25:14.879] GAME-SAY: 15:25:14.879] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "i've blown up like that once" (Chemistry (145,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:27:02.589] GAME-SAY: 15:27:02.589] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "can you not leave reaction chamber on on full power?" (Chemistry (145,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:27:07.248] GAME-SAY: 15:27:07.248] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "i've blown up like that once" (Chemistry (145,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:28:26.019] GAME-SAY: 15:28:26.019] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "legit stop being a fuckhead" (Chemistry (144,75,2))
^this was when i saw he moved my meat. i believe at this point he did this intentionally to provoke and annoy me
[2024-06-25 15:28:30.794] GAME-SAY: 15:28:30.794] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "this shit stinks" (Chemistry (144,73,2))
[2024-06-25 15:28:29.517] GAME-SAY: 15:28:29.517] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "or im critting you" (Chemistry (144,75,2))
[2024-06-25 15:28:36.933] GAME-SAY: 15:28:36.933] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "bruh" (Chemistry (143,75,2))
^i then see him using an all-for-one grinder where i thought he grinded my meat because he is pissed off at me
[2024-06-25 15:28:48.955] GAME: 15:28:48.955] GAME: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) has gained the following brain trauma: /datum/brain_trauma/mild/phobia
[2024-06-25 15:28:50.981] GAME-SAY: 15:28:50.981] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "cunt" (Chemistry (138,75,2))
^i say this from my perspective him as i saw him using a grinder right as I walked in which i thought was my meat as it was moved (I told him not to do this). i believe this was intentional to annoy me as he has ignored my request to not take my stuff
[2024-06-25 15:29:08.862] GAME-SAY: 15:29:08.862] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "reported you" (Medical (150,74,2))
I have provided my own previous rounds chat logs, where I have not said anything anything harmful towards this player & have politely told him to leave me alone.

round 231117:
[2024-06-25 13:12:14.486] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3262) "go awy cuh" (Chemistry (122,90,2))
1 minute later
[2024-06-25 13:13:08.819] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3262) "not now" (Medbay Central (121,93,2))
round 231119:
[2024-06-25 13:43:43.338] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3351) "i dont wanna" (Medbay Storage (59,84,2))
[2024-06-25 13:43:44.226] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3351) "ask cmo" (Medbay Storage (59,84,2))
- 10 sec later
[2024-06-25 13:43:54.417] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3351) "ask cmo" (Medbay Storage (59,81,2))
There were numerous shifts, numerous vocal statements to make my point very clear, telling them to tell them I was unavailable.

The admin stated in the ticket that my statement of telling him to 'shut up' was too far and justified a 1 month ban.
I believe a one-month ban is unjustifiably harsh - The guy repeatedly ignored my request to refuse assistance over multiple hours and shifts while intentionally provoking conflicts. Telling them to be quiet in response to their persistent harassment, then getting hit with a 1 month ban for this seems unjustified to be classed as such a severe punishment.

To justify the 'in their own workspace' thing, I was allowed inside & they were ok with me being in there as long as I didn't take too much space, which I tried to compact my factory & left a space for them to make a fent factory because of this. They never objected to me being in there and using the space.
Last edited by avaster on Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [GamerAndYeahMick] avaster

Post by GamerAndYeahMick » #731128

Okay i'm going to deconstruct this point by point but I will start by saying I will not amend my ban and 1 month was lenient in my opinion, first of all your reaction being beating the shit out of someone in their own workplace when they are quite clearly taking issue with what you are doing in their workplace is not good for the server and is a rule 1 issue in and of itself. Secondly I don't see you even attempting to explain why the meat needs to rot or that you need ants you just keep telling him not to move smelly meat in his own department and he doesn't even understand why, you should have explained that first. Thirdly telling someone to "shut up go wiki" is both rude and OOC in IC, in conclusion to these points it was his workplace not yours and you beat him for doing stuff in it and wanting to keep it clean while not even explaining your goals.

If this person really was harassing you as you put it, you could have admin helped instead of carrying a grudge over the rounds and beating him for it in this one, i'm not sure exactly how he was harassing you as you only provided say logs of you telling him to go away or ask cmo, but if he was just asking you to show him something I don't think that is tantamount to harassment, I think it's quite toxic and unreasonable to have such a volatile reaction to someone getting rid of some meat in their own workplace especially when they are justified to be there and decide what happens there when you are not really since you are just a medical doctor and they are a chemist in their own space, nor is it normal to have such an angry reaction to someone seeking help in playing the game you literally could have just ahelped and brought up how a new person is asking you to teach them something and an admin would've handled it or you could have alerted the command player or security to them bothering you.

I created a ping in the admin channel about the situation and there was varying opinions but I don't think anyone said I should not ban you although if I am wrong I welcome someone with perms posting a screenshot disproving it, it seemed that most people either agreed with permaing you or said I should month ban you which I did in the hopes that you will reflect on this scenario and change how you play when the ban expires although admittedly I don't hold out much hope and was considering permabanning you as I had noticed your toxicity in your notes and in round behaviour and a few other admins seemed to think you were prone to jumping to violence or pissing people off.

To sum the whole thing up or tl;dr - you should probably shape up how you react to things and use your words instead of beating people and also consider how your reactions are not reasonable and over-emotional in a negative way and find better channels to resolve things e.g. ahelps, security, command staff and using communication or you may face heavier consequences in future events
Joined: Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:42 am
Byond Username: Avaster

Re: [GamerAndYeahMick] avaster

Post by avaster » #731130

first of all your reaction being beating the shit out of someone in their own workplace
As chat logs stated, they were ok with me being in their workspace for over half an hour or so, he stated as long as I gave them some space, which I did.
e when they are quite clearly taking issue with what you are doing in their workplace is not good for the server
They never asked me to leave. If they asked me to leave, I would've simply left and found another spot on the station with no issues.
telling someone to "shut up go wiki"
i'd rather if you don't put words in my mouth, i did not say 'shut up go wiki' as this is just not what happened & I'm unsure where you are getting this from as the logs timeframe clearly state this is false information. first there is important context before I told him to be quiet (which I've elaborated in my reply above). secondly chat logs state 'shut up' and 'go to the wiki' are not in same sentence and have a 1 minute difference, since the comment about 'go to the wiki' later was to help them learn about pipes. please refer to my reply above

Code: Select all

[2024-06-25 15:13:46.019] GAME-SAY: 15:13:46.019] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "what is green pipe stands for" (Chemistry (144,66,2))
[2024-06-25 15:13:50.161] GAME-SAY: 15:13:50.161] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Metro Abruzzi) (mob_3394) "go wiki" (Chemistry (142,67,2))
^ i tell him to go to the wiki so he can learn what the pipe colors mean
instead of carrying a grudge over the rounds and beating him for it in this one
I did not beat him due to a grudge. yes, they were frustrating to deal with but this was not my reason for beating them up. I beat him because I made it clear to them that I warned him not to touch my stuff.
it seemed that most people either agreed with permaing you or said I should month ban you
All I did was told them to be quiet because they wouldn't take no for an answer for numerous hours & shifts, where they responded by provoking a reaction & resulted in him getting him mildly injured (didn't put them in crit).
1 month was lenient in my opinion
I personally don't agree and I'd like to escalate this ticket for a headadmin to review the evidence.

Though I am unsure if this will change the outcome as it sadly seems admins (unsure if this statement was mentioned by headadmins) seriously seem to hate me as you mentioned yourself that you guys intended to get me permabanned ultimately for telling someone who doesn't listen to another player to be quiet. I wish this wasn't the case & you guys could view this case as if it was from an ordinary player. I've tried to reform and hold my tongue since my last ban as evident from this encounter, but admins don't the context of the conflict that happened in game this way. I wish you guys could try to see this from my perspective, but I feel as if this case is just being seen as 'avaster is a a toxic player who told someone to shut up then beat someone' which would make you forget all of the context.
I've reflected on my last ban which is why I didn't just straight up tell the guy to shut up when he originally kept asking for help.

I tried telling this player that I simply did not wish to help them numerous times, for literal hours. They've could've easily gone to the CMO which I suggested like 4 times.
The admins view about 'prone to violence or pissing off people' I personally dont believe is clear at all in this case. It took me 3 shifts, along with numerous times telling him 'no' yet the player simply did not want to accept the answer & instead ignored my warning about moving stuff which I owned which was a provoking act on their behalf.
you should probably shape up how you react to things and use your words
this is what I've done. I told the player multiple times I am unavailable and gave numerous warnings. I also did not react to instantly resort to calling them any derogatory names or to shut up.
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Byond Username: GamerAndYeahMick
Location: Quahog

Re: [GamerAndYeahMick] avaster

Post by GamerAndYeahMick » #731139

You're right shut up and go wiki were separated my bad I shouldn't have put them in the same quote.
I did not beat him due to a grudge. yes, they were frustrating to deal with but this was not my reason for beating them up. I beat him because I made it clear to them that I warned him not to touch my stuff.
You appealed quite heavily to the fact he was bothering you over multiple rounds to be the reason why you acted the way you acted in the ahelps, if I am being charitable you could argue that it wasn't based on their previous interactions why you acted so violently but even then that isn't a really good defence because it means you would have acted out so unfavourably and wrongly towards anyone over nothing with no real reasoning
Though I am unsure if this will change the outcome as it sadly seems admins (unsure if this statement was mentioned by headadmins) seriously seem to hate me

I don't know you and I don't hate anybody, I don't think any of the admins do either, you are clearly just causing problems and it's noticed, it is solely related to your actions within the server
you mentioned yourself that you guys intended to get me permabanned

I also mentioned I wanted to give you a chance to reform and not be toxic, which I did when I could've very easily not, whenever you cross certain rules in certain ways the next time you do something quite bad again the reaction is usually severe, yet I decided to show leniency to you in the hopes you won't behave like you did.
All I did was told them to be quiet because they wouldn't take no for an answer for numerous hours & shifts, where they responded by provoking a reaction & resulted in him getting him mildly injured (didn't put them in crit).

It was his work place, and he gets to decide what happens in it, you didn't even tell him what the meat was for, he was relatively new compared to you and was moving it out of confusion as to why there was rotten meat on the floor, you just kept telling him not to remove rotten meat from his own workplace without actually explaining it, telling him not to move something in his own workplace and then beating him because he is somewhat silly or confused isn't good, him "provoking" you by being somewhat goofy isn't a good excuse, I barely count what he said or did as a provocation, you had no right to beat him for removing stuff you left in his work space
this is what I've done.
This isn't what you've done, you've broken rule 1 again by smackin on him for being a noob, someone asking for help shouldn't be that annoying, and you didn't use your words sufficiently you just kept towerposting and saying for him to stop in various ways without explaining why the meat needed to be there, you could've avoided all of this by saying "bruh I need ants to spawn don't lift the meat", but even then it isn't your space to dictate what happens in, it was his, and if you are going to give someone warnings at least give an explanation and not just keep telling them not to move something bothersome in their own space
wish you guys could try to see this from my perspective
I did do that and thought about it a lot and asked for differing perspectives and I really don't think what you did was a normal reaction or okay, and I don't think how you spoke to him was normal either
Joined: Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:42 am
Byond Username: Avaster

Re: [GamerAndYeahMick] avaster

Post by avaster » #731152

his work space
He allowed me in for over half an hour & never told me to leave. It seems his only conditions were that he wanted space, so I gave him space at the bottom of the chemlab. Yes, this is technically his workspace, but he allowed me to share it, also the stuff that was on the floor was my stuff, not his.
by smackin on him for being a noob
No. I smacked him for taking my own property after being warned. Also at the time I saw him using a grinder where I thought he grinded my stuff, so I think this is an IC issue for miss-understanding.
I decided to show leniency
You've told me that I have been given a 1 month ban, hovering a permaban because I told someone who doesn't want to listen (for hours), to 'shut up'.
Respectfully, what is this.

I do not believe that this is lenient and I'd like an escalation if possible.
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Re: [GamerAndYeahMick] avaster

Post by GamerAndYeahMick » #731171

You started wailing on him for not understanding why there was rotten meat in the lab which is his lab and not your own, instead of hitting him use more words, your say logs throughout the round are mean-spirited and entirely tower posting pilled which is also a concern in and of itself.
No. I smacked him for taking my own property after being warned. Also at the time I saw him using a grinder where I thought he grinded my stuff, so I think this is an IC issue for miss-understanding.

You weren't sure so you started attacking him... right okay then, kind of my entire point, why would violence be the instant response instead of asking, also you just kept telling him not to move it, not why, not what it's purpose was, not explaining anything, from his POV it was just rotten meat shitting up the place.
You've told me that I have been given a 1 month ban, hovering a permaban because I told someone who doesn't want to listen (for hours), to 'shut up'.
Respectfully, what is this.

I think you wanna look at the worst possible interpretation just because you are banned and want to think it's just a nothingburger turned into something bad, but you can't just jump on someone in their own workplace for moving rotten meat whenever you didn't even fully explain it, just saying things like stop and "why" "moving" "my meat" doesn't really convey what's going on to the other person, they just think you're leaving meat on the floor to rot randomly, I believe his exact words were [2024-06-25 15:28:30.794] GAME-SAY: 15:28:30.794] GAME-SAY: Strecozel/(Romayne Driggers) (mob_3420) "this shit stinks" (Chemistry (144,73,2)), he clearly didn't get what you were doing in the space and you didn't make any effort to be explain it, i'm not saying you needed to say it in a super friendly way just that you needed to say it full stop, I already pinged head admins whether or not they wish to take over from here is out of my hands.

Forgot to add a part:
You think it's not lenient, but it is very lenient, you are receiving a chance to not play like how you do any more because it causes issues for the server, if the ban was like 1 day, or a week, would you really learn anything? My gut instinct is that you'd be back to behaving the same way if it was less time. Your note history is quite bad of itself and it doesn't seem like you've really changed anything, yes maybe you stop doing very specific examples but then you're just doing different things and getting noted/banned, do you want us to give you non-escalating chances for every different way you can break rules at the expense of other players?
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Byond Username: Avaster

Re: [GamerAndYeahMick] avaster

Post by avaster » #731173

No, I personally don't agree that saying 'shut up' to someone who has been passive-harassing for hours should result in a permaban
I'd prefer an escalation if possible
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Re: [GamerAndYeahMick] avaster

Post by GamerAndYeahMick » #731175

Okay man because it was totally that you just said "shut up", you are definitely 100% not being reductive and refusing to take account for your overall toxicity, if I trawl through the other rounds say logs am I going to see him just asking questions and you grunting two words at him or possibly beating him again? already told you the head admins are aware, whether or not they care to intervene is up to them so good luck but I definitely on my end will not be reducing this ban because you refuse to take accountability or see anything wrong with your actions or see the bigger picture, so I am done replying and will await further instruction from the head admins
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Byond Username: Avaster

Re: [GamerAndYeahMick] avaster

Post by avaster » #731176

it was totally that you just said "shut up"
according to the ticket you told me that most of it was based on me saying 'shut up'.
for all of the other points (hurting him slightly, 'his' workspace, warnings) I've already listed them above. I don't wish to go in circles
GamerAndYeahMick wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 3:12 pm I definitely on my end will not be reducing this ban because you refuse to take accountability or see anything wrong with your actions or see the bigger picture
your very first reply was that you weren't going to change your decision
i dont believe my replies have changed your stubborn approach towards other players' appeals
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Re: [GamerAndYeahMick] avaster

Post by kieth4 » #732768

We have decided to uphold this;

-avaster enters chemistry and drops rotting meat on the ground because they want an anthill to spawn on a specific tile (they never explain this.
- new player chemist keeps moving the rotting meat avaster dropped on the ground, each time avaster comes back and insults them and threatens them
- new player moves it again, avaster comes back and crits them
- their explanation is that this new player is "intentionally annoying them" despite the fact that they're doing things and not explaining why in someone else's department

In this scenario if anything they had a right to beat the shit out of you not the other way around.

If you are doing weird shit in other people's departments you're expected to communicate, more so when you are fully aware that they are a new player.

Beating them up for trying to remove your crusty ahh meat from their department is certainly ban worthy and we stand by what burger did.

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