An event ran during an icebox round, where poorly equipped felinids have to invade the station and are tasked with taking over a department and grouping up to protect themselves from the harsh weather of the icemoon, and either make negotiations with the crew to let them live alongside the crew, or fend off the security which are likely waiting for shit to go south so they can kill things.
This can happen early in the round, the felinids being sent down in drop pods after being exiled from a neighboring station for whatever reason, or alternatively being spawned in a icemoon ruin which has been cleared of hostile mobs. They are foreigners, and are equipped with the icebox EVA gear, alongside a spear and a pipegun. They also have the night vision quirk, or just better vision in the dark to help with roaming in maints and navigating the icemoon. Some variation in them could be added, such as maybe having a medic or leader. Their objective is stated as something along the lines of
- You have been exiled from a distant space station! Find shelter in the nearby station.
- Attempt to negotiate with the crew, and protect both your base and your fellow felinids.
a group of 5-7 may be ideal, I don't think a very small group would work well in defending themselves, but a big group may just be too much too not only coordinate but just for the crew to handle as well. This should hopefully impact the round enough to make people notice and be involved, but not enough to be the main threat. Very open to suggestions on changes as I hope it'd be fun and hopefully balanced for both sides but I'm not sure if I'm considering both sides well enough.