Disable early map voting

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Disable early map voting

Post by BlueMemesauce » #723302

Alternative to viewtopic.php?f=33&t=35875
The proposed player banning system mentioned in that other thread is overcomplicated and raises more issues than it solves. We'd have to determine what constitutes "abuse" of the voting system, code the ban system, have admins enforcing it, etc. It's a lot of overhead for something that could be fixed with a simple config change. Instead of creating a ban system to stop people from abusing early map voting, why not just disable it entirely?

The biggest issue with early map voting is that the player population can fluctuate significantly during a round. People will join and leave at different times for various reasons. By locking in votes before the shuttle even goes off, we're letting a more transient slice of the playerbase decide the next map. This is unfair to those who join later in the round when more players have settled in. Additionally, many players aren't focused on voting right at the start. They're busy doing their jobs or being antags. An early vote means these distracted players may make less informed choices or simply not vote at all. Holding the vote later allows everyone to properly consider their preference.

The simple solution is to update the map rotation config to disable voting until the shuttle has departed the station. This delays the vote until the chaos of the round has ended and a more stable player population is assembled. It's a pure quality-of-life improvement that makes the voice of the playerbase more accurately represented. I urge the admins to put this straightforward solution to a vote. It's an easy win that allows our map rotation to better respect the wider playerbase. Let's make this quality of life adjustment and avoid unnecessary complexity. Disable early map votes!
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Cheshify » #723304

I would personally like this, having the map vote be at a consistent time into the game would lead to more people voting. I just don't know if it's config or not.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by BlueMemesauce » #723305

According to this function in the code, disabling "allow_vote_map" will prevent players from making their own votes during the round, while still allowing the forced map vote when the shuttle departs.

Code: Select all

/datum/vote/map_vote/can_be_initiated(mob/by_who, forced = FALSE)
	. = ..()
		return FALSE

		return TRUE

	var/number_of_choices = length(check_population())
	if(number_of_choices < 2)
		message = "There [number_of_choices == 1 ? "is only one map" : "are no maps"] to choose from."
		return FALSE

		return TRUE

		message = "Map voting is disabled by server configuration settings."
		return FALSE

		message = "The next map has already been selected."
		return FALSE

	message = initial(message)
	return TRUE
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by PapaMichael » #723308

Blobs, nukies, revs, and malf ais can end the round without the shuttle departing, and thus without the autovote being called.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Jeb » #723309

should just adjust it so that you can't call for a map vote until you can call the shuttle. starting a vote right as the game is starting is quite stupid
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Cheshify » #723316

PapaMichael wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:17 pm Blobs, nukies, revs, and malf ais can end the round without the shuttle departing, and thus without the autovote being called.
If a maint is looking at this, how easy would it be to get a config + code change to ensure this isn't an issue?
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Jacquerel » #723317

I don't think this is totally solvable via config due to the blob issue. I looked at it briefly recently relating to *cough* another PR and decided that I didn't understand what was going on sufficiently to implement it as part of that PR.
I could try it now but fuck if I know what to do about non-shuttle round ends. Start the vote and extend post-round?

We could also just have players live with the map not being voted on if a blob wins, but I don't know what the actual result of that is.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Cheshify » #723325

Jacquerel wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 4:31 pm I don't think this is totally solvable via config due to the blob issue. I looked at it briefly recently relating to *cough* another PR and decided that I didn't understand what was going on sufficiently to implement it as part of that PR.
I could try it now but fuck if I know what to do about non-shuttle round ends. Start the vote and extend post-round?

We could also just have players live with the map not being voted on if a blob wins, but I don't know what the actual result of that is.
We could extend roundend by like 30 seconds and have the map vote always happen when the info panel pops up. It makes sense since there isn't anything really important happening then. Code issue in policybus but it's like 50% config
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by PapaMichael » #723328

If possible I'd prefer a shorter vote over a longer roundend. There's no real compelling need for the vote to be 90 seconds, especially if it only happens at roundend and everyone's expecting it anyway.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by BlueMemesauce » #723331

PapaMichael wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:17 pm Blobs, nukies, revs, and malf ais can end the round without the shuttle departing, and thus without the autovote being called.
This is why the map preference exists. It automatically votes for your chosen map in your game preferences if there isn't enough time to have a full vote.
Plus, the current system still has the same problem anyway, because people don't always manually mapvote before the round suddenly ends.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Vekter » #723333

Cheshify wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:30 pm
Jacquerel wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 4:31 pm I don't think this is totally solvable via config due to the blob issue. I looked at it briefly recently relating to *cough* another PR and decided that I didn't understand what was going on sufficiently to implement it as part of that PR.
I could try it now but fuck if I know what to do about non-shuttle round ends. Start the vote and extend post-round?

We could also just have players live with the map not being voted on if a blob wins, but I don't know what the actual result of that is.
We could extend roundend by like 30 seconds and have the map vote always happen when the info panel pops up. It makes sense since there isn't anything really important happening then. Code issue in policybus but it's like 50% config
I feel like the play is to reduce the vote time to like 50 seconds, which gives enough time for the game to give the result before the server reboots.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by dendydoom » #723336

i would be open to tweaking the nature of map voting more so that it actually has more of a chance of accurately selecting maps for people who want to play them, rather than as a funny little toy that people can goof around with to actively harm rounds and players' experiences.

but this is squarely a code issue and even if it's solvable through the config, i would at least want maintainer input to inform us of what the good, the bad and the ugly implementation methods are.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by DrAmazing343 » #723344

100% would like a later vote time; I often see votes called immediately upon roundstart or EVEN ON THE LOBBY SCREEN!

It’s unacceptable to call a vote before even three quarters of the “true” population has loaded into the next round. I’d at least +1 to pushing calling a vote to when the shuttle is able to be called.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Istoprocent1 » #723365

I fail to see the problem, BlueMemesauce, is having. The majority of people want to play Metastation and Deltastation. This is how it is. Chances are that even if everybody voted the results would be weighted overwhelmingly towards these two stations.

One way would be implementing default vote based on set map preference (if you don't vote, it automatically votes for you), but rest of the ideas such as "prevent people who want to play popular stations from voting" are a bit unhinged. People tend to vote early because they want to plan their time. Its not about "gaming the vote system", which is already heading towards 1984, its about planning one's time. If I know the next map is going to be one I don't enjoy, then I can plan to do something else with my time rather than waiting until round end.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Vekter » #723385

Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:06 am I fail to see the problem, BlueMemesauce, is having. The majority of people want to play Metastation and Deltastation. This is how it is. Chances are that even if everybody voted the results would be weighted overwhelmingly towards these two stations.

One way would be implementing default vote based on set map preference (if you don't vote, it automatically votes for you), but rest of the ideas such as "prevent people who want to play popular stations from voting" are a bit unhinged. People tend to vote early because they want to plan their time. Its not about "gaming the vote system", which is already heading towards 1984, its about planning one's time. If I know the next map is going to be one I don't enjoy, then I can plan to do something else with my time rather than waiting until round end.
I think you're misunderstanding the issue. The problem is that players are calling a map vote very soon after the beginning of the round because map votes cannot be run again later, so the players who join later to play after the vote has already happened have no choice regarding the map.

Personally, I don't give a shit what map rolls, and I think that people who complain about maps are kinda cringe, but I do think that people who are actually going to be present during the round should be the ones to determine what map is being played, not one dude who starts the vote five seconds after the round begins when nobody is paying attention because they think it's really funny to send people to Tram.

tl;dr The issue isn't that people are being sent to maps they don't like, the issue is that they have no say in the matter because someone already decided for them.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by RedBaronFlyer » #723388

Vekter wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:52 am Personally, I don't give a shit what map rolls, and I think that people who complain about maps are kinda cringe, but I do think that people who are actually going to be present during the round should be the ones to determine what map is being played, not one dude who starts the vote five seconds after the round begins when nobody is paying attention because they think it's really funny to send people to Tram.
Get with the times old man, the funny thing to do now is to send people to birdshot.
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Super Aggro Crag wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:11 pm I assume he did it elsewhere because it's fucking goofball and he never half-asses his shitty ideas, he full asses them so both cheeks are absolutely slathered in shit
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Sacko wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 8:32 am yes it it like the meatball faggot thing that was changed due to forces higher than ours
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Istoprocent1 » #723413

Vekter wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:52 am
Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:06 am I fail to see the problem, BlueMemesauce, is having. The majority of people want to play Metastation and Deltastation. This is how it is. Chances are that even if everybody voted the results would be weighted overwhelmingly towards these two stations.

One way would be implementing default vote based on set map preference (if you don't vote, it automatically votes for you), but rest of the ideas such as "prevent people who want to play popular stations from voting" are a bit unhinged. People tend to vote early because they want to plan their time. Its not about "gaming the vote system", which is already heading towards 1984, its about planning one's time. If I know the next map is going to be one I don't enjoy, then I can plan to do something else with my time rather than waiting until round end.
I think you're misunderstanding the issue. The problem is that players are calling a map vote very soon after the beginning of the round because map votes cannot be run again later, so the players who join later to play after the vote has already happened have no choice regarding the map.

Personally, I don't give a shit what map rolls, and I think that people who complain about maps are kinda cringe, but I do think that people who are actually going to be present during the round should be the ones to determine what map is being played, not one dude who starts the vote five seconds after the round begins when nobody is paying attention because they think it's really funny to send people to Tram.

tl;dr The issue isn't that people are being sent to maps they don't like, the issue is that they have no say in the matter because someone already decided for them.
Ah, fair enough. I still do think its not an issue if a few latejoins are unable to determine the next map, especially due its weighted random nature, because the alternative would be ruining the system for everybody else.

If the issue is that "people aren't paying attention enough to be able to vote in time", then just change the sound of a vote start to be more apparent.

The map availability and the voting system are already whacky. Why make it even worse for the majority of players? Lets say the vote happens at round end, people will still do funny and vote for the non-comfy map and it gets picked, now what?
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Vekter » #723417

Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:19 pm
Vekter wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:52 am
Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:06 am I fail to see the problem, BlueMemesauce, is having. The majority of people want to play Metastation and Deltastation. This is how it is. Chances are that even if everybody voted the results would be weighted overwhelmingly towards these two stations.

One way would be implementing default vote based on set map preference (if you don't vote, it automatically votes for you), but rest of the ideas such as "prevent people who want to play popular stations from voting" are a bit unhinged. People tend to vote early because they want to plan their time. Its not about "gaming the vote system", which is already heading towards 1984, its about planning one's time. If I know the next map is going to be one I don't enjoy, then I can plan to do something else with my time rather than waiting until round end.
I think you're misunderstanding the issue. The problem is that players are calling a map vote very soon after the beginning of the round because map votes cannot be run again later, so the players who join later to play after the vote has already happened have no choice regarding the map.

Personally, I don't give a shit what map rolls, and I think that people who complain about maps are kinda cringe, but I do think that people who are actually going to be present during the round should be the ones to determine what map is being played, not one dude who starts the vote five seconds after the round begins when nobody is paying attention because they think it's really funny to send people to Tram.

tl;dr The issue isn't that people are being sent to maps they don't like, the issue is that they have no say in the matter because someone already decided for them.
Ah, fair enough. I still do think its not an issue if a few latejoins are unable to determine the next map, especially due its weighted random nature, because the alternative would be ruining the system for everybody else.

If the issue is that "people aren't paying attention enough to be able to vote in time", then just change the sound of a vote start to be more apparent.

The map availability and the voting system are already whacky. Why make it even worse for the majority of players? Lets say the vote happens at round end, people will still do funny and vote for the non-comfy map and it gets picked, now what?
Well, at least it would've been determined by people who actually intend to stay for that round. I feel like it's more fair that way.

The issue isn't "People are being forced to play on maps they don't like", it's "The next map is being determined an hour before the next round even starts".
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Istoprocent1 » #723419

Vekter wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:15 pm
Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:19 pm
Vekter wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:52 am
Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:06 am I fail to see the problem, BlueMemesauce, is having. The majority of people want to play Metastation and Deltastation. This is how it is. Chances are that even if everybody voted the results would be weighted overwhelmingly towards these two stations.

One way would be implementing default vote based on set map preference (if you don't vote, it automatically votes for you), but rest of the ideas such as "prevent people who want to play popular stations from voting" are a bit unhinged. People tend to vote early because they want to plan their time. Its not about "gaming the vote system", which is already heading towards 1984, its about planning one's time. If I know the next map is going to be one I don't enjoy, then I can plan to do something else with my time rather than waiting until round end.
I think you're misunderstanding the issue. The problem is that players are calling a map vote very soon after the beginning of the round because map votes cannot be run again later, so the players who join later to play after the vote has already happened have no choice regarding the map.

Personally, I don't give a shit what map rolls, and I think that people who complain about maps are kinda cringe, but I do think that people who are actually going to be present during the round should be the ones to determine what map is being played, not one dude who starts the vote five seconds after the round begins when nobody is paying attention because they think it's really funny to send people to Tram.

tl;dr The issue isn't that people are being sent to maps they don't like, the issue is that they have no say in the matter because someone already decided for them.
Ah, fair enough. I still do think its not an issue if a few latejoins are unable to determine the next map, especially due its weighted random nature, because the alternative would be ruining the system for everybody else.

If the issue is that "people aren't paying attention enough to be able to vote in time", then just change the sound of a vote start to be more apparent.

The map availability and the voting system are already whacky. Why make it even worse for the majority of players? Lets say the vote happens at round end, people will still do funny and vote for the non-comfy map and it gets picked, now what?
Well, at least it would've been determined by people who actually intend to stay for that round. I feel like it's more fair that way.

The issue isn't "People are being forced to play on maps they don't like", it's "The next map is being determined an hour before the next round even starts".
But are they? Round ends, map vote comes, 1 vote for Birdshot or Northstar wins the weighted random. Is everybody who voted going to now 100% play next map? Most likely they are not and thats why its pointless to make the voting system worse than it is.

Its better to know from the get-go which map is going to be next. The server population grows and shrinks throught a round anyways (latejoins, people who die leave, ssds etc).
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Vekter » #723420

Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:05 pm
Vekter wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:15 pm
Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:19 pm
Vekter wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:52 am
Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:06 am I fail to see the problem, BlueMemesauce, is having. The majority of people want to play Metastation and Deltastation. This is how it is. Chances are that even if everybody voted the results would be weighted overwhelmingly towards these two stations.

One way would be implementing default vote based on set map preference (if you don't vote, it automatically votes for you), but rest of the ideas such as "prevent people who want to play popular stations from voting" are a bit unhinged. People tend to vote early because they want to plan their time. Its not about "gaming the vote system", which is already heading towards 1984, its about planning one's time. If I know the next map is going to be one I don't enjoy, then I can plan to do something else with my time rather than waiting until round end.
I think you're misunderstanding the issue. The problem is that players are calling a map vote very soon after the beginning of the round because map votes cannot be run again later, so the players who join later to play after the vote has already happened have no choice regarding the map.

Personally, I don't give a shit what map rolls, and I think that people who complain about maps are kinda cringe, but I do think that people who are actually going to be present during the round should be the ones to determine what map is being played, not one dude who starts the vote five seconds after the round begins when nobody is paying attention because they think it's really funny to send people to Tram.

tl;dr The issue isn't that people are being sent to maps they don't like, the issue is that they have no say in the matter because someone already decided for them.
Ah, fair enough. I still do think its not an issue if a few latejoins are unable to determine the next map, especially due its weighted random nature, because the alternative would be ruining the system for everybody else.

If the issue is that "people aren't paying attention enough to be able to vote in time", then just change the sound of a vote start to be more apparent.

The map availability and the voting system are already whacky. Why make it even worse for the majority of players? Lets say the vote happens at round end, people will still do funny and vote for the non-comfy map and it gets picked, now what?
Well, at least it would've been determined by people who actually intend to stay for that round. I feel like it's more fair that way.

The issue isn't "People are being forced to play on maps they don't like", it's "The next map is being determined an hour before the next round even starts".
But are they? Round ends, map vote comes, 1 vote for Birdshot or Northstar wins the weighted random. Is everybody who voted going to now 100% play next map? Most likely they are not and thats why its pointless to make the voting system worse than it is.

Its better to know from the get-go which map is going to be next. The server population grows and shrinks throught a round anyways (latejoins, people who die leave, ssds etc).
I don't know how better to explain to you that it's more fair that the people who intend on playing next round are the ones who pick the map.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Istoprocent1 » #723422

Vekter wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:25 pm I don't know how better to explain to you that it's more fair that the people who intend on playing next round are the ones who pick the map.
I understand your point. I think you are not understanding my point about a) the fact that few more people vote for the good maps a ka Metastation and Deltastation does not matter in the bigger picture, b) the outcome is going to determine if people want to play the next round or not, regardless who voted and when they voted (if its going to be a bad map and 80% of the station voted Metastation or Deltastation, then some of them are likely not going to play the next map anyways, c) there no reason to make the voting system even more Orwellian than it currently is under the guise of "but its fairer now", its still the same with the caveat that now people cannot plan their activities as the next map is unknown.

Rather than changing voting system. Poll the playerbase about their map preferences and build a fixed rotation based on polls. If its 80% Metastation, then lets play Metastation 80% of the time.

Idk this seems like some randoms on Manuel started astroturfing this as a huge problem. When I join a game, I prefer to know the next map and I don't complain if it has already been determined before I joined as my 1 vote would probably not play a big role in the outcome anyways. If I know its a good map, I stay around and play next round, if its not a good map, I might do something else and/or just observe.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Vekter » #723427

Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:34 pm
Vekter wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:25 pm I don't know how better to explain to you that it's more fair that the people who intend on playing next round are the ones who pick the map.
I understand your point. I think you are not understanding my point about a) the fact that few more people vote for the good maps a ka Metastation and Deltastation does not matter in the bigger picture, b) the outcome is going to determine if people want to play the next round or not, regardless who voted and when they voted (if its going to be a bad map and 80% of the station voted Metastation or Deltastation, then some of them are likely not going to play the next map anyways, c) there no reason to make the voting system even more Orwellian than it currently is under the guise of "but its fairer now", its still the same with the caveat that now people cannot plan their activities as the next map is unknown.
I feel like the fact that you're explicitly referring to Meta and Delta as "the good maps" tells me everything I need to know about why you think this is a bad idea.
Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:34 pm Rather than changing voting system. Poll the playerbase about their map preferences and build a fixed rotation based on polls. If its 80% Metastation, then lets play Metastation 80% of the time.
This is bad because it results in other maps not getting the playtime they need to fix the issues they have. It's not very fair to people who enjoy those maps or the creators of them.
Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:34 pm Idk this seems like some randoms on Manuel started astroturfing this as a huge problem. When I join a game, I prefer to know the next map and I don't complain if it has already been determined before I joined as my 1 vote would probably not play a big role in the outcome anyways. If I know its a good map, I stay around and play next round, if its not a good map, I might do something else and/or just observe.
I feel like this is ironic given that you're talking about how you "just don't understand why this is a problem" but it's very clear that your motivation is that you'd prefer to only ever play those two maps and think the others are bad. You can't talk about people "astroturfing this as a huge problem" while also doing the same with your own ideas because you'd rather only play two out of the five maps we have.

I don't think you're arguing in good faith, so I won't discuss it further with you.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Istoprocent1 » #723428

Vekter wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 4:47 pm I don't think you're arguing in good faith, so I won't discuss it further with you.
This is an easy way out by claiming the other side is not arguing in good faith, boom no discussion necessary. Its okay, we agree to disagree.

Me saying that there are only 2 good maps comes from MY SUBJECTIVE experience. These two maps feel, flow and play good. As a player who plays more than a few hours a day I PREFER to play these maps as I am here for the PLAYING EXPERIENCE. I think I am not an outlier in that regard. I UNDERSTAND as a person that the coders have their passion projects and it takes hard work to make a map, however, these maps often don't translate into GOOD, FUN and PLAYABLE EXPERIENCES. We have had Donut and Kilo - the amount of manhours spent forcing/playing these maps and all the feedback did not turn them into anything the people playing the game wanted to keep on playing. Am I saying tg should be 24/7 Metastation? No. All I am asking is to be reasonable and leave the voting system alone as it is clear that nothing really changes and preventing people from starting votes or banning people from voting (which ironically is banning them because they vote for the NOT GOOD maps) is silly. There is nothing to be gained from this policy other than frustration for the majority of people.

Edit: Understood, I rest my case. It got a bit off-topic, but the point remains the same voting should not be limited for the reasons presented earlier. Lets also look the game activity of the people trying to change things https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/ckey/BlueMemesauce as it gives us an idea how much they are accustomed to how things work and/or have been working.
Last edited by Istoprocent1 on Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Byond Username: Dendydoom

Re: Disable early map voting

Post by dendydoom » #723429


the topic of discussion in this thread is whether or not having the vote be later in the round will be more representative of players' choices under the current system because many people vote but then end up leaving the round and not coming back for the next one, or the vote is done so early that latejoin players who will be in the next round did not get a chance to vote.

this thread is not about map preference or what maps people like and dislike or whether or not weighted random voting should be used. if either of these things are a desired topic of discussion, please make new threads for them in the appropriate place.
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Byond Username: BlueMemesauce

Re: Disable early map voting

Post by BlueMemesauce » #723461

Istoprocent1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:13 pm
Vekter wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 4:47 pm I don't think you're arguing in good faith, so I won't discuss it further with you.
This is an easy way out by claiming the other side is not arguing in good faith, boom no discussion necessary. Its okay, we agree to disagree.

Me saying that there are only 2 good maps comes from MY SUBJECTIVE experience. These two maps feel, flow and play good. As a player who plays more than a few hours a day I PREFER to play these maps as I am here for the PLAYING EXPERIENCE. I think I am not an outlier in that regard. I UNDERSTAND as a person that the coders have their passion projects and it takes hard work to make a map, however, these maps often don't translate into GOOD, FUN and PLAYABLE EXPERIENCES. We have had Donut and Kilo - the amount of manhours spent forcing/playing these maps and all the feedback did not turn them into anything the people playing the game wanted to keep on playing. Am I saying tg should be 24/7 Metastation? No. All I am asking is to be reasonable and leave the voting system alone as it is clear that nothing really changes and preventing people from starting votes or banning people from voting (which ironically is banning them because they vote for the NOT GOOD maps) is silly. There is nothing to be gained from this policy other than frustration for the majority of people.

Edit: Understood, I rest my case. It got a bit off-topic, but the point remains the same voting should not be limited for the reasons presented earlier. Lets also look the game activity of the people trying to change things https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/ckey/BlueMemesauce as it gives us an idea how much they are accustomed to how things work and/or have been working.
It is true that I haven't played the game in a while, but the issue at hand with early map voting has been the same since as long as I've played, so not playing wouldn't change my opinion as it hasn't changed in years. You're the one bringing up the new voting system, which I didn't mention.

I know it's not the topic of the thread, but now I want to give my opinion, even though I haven't even experienced the new system yet. I find it to be a good system for a map voting system. Let's say hypothetically 45 people want map A, 30 person wants map B, and 25 person wants map C. The 45 people will always get their map, making it unfair for the other players, as their votes are essentially thrown away. Instead of always focusing on making the majority of people happy, why not give a chance for everyone to be happy?

Basically, think of it like the Mario Kart voting system, just on a grander scale. If you haven't played Mario Kart, everyone can vote for a map, then the game randomly chooses a player to have their map win. So think of the new voting system not as a random voting system, but as one where a random person is selected gets to chose the map for the next round. It's a system based around letting everyone chose the map they want.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Constellado » #723492

I constantly miss map votes because they are almost always during the lobby screen. THE LOBBY SCREEN FOR A MAP VOTE??

I also start playing around the time of day the pop drops off, but because the vote was at the start of a round during high pop, the map chosen can be a high pop map. The big issue is that by the time the new round is in, it has dropped pop and the map is too big for the amount of crew. Having the vote being at the end of a round would solve this, in theory.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by LiarGG » #723518

Hard agree with Constellado. My biggest issue with the voting system is that it consistently happens at the beginning of the round and is voted on by the players who may not even be around for the next map.

This can result in a lot of fuckery because of pop change and end up with 70+ people on birdshot or 30 people Northstar, which can further propagate the bad name of these maps, cuz they can be played outside of the pop scope they are build around.

I'd say having the map vote fixed towards the end would be better, so those voting for the map are peeps who are actually likely to play the next round.

I'd say that the shuttle departure is a good time to run the vote, barred by 2 outliers - round ending without shuttle (nukes, revs) and shuttle getting hijacked, ending the round quicker.

I'd say that this can be fixed by simply shortening the time required for the vote and run it on round-end, but make it shorter. Imo the added consistency of when the vote happens might result in the vote not needing so much time to run anyway.
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Byond Username: MooCow12

Re: Disable early map voting

Post by MooCow12 » #723526

There should be a new shuttle called "The S.S. Electorate" And its literally just a big shuttle with a ton of voting booths that people go into to vote for the next station and they get an "i voted" pin to attach to their jumpsuit, we could even make it extremely toxic by not letting ghosts vote (elitism in favor of survivors who are on the evac shuttle) and make it so there is an in game way to unmask the animosity of voting (someone breaking in and looking at the votes so now there can be ic harassment over what you voted for)

Unironically though, shuttle is probably the perfect time to vote even though we should probably never tie that to IC, especially during the launch and landing periods where everyone wants to be seated anyway.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by TheRex9001 » #725954

Bump, I agree. Shuttle/round end is the best place for a vote.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by TheSmallBlue » #725955

Add RTV, like in source games. Add a vote to see if people want to vote.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #725961

TheSmallBlue wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:38 am Add RTV, like in source games. Add a vote to see if people want to vote.
We had that for a while. The problem is, the only possible justification or excuse for having Map Votes be available early is the claim of "I want to know if I want to play next round or not". I think this is a stupid reason and not something we should be encouraging, but that's neither here nor there.

RtV undermines that because they can see the vote and go "ok I want to play next round" and then go do something else, but oops! People RtV'd so that doesn't actually matter.

So now we don't have a reason to have early mapvotes in anymore...at which point, RtV is now completely pointless, because there's nothing to re-vote for.

On Thread Topic: +1, disable early map voting. It's already always gone random if the round gets weirdly ended before anyone starts a vote, so who cares if that ends up happening. It's not going to be very often anyway.
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Byond Username: BlueMemesauce

Re: Disable early map voting

Post by BlueMemesauce » #725969

Like I said, it's not random. It uses the preference of your preferred map. Or at least I think it's supposed to
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Vekter » #725976

BlueMemesauce wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:47 pm Like I said, it's not random. It uses the preference of your preferred map. Or at least I think it's supposed to
This isn't a thing in Source games, you can nominate a map for RTV but it pulls random maps that haven't been played recently otherwise.

The only time a map vote should happen in SS13 is if the admins call one or if the shuttle leaves, either/or.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by BlueMemesauce » #726001

I was replying to CMDR_Gungnir when they said " It's already always gone random if the round gets weirdly ended before anyone starts a vote, so who cares if that ends up happening. It's not going to be very often anyway."
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726015

BlueMemesauce wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2024 2:38 am I was replying to CMDR_Gungnir when they said " It's already always gone random if the round gets weirdly ended before anyone starts a vote, so who cares if that ends up happening. It's not going to be very often anyway."
You gave a good reason why the vote should be at the round start.
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Byond Username: Carshalash

Re: Disable early map voting

Post by carshalash » #727155

It's so tiring to see people do it in the first few minutes of a round or to wait for a high-intensity moment when people are distracted.

We have a weirdo who jumps across Terry and Manuel to try and pseudo-force 24/7 birdshot; it's weird.
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by RedBaronFlyer » #727170

carshalash wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 1:30 am It's so tiring to see people do it in the first few minutes of a round or to wait for a high-intensity moment when people are distracted.

We have a weirdo who jumps across Terry and Manuel to try and pseudo-force 24/7 birdshot; it's weird.
okay in my defense the one during the deltastation nukies round was because I figured it was as good a time as any to try and do the map vote. It was in that period after the initial start of the shift + the surprise of war declaration but before the actual nukie fighting. IIRC it was like 10 minutes in that I did that vote.
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Super Aggro Crag wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:11 pm I assume he did it elsewhere because it's fucking goofball and he never half-asses his shitty ideas, he full asses them so both cheeks are absolutely slathered in shit
lorwp wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 8:56 am
Sacko wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 8:32 am yes it it like the meatball faggot thing that was changed due to forces higher than ours
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Re: Disable early map voting

Post by kieth4 » #729819

We have a 2-1 split not to disable this. At least for me, I like to know what map is coming up.

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