So You've Been Asked to Come Back With a Vouch

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In-Game Game Master
Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2019 3:41 am
Byond Username: RaveRadbury
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Location: BK ChatZone

So You've Been Asked to Come Back With a Vouch

Post by RaveRadbury » #670312

If you've appealed and are looking to get a vouch that will mean that you need to play on another server for a few months.

There are two kinds of vouches, hard vouches and soft vouches. Hard vouches are the classic idea of a vouch, a staff member from another server has to be willing to say that they feel like you've been doing alright with them. Soft vouches don't involve anyone advocating on your behalf and usually consist of a server sharing information like hours and notes accrued. Some servers will not offer hard vouches but will offer soft vouches, so if you are looking into a new community and they tell you they don't do vouches they might still be up for sharing soft vouch info.

Usually we ask for vouches from hostbus servers. These are servers that have been included in a circle of trust with other servers in the community. Hostbus is considered a gold standard for stability and quality of a server. Not all hostbus servers offer vouches.

We do not accept hard or soft vouches from streamer servers. These are servers that are ran by streamers and feature their community. The vouch system exists to offer players who have had difficulties with rulesets opportunities to improve and this is better done on servers that have larger staff and resources.

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