MatrixOne wrote: ↑Tue May 28, 2024 7:12 pm
I'm also curious about a few other hypotheticals and questions, if anyone wants to share their opinions:
1. Medbay is operating, staffed, but a robust xenobiologist is printing lots of slime core full heals and putting them around the hallways. Most injured people, instead of going to medbay, use a core and go. Is this a violation? It doesn't invalidate the entire medbay, since they still do surgeries for organ damage and such, and healing cores are part of xenobio's lane.
2. Chefs are making normal, tasty food, but an assistant brings ingredients and machines from maint kitchen and sets up their own kitchen diner in the commissary. Is this an RPR9 violation? I feel like assistants in general go into lanes a LOT because assistant is a bit of a sandbox fun experience. Do assistants get more leeway with RPR9, or less, or the same? They're free to do anything, so it's very easy for them to stray into other people's lanes.
3. An assistant asks for a plumbing tool from a chemist, gets it, and builds a factory in dorms that prints heals, then distributes them all around the station. Is this a violation all on its own, or only if the chemist also wants to make heals?
4. Imagine there are no chefs, so someone puts out caramel. Then someone latejoins and starts cooking. Do you now have to remove the caramel? Are you obligated to keep checking if the ssd chef decided to wake up? What if it involves something way harder to remove, like if there were no roboticists so engineering built their own robotics lab, but then two robos join the round? Are engineers now forced to lock down their project? I'm basically seeking clarification on when people do a job but then the job gets filled and, does that warrant removing and undoing all your work and setup.
5. A question about taking over for incompetent people. I understand that it can be frustrating for a new player if someone pushes you out, but what if the thing you're doing is something crucial, like SM or reviving the captain, and thus you doing your job badly or slowly can result in the rounds being made worse for others? What if there's a string of 5 corpses and the intern medic is struggling, so one of the assistants starts the surgery in front of him and basically does it himself?
I feel like a lot of these are fine if people don't mind, but it gets less fine if people do mind. I'm not sure that Rule 9 is necessary for all this, it's more of a "don't be a dick" thing. And people respond differently to different things. Sometimes doctors might appreciate me, as assistant, coming in to make a virus cure because they don't know how (like if tirimol keeps puffing in their face). But sometimes they don't like it and tell me to leave and keep screwing it up. Their feelings on this should have an impact on whether I should be doing that or not, rather than some blanket rule. And even if the doctors don't want me making a virus cure, there are a lot of sick people outside whose shifts would be made infinitely better if they stopped catching on fire and passing out. So this is another good case to ask what you all think about a lane overstep like this.
Plenty of other jobs can infringe on people's lanes. Cargo can order everything - food to replace chefs, scrubbers to replace atmos, materials and solars, to replace engi, guns to replace sec, and corgis to replace Ian. The question is whether people mind, and appreciate the help.
Isn't it?
Jesus, wall of text.
1) This one's iffy because it kind of depends on the situation. I think this isn't necessarily crossing a line, but I also think it would be acceptable for Medbay to ask Xeno to stop doing it if it was bothering them that much. Probably an IC issue.
2) This is a RPR 9 violation. The exact same situation has happened with an assistant who made what was basically a fully functioning pharmacy in the main hallway and had to be asked multiple times to stop because it was resulting in people going to them instead of Chemistry/Medbay for healing. This is the kind of thing that RPR 9 is around to prevent - at that point, you're just doing their job for them.
3) This brings up an interesting part of this rule - if the department in question doesn't care that it's happening, I don't think
we should care. The rule is mostly in place to prevent someone from completely taking over a department's job, but if that department doesn't care that it's being done, why should we care beyond consideration for realistic character knowledge? I think the key here is that, if you plan on doing something like this, you should be asking the department in question if they care that you do it. Or, ideally, just get a job change.
4) This is covered by one of the precedents. "Where possible players straying from their lane should hand off their assumed responsibilities if another player becomes available to do it instead." If you've built a lab to create caramel because a cook isn't around and one shows up, time to pack it up and let him get to work.
5) I think this ties back into what I said for example 3, but I also think it depends on the person who's stepping in. I have a lot more patience for someone who's coming into a delaminating SM setup and going "Hey, let me help. I've done this a lot. Here's how we fix it." than I do for someone who runs in screaming "YOU MORON THAT'S NOT HOW THAT WORKS FUCK OFF LET ME DO IT".
I think your mindset on how the rule should be applied makes sense, but you also need to understand that the rule doesn't exist for the purpose of making every round perfect, or letting everyone do everything exactly as is best without any problems. It's there to make sure people have fun. I'm not interested in giving someone a complete pass just because they know how to do a job better than the person doing it, even if it would fix a problem that might not exist otherwise.
There's also consideration that needs to be made for the other reason RPR 9 exists - realistic knowledge. Why would an assistant know how to synthesize a cure for a virus? Why would the cook know how to fix the engine? This is something we can be flexible on, but I really don't like seeing players of a completely different job stepping in to do something wholly unrelated because the people doing that job don't know. For one, they won't learn without that experience, and for two, it doesn't make sense in a roleplay standpoint. I'm not okay with it outside of LRP.