Some of you may remember that last term, the headmins threw out a potential space law rewrite into the forums, found Here.
This term, I plan on going through and adjusting our current version of space law.
Space Law is quite dated and I believe it needs a good bit of modernization to match the current game state and lore a bit better.
I took a peak at Paradise Station's space law page a few months back and was pretty impressed - The layout is nice, not hard to follow and goes into good detail.
I think we could benefit from something like this.
Space Law is not, and will not, become policy for Security. It is a roleplay guideline.
Space Law should serve a few purposes in game:
- For the standard servers, space law should operate as a general guideline for (newer) security players as what is expected of them playing security.
- Given the higher amounts of chaos, space law is not always applicable, but these situations should be elaborated on within space law itself.
- When dealing with crewmembers, what kind of crimes should you look out for? You know why a traitor or a heretic should be arrested, but what about thieves or even non-antagonists?
- What should you execute people for, and when should you execute people?
- When should you give someone leniency?
- For our higher roleplay servers, space law takes on a much greater purpose, dictating how security officers should be acting.
- Security is, to a degree, expected to follow space law when handling criminals.
- I don't aim to hugbox space law to a degree such that antagonists get off free from everything.
- Space Law shouldn't contain any orders or rulings that would get a player in administrative trouble for following it.
- Brig sentence durations capping at 10 minutes.
- Maybe a more thorough guide (or table) of when one should consider use of lethal force.
- Space Law is also "Lawyer job content". Lawyers should be able to utilize space law effectively in RP situations.
So with all these goals in mind, as well as some suggestions from the last thread, here are some ideas I have in mind going forward:
- "Enemy of the Corporation" needs to be tweaked, at the very least.
- Execution of someone on the grounds of them being "valid" is lame, yet I recognize the flavor of the ruling in character / lorewise.
- This crime very often butts against the RP ruleset, as it's invoked to scratch an antagonist from the round despite committing few to no acts of actual evil.
- Maybe instead of being a capital crime, EotC is a status, that is given to people who have committed certain capital crimes?
- How to handle people who have committed multiple crimes at once.
- How to handle repeat offenders. (The current suggestion is... not very good.)
- A tiered contraband list, to disincentivize executing people for possession of syndicate soap, as well as (potentially) a tiered list for secure areas.
- A piece on security use of contraband and its legality.
- Some edits to the existing crimes, or general tweaking of what crimes are on the list, to accommodate for the modern gamestate and reduce crime overlap.
- Tweaks to the "special modifiers", as well as including a section on when officers may be better off not enforcing space law
- A section on station alert levels.
With this space law modernization, we're also seeking to amend this former headmin ruling relating to space law codes.
While we definitely agree on the banning of 10-codes, we think that the banning of space law codes is dumb, considering it's available to all players on the wiki. In other words, people will be allowed to refer to crimes as their space law codes IC again.
With all that said:
If anyone has any proposals, ideas, suggestions, or just general feedback on what this rewrite sets out do to, this is what this thread is for!
Space Law is 100% intended to be roleplay / IC use only, so any extra lore or fluff additions / suggestions are appreciated.