My main concern here is that I've seen this interpreted multiple ways, all of which are somewhat valid. What counts as "faking a revolution"? Is running around yelling "VIVA!" as a greyshirt enough to get you noted? Does a flash need to be involved? The ruling makes it seem like something as simple as shoving a head of staff as a non-antag might get you noted (though we almost certainly would never interpret the ruling like that).Faking a revolution always causes grief, without fail. If someone is pretending to be a revolutionary, feel free to murder them.
If I find someone faking a revolution as a non-antag, they can prepare to catch a rule 1 ban for being a griefing shitter.
The OP for the original ruling thread clears things up a bit for us:
So I'm assuming Nervere's specifically referring to that behavior - someone getting a flash and flashing random people while yelling the usual "VIVA" noise. So, let's clarify:Lately i been seeing this happen more and more where someone will grab a flash and run around faking a rev round which always results in security implanting 1/3 of the crew.
Admittedly a little wordy, but we can whittle it down if we feel like it's necessary."Faking a revolution" is defined as randomly flashing members of the crew for no reason other than to make people think there's a revolution. This inevitably leads to grief and will result in punishment from admins, up to and including escalating bans. Discretion should be used by admins to make sure this is less "someone flashing one or two people" and more "intentionally trying to start shit". If somebody is doing this and also yelling "VIVA" or other typical revolutionary catchphrases, they can expect to catch a note or ban for this behavior.